ExpressJS and matching delayed responses with original requests - node.js

I am looking for a design pattern than can match a stream of answers with the original request and response objects.
Suppose I receive a web request for all dog pictures. I want to submit that request to a message queue so that a worker process can eventually handle it. When a worker machine grabs the dog picture request, it performs the work and submits the response to an answer queue which is being monitored by Express. As I process the incoming queue, I want to match up the dog picture response with the original request and response objects so I can return the dog list or process it further.
Two solutions occur to me, but each seems inelegant. I could keep a global reference to the original context, find it, then delete it from the global list.
Or I could create a subscription to the response queue and look for my answer among all the answers. This would work, but is brutally inefficient and its complexity rises geometrically. (10x10, 100x100, 1000x1000)

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.get('/doglist.txt', function(req, res){
var theRequests ={};
var i = 0;
var giveUpSecs = 60;
var putReqIntoQueue = function(req,res,payload) {
var index = 'index_'+i;
var obj = {req:req,res:res,payload:payload,index:index}
theReqests[index] = obj;
var timeoutId = setTimeout(function(theIndex) {
theRequest[theIndex].res.send('timeout error');
delete theRequest[theIndex];
// insertIntoQueue(index,payload,timeoutId)
var onNewQueueResponse = function(index,payload,answer,timeoutId) {
if (index in theRequests) {
var obj = theRequests[index];
delete theRequests[index];
} else {
// must have already timed out
// Queue("onNewMessage",onNewQueueResponse)
console.log('Listening on port 3000');
This answer assumes some kind of queue that accepts work (insertIntoQueue) and then returns data when it is done through "onNewMessage" event. It times out after 60 seconds.


react-beautiful-dnd and mysql state management

okay. I'm confused as to the best way to do this:
the following pieces are in play: a node js server, a client-side react(with redux), a MYSql DB.
in the client app I have lists (many but for this issue, assume one), that I want to be able to reorder by drag and drop.
in the mysql DB the times are stored to represent a linked list (with a nextKey, lastKey, and productionKey(primary), along with the data fields),
//mysql column [productionKey, lastKey,nextKey, ...(other data)]
the current issue I'm having is a render issue. it stutters after every change.
I'm using these two function to get the initial order and to reorder
function SortLinkedList(linkedList)
var sortedList = [];
var map = new Map();
var currentID = null;
for(var i = 0; i < linkedList.length; i++)
var item = linkedList[i];
if(item?.lastKey === null)
currentID = item?.productionKey;
map.set(item?.lastKey, i);
while(sortedList.length < linkedList.length)
var nextItem = linkedList[map.get(currentID)];
currentID = nextItem?.productionKey;
const filteredSafe=sortedList.filter(x=>x!==undefined)
//undefined appear because server has not fully updated yet, so linked list is broken
//nothing will render without this
return filteredSafe
const reorder = (list, startIndex, endIndex) => {
const result = Array.from(list);
const [removed] = result.splice(startIndex, 1);
result.splice(endIndex, 0, removed);
const adjustedResult =,i,arr)=>{
return x;
return adjustedResult;
I've got this function to get the items
const getItems = (list,jobList) =>
const jobName=jobList.find(y=>y.jobsessionkey==x.attachedJobKey)?.JobName;
return {
attachedJobKey: x.attachedJobKey,
lastKey: x.lastKey,
machineID: x.machineID,
nextKey: x.nextKey,
productionKey: x.productionKey,
my onDragEnd
const onDragEnd=(result)=> {
if (!result.destination) {
// dropped outside the list
const items = reorder(
//sends update to server
//server updates mysql
//server sends back update events from mysql in packets
//props sent to DnD component are updated
so the actual bug looks like the graphics are glitching - as things get temporarily filtered in the sortLinkedList function - resulting in jumpy divs. is there a smoother way to handle this client->server->DB->server->client dataflow that results in a consistent handling in DnD?
still trying to solve this. currently implemented a lock pattern.
items: SortLinkedList(getItems(data,jobList)),
droppables: [{ id: "Original: not Dynamic" }]
console.log("locking first");
where production lock is set to true and false from triggers on the server...
basically: the app sends the data to the server, the server processes the request, then sends new data back, when it's finished the server sends the unlock signal.
which should trigger this update happening once, but it does not, it still re-renders on each state update to the app from the server.
What’s the code for sendAdjustments()?
You should update locally first, otherwise DnD pulls it back to its original position while you wait for backend to finish. This makes it appear glitchy. E.g:
Set the newly reordered list locally as your state
Send network request
If it fails, reverse local list state back to the original list

