TypeInitializationException/ArgumentException when referencing initialized variable - c#-4.0

I just received an exception when I try to reference a static variable in another class, which is also statically initialized. This worked before, and for some reason it fails now. The only changes I made were resetting Visual Studio (2010) to its default setting, which I can't imagine to be the reason for this. Any other code I added didn't touch any of the affected parts either.
This is my code
WinForms class 'MainForm':
partial class MainForm : Form
// ...
private RefClass convMan;
private Dictionary<EnumType, string> LogNames = RefClass.LogNames;
// ...
public MainForm() { .... }
Referenced class 'RefClass':
class RefClass
// ...
public enum EnumType { TypeOne = 0, TypeTwo = 1, TypeThree = 2 };
public static Dictionary<EnumType, string> LogNames = new Dictionary<EnumType, string>()
{ EnumType.TypeOne, "Text0" },
{ EnumType.TypeTwo, "Text1" },
{ EnumTypy.TypeThree, "Text2" }
The error I get now is (translated from German):
An unhandled exception of type "System.TypeInitializationException" occurred.
Additional information: The type initializer for "RefClass" threw an exception.
which has the InnerException
So, as far as I'm concerned, my static dictionary should be initialized once it gets accessed, thus when my Form class references it. I tried debugging to see if the static dictionary is initialized before it gets referenced in the Form class, which is not the case. Also, when I stop at a breakpoint for the reference line, the variable LogNames is null.
I'm really confused as to why this happens, it all worked before.

I found my error, the exceptions I got were quite misleading though. It was a problem with a different dictionary than the one I referenced. It probably didn't get initialized in the first place because something before that failed (If someone can clear this up, please feel free to do so!). Basically what I did wrong was using a two-directional dictionary and adding a value twice. This should normally produce a normal exception, but since it was done statically it got wrapped into a TypeInitializationException. I had a deeper look into the exact stacktrace of the inner exception and found where the exception originated from. Maybe this helps someone in the future...

I had a simular issue getting the same exception. Found that my static constructor for my utility class was generating the exception. Took some time locating since the description of the exception was misleading.
As #Yeehaw mentioned, it appears that the exception gets wrapped, so the common denominator here I would say is that the class/object is static.


Unreal engine UPROPERTY TsubclassOf not recognized

When I've created an ActorComponent c++ subclass with TSubclassOf UPROPERTY and set this class in blueprint I can't read read this property in c++ constructor.
In .h file I've got this:
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = "Setup")
TSubclassOf<UBaseSkill> PrimarySkillClass;
And this in .cpp:
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Creating skill"));
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("No skill class"));
In BP I'm setting a class:
BP screenshot
so PrimarySkillClass.Get() should return true, but I'm getting "No skill class" in log. Why and how could I fix this?
The constructor is the first method ever called on an object, it's to early on the life of the UObject. Properties, values from Blueprints and components are initialized afterwards.
So you have to access them later, either on UObject::PostInitProperties() or on BeginPlay() if it's not too late for your purpose.
Edit: interesting reading on UObject Constructor, PostInitProperties and PostLoad

Dynamic type inferring, or custom VariableScope. How is it done correctly?

I have a scripting system where depending on where the script is executed you have access to different variables. I also want to have inferred types for a type of Auto-Completion for the script editor.
But when the types are inferred during the compile phase, I have no way of giving a Binding which explains to the compilation phase what types those dynamic variables have.
I have currently solved this by:
Not compiling the code with either #TypeChecked nor #CompileStatic but later manually running a subclassed StaticCompilationVisitor on the dynamically typed codebase and manually filling in the StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_TYPE inside visitVariableExpression() for the dynamic variables that I know exists.
However, this seems like the wrong way to go about it, and I would actually like to work with the VariableScope instead. But it seems to be under rough lockdown inside the VariableScopeVisitor, so it's difficult to pop in a CustomVariableScope that dynamically does the lookups. I have managed to do this with reflection, replacing the VariableScopeVisitor inside CompilationUnit and currentScope and such inside VaribleScopeVisitor. It works, but I don't like working against hard-coded private field names.
This might be a long-winded way of asking: Is there an official way of handling a situation of static typing with dynamic variables? I cannot do this by setting scriptBaseClass for reasons too complex to explain here.
If the question is unclear, please tell me and I'll try to edit in better explanations.
The answer was to add a GroovyTypeCheckingExtensionSupport to a StaticTypeCheckingVisitor and then use visitClass on the first ClassNode of the CompilationUnit.
final ClassNode classNode = this.compilationUnit.getFirstClassNode();
final StaticCompilationVisitor visitor = new StaticCompilationVisitor(this.sourceUnit, classNode);
visitor.addTypeCheckingExtension(new MyGroovyTypeCheckingExtensionSupport(visitor, this.compilationUnit));
And create something like the class below:
private static class MyGroovyTypeCheckingExtensionSupport extends GroovyTypeCheckingExtensionSupport {
private static final ClassNode CLASSNODE_OBJECT = ClassHelper.make(Object.class);
public MyGroovyTypeCheckingExtensionSupport(StaticTypeCheckingVisitor typeCheckingVisitor, CompilationUnit compilationUnit) {
super(typeCheckingVisitor, "", compilationUnit);
public boolean handleUnresolvedVariableExpression(VariableExpression vexp) {
final ClassNode type = this.getType(vexp);
if (type == null || type.equals(CLASSNODE_OBJECT)) {
if (vextp.getName().equals("something")) {
this.storeType(vexp, ClassHelper.make(SomeClass.class));
return true;
return false;

