Run npm install --production on OpenShift - node.js

When I push my code to OpenShift, it looks like it's installing my devDependencies which takes forever. I would really love to set it up so it will only install the dependencies (by running with the --production flag). Is there any way to do this?

You can tell npm to install using the --production flag by setting the NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION environment variable to "true".
Here is an example that should work for existing applications:
rhc env set NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION="true"
Or, you can set this variable as a part of your initial app-create step:
rhc app create myapplication nodejs-0.10 NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION="true"

Found a way to specify it in source instead of during app creation.
The benefit (for me) over an env var is that it applies to all ways to launch the app, including a "Launch on OpenShift" button.
Create an .openshift/action_hooks/pre_build file:
# This makes npm not install devDependencies.
echo 'Enabling npm production'
echo 'production = true' >> $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/.npmrc
That's it! I've tested and it does affect npm for this build, and the .npmrc disappears if you remove this hook in the future.
(Obviously I could also achieve this by simply adding an .npmrc to my repo, but do not want to affect people checking out the source and running npm install, only how it works on OpenShift.)

It looks like the only solution is to update the cartridge itself. The npm install command is located in the cartridge's bin/control folder. Meanwhile, it's been fixed in the originating github repo at wshearn/openshift-origin-cartridge-nodejs so you can just install from github rather than using the Quickstart.

Create a .npmrc file where the node_modules folder is located.
Open it with your text-editor and add this to it:
production = true
P.S. no semicolons or any other characters
This will ensure that devDependencies are not installed on the OPENSHIFT server


NPM security not enforceable by running "npm config set ignore-scripts false"

I have done some research that recommends npm config set ignore-scripts false to be run to avoid any possible malicious package from npm. However, after running the command,it seem to prevent npm run... commands from working in my node projects until I set it back to false. For example, I cant run node server and react client concurrently with npm run dev commands making development difficult. Is there a solution for this
I think you missed something the idea is to ignore scripts installed via npm install (there may be malicious publishers out there) thus using npm config set ignore-scripts true will help to keep you safe, however there are projects where you want to use your own custom scripts.
You can use a local version of .npmrc to override said config, and manually change the value of ignore-scripts on your own, I would advice to setting to false when running npm install and setting it to true whenever you want to run your local scripts.
Remember that .npmrc will be located in the root of your project if you want to have it as local, and usually lies at ~/.npmrc for global configuration.
For more information about .npmrc please check
I hope this help you or any future folk out there!

