Could not retrieve the CDN endpoints in subscription with ID - azure

Searched Google and so - no luck.
Just got this message in Azure for 3 CDN endpoints.
There seems no way to know what is going on without MS support. It is a test account and I do not recall setting this. I have been through similar obfuscated MS error messages only to discover that Azure had crashed.
What does it mean?

This isn't really a direct answer, but could help with the general problem of "what happens if the CDN goes down?".
There is a recent development called the "Progressive Web App".
Basically unless served by localhost, everything has to be over https, but script is cached as a local application in your browser.
When your app makes requests to the registered domain, these are intercepted by a callback you put in your serviceWorker.js, so you can cache even application data locally, and sync the local data occasionally with the server (or on receive events if you're using webSockets).
Since the Service Worker intercepts REST calls to the registered domain, this in theory makes it fairly easy to add to just about any framework.

Sometimes there is a (global) problem with the CDN. It happend before.
You can check the azure CDN status on this page:
At this moment everything looks good, you still have problems?


How to avoid running entire client-side process in Blazor WebAssembly before Azure AD authentication?

I'm building a Blazor WASM app with Azure AD, and I'm struggling with what appears to be an inefficiency in the way it's designed. The entire application, including the home page, needs to be secured by [Authorize]. It works (with one exception noted below), but the initial load is painfully slow. Basically, on reaching the home page, Blazor loads the entire application -- running Program.Main in it's entirety, loading JS files from CDN or webpack bundles, loading all the .NET dlls, and THEN decides that it needs to redirect to Azure to authenticate. Once it returns, it does all that again. Loading the various files is not too much of a problem, since it gets them from the browser cache the second time. The problem is that is also needs to run Program.Main again.
In my rather large client app, it takes a few seconds to configure all the services (I'm using a lot of gRPC). The biggest culprit though is a call to the server API to get certain app settings that I don't want to expose to the client (basically doing this). Moreover, that API call doesn't even succeed, since the API endpoint is secured, and the user hasn't authenticated yet, but I don't know how to get the user info from within Program.Main. The log messages show that the user identity is not even created until sometime after Program.Main completes. (One of the settings is the roles-to-permissions mapping, so I can't even draw the app's menu without it. I've resorted to removing the auth requirement from the API controller for now, obviously not a permanent fix)
To replicate the behavior, just create a brand new Blazor WebAssembly app, selecting Auth Type = Microsoft identity platform, and checking the ASP.NET Core hosted box. Then just edit both appsettings.json files to provide your Azure login info; change the requested scope in Client.Program.Main (and change the one in WeatherForecastController to match); and add [Authorize] to the _imports.razor file, and [AllowAnonymous] to Authentication.razor. Finally add some logging Console.WriteLine("Running in Client.Program.Main"); near the end of that method.
In the basic Blazor app template as described above, this all runs pretty fast. Once there's a significant amount of startup code in Program.Main, though, it becomes quite noticeable, it can be several seconds both before and after the login redirect. And I can't make an authenticated API call.
Specifying endpoints.MapFallbackToFile("index.html").RequireAuthorization(); in the server side Startup doesn't seem to make any difference. Neither does adding options.FallbackPolicy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder().RequireAuthenticatedUser().Build(); to the AddAuthorization call.
So basically, I'm looking to:
Identify the user in Client.Program.Main, so I can make a secure call to the settings API
Identify the user in Client.Program.Main, so I can bypass all the time-consuming stuff myself on the first pass
Get Blazor (server?) to somehow recognize that a request for a protected page will fail for an unauthenticated user, and go directly to the Azure login page without all the usual ceremony
Any suggestions?

Deploying my front end and detecting client location by IP address - which AWS service should handle this? Confused by my options

