azure mobile service blob storage using xamarin - xamarin.ios

I have used the info on this link to create a windows phone sample of uploading images to Azure Blob Storage by using Mobile Services.
I want to now try and use Xamarin Component of Azure Mobile Services to achieve the same result from Android and iOS. Does Xamarin component have support for this? Also, if anyone has done this before from Xamarin, could you please point me in the correct direction? I couldn't find much information on this topic of using blob storage from within Xamarin for Android or iOS

You can use Zach's Blob Uploader:
This is a lot simpler than using the AMS features for this (but lacks the features like expiration of the url and some auth bits).

You really want to use a web service between your blob storage account, and your Mobile app, unless your app is allowing users to access their own blob storage accounts. If you are determined to make a Xamarin app use Blob storage directly, you can use this Mono port.. it takes a bit of work to get it functioning. It also won't handle some functions in Azure Blob storage. I could only get "Download" to work. Deleting.. and uploading functions were broken. Maybe I screwed up the port to Xamarin.
Mono Azure sdk port
By using that sdk port, I was able to make an IOS app called "Blob Client" that allowed users to at least download their files on IOS. Made it as a tool for myself.. for a project I had, but then went ahead and put it out on the store.
Blob Client on IOS.

Here is an article on connecting to Blog Storage in Xamarin via the Azure Storage package. It's currently in preview but should be what you are looking for.


Using Xamarin.Android and Media Service in Azure for live broadcasting

I am looking for integrating Media Service from azure to Xamarin Android for live broadcasting and viewing the live with on demand videos. For example I need to implement the live video broadcasting like a Facebook app using Azure Media Services and also view the live and archived videos from blob storage. I am unable to get the resource to implement that from official documents of Azure and Xamarin and through the Xamarin University.
So I am here to learn this which will be useful to almost every one willing to implement this kind of features in feature.
There is a official video showing the upload of a video recorded using xamarin application to Azure Media Service and viewing back on the Xamarin app the link is as follows, but there is no approach for making a live broadcasting possible through the same.
Xamarin.Android is not compulsory like it may be from Xamarin Forms also the thing is like we just need the android part, I will be happily looking forward to take any kind of help you can offer to get this working.
Scope of App Requirement/Workflow::
1) App should be able to broad cast live (like going live on Facebook application)
2) That should be capable to view the live broadcasts (like we can stream the live content in Facebook application)
3) That should be able to view the archived videos in blob storage (I know how to access the blob storage and download the video to view it on mobile but I don’t know the process to stream the video while it is being downloaded in the background like it does in Youtube or Facebook application).
Using Xamarin.Android and Media Service in Azure for live broadcasting
You could refer to the xamarin-azure-businessreview sample.
Demo app showing how to use several Azure services with Xamarin including Azure AD B2C, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Functions, Azure App Services, and Azure Media Services

Is Azure Compute Emulator deprecated or by third party only now?

I'm planning to write my own .NET app on my personal time so will take months. I google and found there are two Azure Emulator:
While Storage is not needed right now as I don't need blob, messaging and file services, Compute is what I need, so I can develop and debug app w/o connecting to Azure all the time, plus saving $$$.
However, MS site only has Storage for download at Azure SDK. Links for Compute are all not-found.
Is Compute Emulator dropped by MS? Or, it's now developed and supported by third party like this now?
BTW, is it safe to download this one?
Thanks for those provided all input.
Answer is: No need for any Emulator if building a Web App (or called site). Simply develop as you would using local IIS or IIS Express, of course Community is ok. Then when it's time to move to Azure, use "Web Deploy".
Details of What type of app/services you'd choose for Azure, refer to this:

Eclipse : how to use azure storage in android NDK ?

Actually, I work with azure storage and mobiles services. In my work, I had to do two tests :
Test azure mobile service using android java
Test azure mobile service using android ndk
Firtly test i done, work fine. I passed to second test but i don't have great idea of how to do it.
azure storage for c++ github repo
Using azure storage with c++ example
I checked these docs, for look how to do it.
Need help to done this test. Thanks
Not sure what your question really is, whether you are having challenges with Storage or Mobile services.
If you are looking to try out the android client library for Storage, please check this out:

Use azure media service / server with xamarin

Have anyone used azure media service with xamarin. I am trying to make an portable library which can upload / retrieves video asseset from a standard azure media server. However I am not able to install the nuget package into my project.
Can anyone point me in the right direction
I don't think the default azure media libary is a portable library therefore you cannot add it to your portable library project.
You could however implement this using the available rest documentation.
Media Services Rest Api
We've done something similar for access to blob storage. To avoid having to reference all the azure storage libraries in all our projects.

Deploy Azure Package from my own WPF App

I am creating a little utility app for some of my Azure work and i would love to make it possible to deploy a azure package from within my tool.
I have a package that have been created from Visual studio and i can manual deploy it or deploy it from within VS 2012.
Anyone who know a guide or can tell me how i would deploy it from my own application?
Yes, you can do that. Everything you see as far as deployment is concerned in VS is backed by a REST API. So you could essentially write a WPF application which is a wrapper over these REST API. There're two things you would need to do:
Upload Package files to blob storage: This would be the 1st thing you would need to do. You could make use of storage client library or implement REST API for uploading package files to blob storage.
Implement "Create Deployment" Service Management API function: Take a look at the functionality here: Once you have uploaded the package file in blob storage (and got the blob URI), you could invoke this functionality.
As far as I know there is no API wrapper / SDK available that covers full functionality on managing Storage Accounts, Deployments etc. yet. You can use the Windows Azure Management REST API though.
In order to use this API you need to have a valid management certificate in the subscription you want to manage and sign all REST calls to the Management API with it. There should be sufficient information about how to do so in the link above.