npm install Error: rollbackFailedOptional

When I try npm install new packages it shows me this error:
rollbackFailedOptional: verb npm-session 585aaecfe5f9a82
node --version
npm --version
# first this
> npm config rm proxy
> npm config rm https-proxy
# then this
> npm config set registry
solved my problem.
Again: Be sure to check whether you have internet connected properly.
Try this
npm config rm proxy
npm config rm https-proxy
In my case I had to edit the .npmrc directly and add the proxy settings manually.
Hope this helps someone.
The cause for this might be your current NPM registry. Try to check for a .npmrc file. These can be at various locations:
per-project config file (/path/to/my/project/.npmrc)
per-user config file (~/.npmrc)
global config file ($PREFIX/etc/npmrc)
npm builtin config file (/path/to/npm/npmrc)
Within these there can be something like
which will take priority over the default one ( You can delete this line in the file or use the default registry like that:
npm <command> --registry
Most likely to be npm registry cannot be reached by npm. Check npm proxy configuration
I had exactly the same issue on Windows Server 2008 R2. I suspected Internet Explorer's Enhanced Security Configuration at first but after turning that off with no success the issue turned out to be that npm was not configured to use my corporate proxy connection to the internet.
It turns out that npm does not use the proxy settings in effect via Internet Options > Connections tab > LAN settings where the server is set to 'Automatically detect settings'. Being set to automatically detect settings does not guarantee that a proxy is indeed being used, it just means that Windows will automatically configure proxy settings for Internet Explorer if it finds a special'wpad.dat' file at http://wpad.[]/wpad.dat.
You can test whether a wpad.dat file is in use in your organisation by typing the following into a web browser.
If no file is available then it is likely you are not using an organization-wide proxy. If one does get returned to the browser then...
Toward the bottom of this file, you should see a line saying
PROXY <host:port>;
It might be repeated if you have multiple proxies available. The host and port are needed in order to tell npm to use the proxy settings like so:
npm config set proxy http://[host]:[port]
npm config set https-proxy http://[host]:[port]
For example if your proxy is at on port 8080 then the npm commands would be:
npm config set proxy
npm config set https-proxy
Once I had told npm which proxy to use all started working in I was able to run the install commands without a problem.
Thanks to the following post for help with the wpad file discovery.
In my case I had my npm set registry set to https://nexus, use:
npm config delete registry
This will revert to its default state.
I tried following options to fix this issue and it worked.
Uninstall Node.js version 8.
Install Node.js version 6.11.4
Use the registry option along with command to install any package.
For example to install express I used following command.
npm install express --registry
npm install express -g --registry
If you want to install locally in any specific folder then use below command. Below command will install express on path C:\Sample\Example1 .
C:\Sample1\Example1> npm install /Sample/Example1 express --registry
Note: If you are installing locally in a specific location then first go to that directory using command and then run above command. If you are not inside that directory and giving only path in command that will not work.
If you get package.json missing error then run below command before installing package locally
C:\Sample\Example1> npm init
above command will create package.json file. No need to provide any data. just hit enter.
Note: If you are behind a firewall then you may need to set a proxy.
Hi I'm also new to react and I also faced this problem after so many trouble I found solution: Just run in your command prompt or terminal :
npm config set registry
This will resolve your problem.
Reference link:
Make sure you can access the corporate repository you configured in npm is available.Check you VPN connection.
Else reset it back to default repository like below.
npm config set registry
Good Luck!!
The following commands resolved my issue:
npm config set proxy (you need to enter your or your company proxy URL and 8080 should be replaced by your proxy port)
npm config set https-proxy
I had the same effect creating a react app with PhpStorm. And then at the end it just says done. Running the same command in the terminal gave me detailed errors. The project folder I've created was named react which seems to be a no-go.
Make sure your project folder is not named react.
If you have access to the registry but the error is still occurred nothing mentioned above wouldn't work. I noted that this problem is only applicable for local project's installation (i.e. if you use -g to global install everything is working fine).
What's resolved the problem for me: just remove an entry regarding a package you're going to install from a project's package.json file. After that next call to npm will work and install the package successfully.
Seem this bug is not fixed yet [1]. Some people get worked, some people not. I also get not worked.
I tried clear cache with command: npm cache verify then run install command again. I got worked.
I had the same issue. But it can run properly with switching from company's internal network to visitor network.
I set two system environment variables -
HTTP_PROXY = <_proxy_url_>
HTTPS_PROXY = <_proxy_url_>
This actually worked for me.
In some rarer occasions, check that the project can be built using regular npm commands. I ran into one that is configured to work with bower, so bower install <github_url> works while npm install <github_url> gives that unhelpful cryptic error message on all platforms...
While installing the Angular Command line tool (CLI), If you are getting Rollback Error then it may be occurring due to your network is connected with your Client Network or your Company Network where you are working on.
So Please try to install CLI in your public network (or Your Mobile's hotspot Network) then you would definitely get CLI installed.
The default value of ‘proxy’ and ‘https-proxy’ key of npm config is NULL. After doing some more R & D then I tried to set the proxy setting value to above key (this solution works in my scenario).
Also, the same proxy settings need to be applied in IE browser Internet Settings >> Settings >> LAN settings.
In corporate/some environment the proxy is a somewhat mandatory setting otherwise npm install will not work.
Issue on GitHub:
You can refer blog for detailed information
You can resolve the issue by looking if your network has any proxies, that is prohibiting the download process. My company's network had a firewall enabled, which was causing the issue for me. So I had to switch to an un-secure network (probably a hotspot from your mobile network), and that worked for me.
Mine was due to McAfee firewall.
It is set to Ask mode, so should have popped up a prompt to ask for internet connection, but it didn't!
Going into McAfee and (temporarily!) disabling the firewall allowed me to install.
I've already had the proxies set as described above and it was working until today. Then it turned out that now I need "http://" in front of my proxy address: "http://{proxyURL}:{proxyPort}". Then it finally worked.
Struggled with this issue for some time before figuring it out.
I'm using High Sierra (10.13.6)
Uninstalled and re-installed node and nvm multiple times - using the installer.pkg, HomeBrew, and then using the command line. IMO, the command line works the best.
I followed these steps:
1. Ran npm config ls -l
2. Checked that the value for globalconfig was $<installpath>/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.3/etc/npmrc But when I tried to get to this path in the Terminal, it gave me No such file or directory
So I
3. created the folder etc, created the npmrc file and added this line in it.
registry = ""
I do not have the ~/.npmrc file in my $HOME
4. I re-ran the npm install command.
Note that this still threw the rollbackFailedOptional: verb npm-session error, but this time it completed, though with a different error.
You could try these steps and see if it works.
For those who are curious, it threw a Response timeout while trying to fetch<package> (over 30000ms) error, so I added the timeout = "60000" to the /etc/npmrc file (as found on another Stackoverflow thread), and tried again. This worked for me.
Hope this helps!
Try this all command answered here to solve the problem
if problem persists
Do the following Steps
Completely Uninstall the nodejs checkout this answer for complete uninstallation of nodejs
Download the updated nodejs setup from their website
Install it in any drive but not on previously installed drive like if you installed in C drive then install in D,S,G Drive
Run your npm command it will completely work fine
If you use vpm as I do, try turn it off a sec, at least that's my problem
I had same problem.
I deleted files in my Mac
"/usr/local/bin/npm", "/usr/local/bin/node"
and deleted folder
and then installed the current latest feature version of node. then problem solved.
When downloaded LTS version, it shows the same problem.
So, try installing different versions of node and deleting old one.
For people that use yarn package. Just go to the project folder that you are having this issue with. Let's say the project's folder name is chatApp:
cd chatApp
And then if you have already done yarn or yarn install then delete the node_modules folder and run the below command or if you haven't done yarn install, only run the blow command:
yarn cache clean
Once yarn has successfully cleaned the cache, run the below command:
yarn config set registry
That's it, this should fix the issue ✔️.
try this:
delete all file in folder: %APPDATA%\npm-cache\_locks
For Windows:
Run the installer again and choose to 'Repair' the installation
Worked for me
Try this. It worked fine for me
npm install /your_floder_location package_name --registry
Below is the exact command for me for installing vue-router package in my laravel project (my project name vue_laravel)
aslam004:vue_laravel $ npm install
/var/www/html/projects/vue_laravel vue-router --registry
Good luck
use sudo before your command as
sudo npm install

