Display Joomla search results, one by one in each module? - search

I am working on Joomla 3.2 with Roksprocket right now, which is a module that can display all articles in category X in "mosaic" form. So you have blocks of intro articles instead of a list.
I was wondering if anyone knows how to display search results in "mosaic" form, or if I can somehow make the search results display one module at a time via Roksprocket.
Any pointers will help!


TYPO3 v. 11.5.21 Search field is not working properly

as expected, there coming more and more with TYPO3. I'm very in TYPO3 and working with the bootstrap package. Therefore I don't understand loads of stuff.
The task is actually very simple (i guess). I just want to include a search field on in my page with indexed search. I included the extension with the extension manager.
So far so good, the search field is shown and it's able to find content on my page, but when I select one of the search results this page is shown:
Error message
Does anyone understand what happened here?
Many thanks in advance for your hints!

Web element with same name and xpath under two elements in the navigation pane

I have 2 web elements with the same XPath and name but under the different navigation links. Both links point to the same page but with a different title. How should I access each of the links uniquely?
I am a beginner to python selenium programming
You have the answer in the question itself. You must try identifying the elements using title with combination of other attributes if they have unique titles.
PS: Please(always) add the code you have tried and the relevant(in this case HTML) required files/snippet which can help us understand and investigate better. Questions with enough information get faster replies :)

People listage in SharePoint page

i have an intranet (which is my main website) and a several sub-websites, which refers to the departments of the company. I need to add a list with people related to department of the current web-site. The list can be the same view of the SharePoint native search.
I find this component (Search Results), which i was able to add my criterias (like people which department is equals to "HR"), and i get the right results. However, i couldn't find an way to make the view similar to the results of the image above.
Somebody can help me? Thanks
I've changed the configurations to use "People Item" display index. Firstly, i had to import a javascript file. Then, even though that i had the right results, the properties aren't filled in the fields of the display item (as is shown in the image below).

Drupal, Solr & Facet Api - Persistent facet links in blocks

I need to produce facet block from two vocabularies in my site. I am using Views and a patched version of Views infinite Scroll to generate the search page, using my search index, and I have tweaked everything I could in the facet display settings to see if I could produce the requested results, to no avail.
I do not need keyword searches. I need to show all taxonomy terms in each facets at all times and to be able to select a single criteria at a time from each vocabulary. So, never more thane one selection at a time from each facet block.
Why are you using Solr to store data and generate your search page, if you do not need keyword search and are trying to go against the native working of solr Facets, I hear you say? For performance reasons, it is the reason why I am using Solr to store & serve the results, I have even gone as far as pushing renedered node to the index with the help of the somwhat obscure search_api_solr_view_modes module.
I could take two separate routes
Create a custom block, load all the taxonomy terms, alter the output of the term link to point to the view and provide the TID for the View. The active filter data could be obtained from the view arguments. I know how to do that but feel it is the wrong way to go about it, if I am working with Solr, I should be using a facet, not a custom block.
Build a custom Facet block that has this exact behaviour. After reading a lot of documentation, I git kind of dicouraged with the possibility of doing this simply without having to develop a Facet plugin, which is kind of out of my league.
Any advice is appreciated.
Here is a screenshot of the interface I have to produce.
Each taxonomy term has to be persistent, i.e., produce a link event if there are no nodes indexed under this term.
Selecting a term in one of the vocabularies will deselect previously selected terms
Clicking on the x next to a term will remove it form the active search criterias.
Have a look at this. https://drupal.org/project/ajax_facets This might get you to where you need to be. Sans you infinite scroll. There is a youtube video that goes with it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBj3OkXLyWs
I'd appreciate it if it works as I haven't tried it my self.

Drupal 7 -- Publishing and Printing Content Based on Search Results

I am currently working on a project which requires content to be published onto a view or page depending on a search result criteria. For example: I search through my content for the word dog and this word appears on 4 of 20 pieces of content. I wish to view all of those items on a page that is not the Search Results page, but rather one that displays all the content found, so I can print each piece of content.
I apologize if this post is awkwardly worded. At this moment it is just an idea and I am trying to get a better picture of how to change publishing based on search results to a certain area.
Thank you for your time -- and if anyone wishes to ask follow up questions, I'd be more than willing to help clarify.
You can use a view with exposed filter. Create a view, create a filter criteria there, then in settings - check "Expose this filter to visitors, to allow them to change it". A user will see a form in a view, wich you can also make separate from a view, by setting "exposed form" to "yes" and putting it in a sepparate block.
