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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am using FlipView Control in windows store app to navigate on different screen. The button of flipView are visible but auto hide after some time on laptop(OS: windows 8 or 8.1) while running app but not visible on windows tablet ( touch surface). How to make button visible on touch surface too
If you are talking about the built in next/prev buttons, they only show up after a pointer is moved on the page(and only if there is a next or prev item to go to). On the surface or any touch screen you don't need them because you can swipe to the next or previous page.
Try running the built in photos viewer app, it uses a FlipView and behaves exactly like this.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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In any page if window scroll is visible, If we open the material-ui
dialog control it hides the scroll because of this page is shaking to
adjust the width and height.Again on the close of dialog that scroll
come because of this again, page shakes. How can we prevent the dialog
control to hide the scroll?
title={<div> {props.title} </div>}
This is the code to open the dialog.
At last I found the answer by googling it a lot:-
We can get the solution here
We have to set:- = 'auto',
Any one can find the detail from above link.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I made a SVG file in Illustrator to display on a web page.
However, a corner of the stroke is distorted.
should look like:
does look like:
Does anyone have any idea about how to fix it?
Within Illustrator, select your artwork, go to "Object" and select "Expand.." and select the checkbox for the "Stroke".
Finally, Export to SVG.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a question. Can anyone please answer me. I got this question from my friend.
what is browser in user point of view and developer point of view?
what is browser in user point of view and developer point of view?
This is what an end-user will see:
This is what a developer will see:
hit f12 in your browser to bring up developer tools. from there you can see the CSS/HTML etc. used (if in IE after pressing f12, click the little mouse pointer that appears then hover over/click any element on the page to bring up the CSS/HTML for that part of the page).
a user can't see the markup for the page, just the finished product. Using developer tools allows you to see how the page was put together. When you bring up developer tools, it shows the HTML for the page on the left and the CSS for the page on the right, you can edit the HTML and turn off/on parts of the CSS to change the look of the page. Hope this helps. I tried adding a picture but I don't have enough reputation to do so.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to get the Foursqaure category icons without the gray background.
However, it seems like many icons are missing. They are available if you want to construct the icons with the gray background. But once you are trying to get the icon without the gray background they are not available.
For example:
Gray icon for Breakfast is available:
But without it, it is not:
Is there a different URL I need use to construct to get all these?
How about this url:
If you go to this page, it looks blank, but there is an image there (white icon on white background). View the page source and you will see that the icon is on the page. The icon should be in the upper left corner, you can right click on it, download it, and then view it in another app.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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How can i add 4 barbuttonitems to uinavigation controller? If i can add then how?
Finally i find the answer...
First of all i created the toolbar, numbers of buttons that i need programmatically.
and added those buttons in NSMutableArray.
Finally i add this array to my my toolbar item and add it to my view.
That worked perfectly for me. Actually number of button that we add on toolbar depends on the width of UIToolbar. We can add either two, three or four buttons to it if it's within the given width of toolbar. But according to apple reference we should add max two button on it.