I'm still new to AWS and just following the documentation and asking questions here when I get stuck. Please excuse me if this question sounds really noobish.
So far, I've deployed the following:
EB to deploy my REST API
RDS to deploy my psql database
Lambda functions to handle things like authentication & sending JWTs, uploading images to S3, etc.
I have got my basic back end (no caching (just started learning about redis), etc. set up yet, just the bare bones so far) deployed.
I'm still developing my front end, and have not even thought about how I will be deploying it yet (probably another deployment on EB, since I am using universal react). I am just developing it locally but using my production env variables now so I am hitting my deployed API, etc.
One of the MAJOR things I have no idea on how to do is detecting incoming requests from client side to get the client's location by IP address. This is so that I can return the INITIAL results in your general location just like yelp, foursquare, etc. do when you go to to their sites.
For now, I am just building a web app on desktop so I just want to worry about getting the IP address to get the general area of the user. My use case is something similar to other sites you might have used which provides an INITIAL result set for things in your area (think foursquare or yelp).
Here are my questions:
What would be a good way to do this? I'm thinking of handling this in my front end react universal deployment since it will be a node server with rendered page caching. Is this a terrible idea? It would work something like
(1) request from client comes in
(2) get IP from request and lookup the IP location using some service (still not sure what I'm going to use, have found a few plus a nodejs library called node-geoip). Preferably, I can get the zip code since I am trying to save having to do so many queries by unique locations in my database, and instead return results in the zip code and the front end will show an initial map with the initial results in that zip code.
(3) return to client the rendered page with those location params if it exists, otherwise create it, send it, and cache it.
Is the above a really dumb idea? Maybe you have already done something like this, and could share your wisdom :)
Is there an AWS service which can already handle something like this for me? Perhaps there's some functionality which can already do this.
AGAIN - I apologize if this is long winded. I don't know anyone in real life who can help me and I feel alone :(. I appreciate the help you guys can provide.
There are two parts to this:
Getting the user's IP address. You mentioned you're using 'EB' - I presume you mean AWS ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)? If so, then you need to read the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header in your app code, since otherwise what you'll really detect is the ELB's IP address. X-Forwarded-For contains the user's real IP - or rather, the IP of the end-connection being made (there's no telling if this is really a VPN, Proxy or something else-- but it's as far as you can get with an IP.)
Querying an IP DB that can turn the addr into a location object. There are tons of libraries for you. Assuming you're using Node, you can use node-geoip as you mentioned. Or you can just search 'geoip service' on Google and find managed services, like Telize on Mashape. If you don't want to manage the DB lookup yourself or keep the thing up to date, then a managed service would help.
In either case, it's likely that you'll be doing asynchronous look-ups. In that case, you might want to use async/await to get the user's full object before injecting that into your React props and ultimately rendering it as a HTML string that's sent down to the client.
You could also use a library like redial to decorate your components with data requirements, and return a Promise you can await on to know when you're okay to render.
Since you probably want to enable client routing too (i.e. where the user can click on a route in their browser, and the server isn't touched at all), then you will probably need some way to retrieve the IP address/results based on that IP even when the server isn't involved in the initial render.
For that, you could write a REST service that retrieves the results. Or write a GraphQL back-end that gets the data. It doesn't matter how you write it, since the server will have access to the X-Forwarded-For header and can use that to retrieve the results and send back location-aware data.
FYI, I'm writing a React starter kit (called ReactNow) that uses rxjs for handling async streams. It's not ready yet, but it might help you figure out the code layout that would offer a balanced mix between rendering on the server, and writing universal code that requires some heavy lifting from the server.

Slackbox - the requested URL could not be retrieved - access denied

I have slackbox running locally, have created a Spotify dev application and have successfully authenticated slackbox. It says I am logged in at http://localhost:5000/. All of my variables have been set, including the slack token, in an .env file via dotenv.
All seems well there.
On the slack side, I have created a slash command mapped to /spotify that POSTs to http://localhost:5000/store. The slash command shows up in my command description list when typing.
When I attempt to use it though, I get an access denied message in chat, I'm assuming due to cross-domain issues:
ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved Access Denied.
According to their docs - - running this locally should work. I also run a Hubot bot locally and it integrates fine with the same slack room.
Any help is appreciated!
Slack’s outgoing slash command requests need to be sent to a public facing url, which is a problem if we want to receive these messages to our local development server.
How do we solve this?
One way is with the use of a secure tunnel which acts as a public HTTPS URL for our local development server. Problem solved!
Who provides this service?
ForwardHQ provide the best user experience, including a browser extension for setting up a local tunnel in one click. They have a free 7 day trial.
My preferred option is ngrok. It’s free for one concurrent tunnel client, with no time restriction. Woop! Its a little harder to use but it does the job.

SOAP request on Azure VM returns empty result immediately

I have an IIS, on an azure VM, that host a web application that I use to retrive data through SOAP request. Everything works fine if I access from localhost but as soon as I access to some functions from outside I get a response formally correct but with no data in it.
Configuring different VM with the same services I had the same results. I changed <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="1024000" /> because it seems the problem was related to the amount of data retrived but I had no positive result. It isn't a timeout problem because other functions return values even after 30 seconds.
Is there anything else I might I have done wrong, or that I need to configure to allow SOAP requests from my Azure web application? Where can I look for better diagnostics to see what's going wrong?
Configuring on the target VM a development environment I discovered the problem was releted to the differences of Culture set on sever and on Client.
This caused a transformation of parameters sent to sql server for data extraction.
I had to change the code to become Culture invariant.

Google app engine bot attack?

I have an application in Google app engine that only runs cron jobs and uses a backend, so there are no incoming requests from any client. I noticed that a request from a user named 'niki-bot' was received and I'm quite surprised as my app url does not appear anywhere it's only used by admin account which sends cron requests. Fortunately I had setup security on my crons so this user got a 403 forbidden message, but I'm still wondering how could this happen. Has any of you guys experienced something similar?
You were likely running the 'Awesome Screenshot' plugin in your browser, or similar software which leaks all your browsing history to an upstream service - that upstream service appears to return with a niki-bot crawler to scrape or do something with those 'impossible to otherwise find' URLs.
Read more about it here:
As I think you are aware, backends are addressable to the outside world, it's only the public/private status and the security level applied to the endpoints that determines if the calls are successful.
Regarding how a bot would have gotten your App ID, I suppose they could just be trying random ones to see if there is anything they can exploit.
Were the requests for standard admin endpoints? I get many random requests for the PHP files below, and my app isn't even on PHP. People just trying to attack known systems (this is on my front-end module):
