Replace string using grep and sed - linux

I have bunch of files in a directory,
I need to change prefix of lines in file like "AB_" to "YZ_"
how can i do it?
i have used grep and sed like,
grep -nr "AB_" ./ | xargs -0 sed -i 's/AB_/YZ_/g'
but giving error,
: File name too long
example string in a file are: Hello AB_WORLD! and Hello WORLD_AB!

sed will take multiple files as arguments, so this should work:
sed -i '/AB_/s//YZ_/g' *
(Note that -i is non-standard)

You mean grep -lr not grep -nr
-l gives you the file name; -n gives you the matching line with line number prepended

I like Perl for this one:
The -i option will save the original file with a.bak extension.
$ perl -i.bak -pe 's/^AB_/YZ_/' *.txt

grep -lr "AB_" ./ | while read file
echo "Change file $file ..."
sed -i 's/AB_/YZ_/g' ${file}

sed one-liner answer
Find php files in the directory containing string "foo" and replace all occurences with "bar"
grep -l foo *.php | xargs sed -i '' s/foo/bar/g
To recurse through directories
grep -rl foo * | xargs sed -i '' s/foo/bar/g
(just done successfully on 8100 files)
grep -rl bar * | wc -l


Using STDIN from pipe in sed command to replace value in a file

I've got a command to perform a series of commands that produce a variable output string such as 123456. I want to pipe that to a sed command replacing a known string in a csv file that looks like this:
However, the command below does not work and I haven't found any other references to using pipe values as the variable for a replace.
How does this code change if the values in the csv are in a random order and I always want to change the second value?
Example code:
find / -iname awk 2>/dev/null | sha256sum | cut -c1-10 > test.txt |
sed -i -e '/Wilma/ r test.txt' -e 's/Wilma//' input.csv
Contents of input.csv should become: Fred,0d522cd316,Betty,Barney
Okay, in
find / -iname awk 2>/dev/null | sha256sum | cut -c1-10 > test.txt | sed -i -e '/Wilma/ r test.txt' -e 's/Wilma//' input.csv
you have a bug. That "> test.txt" after cut is going to eat your stdin on sed, so things go weird with that pipe afterwards taking stdin. You don't want a pipe there, or you don't want to redirect to a file.
The way to take piped stdin and use it as a parameter in a command is through xargs.
find / -iname awk 2>/dev/null | sha256sum | cut -c1-10 | xargs --replace=INSERTED -- sed -i -e 's/Wilma/INSERTED/' input.csv
(...though that find|shasum is suspect too, in that the order of files is random(ish) and it matters for a reliable sum. You prpobably mean to "|sort" after find.)
(Some would sed -i -e "s/Wilma/$(find|sort|shasum|cut)" f, but I ain't among them. Animals.)
For replacing a fixed string like "Wilma", try:
sed -i 's/Wilma/'"$(find / -iname awk 2>/dev/null |
sha256sum | cut -c1-10)"'/' input.csv
To replace the 2nd field no matter what's in it, try:
sed -i 's/[^,]*/'"$(find / -iname awk 2>/dev/null |
sha256sum | cut -c1-10)"'/2' input.csv

xargs echo `echo {} | sed 's/pattern/replace/'` doesn't work but for each loop works

I want to do the equivalent of:
for i in `ls -1`; do echo $i | mv $i `sed 's/profile/account/'`; done
with xargs
ls -1 | xargs -I{} mv {} `echo {} | sed 's/profile/account/'`
But the sed after the pipe within backticks is ignored.
Anyone know why that's the case?
Edit: More info
The root problem is simply to rename files in a directly given a pattern replacement (here replace profile with account, however that is solved with for in loop over the files.
The question I'm posing is why is the following not working.
ls -1 | xargs -I{} mv {} `echo {} | sed 's/profile/account/'`
Why does the
`echo {} | sed 's/profile/account/'`
portion not return the replaced filename but the original filename. It's as if the | doesn't work inside the backticks.
To write the problem differently:
If I have a list like in a file called list.txt
And want to generate
While operating on each individual line separately so I can run a command on it.
cat list.txt | xargs -I{} echo `echo {} | sed 's/profile/account/'`
Why does command return:
Instead of changing profile to account?
This might work for you (GNU parallel):
parallel 'old={}; new=${old/profile/account}; echo mv $old $new' ::: *
Remove echo once checked.
Agree with the comments above regarding using shell glob expansion rather than ls -1, or the straightforward solution using prename, nevertheless the exercise is interesting also in case you wanted to feed the pipe other outputs (e.g. find or alike).
Below does it via calling a mini scriptlet where its argument is each xargs fed line, using var replacement bash-isms (note the narrowed ls ... to be able to re-run these without errors):
ls -1 *profile* | xargs -l1 bash -xc 'echo mv "$1" "${1/profile/account}"' --
Note above is a dry-run, remove the echo to actually do it.
In the example:
cat list.txt | xargs -I{} echo `echo {} | sed 's/profile/account/'`
xargs does not interpolate the {} inside of backticks.
`echo {} | sed 's/profile/account/'`
Echos the literal {}. The subsequent sed does not change the {}.
`echo {} | sed 's/profile/account/'`
Will return: {}
Which gives:
cat list.txt | xargs -I{} echo {}

