Sitecore Weblog module pagination - pagination

I'm currently working on a sitecore website which uses the Weblog module. I have never used this and so far everything is working except for the pagination when showing the list of all the posts.
If looked around on the internet and found the following documentation:
{exp:weblog:entries weblog="news" orderby="date" sort="desc" limit="1" paginate="bottom"}
<p>Page {current_page} of {total_pages} pages {pagination_links}</p>
If been staring on this for a long time but unfortunatly if have no clue how or where to implement this. Can anyone help me on this or knows a different approach?
Thanks in advance!

I guess you look to different WeBlog module. What are you showing us is not same module with WeBlog for Sitecore. You are looking ExpressionEngine WeBlog module.


xpages tag cloud: links are missing

I'm tryng to use the tag cloud control from Ext.Library 9.0.1 (20160428). The cloud is generated with the correct values form the category view but all the links are missing.
I suspect I'm missing something stupid and my question will look a little bit silly but... I've already lost some hours on this without getting any result.
This is the code for the tagcloud:
<xe:tagCloud id="tagCloud1" sliderVisible="true">
<xe:dominoViewCloudData categoryColumn="0" viewName="indice"LinkTargetPage="/risultati.xsp" linkRequestParam="nometag">
This is what I get in a browser (just an example, all the lines look similar):
<li style="display:inline">
<a role="link" title="11 Entries" class="tagCloudSize9">Miscellaneous</a>
As you can see there is no link to anything, so the user can't click the cloud label.
Any advice will be appreciated
Thanks in advance
It seems it was only a cache-related trouble. I've restarted my server and it started to work as expected.
Just wondering why and how to avoid in the future...

Tumblr Pagination not working on tagged posts

I am having problems with my tumblr pagination on tagged posts. Basically the best example to illustrate the problem is to click Notice that the page is blank. However, page displays content. In fact this particular tag goes up to page 19 when the majority is blank content. Any help to fix this would be much appreciated.
Tag coding:
<div class="blue">
Pagination coding:
<center> <center>{block:NextPage}<font size="30">«</font> {/block:NextPage}
{block:PreviousPage} <font size="20">»</font> {/block:PreviousPage}<br>
{block:NextPost}<font size="30">«</font>{/block:NextPost}
{block:PreviousPost} <font size="30">»</font>{/block:PreviousPost}
Thanks again!
It looks like a server-end problem, not much you can do.
If you check the blog posts tagged fashion via the API, you'll see a discrepancy from the 21st to 31st post.
Normally it should show posts 1-50 of of the total 152, but in this case there's nothing there.
I'm wondering if it has something to do with deleted or private posts, or maybe the posts are so old (from 2011) the tumblr servers have trouble recalling them. In any case, if it's a persistent issue you can try to contact tumblr support.

Access Categories for each entry of a specific channel in ExpressionEngine

So, I am still trying to figure out how to use expression engine and I want to create a list of all of the entries in a channel, which includes the corresponding categories. I can create the list as follows:
{exp:channel:entries channel="custom_channel"}
<div style = "display:block;padding:10px;border-bottom:1px solid #999999;">
<span>Title: {title}</span><br>
<span>Date published: {entry_date format="%m/%d/%y"}</span><br>
<span>Access: {access}</span><br>
<span>Type: {type}</span><br>
{!--Here is where I am trying to access the corresponding
categories for each of the entries--}
<p>Page {current_page} of {total_pages} pages {pagination_links}</p>
So, what this does currently is it goes through the entries and creates the html as defined for each entry. I've tried to include {categories} and other related tags but have not been successful. I have looked online and have not been able to find anything related. Is it possible to access the corresponding categories for each entry? If so, how? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Yes, you can use the categories variable pair. Incidentally, if you're looking to tap into the ExpressionEngine community, post your questions to

Related entries in a Safecracker form?

I'm trying to create a Safecracker form in ExpressionEngine to create a recipe. I have a recipe channel, which can have many ingredients from an ingredients channel (using the multi-relationship add-on from devot:ee). However, I'm having trouble listing the ingredients within my form. This is my mark-up:
{exp:safecracker channel='recipes' datepicker='no' id='add-recipe-form' include_jquery='no' return='recipes/view/ENTRY_ID' safecracker_head='no'}
{related_entries id='ingredients'}
The problem is, the actual EE tags are just getting output on my web page.
I figure I'm doing something fundamentally wrong, so could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
This is called "variable collision" - you're nesting entries which use the same variable/tag names as those used by the parent tag (in this case, {title}), and due to how EE's parse order works, the parent tag is winning every time.
The solution is to put your above code into another template, and embed that template within your Safecracker form. Embeds are run at the very end of template processing, after all of the other EE tags are parsed, so you won't run into the same collision.
Derek is right, you need to embed your related entries. I've got this working on my Toronto EE meetup site with this code.
Simplified Template code:
{exp:safecracker channel="gta-attendee"}
<div class="form_row" style="display:none;">
<label class="small">Choose Meetup to Attend:<span class="required">*</span></label>
{embed="includes/_playa_select" selected="{attendee-event:child_ids}" }
embedded code:
{exp:channel:entries dynamic="no" channel="gta-meetup" limit="1"}
<input value="{entry_id}" name="attendee-event[selections][]" type="hidden">
In the code I'm using the Playa Module, but the principle is the same.
Hope this helps

Expression Engine: How do I inlude a the correct category url title in the link to an article?

I am working on an EE 1.7.1 site and need to display the two most recent article entries on the home page. The challenge is that I also need to link those entries back to their respective category pages to display properly.
Here is the code I have so far:
{exp:weblog:entries weblog="articles" limit="2"}
Here is what I would like to do so that it brings in the corresponding :
{exp:weblog:entries weblog="articles" limit="2"}
Unfortunately this doesn't work correctly. What is the right way to do this?
ExpressionEngine doesn't natively have a method of including the Category Name as a URL Segment when outputting the Permalink URI, unlike, say, WordPress.
It can be done of course, but will require hacking around the standard EE URL Segments.
If you're even the least bit curious, this was discussed in more detail on the EE Podcast, Episide #10 Behind the Scenes at Playgrounder.
The relevant discussion between Dan Benjamin and Ryan Ireland occurs between 18:45 - 26:20, when Dan details how he developed the unique permalink structure for Playgrounder:
Spoiler Alert: Playgrounder URLs are built using a last segment variable to
lookup the Entry URL Title, while the rest of the preceding URL is the output by
looping thru the entry's categories.
For example, given the following URL:
Would translate into EE parlance as:
You probably need to add dynamic="off" parameter in exp:weblog:entries tag.
Are you trying to show the latest two entries and their associated categories? Such as:
Entry Title
Posted In: Gifts, Pets, Toys
Some Other Entry Title
Posted In: Toys, Toddlers
If that's what you're trying to do, the following code will output the above:
{exp:weblog:entries weblog="news" limit="2"}
{title}<br />
{categories limit="1"}
{if category_id != ""}Posted In: {/if}
{categories backspace="2"}{category_name}, {/categories}