Websocket - Waiting for a http request callback to execute before next pusher event

So I'm working with websockets to process data from website's API. For every new event I also send some http requests back to the website in order to obtain more data. Up untill now everything has worked fine, but now that I started using async requests to speed it up a bit things got a bit different. My code used to process one event and then move on to the next one (these events come in extremely quick - around 10 per second) but now it just seems to ignore the async (non blocking) part and move on to the next event and that way it just skips over half of the code. Note that the code works fine outside the Pusher. I'm using the 'pusher-client' module. My code looks like this:
var Request = require("request");
var requestSync = require('sync-request');
var Pusher = require('pusher-client');
var events_channel = pusher.subscribe('inventory_changes');
events_channel1.bind('listed', function(data)
var var2;
//Async request (to speed up the code)
function myFunction(callback){
request("url", function(error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200)
result = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(body));
return callback(null, result);
return callback(error, null);
myFunction(function(err, data){
var2 = data
//The part of the code below waits for the callback and the executes some code
var var1 = var2;
function check()
if(var2 === var1)
setTimeout(check, 10);
var1 = var2;
//A CHUNK OF CODE EXECUTES HERE (connected to the data from the callback)
In conclusion the code works, but not inside the pusher due to the pusher skipping the asynchronous request. How would I make the pusher wait for my async request to finish, before processing the next event (I have no idea)? If you happen to know, please let me know :)
You need to implement a queue to handle events one after another. I'm curious how it worked before, even without Pusher you'd have to implement some queue mechanism for it.
const eventsQueue = []
events_channel1.bind('listed', function(data) {
let processingEvent = false
function handleNewEvent() {
if (processingEvent) return // do nothing if already processing an event
processingEvent = true
const eventData = eventsQueue.shift() // pick the first element from array
if (!eventData) return // all events are handled at the moment
... // handle event data here
processingEvent = false
handleNewEvent() // handle next event
Also, you should call clearTimeout method to clear your timeout when you don;t need it anymore.
And it's better to use promises or async/await instead of callbacks. Your code will be much easier to read and maintain.

How do I output a stream of tuples from a Storm spout with emit() and sync()?

(xpost github issue)
I'm new to Storm. I found the helpful node-storm library and I have successfully submitted topologies, but I can't get my spout to emit a stream of tuples.
node-storm's wordcount example works fine.
I want a spout that subscribes to a websocket and outputs any messages as tuples.
Here's my attempt so far. I think I have some misconfiguration, because I know I my wsEmitter is emitting future events, but my Storm UI shows zero spout emits.
I suspect that maybe I shouldn't be binding the listener inside the spout function?
Does this function get invoked multiple times? (looks like it... see )
What does sync actually do and when should I use it?
var storm = require('node-storm');
var wsEmitter = require('./wsEmitter.js')();
wsEmitter.init(); // subscribe to websocket
var futuresSpout = storm.spout(function(sync) {
var self = this;
console.log('subscribing to ws');
wsEmitter.on('future', function(data){ // websocket data arrived
Turns out I had two problems. First, my topology wasn't executing because one of my bolts (not shown) failed to set .declareOutputFields().
Second, I need to delay the emits from the spout until the supervisor asks for one emit with nextTick(). I did that by buffering any incoming messages until the supervisor calls the spout:
module.exports = (function(){
var storm = require('node-storm');
var wsEmitter = require('./wsEmitter.js')();
var queue = [];
var queueEmpty = true;
wsEmitter.on('thing', function(data){
var trade = JSON.parse(data);
trade.timeReported = new Date().valueOf();
queueEmpty = false;
return storm.spout(function(sync) {
var self = this;
queueEmpty =
( queue.length === 0
? true
: false )
}, 100);

