How to change a variable name automatically across the project in VIM? - vim

In eclipse, if you change a variable name, eclipse will automatically change this variable's name in whole project.
Can vim do that too?

Vim is a text editor, not an IDE. Though it has some notion of a filetype's syntax, it does not fully parse nor understand the language's full syntax. Refactorings, even simple ones like Rename identifier, do require such full understanding (to be 100% correct).
There are attempts at refactoring support in Vim, most language-specific, some also generic. But I'd advise to keep using a real IDE for this (for its comfort, safety, and correctness), and instead use Vim only for simple, text-based replacements, using :bufdo substitute/... or macros, as described here.

Sort of.
Because it is not an IDE and thus doesn't understand anything about your code, Vim only sees text where you see a variable name. It can't infer anything from the scope or whatever. Without the use of some external program, renaming a variable in Vim is usually done with a buffer-wide or project-wide search/replace.
Since you didn't tell us what language you are working with we can't tell you if there is a language-specific solution for your needs.

try this plugin -> Clighter, for c-family rename-refactoring. It's based on clang, but there are limitations. Still in development


What language is used in Linux scripts in dotfiles?

I'm trying to figure out which language is used in Linux scripts to make the system more personal? I mean things like you put in the dotfiles — like .vimrc, or .zshrc — or to make a function for the terminal (like one that compiles a .tex file with bibtex and then pdflatex and then opens that .pdf with some reader).
What you call dotfiles are just configuration files of one or another program. So the "language" of each of those configuration files depends on the program that is going to use it.
In fact, that doesn't have to be a language, in general, hence the quotes in the previous paragraph. Those config files just have to match the format that the program that uses them expects. This occasionally means that configuarion files are required to use a specific language; an example is .vimrc, which has to use the vimscript language (aka VimL).
I think the term "Linux Scripts" will cause misunderstandment in here.
These dotfiles have a particular syntax for each one, but it's not a programming language.
It's allways a good idea to read the official documentation.
For vimscript learning, I had a good experience with this one:

Vim-Sexp - How do I move each inner form to a new line?

I have the awesome vim-sexp and vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people plugins installed, and I've come across a situation I'm not sure how to solve.
Suppose I have the following form:
(alimony barbara (code determinant) eclair final-countdown)
How can I transform that to:
(code determinant)
I can go ahead and insert a newline before every inner-form/element, but that is a bit tedious. There should be a way with or without the sexp plugin
This is an old question, but maybe an updated answer will help someone who comes here in the future.
You don't have to write the program mentioned by Kaz. Others have already done it. I have not tried them, but here are a few:
joker. (The last one does more than code formatting.)
As Kaz suggests, once installed, you can pipe code to a formatter using !. You can even bind this operation to a key combination. Some of the formatters offer suggestions about how to do this sort of thing.
In addition, some vim IDE plugins, such as vim-iced provide support for using an external formatter.
A productive way to get this behavior would be, rather than fighting with Vim modules and extensions, to write a Lisp program which reads S-expressions and outputs them reformatted in the desired way. To use that program out of Vim, just pipe a range of lines into it using the ! command.

Vim Cmake integration

I have a cmake project. I want to do the following easily
search the declaration, definition and references of any variable, function, etc. under the cursor, which may be declared in an external header file whose path is added using INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in CMakeLists.txt
rename a variable, function, etc. that is declared in the project
How can I set this up?
You can try to use vim plugin cmake4vim in order to integrate CMake to Vim.
This plugin helps to work with cmake targets and allows to generate compilation database file (compile_commands.json). A lot of plugins use this file for code completion, jump to definition and etc. (for example YCM)
Also you can use vim lsp plugins (for example vim-lsp) these plugins use language servers for code completion, refactoring and another good features.
But CMake project integration (cmake cache generation, project compilation, etc.) and search the declaration, definition and etc are different tasks. And different plugins and tools solve these tasks.
You can tell Vim where to look for includes by adding entries to the path option. I don't have enough experience with Cmake to know how to pull paths from CMakeLists.txt, though.
See :help 'path'.
Assuming a properly set path, it is possible to use the built-in :dsearch and related commands to search for definitions across includes.
The define option has a prescriptive name but it could be used to find any specific pattern so you could alter it to match declarations, too, or really anything.
See :help include-search and :help 'define'.
Vim has no built-in concept of "reference". :isearch and friends should work for that but they will probably be too noisy.
Renaming is usually done with something like:
:grep foo paths
:cdo s/foo/bar/gc
YouCompleteMe will help you. It uses compilation_database.json, witch can be generated by cmake.
This plugin also provides autocompetion for many languages.
I use functions in vim and assign them to a hotkey.
it gives you more an IDE feel. but at the end of the day you get a bit more control.

couldn't use "options single-request" in /etc/reolvs.conf

Write parameter 'options single-request' in /etc/resolv.conf, the font become red.Red means this parameter has a syntax error, but i don't know where am i wrong. My /etc/resolv.conf as below:
options single-request
Red means this parameter has a syntax error
No, it doesn't.
It means that whatever editor you are using doesn't understand that syntax. But what actually matters is whether your GLIBC understands that syntax (GLIBC >= 2.10 should, according to the man page).
My glibc is 2.17. So why system didn't understand "options single-request"?
There is no such thing as "system" here.
The /etc/resolv.conf is just a text file, it doesn't "understand" anything. You can edit that text file using a variety of editors: vi, gvim, emacs, or no editor at all (you can use echo or cat to create that file).
Now, a particular editor you used (but didn't tell us what that editor is), pretends to understand the file syntax, performs syntax highlighting, and even highlights "mistakes" in red. But that particular editor has simply not been updated when the new GLIBC syntax was implemented. The GLIBC developers all use vi or emacs, and probably don't even know that that editor exists.
So when you say "why did the system not understand ...", what you are really asking is "why haven't the developers of that editor that you are using updated it to understand ...". There could be a few reasons for that: they may not know about the new syntax, or they may have abandoned that editor, or they may have already fixed it but the fix hasn't been included in your OS release.
Most probably it has to be:
options single-request-reopen

VIM: hack ctags or tweak tagbar for better PHP support

Recently, i gave up Taglist for Tagbar. Tagbar works as expected for all languages except PHP.
It lists class, methods and variables into their respective categories instead of displaying methods and variables into their respective scope.
I came to know that ctags has poor support for PHP.
Is there any way to improve ctags and Tagbar's support for PHP? I am hopping for some kind of hack or tweak, or any other way around.
I have just using PHP_Parser as syntax parsing backend written a tool called phpctags to generate ctags compatiable index file and an addon plugin for tagbar called tagbar-phpctags to enhance the PHP suport for tagbar.
Methods and properties even local variables assigned in functions could be listed in their own scope now as well as their access information.
Maybe these could help.
Unfortunately there is no easy answer to this. The ctags PHP parser just uses regular expressions, and the result -- as you noticed -- is that support for scopes is missing.
There would be two ways to get proper scope support working: someone has to write either an actual recursive parser module for ctags, or some other program that can output tags in a ctags compatible format. That could theoretically even be written in PHP, which might make it easier -- maybe there already is some functionality available that allows access to the AST, which would then just need to be printed out in the correct format. But until someone does that I'm afraid there's no real way to properly display PHP scopes in Tagbar, since it has to rely on the information that ctags hands to it.
