SharePoint API - callback for any document upload - sharepoint

Does SharePoint have a hook / API for getting notified whenever a document is added / modified /deleted? I'd like to parse the document and send some of the information to another system. Preferably, this would be on the server side of SharePoint.

You can use SharePoint event receivers.


Webhooks Sharepoint: Subscribing to Document Change

Are there Webhooks available for Sharepoint APIs which can be used to notify when there are changes in a document stored in Sharepoint.
Yes, if you are using SharePoint online, they are available for events corresponding to list item changes for a given SharePoint list or a document library.
They support the below async events:
References - Getting started with webhooks
Webhooks reference implementation

Docusign document retrieve using Docusign-connect

I am using the Docusign-Connet to get the notifications form docusign. In docusign api there is a line
"It can also be used to transport the completed documents back to your app or website and to retrieve any form field data entered by your recipients"
but in payload I am getting only document names?.
If you want the connect messages to include the envelopes' documents or fields, check the boxes in the Connection Subscription screen (shown below from the New DocuSign Experience Admin tool).
Or set the fields includeDocumentFields and/or includeDocuments to true in your call to ConnectConfigurations: create
What i've done in the past is, get the document statuses from DocuSignConnect when things change. Then call EnvelopesApi.GetDocument endpoint with DocumentStatuses.DocumentStatus.ID and the envelope ID to retrieve the document.
In my implementation, we only download the document if the entire envelope is complete. This way, the DocuSignConnect payload is not big as well.
Btw, my implementation is in .net using their library.
Good luck!

Can i get the event about file operation on OneDrive?

As we know, we can add remote event receiver to the list. then if there is a item added or updated in this list, we can get the event send by sharepoint 2013 online.
This is the info about event in sharepoint:
So can we have this kind of method in OneDrive(skydrive) too?
It means when there is a file added in the OneDrive, then my App can get this event and take some action on this file.
The OneDrive API does not (yet!) support subscriptions to events. Please visit the OneDrive user voice and make/vote up topics that you'd like to see implemented.
To question #2 the view.changes api allows for applications to easily know which changes have happened since the application last queried OneDrive might be just what you need without subscriptions.

Add custom text to Sharepoint Email Alert

We have an alert set-up for sharepoint list, but I want to add some custom text to the alert email. We do not have any access to SPD or sharepoint server and can make changes to sharepoint client only.
Can anyone please advice?
The code that sends out emails runs on the SharePoint server via the Timer Job. Since you have no access to do anything with the server you've got absolutely no chance of modifying the built in alert emails.
Could you do this with javascript?
You can't send emails with JavaScript directly. You can open up a draft email in a users default email client using a mailto link but this won't achieve what you want as a user will still have to edit it.
You could, I suppose, put some javascript onto an edit page using a content editor web part (which you can do without SPD) to on changes make an AJAX call to a separate web server to do the actual sending.

Can I trigger a workflow in SharePoint 2007 whenever a URL is visited

I have a flash program sitting in SharePoint 2007, and I'd like to trigger a workflow (to send an email to the logged in user), but I don't really have any hooks to do that.
Can I reliably start a workflow by opening up a (fixed) URL?
Yes you can if you write a HTTP Handler that checks the request and starts the workflow. This article can get you started.
