how do nodejs tasks actually run? - node.js

I'm trying to figure out exactly how nodejs tasks are run. I understand that there is a main loop that takes requests and then queues them up and moves on. What exactly then executes those queued up events/tasks?
Can somebody actually please explain it? I appreciate people wanting me to script it and figure it out myself, but sometimes it's better to just have it explained rather than creating barriers to learning simple concepts.

you can follow
use can use node-inspector to select a script and set some breakpoints,help you to understand event loop,


Sleep() Methods and OS - Scheduler (Camunda/Groovy)

I got a question for you guys and its not as specific as usual, which could make it a little annoying to answer.
The tool i'm working with is Camunda in combination with Groovy scripts and the goal is to reduce the maximum cpu load (or peak load). I'm doing this by "stretching" the work load over a certain time frame since the platform seems to be unhappy with huge work load inputs in a short amount of time. The resulting problem is that Camunda wont react smoothly when someone tries to operate it at the UI - Level.
So i wrote a small script which basically just lets each individual process determine his own "time to sleep" before running, if a certain threshold is exceeded. This is based on how many processes are trying to run at the same time as the individual process.
It looks like:
Process wants to start -> Process asks how many other processes are running ->
waitingTime = numberOfProcesses * timeToSleep * iterationOfMeasures
CPU-Usage Curve 1,3 without the Script. Curve 2,4 With the script
Testing it i saw that i could stretch the work load and smoothe out the UI - Levels. But now i need to describe why this is working exactly.
The Questions are:
What does a sleep method do exactly ?
What does the sleep method do on CPU - Level?
How does an OS-Scheduler react to a Sleep Method?
Namely: Does the scheduler reschedule or just simply "wait" for the time given?
How can i recreate and test the question given above?
The main goal is not for you to answer this, but could you give me a hint for finding the right Literature to answer these questions? Maybe you remember a book which helped you understand this kind of things or a Professor recommended something to you. (Mine wont answer, and i cant blame him)
I'm grateful for hints and or recommendations !
i'm sure you could use timer event
it allows to postpone next task trigger for some time defined by expression.
about sleep in java/groovy:
using sleep is blocking current thread in groovy/java/camunda.
so instead of doing something effective it's just blocked.

How does node cron remembers its tasks?

I am trying to understand how node-cron by kelektiv works.
Specifically, if your node app crashes, how does it remember the dates that you scheduled for an event? Does it store the jobs in a database somewhere or a somewhere locally on the machine?
Any recommended reading resources or an explanation will be very helpful.
Thank you in advance for your answer.
See this code:
They are using methods to calculate when to send next by sendAt, how much time is left before sending next by getTimeout and then they are simply putting a setTimeout based on that in start.
It's a nice piece of code and I'll suggest you to check it out, it's very simple and written in very understandable way.
And no it doesn't stores the next time in Database, it's just setTimeout

why the multiprocessing stops

I have followed the code in the link multiprocessing.Pool() slower than just using ordinary functions to write a multi process program, but I find when the length of data in mainwordlist is relatively large, the code can't work. (you can try by setting xrange(50) to xrange(1000) in the code)
Actually, the terminal interface shows that the code is still running, however, the process in top command is gone, can anyone tell me why? any comment will be appreciated. thank you!
I find the following link and reorganize my code. Both of them start from same method, but I avoid above problem though I still don't know why. Anyway, it works.

in redis-py , is redis.StrictRedis.pipe thread safe?

short question.
I'm using redis-py to set some keys on my redis server and I'm experiencing some weird behaviour.
I suspect it has something to do with the StrictRedis.pipe.
I have multiple threads pushing commands to the same pipe and after a while I run execute on this pipe and run all of its commands.
I wanted to know if the pipe is thread-safe? can I push commands from multiple threads without any synchronisation mechanism?
Thank you.
Looks like it is not, according to the documentation:
"It is not safe to pass PubSub or Pipeline objects between threads."
Therefore I assume you either need some sort of synchronisation mechanism. I have to admit I haven't tested any, but if I were to implement one I would try to go with a Multithreaded queue.
There may be a better way to do it, as I am not a python expert.
Hope this helps, though

As a user, I want a status bar (or similar) to notify me that a job is working when using a Wx.Python gui app

Can someone recommend a straight forward way of adding some type of graphical notification (status bar, spinning clocks, etc...) to my wx.Python gui application? Currently, it searches logs on a server for unique strings, and often times takes upwards to 3-4 minutes to complete. However, it would be convenient to have some type of display letting a user know that the status of the job towards finishing/completion. If I added a feature like this, I'm not sure, but I'm afraid I may have to look at using threads ... and I'm a complete newbie to Python? Any help and direction will be appreciated.
Yes, you'd need to use threads or queues or something similar. Fortunately, there are some excellent examples here: and this tutorial I wrote is pretty straight-forward too:
Using threads isn't that hard. Basically you put the long running part in the thread and every so often, you send a status update to your GUI using a thread-safe method, like wx.PostEvent or wx.CallAfter. Then you can update your statusbar or a progress bar or whatever you're using.
