cgMiner Auto-Start on Raspbian - linux

I am trying to make cgMiner auto-start when my Raspberry Pi (Raspbian Linux) starts.
Edited the rc.local file:
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
and added this line:
nohup ./cgminer-3.1.1/cgminer --config /home/pi/cgminer.conf -S /dev/ttyUSB0 -S /dev/ttyUSB1 >/dev/null 2>&1&
and cgMiner doesn't start. If I type in terminal the exact same line with sudo in front it works perfectly.
sudo nohup ./cgminer-3.1.1/cgminer --config /home/pi/cgminer.conf -S /dev/ttyUSB0 -S /dev/ttyUSB1 >/dev/null 2>&1&
What can I do?

I think it is related to the path or better the current working directory.
You are using ./cgminer and not a full path. So either use the full path or first cd to the directory containing the cgminer program.
Also have a look at the following page over at adafruit doing the exact same thing you are trying to accomplish
Adafruit has the following code in /etc/rc.local
cd /home/pi/PiMiner
python &
cd ..
nohup ./cgminer-3.1.1/cgminer --config /home/pi/cgminer.conf -S /dev/ttyUSB0 -S /dev/ttyUSB1 >/dev/null 2>&1&
The first and third line (the cd commands) ensure that the folder containing the folder containing the cgminer command is the current directory.
From the two cd commands adding the following command before the line containing the cgminer command would solve your issue
cd /home/pi

I seem to have found the solution for this problem, assuming it is the same as for bfgminer.
After spending a full day playing with init.d scripts, I found the simplest way is to make sure your cgminier.conf file has all the arguments in then add the following to the end of /etc/rc.local
cd /home/YOURNAME/bfgminer
sudo ./bfgminer
It ran without the sudo part, but didn't start up my block erupter without it.
I also managed to get it running from init.d, but had issues with it preventing system rebooting when done that way.
Hope that helps


How to run a sudo command on startup?

I'm trying to connect to my vpn on startup. I normally enter protonvpn c -f into command line.
I have tried the method of creating an rc.local file however it didn't work.
This is the code I have inside of it (I got this from a post about a similar issue):
#!/bin/sh -e
/usr/local/bin/protonvpn c CH-NL#1
exit 0
I also made the file executable with chmod +x.
Im running Kali 2020.1 if that helps.
How do I fix this?
create a file ==> /etc/rc.local
Open and Edit rc.local like below,
replace your command with apt-get update below
#!/bin/sh -e
apt-get update
exit 0
save the edit with Crtl+X
after that
sudo chmod +x /etc/rc.local
then do a reboot and check
It should 100% work like a charm
This solution should work for ubuntu systems.
Kali is debian based so I believe this will probably work as well.

linux deploy, kali, start an app service after its boots up

Hi there does anybody knows how to make an apache2 service to run at startup?
After Kali linux boots up,
I have tried editing rc.local, rc.init and rc file.
service apache start
command I have also made bash script, giving its permissions to run it with chmod +x - placed in bin folder for ability to run in anywhere in command line.
I am able to run it in terminal, it does what I need. But can't get it running on start up.
Also I tried:
update-rc.d defaults 100
still no success. Any ideas?
Place your script inside init /etc/init.d/ , then place a link to it inside /etc/rc5.d/ (be sure to get your accurate run-level)...
Start the second link with the string S71 like S71apastart
I.e do the following:
Place the text:
sudo service apache start
inside /etc/init.d/apaStart (a new file created by you)
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/apaStart
sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/tomcat /etc/rc5.d/S71apaStart (change rc5.d to rc3.d if needed depending on your runlevel)
I won't suggest this method but it'll work with your situation.

rundeck - switch to root user in job script

Logging via terminal I can switch to root user fine:
ubuntu#ip-10-0-0-70:~$ sudo -s
root#ip-10-0-0-70:~# whoami
So I created in rundeck a job script with this:
echo "1st step";
sudo -s;
echo "2nd step";
And when I run this, it prints:
1st step
After print '1st step' it get stucked forever. Seems a problem with sudo -s command.
tried sudo -i but the same happens
tried sudo su - root but the same happens
rundeck is logging as ubuntu user, me too
any idea to switch to root in rundeck script?
This is the expected behaviour.
You are running a shell via 'sudo -s' and then not leaving/exiting it ! So it waits forever for somethig that won't come.
You can probably add 'sudo' as an Advanced option of your script (where it says "Run script with an interpreter or prefix. E.g.: sudo, time:").
But it will run your whole script as root.
If you just want a specific command to be run as root , just prefix your command with sudo as so:
sudo "enter_your_command_to_be_run_as_root_here"
Entering the command prefixed by Sudo will generate the following error on most linux distributions.
sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
You can enable sudo without tty by running 'visudo' and commenting out the defaults line or removing 'requiretty' from the defaults line.
Details can be found here:

Beaglebone inittab issue

I am developing an application in beaglebone.
I want to add start up scripts to my Beaglebone but I can not find /etc/inittab.
I am using the image : Angstrom-Cloud9-IDE-GNOME-eglibc-ipk-v2012.05-beaglebone-2012.06.18.img.xz
I think in the previous versions of image there is /etc/initab but for the new distributions I could not find the inittab :/
I want to apply this : Automatic login on Angstrom Linux
but I can not because there is no /etc/inittab.
Where is the inittab in new distributions.
When I write uname -r it gives:
inittab has been replaced by systemd
This is how I did it for the serial console. You can probably adapt it easily for tty1 by replacing "serial-getty#..." by "getty#...", but I haven't tested it.
cp /lib/systemd/system/serial-getty#.service /etc/systemd/system/autologin#.service
rm /etc/systemd/system/
ln -s /etc/systemd/system/autologin#.service /etc/systemd/system/
Create the following script file in any location (/home/root/ in my case)
exec /bin/login -f root
Make it executable
chmod a+x
Edit /etc/systemd/system/autologin#.service and update the ExecStart command by adding the -n (Do not prompt the user for a login name) and -l (Invoke the specified login_program instead of /bin/login) options.
ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -n -l /home/root/ -s %I 115200

Running a file as nonroot from a root bash script

Okay, I currently use an eggdrop IRC bot on my server. I want to make a bash script to start it up as well as a few other scripts at the same time. All that's left is to make it start, but it won't run as root.
However, I also need to be in the current directory of the file to run it, or it displays an error.
For example:
/home/eggdrop/eggdropbot/eggdrop will display an error, so to run it I need to
cd /home/eggdrop/eggdropbot and then ./eggdrop
So I can't just use "sudo -u eggdrop /home/eggdrop/eggdropbot/eggdrop" and as you probably know, sudo won't cd, either, since that would be pointless.
Any suggestions?
Why not just cd first and then sudo -u ./eggdrop .?
What about doing the cd, and, only then, launch the command with sudo ?
I suppose something like this should do the trick :
cd /home/eggdrop/eggdropbot && sudo -u eggdrop ./eggdrop
You can cd to the directory as the root user and then use sudo -u to invoke the program from the working directory.
