Dreamweaver cannot open any files - dreamweaver

I am using Dreamweaver CS5.5 on Mac OSX 10.9 it has now stopped opening any files (php, html, css) it displays this error message "filename is a locked file and can be view but not changed" if i click view the file is blank.
I can open all the files in textedit and TextWrangler with full read/write access.
I have tried updating dreamweaver, reinstalling and deleting the file cache


Android Studio. How export Live Template to file?

Android Studio 2.3.2.
I want to export Live Templates-->AndroidLog to file.
How I can do this?
IntelliJ IDEA (and Android Studio) stores definitions of custom live templatein automatically generated configuration files <group_name>.xml.
Depending on the operating system you are using, the <group_name>.xml files are stored at the following locations:
Windows: <your_user_home_directory>\.AndroidStudio<version_number>\config\templates
Linux: ~/.AndroidStudio<version>/config/templates
macOS: ~/Library/Preferences/AndroidStudio<version>/templates
Now you can share the templates among your teammates, send the relevant files to them with the instruction to save the files in the templates folder
Or You can sharing live templates through export/import
Open the Settings / Preferences Dialog by pressing Ctrl+Alt+S or by choosing File | Settings for Windows and Linux or IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences for macOS, and click Live Templates under Editor.
On the main menu, choose File | export Settings.
In the Export Settings dialog box that opens, select the Live Template check box and specify the name of the .jar file where the exported settings will be stored. When you click OK, IntelliJ IDEA generates a file with the specified named based on the .xml configuration files stored in the templates folder.
To share the templates among your teammates, pass the generated .jar file to them with the following instructions:
Save the received .jar file on your computer.
Choose File | Import Settings on the main menu and and specify the location of the received .jar file.
In the Select Components to Import dialog box that opens, select the Live Templates check box and click OK.
For any other information, here the official IntelliJ guide
Updated >Android 4.1
IDE configuration directory changes The locations of user
configuration directories have been changed to the following:
Windows Syntax: %APPDATA%\Google<product>
Example: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Google\AndroidStudio4.1
macOS Syntax: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/
Example: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/AndroidStudio4.1
Linux Syntax: ~/.config/Google/
Example: ~/.config/Google/AndroidStudio4.1
For Mac:
Android 4.1
/Users/{User Name}/Library/Application Support/Google/AndroidStudio4.1/templates

Android Studio 2.2.3: Favorites, bookmarks and opened folders keep disappearing, project and .idea-folder are always rebuilt

I'm trying to use favorites and bookmarks with Android Studio 2.2.3 on Windows 7 in order to navigate through our code base.
I have openend one project, where the saving of favourites and bookmarks works fine. BUT when I open another project, while my first project is open as well and then close one of the 2 projects, the closed project loses all the favorites, bookmarks and which folders and tabs I had opened.
Also AS keeps asking me to add the VCS root everytime I start it.
Although I've searched I could not find any sources describing my problem.
I've copied all my projects into a new folder and gave myself all permissions to this folder, which did not fix my problem, so I think permissions are not the problem.
My assumption was, that Android Studio might have trouble if you use multiple instances.
So I went and tried to set it to only use one window:
But this setting keeps getting ignored and AS opens a new window for every project.
I reset all the settings for Android Studio by removing the folder C:\<username>\.AndroidStudio2.2.
Then I re-started Android Studio and didnt import any new settings.
With this configuration my problem still occurred.
In order to reproduce the 'bug' do this:
Open a project by File -> Open (NOT File -> Open recent!)
Add bookmarks
Open another project (while the first project is still open!) by File -> Open
Add bookmarks there as well
Close project 1 and re-open project 1 by File -> Open
All tabs / bookmarks / favorites should be gone at this point.
Vadim Kotov has confirmed that the problem happens with his Android Studio as well, so I suspect a bug in AS.
How can I fix the disappearing favorites, bookmarks, opened folders and tabs?
This problem seems to be a rather old bug in Android Studio:
The bug is fixed in the Android Studio 2.3 BETA-release:
Basically Android Studio seems to overwrite the workspace.xml in the .idea-folder for a project with a default - workspace.xml everytime I use the Open - menu.
AS probably re-creates the whole .idea-folder and rebuilds the project, everytime I use the File -> Open-dialog.
Since I cant switch to another version of Android Studio due to company rules, I use the following workaround:
When you want to open a project for the first time, you have to use File -> Open
After that, ONLY use File -> Open recent in order to get into one of your projects
This will save the opened tabs, bookmarks, favorites and will open only one instance of AS in the forground instead of the background.
If you later click on File -> Open either because the recent-menu is filled too much, or you do it by accident, you still probably will lose your bookmarks, favorites etc...