How to use filesystem's createReadStream with Meteor router(NodeJS)

I need to allow the user of my app to download a file with Meteor. Currently what I do is when the user requests to download a file I enter into a "fileRequests" collection in Mongo a document with the file location and a timestamp of the request and return the ID of the newly created request. When the client gets the new ID it imediately goes to I then use something like this to intercept the request before Meteor does:
var connect = Npm.require("connect");
var Fiber = Npm.require("fibers");
var path = Npm.require('path');
var fs = Npm.require("fs");
var mime = Npm.require("mime");
.use(connect.bodyParser()) //I add this for file-uploading
.use(function (req, res, next) {
Fiber(function() {
if(req.method == "GET") {
// get the id here, and stream the file using fs.createReadStream();
I check to make sure the file request was made less than 5 seconds ago, and I immediately delete the request document after I've queried it.
This works, and is secure(enough) I think. No one can make a request without being logged in and 5 seconds is a pretty small window for someone to be able to highjack the created request URL but I just don't feel right with my solution. It feels dirty!
So I attempted to use Meteor-Router to accomplish the same thing. That way I can check if they're logged in correctly without doing the 5 second open to the world trickery.
So here's the code I wrote for that:
Meteor.Router.add('/uploads/:id', function(id) {
var path = Npm.require('path');
var fs = Npm.require("fs");
var mime = Npm.require("mime");
var res = this.response;
var file = FileSystem.findOne({ _id: id });
if(typeof file !== "undefined") {
var filename = path.basename(file.filePath);
var filePath = '/var/MeteorDMS/uploads/' + filename;
var stat = fs.statSync(filePath);
res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=' + filename);
res.setHeader('Content-Type', mime.lookup(filePath));
res.setHeader('Content-Length', stat.size);
var filestream = fs.createReadStream(filePath);
This looks great, fits right in with the rest of the code and is easy to read, no hacking involved, BUT! It doesn't work! The browser spins and spins and never quite knows what to do. I have ZERO error messages coming up. I can keep using the app on other tabs. I don't know what it's doing, it never stops "loading". If I restart the server, I get a 0 byte file with all the correct headers, but I don't get the data.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!
After digging around a bit more, I noticed that trying to turn the response object into a JSON object results in a circular structure error.
Now the interesting thing about this is that when I listen to the filestream for the "data" event, and attempt to stringify the response object I don't get that error. But if I attempt to do the same thing in my first solution(listen to "data" and stringify the response) I get the error again.
So using the Meteor-Router solution something is happening to the response object. I also noticed that on the "data" event response.finished is flagged as true.
filestream.on('data', function(data) {
fs.writeFile('/var/MeteorDMS/afterData', JSON.stringify(res));
The Meteor router installs a middleware to do the routing. All Connect middleware either MUST call next() (exactly once) to indicate that the response is not yet settled or MUST settle the response by calling res.end() or by piping to the response. It is not allowed to do both.
I studied the source code of the middleware (see below). We see that we can return false to tell the middleware to call next(). This means we declare that this route did not settle the response and we would like to let other middleware do their work.
Or we can return a template name, a text, an array [status, text] or an array [status, headers, text], and the middleware will settle the response on our behalf by calling res.end() using the data we returned.
However, by piping to the response, we already settled the response. The Meteor router should not call next() nor res.end().
We solved the problem by forking the Meteor router and making a small change. We replaced the else in line 87 (after if (output === false)) by:
else if (typeof(output)!="undefined") {
See the commit with sha 8d8fc23d9c in my fork.
This way return; in the route method will tell the router to do nothing. Of course you already settled the response by piping to it.
Source code of the middleware as in the commit with sha f910a090ae:
// hook up the serving
.use(connect.query()) // <- XXX: we can probably assume accounts did this
.use(function(req, res, next) {
// need to wrap in a fiber in case they do something async
// (e.g. in the database)
if(typeof(Fiber)=="undefined") Fiber = Npm.require('fibers');
Fiber(function() {
var output = Meteor.Router.match(req, res);
if (output === false) {
return next();
} else {
// parse out the various type of response we can have
// array can be
// [content], [status, content], [status, headers, content]
if (_.isArray(output)) {
// copy the array so we aren't actually modifying it!
output = output.slice(0);
if (output.length === 3) {
var headers = output.splice(1, 1)[0];
_.each(headers, function(value, key) {
res.setHeader(key, value);
if (output.length === 2) {
res.statusCode = output.shift();
output = output[0];
if (_.isNumber(output)) {
res.statusCode = output;
output = '';
return res.end(output);