Search and Replace SED Linux

I need to convert my all url relative path to /image/abc.gif
i tried this command but not worked for https:\\ section . How can i use https\\ in this command .
grep -rl "" /root/ | xargs sed -i 's/'
The following will do the job:
echo "" | sed 's/https:\/\/www\.example\.com//g'
You can use regular expressions, the -r indicates extended regexes. The ? says 0 or 1 occurrence of 's'.
echo "" | sed -r 's/https?:\/\/www\.example\.com//g'

xargs with multiple arguments

I have a source input, input.txt
I want to feed these input into a program as the following:
my-program --file=a.txt --file=b.txt --file=c.txt
So I try to use xargs, but with no luck.
cat input.txt | xargs -i echo "my-program --file"{}
It gives
my-program --file=a.txt
my-program --file=b.txt
my-program --file=c.txt
But I want
my-program --file=a.txt --file=b.txt --file=c.txt
Any idea?
Don't listen to all of them. :) Just look at this example:
echo argument1 argument2 argument3 | xargs -l bash -c 'echo this is first:$0 second:$1 third:$2'
Output will be:
this is first:argument1 second:argument2 third:argument3
None of the solutions given so far deals correctly with file names containing space. Some even fail if the file names contain ' or ". If your input files are generated by users, you should be prepared for surprising file names.
GNU Parallel deals nicely with these file names and gives you (at least) 3 different solutions. If your program takes 3 and only 3 arguments then this will work:
(echo a1.txt; echo b1.txt; echo c1.txt;
echo a2.txt; echo b2.txt; echo c2.txt;) |
parallel -N 3 my-program --file={1} --file={2} --file={3}
(echo a1.txt; echo b1.txt; echo c1.txt;
echo a2.txt; echo b2.txt; echo c2.txt;) |
parallel -X -N 3 my-program --file={}
If, however, your program takes as many arguments as will fit on the command line:
(echo a1.txt; echo b1.txt; echo c1.txt;
echo d1.txt; echo e1.txt; echo f1.txt;) |
parallel -X my-program --file={}
Watch the intro video to learn more:
How about:
echo $'a.txt\nb.txt\nc.txt' | xargs -n 3 sh -c '
echo my-program --file="$1" --file="$2" --file="$3"
' argv0
It's simpler if you use two xargs invocations: 1st to transform each line into --file=..., 2nd to actually do the xargs thing ->
$ cat input.txt | xargs -I# echo --file=# | xargs echo my-program
my-program --file=a.txt --file=b.txt --file=c.txt
You can use sed to prefix --file= to each line and then call xargs:
sed -e 's/^/--file=/' input.txt | xargs my-program
Here is a solution using sed for three arguments, but is limited in that it applies the same transform to each argument:
cat input.txt | sed 's/^/--file=/g' | xargs -n3 my-program
Here's a method that will work for two args, but allows more flexibility:
cat input.txt | xargs -n 2 | xargs -I{} sh -c 'V="{}"; my-program -file=${V% *} -file=${V#* }'
I stumbled on a similar problem and found a solution which I think is nicer and cleaner than those presented so far.
The syntax for xargs that I have ended with would be (for your example):
xargs -I X echo --file=X
with a full command line being:
my-program $(cat input.txt | xargs -I X echo --file=X)
which will work as if
my-program --file=a.txt --file=b.txt --file=c.txt
was done (providing input.txt contains data from your example).
Actually, in my case I needed to first find the files and also needed them sorted so my command line looks like this:
my-program $(find base/path -name "some*pattern" -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -I X echo --files=X)
Few details that might not be clear (they were not for me):
some*pattern must be quoted since otherwise shell would expand it before passing to find.
-print0, then -z and finally -0 use null-separation to ensure proper handling of files with spaces or other wired names.
Note however that I didn't test it deeply yet. Though it seems to be working.
xargs doesn't work that way. Try:
myprogram $(sed -e 's/^/--file=/' input.txt)
It's because echo prints a newline. Try something like
echo my-program `xargs --arg-file input.txt -i echo -n " --file "{}`
I was looking for a solution for this exact problem and came to the conclution of coding a script in the midle.
to transform the standard output for the next example use the -n '\n' delimeter
user#mybox:~$ echo "file1.txt file2.txt" | xargs -n1
inside the
var1=`echo $1 | cut -d ' ' -f1 `
var2=`echo $1 | cut -d ' ' -f2 `
myprogram "--file1="$var1 "--file2="$var2
For this solution to work you need to have a space between those arguments file1.txt and file2.txt, or whatever delimeter you choose, one more thing, inside the script make sure you check -f1 and -f2 as they mean "take the first word and take the second word" depending on the first delimeter's position found (delimeters could be ' ' ';' '.' whatever you wish between single quotes .
Add as many parameters as you wish.
Problem solved using xargs, cut , and some bash scripting.
if you wanna pass by I have some useful tips
Actually, it's relatively easy:
... | sed 's/^/--prefix=/g' | xargs echo | xargs -I PARAMS your_cmd PARAMS
The sed 's/^/--prefix=/g' is optional, in case you need to prefix each param with some --prefix=.
The xargs echo turns the list of param lines (one param in each line) into a list of params in a single line and the xargs -I PARAMS your_cmd PARAMS allows you to run a command, placing the params where ever you want.
So cat input.txt | sed 's/^/--file=/g' | xargs echo | xargs -I PARAMS my-program PARAMS does what you need (assuming all lines within input.txt are simple and qualify as a single param value each).
There is another nice way of doing this, if you do not know the number of files upront:
my-program $(find . -name '*.txt' -printf "--file=%p ")
Nobody has mentioned echoing out from a loop yet, so I'll put that in for completeness sake (it would be my second approach, the sed one being the first):
for line in $(< input.txt) ; do echo --file=$line ; done | xargs echo my-program
Old but this is a better answer:
cat input.txt | gsed "s/\(.*\)/\-\-file=\1/g" | tr '\n' ' ' | xargs my_program
# i like clean one liners
gsed is just gnu sed to ensure syntax matches version brew install gsed or just sed if your on gnu linux already...
test it:
cat input.txt | gsed "s/\(.*\)/\-\-file=\1/g" | tr '\n' ' ' | xargs echo my_program