Optional arguments on interface and class can conflict

I have just come across an interesting gotcha where optional arguments on an interface and the implementing class can conflict.
I found this out the hard way (school boy error) whilst experimenting. You cannot spot it in the debugger and I assumed it was me messing up the dependency injection.
I'm guessing this is so an alternative interface can give a differing view on what default behaviour should be?
Is there a compiler warning or style cop rule to help point this out?
public interface MyInterface
MyStuff Get(bool eagerLoad = true); //this overrules the implementation.
public class MyClass : MyInterface
public MyStuff Get(bool eagerLoad = false) //will still be true
Remember default arguments are a compile-time feature. The compiler picks up the default argument based on the static type of the reference in question and inserts the appropriate default argument. I.e. if you reference is of the interface type you get one behavior but if the reference is of the class type you get the other in your case.

System.Linq.Dynamic .Select("new ...") does not appear to be thread safe

I grabbed System.Linq.Dynamic.DynamicQueryable from here:
The issue that I am running into is in code that looks like this:
var results = dataContext.GetTable<MyClass>.Select("new (MyClassID, Name, Description)").Take(5);
It appears that if that line of code is executed by multiple threads near simultaneously, Microsoft's dynamic Linq code crashes in their ClassFactory.GetDynamicClass() method, which looks like this:
public Type GetDynamicClass(IEnumerable<DynamicProperty> properties)
Signature signature = new Signature(properties);
Type type;
if (!classes.TryGetValue(signature, out type))
type = CreateDynamicClass(signature.properties);
classes.Add(signature, type); // <-- crashes over here!
return type;
The crash is a simple dictionary error: "An item with the same key has already been added."
In Ms code, The rwLock variable is a ReadWriterLock class, but it does nothing to block multiple threads from getting inside classes.TryGetValue() if statement, so clearly, the Add will fail.
I can replicate this error pretty easily in any code that creates a two or more threads that try to execute the Select("new") statement.
Anyways, I'm wondering if anyone else has run into this issue, and if there are fixes or workarounds I can implement.
I did the following (requires .NET 4 or later to use System.Collections.Concurrent):
changed the classes field to a ConcurrentDictionary<Signature, Type> ,
removed all the ReaderWriterLock rwLock field and all the code referring to it,
updated GetDynamicClass to:
public Type GetDynamicClass(IEnumerable<DynamicProperty> properties) {
var signature = new Signature(properties);
return classes.GetOrAdd(signature, sig => CreateDynamicClass(sig.properties));
removed the classCount field and updated CreateDynamicClass to use classes.Count instead:
Type CreateDynamicClass(DynamicProperty[] properties) {
string typeName = "DynamicClass" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");

Implicit Conversion Not Working for Dynamic Type

I am running into a problem when trying to implicitly convert one of my dynamic types. There are two assemblies with definitions similar to the following:
public class ConfigurationValue : DynamicObject
public ConfigurationValue(string val)
public static implicit operator string(ConfigurationValue val)
return val.ToString();
There is another class in this dll called Configuration with a member variable called Instance (to make the class singleton). This variable holds the ConfigurationValue instances in a dictionary and is of type dynamic. This allows me to do this following:
if (Configuration.Instance.SecurityLevel != "Insecure")
Assuming that SecurityLevel is in the dictionary.
This if statement appears verbatim in my code and always fails with the following error:
{"Operator '!=' cannot be applied to operands of type 'System.Dynamic.DynamicObject' and 'string'"}
Previously, when these two classes were in the same assembly, this code worked fine. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
Solved the problem, a little embarrassing actually, I forgot to change the container class for ConfigurationValue (e.g. the type of Configuration.Instance) from internal to public when I moved it to the new assembly, so of course the type couldn't be resolved and the implicit conversion was not found
var SecurityLevel = new ConfigurationValue("Insecure");