Importing an existing source file in Visual Studio 2012

I want to add the source-code of a tutorial into an existing project, and I want the file to be copied to the project folder from the temporary file on the desktop I downloaded it to. Context clicking on the "Source Files" Folder in the Solution Explorer leads me the Add->Existing Item... menu, and I can then add the source file. However, it is NOT copied into the project folder, but stays in its original location. The project just knows about it, displays it in the Solution Explorer, and considers it part of the project.
This help page on MSDN tells me that in Visual Studio 2010, default behaviour used to consist in copying the file into the project folder, and that one could choose to Add a link instead of physically importing the file into the project directory by choosing "Add Link". However, now I always only get a link, and real physical import into the project folder seems impossible.
I could go through the File Explorer to physically import, but the Solution Explorer doesn't update the new files on the fly, and I would like to do this from within VS.
Is there a way? Is this a bug in VS 2012?
Copy in the files using Explorer, then in the solution explorer tick the Show All files option in the button bar of the solution explorer (you might need to select a Project first).
You can now right-click any files not part of the projects and choose Include in Project.
Or use the Add Existing File option.
The reason files are not added automatically to your solution when pasted into the folder using Explorer is because you might not want to have them added.
A neat little trick is to use the "Open In explorer" option:
(though it might be added by the Productivity Power Tools).
Plus, you can Drag&Drop files directly from explorer to the Visual Studio (when they're both running in the same elevation level if you have User Account Control enabled). To fix the UAC issues, you can either run Explorer as administrator too or install the VSCommands extension.
And you can Copy&Paste a file or set of files into the solution explorer by right-clicking a project or project folder and picking Paste on the context menu.

How can I open a Visual Studio Web Site in another PC without losing all my breakpoints?

At my office PC I am working on a web site using Visual Studio 2012. I created several breakpoints (using F9) in the code-behind of several pages.
I made a copy of the whole web site folder and then opened it again in another PC (using the same version of VS2012).
Now all my breakpoints are gone.
How can I open a Visual Studio Web Site in another PC without losing all my breakpoints?
Thanks in advance.
The project's .suo file has the breakpoint information. Try copying the .suo and replacing the other pc's .suo file.
If you're unfamiliar with it, the project solution file (e.g. "MyProject.sln") has an associated file, the Solution User Options file (e.g. "MyProject.suo"), which stores various information, including breakpoints.

How do you prevent Visual Studio 2012 from automatically closing preview files?

Visual Studio 2012 appears to have a new feature that distinguishes between files that have been explicitly opened for editing and files that have been navigated to (these "preview" files default to the right side of the file tabs on the top of the environment and have a default tab color of purple).
While it is possible to keep a preview file open by clicking on the "Keep Open" button in the tab, I find myself looking for files that I expect to be open, but have been closed by Visual Studio without my direct input.
Is there a setting available that automatically converts preview files to open files (i.e. just skips the preview mode entirely)?
You can turn off Preview Tab, go to Tools / Options / Environment / Tabs And Windows and uncheck "Allow new files to be opened in preview tab", like in screenshot below :