Linux: Removing files that don't contain all the words specified

Inside a directory, how can I delete files that lack any of the words specified, so that only files that contain ALL the words are left? I tried to write a simple bash shell script using grep and rm commands, but I got lost. I am totally new to Linux, any help would be appreciated
How about:
grep -L foo *.txt | xargs rm
grep -L bar *.txt | xargs rm
If a file does not contain foo, then the first line will remove it.
If a file does not contain bar, then the second line will remove it.
Only files containing both foo and bar should be left
-L, --files-without-match
Suppress normal output; instead print the name of each input
file from which no output would normally have been printed. The
scanning will stop on the first match.
See also #Mykola Golubyev's post for placing in a loop.
list=`Word1 Word2 Word3 Word4 Word5`
for word in $list
grep -L $word *.txt | xargs rm
Addition to the answers above: Use the newline character as delimiter to handle file names with spaces!
grep -L $word $file | xargs -d '\n' rm
grep -L word | xargs rm
To do the same matching filenames (not the contents of files as most of the solutions above) you can use the following:
for file in `ls --color=never | grep -ve "\(foo\|bar\)"`
rm $file
As per comments:
for file in `ls`
shouldn't be used. The below does the same thing without using the ls
for file in *
if [ x`echo $file | grep -ve "\(test1\|test3\)"` == x ]; then
rm $file
The -ve reverses the search for the regexp pattern for either foo or bar in the filename.
Any further words to be added to the list need to be separated by \|
e.g. one\|two\|three
First, remove the file-list:
rm flist
Then, for each of the words, add the file to the filelist if it contains that word:
grep -l WORD * >>flist
Then sort, uniqify and get a count:
sort flist | uniq -c >flist_with_count
All those files in flsit_with_count that don't have the number of words should be deleted. The format will be:
2 file1
7 file2
8 file3
8 file4
If there were 8 words, then file1 and file2 should be deleted. I'll leave the writing/testing of the script to you.
Okay, you convinced me, here's my script:
rm -rf flist
for word in fopen fclose main ; do
grep -l ${word} *.c >>flist
rm $(sort flist | uniq -c | awk '$1 != 3 {print $2} {}')
This removes the files in the directory that didn't have all three words:
You could try something like this but it may break
if the patterns contain shell or grep meta characters:
(in this example one two three are the patterns)
for f in *; do
unset cmd
for p in one two three; do
cmd="fgrep \"$p\" \"$f\" && $cmd"
eval "$cmd" >/dev/null || rm "$f"
This will remove all files that doesn't contain words Ping or Sent
grep -L 'Ping\|Sent' * | xargs rm