Nodejs Meanio module - init Command does not work

In the process of setting up MEAN Stack,
After installing meanio module on node 0.10.26, I can not pass through the command "mean init myApp".
1. npm install -g "meanio'
2. mean init myApp
This always gives me "Prerequisite not installed: undefined".
Could you pls look at it ?
Sometimes it is neccessary to clear npm cache to make sure you really get the latest version you can use the npm cache clear command. There have been a few releases over the last few days so clearing npm cache might help you
Here is a summary of the install procedure.
sudo npm install -g meanio#latest
mean init <your app name>
cd <your app name> && npm install
Checkout!/docs for full documentation and make sure you meet all the prerequites.
If you are a windows user and already installed Git on your machine, first add git to path in environment variable, then try it. It should work.
I too encountered the same issue.Though I have installed GIT on my mcahine, i was getting the error
"Prerequisite not installed: GIT" while running the command "mean init myApp".
This is because your command prompt doesnt know the path of GIT exe file.
I resolved this by adding the GIT path under Environment variables as shown here
Right-Click on My Computer
Click Advanced System Settings link from the left side column
Click Environment Variables in the bottom of the window
Then under System Variables look for the path variable and click edit
Add the path to git's bin and cmd at the end of the string like this:
;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd
Please make sure that your give the correct path of GIT folder in the path under Environment your case it might not be same as mine.check where GIT files were created while installing.
Make sure you have a recent version of Git installed. That error should read, "Prerequisite not installed: git". I'll take a look at why it says undefined instead.
As user3211907 meantioned, please take a look at!/docs for full documentation.
It is problem with git
install git and this problem should solve
To install git in Cent OS or any RedHat flavors use
yum install git

