Is there a way to list out files and delete by creator in unix or linux - linux

I have to list out the file and then i have to delete the file by the creator.
I have used below command to list the files :-
ls -lrt
but i am not sure how i can delete the file by the creator name.
please help me asap.

You can do that with find. First find the right syntax and confirm the matches:
find /path/to -type f -user username -maxdepth 1
If all looks ok, you can go ahead and make it delete the matched files:
find /path/to -type f -user username -maxdepth 1 -delete
Of if your version of find doesn't have -delete then you can do like this:
find /path/to -type f -user username -maxdepth 1 -exec rm {} \;

There are a couple ways to do this
find /path/to/files -user username -exec rm -fr {} \;
This will recursively search everything under /path/to/files for files owned by username
Another option is to use the deluser command and the --remove-all-files switch
deluser --remove-all-files username


Delete files in dir but exclude 1 subdir

I have a dir that is full of many htm reports that I keep around for 30 days and delete old ones via a cron, but there is one sub-dir I would like to keep longer. So this is the line I made in the cron, but how do I tell it to leave one sub-dir alone.
5 0 * * * find /var/www -name "*.htm*" -type f -mtime +30 -exec rm -f {} \;
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Use -prune to prevent going into a directory that matches some conditions.
find /var/www -type d -name 'excluded-directory' -prune -o -name "*.htm*" -type f -mtime +30 -exec rm -f {} \;
In addition to suggestion below, suggesting to use full path in cron.
Also to use find option -delete in-place of -exec rm -f {} \;. It is somewhat safer.
Delete found files and/or directories. Always returns true.
This executes from the current working directory as find recurses
down the tree. It will not attempt to delete a filename with a
"/" character in its pathname relative to "." for security
reasons. Depth-first traversal processing is implied by this
option. The -delete primary will fail to delete a directory if
it is not empty. Following symlinks is incompatible with this
5 0 * * * /usr/bin/find /var/www -type d -name 'excluded-directory' -prune -o -name "*.htm*" -type f -mtime +30 -delete

What is the command to remove files in Linux from a particular directory which are owned by a particular user?

Let's say we have a directory path /home/username. How can we delete all the files only from this path which are owned/created by the user dev-user? When I am trying
find . -user c70945a -exec rm /home/dev-user/* {} \;
but it's giving an error and it's removing files from other directories as well.
find /home/username -maxdepth 1 -type f -user "dev-user" -delete
Use the user flag to specify files owner by a specific user and use -delete to remove the files.
Set maxdepth 1 to search for files within /home/username only and not child directories.
Use this find command:
find /home/dev-user -user 'dev-user' -type f -exec rm {} +
+ at the end of -exec means that {} is expanded to the list of all matching files.

Remove all files under cache directory using find

I'm trying to use find to remove all files under cache directories in a web hosted environment.
find /home/hosted -maxdepth 2 -type d -name "cache" -print -exec rm -rf "{}/*" \;
I've tried several variations of this, but for some reason find won't remove the cache/* files. Anyone see anything I'm missing?
Arguments for -exec don't get expanded as you expect. That is because -exec calls execve() directly and thus * does not get expanded to all files in a matching directory. If you want to have shell expansion, you have to feed -exec with /bin/sh (or a shell of your choice), like this:
find /your/dir -name "cache" -type d -maxdepth 2 -print -exec sh -c "rm -f {}/*" \;

Linux find folder and rename

I want to rename all .hg_gg folders in /var/www to .hg. How can I do it?
I know how to rename .hg to .hg_gg.
find /var/www -name ".hg" -exec bash -c 'mv $0 $0_gg' {} \;
but don't know how to make reverse change.
Try this:
find /var/www -name ".hg_gg" -execdir bash -c 'mv {} .hg' \;
You need to use a special syntax defined by find: {} is the placeholder for the current file name. Check the man page for that. Also it is important to use -execdir instead of -exec. execdir changes the current working directory to the folder where the found directory is located. Otherwise it would do something like this mv /var/www/.hg_gg ./.hg
You can speed up things a bit when restricting find to find folders only using -type d:
find /var/www -type d -name ".hg_gg" -execdir bash -c 'mv {} .hg' \;
Consider this find command with -execdir and -prune options:
find /var/www/ -type d -name ".hg_gg" -execdir mv '{}' '.gg' \; -prune
-execdir will execute the command in each subdirectory
-prune causes find to not descend into the current file
Not a one liner, but you could do this:
for file in `find /var/www -name ".hg_gg"`; do
mv $file `echo $file | sed 's/hg_gg$/hg/'`

nonzero return code although find -exec rm works

I'm on a linux system I wonder what is wrong with the following execution of find:
mkdir a && touch a/b
find . -name a -type d -exec echo '{}' \;
find . -name a -type d -exec rm -r '{}' \;
find: `./a': No such file or directory
The invocation of echo is just for testing purposes. I would expect the last command to remove the directory './a' entirely and return 0. Instead it removes the directory and generates the error message. To repeat, it does remove the directory! What is going on?
rm executes without a problem. The issue is that find is confused, since it knew the directory ./a was there, it tries to visit that directory to look for directories named a. However, find cannot enter the directory, since it was already removed.
One way to avoid this is to do
find -name a -type d | xargs rm -r
This will let the find move along before the rm command is executed. Or, you can simply ignore the error in your original command.
Based on epsalon's comment the solution is to use the -depth option which causes the deeper files to be visited first.
find . -depth -name a -type d -exec rm -r '{}' \;
does the trick. Thanks a bunch!
If performance is an issue, use -prune in order to prevent find from descending into directories named "a":
find . -name a -type d -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \;