Bytes sent/received for Node.js HTTP request

Once an HTTP request has been served, I would like to log the number of bytes sent/received.
A simple source for this data is req.connection.bytesRead/.bytesWritten. However, this is problematic for HTTP 1.1 keep-alive connections, as the same socket can be used for multiple requests. I need to log per-request, not per-connection.
The solution must lie on the HTTP side of things, but I see no methods documented for getting the data I need.
What is the proper way to calculate bytes read/written for HTTP requests served by Node.js's http.Server?
Unfortunately, I never found a proper way to do this. I've resorted some fairly terrible duck punching, but it works for my particular use case. In case anyone else stumbles along with this problem, you can start with this and refine from there.
Module #1: "Extra Events"
All this module does is make the response object emit a finishBeforeSocketDestroy event. Since I needed this event in a few places in my application, I effectively made a separate module just for this duck punch. app.use() it before Module #2.
module.exports = function (req, res, next) {
var end = res.end;
res.end = function () {
res.end = end;
res.end.apply(this, arguments);
Module #2: "Stats"
This module creates a req.stats object, containing all sorts of useful goodies for tracking bandwidth usage during usage of the connection, and after it is finished.
var pollTime = 1000;
module.exports = function (req, res, next) {
var pollInterval;
function pollStats () {
if (typeof req.stats._lastMeasuredTime === 'object') {
var secondsSinceLastMeasurement = ((new Date() - req.stats._lastMeasuredTime) / 1000);
req.stats.averageRate = {
read: (req.socket.bytesRead - req.stats.bytesRead) / secondsSinceLastMeasurement,
write: (req.socket.bytesWritten - req.stats.bytesWritten) / secondsSinceLastMeasurement
req.stats._lastMeasuredTime = new Date();
req.stats.bytesRead = req.socket.bytesRead;
req.stats.bytesWritten = req.socket.bytesWritten;
req.stats = {
startTime: new Date(),
endTime: null,
averageRate: {read: null, write: null},
bytesRead: req.socket.bytesRead,
bytesWritten: req.socket.bytesWritten,
_lastMeasuredTime: new Date()
pollInterval = setInterval(pollStats, pollTime);
res.on('finishBeforeSocketDestroy', function () {
req.stats.endTime = new Date();
Like I said... messy. I'm only posting it as duck punching may be your only option. Also beware that socket may get re-used for multiple HTTP requests, which could cause you to double-count some bytes if you're not careful.
Just store traffic value after each response and calculate difference in 'finish' or 'end' handler:
// server.onRequest:
req._prevBytesWritten = 0;
// response.onFinish/onEnd:
responseLen = req.socket.bytesWritten - req._prevBytesWritten;
req._prevBytesWritten = req.socket.bytesWritten;