How can I change the cache path for npm (or completely disable the cache) on Windows?

I've installed Node.js on my Windows 7 x64 development machine, the manual way:
mkdir C:\Devel\nodejs
cd C:\Devel\nodejs
setx /M NODE_PATH "%NODE_PATH%\node_modules"
I've placed the main node x64 binary along with npm package manager in C:\Devel\nodejs. Works like a charm and I can update the main binary without dealing with the installer.
The only problem I can't solve is moving the cache folder. When I install a local package:
npm install express
... cache is placed under %APP_DATA%\npm-cache folder. I'd like to change it to:
How can I change the npm cache folder, or disable it completely?
You can change npm cache folder using the npm command line. (see
So you might want to try this command :
> npm config set cache C:\Devel\nodejs\npm-cache --global
Then, run npm --global cache verify after running this command.
You can also set an environment variable with export npm_config_cache=/path/to/cache (Unix) or set npm_config_cache=C:\path\to\cache (Win) as an alternative to npm config set (this is true for all config options in npm).
For anyone using docker you can add the env var at runtime with:
docker run -e npm_config_cache=/path/to/cache mydockerimage:tag
You can also do following:
For having cache path as you wish, for a single package while installing it:
npm install packageName --cache path/to/some/folder
For having cache path as you wish, for all the packages in package.json:
Just be in the directory where package.json is as usual and do
npm install --cache path/to/some/folder
You may not find this in npm documentation but i have tried it with npm 6 and it works.
Looks like it works since npm 5 [Refer: How to specify cache folder in npm5 on install command?
In Windows you can simply cd to the desired cache folder and do npm set cache --global
Paste the following code into npmrc file.
Location of npmrc file: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\npmrc
There is no '.' in front of npmrc
NPMRC file folder look like this
NPMRC Content look like this
Hope it helps. Cheers
In addition, I found that running an update command works also - for example:
npm update npm
Lastly, one can check their npm-cache directory to see if is being filled or not.

Skip "Installing dependencies with npm" step when pushing a Node.js app to Heroku

Running git push heroku master always triggers a step that prompts:
Installing dependencies with npm
This step loads and reinstalls all of the dependencies again even it already exists. This is very time consuming and I want to skip this step sometimes when I deploy that I know the dependencies are the same.
Is there any command or options that do this?
Its been a long time since you asked this question, now the Heroku buildpack caches node_modules, so install times will be much faster.
If however you still want to block npm install, here is one solution.
As of when I write this, the default Heroku build pack does not allow skipping npm install entirely. You can see in the file, this line will always run:
npm install --unsafe-perm --userconfig $build_dir/.npmrc 2>&1
However, if you create a file called .npmrc in your project folder with the following contents:
This will cause npm install to not modify your existing node_modules directory.
Note that this change will also apply to the npm prune command that Heroku runs, but WILL NOT apply to the npm rebuild command (which is probably fine).
try to remove
for example
from you .gitignore
Simplest ways I've found are
heroku apps:rename newTemporaryName
heroku apps:rename originalName
or change the NODE_ENV and get it back to previous again.
heroku config:set NODE_ENV=dev
heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production
There are probably other, similar hacks but these should be sufficient.
