Set Up Sharepoint Site contents - sharepoint

I am quite new in sharepoint, I am trying to figure out how to create and rename the site content.
The one in bold on the left of the sharepoint. it is not the subfolder, but the main one in the view all set content section.
Is there anybody have the simlar problems and are able to troubleshoot it?

Site Content section is a page of Sharepoint.It shows all the content in the site collection. If you want to build the same as Site Content. You should create a web part that getting all the content(document libraries, lists ...or anything you want to show). Once you have your web part. You can create a new page and insert this web part to this page. You can set the name and the content as you expected.


Add a WebPart to a publishing page layout

I've been trying to figure out a way to add a web part onto a page layout. Whenever I try to add a web part zone or web part via the menus in SharePoint Designer, nothing happens. The web part I selected is highlighted blue, but nothing happens.
I have been trying to add the .webpart code on the .aspx page layout with zero luck.
.webpart code in here!
The above just shows the web part zone, and the ability to add a web part, but doesn't show my web part.
I've tried placing the code outside the Zone Template and the WebPartZone, but I typically just get everything between the property tags displaying as text.
You cannot add the codes to get your webpart embeded on a page , you have to open the page layout in a designer and drop the webpart on that specific area - there may not be anyother work around for this
SharePoint was not updated to support creating the snippet of code to add the WebPart to the Page Layout like it is possible with old fashioned WebParts.
Even when inserted in the Page Layout .html file, it is stripped out when the corresponding .aspx file is generated.
We found a workaround which is far from ideal but works:
Edit your Page Layout as you would normally in HTML
Add a WebPart zone where you would like to see the WebPart
Save the HTML and let SharePoint generate the aspx file
Manually edit the aspx file -- don't use SharePoint Designer, as it will strip out what you added -- with a plain text editor and insert the code from the webpart definition (the XML file)
Save the aspx and when you create a page using the page layout, your SPFx webpart should be there
Note that for the WebParts parameters, it is stored as a JSON structure encoded in HTML. To figure out how to setup default parameters in the inserted WebPart, insert it into a regular page manually and look at what has been generated in the aspx file. Then find the long line that has the encoded JSON structure and copy it back to your edited aspx file.
Finally, never edit/save your page layout HTML file since it ewill then simply override your changes. I would keep a copy of your edited aspx file just in case!
It sounds like you're trying to use a Visual Web Part with SharePoint Online, which you can't do. Web parts for SharePoint Online need to be packaged as a part of a solution.
To deploy a solution to SharePoint Online you need to:
Navigate to the solutions gallery: https://<yourfarmsite>/catalogs/solutions/forms/allitems.aspx
Providing that you are logged in with the correct account and have permissions, this will take you to the solution gallery, where you can upload and activate custom web parts for site.
Click the Solutions Menu
Click Upload Solution
Browse to your custom .wsp file and click OK
After the web part has been uploaded, you can activate it; select the web part and click Activate
Now that the custom web part is uploaded and activated in the Solution Gallery, you can edit the site page that you want to add it to and then add it as per a normal web part.

How to move Wiki pages between sites in SharePoint 2013?

we have created a new site and we want to move our team's wiki to the new site.
is there a nice and easy way to do it? we've tried the tree view with drag and drop but it won't work.
Thank you.
Ok so after a number of dead ends, I found a quick and easy solution:
Navigate to the physical folder location for your Sharepoint docs.
[Do this by selecting documents in the menu list, select the library tab and then open with explorer]
Once there navigate to the folder containing your wiki site/s.
They will have a .aspx extension usually
You can then move them to the folder you like.
Note: The site needs to be checked in or the move process will moan
One of the options could be to save a Wiki site as a site template. Then deploy it in a site collection and to create new sites from it. But unfortunately since Wiki site is Publishing based site, it is not supported to Save Site as Template.
But there is another option - moving sites via Site Content and Structure:
You can move individual list items or entire subsites to another
subsite within the site collection. A subsite can be moved to be
directly under the top level in the site collection hierarchy or under
another subsite in the site collection hierarchy. When you move a
subsite, all of the content in the subsite is moved
Go to Site Settings, then Content and structure (under Site
Select site you would like to move and Move action in the context menu
as shown below on picture
In the Move dialog select a destination (parent site) and
then click OK as shown below on picture
That's it.
you can try opening both sites/libraries in explorer view, side by side, and copy paste them from one to the other
you can also try to save a template out of the wiki including content and then import it

(SharePoint) How do I add a Calendar app part from a subsite to a parent site?

Basically like the title states, I have a subsite with a Calendar App part and would like to add it onto the landing page of my root site.
I've tried using SharePoint Designer and just copying and pasting out the section but received an error saying the list does not exist.
I'm also unable to get it to work from saving the web part as a file and then uploading into my root site.
Any help is appreciated,
Most web parts are specific to the subsite on which they are displayed. You cannot connect a calendar web part on a parent site out of the box. You'll need to use either a content query web part or build a custom calendar web part. The content query web part will display your items in a list, so if you want a calendar view, you'll either need to heavily format the underlying xsl or go with the custom web part.

SharePoint error relating to page layout after creating site from template

Inside SharePoint I've previously created a site template by appending _layouts/savetmpl.aspx to the end of my site and new sites have been created correctly and work as expected.
I've now come to do the same thing again and yet this time the new site is throwing an error relating to the page layout.
The error is:
This page is not using a valid page layout. To correct the problem, edit page settings and select a valid page layout.
When I try to select a different one, there is only the one to select. This page layout is in use on other sites and they render fine.
Has anyone else seen this issue?
All the best
First, if you append the _layouts/savetmpl.aspx tho the url, i suppose you dont have it in the Site Settings options, so you are using a Publishing site. This is because Microsoft doesn´t support this option (save as template in publishing sites). And they dont support it because it has some bugs, for sure.
So, I would recommend not using this option in important sites, or if you plan to ask support to Microsoft in the future.
However that error indicates that the page layout or his associated content type (ou parent content types) are not correctly installed in the site collection. Are you using your own (custom) content types? Please confirm if the ID of the associated content type (something like 0x0100C6739B7D12DE419aA2F9A2F96CC26818) is exactly the same in the Page Layout on working sites and in the not working sites.
Hope it helps
Do the sites/site collection where the templates working have all the same features enabled as teh sites/site collection where the template isn't working?
Can you check the server logs? <12 hive>\LOGS
Did you add a custom page layout, use it, and then forget to check that "save content" checkbox when you saved your template?

SharePoint Preserve Page Properties and WebParts

Hi I was wondering If there is away to save a page in sharepoint. I want to save the default page, and replicate it on a mirror server. I want the web parts in the same place, and the properties of the web parts to stay intact. Any suggestions? Thank you.
You might also look into using SharePoint Content Deployment which was designed with pushing out pages from a master site out to cloned sites.
You can view the page is SharePoint Designer and disassociate it with its Page Layout. That will bring the content of the page into Designer. You can then copy it to another file. However, this is fraught with problems:
Any dependent list and relative urls would not be copied over. You would have to move it manually.
By disassociating the page from its layout you are in effect going to slow down the retrieval of the page. Since this will also have to be done on the destination page, both pages are going to slow down.
I have found that its always better to do an export of the site and then import it to a destination site.
I don't condone this product as I haven't used it but you can also try:-
