Eclipse remote debug cannot connect to X server - linux

I'm remote debugging a qt application from one ubuntu machine to another ubuntu one.
I can do it from the console with:
root#eclipsePC# sudo ssh apppcIP -X
root#appPC# export DISPLAY=:0.0
root#appPC# gdb myApplication
Now I'm trying to do the same with Eclipse cdt (starting eclipse with sudo). I've defined the remote connection as a Linux type system. It works for application with no graphics, but for my qt application I get:
Listening on port 2345 Remote debugging from host "myEclipseIP"
myApp: cannot connect to X server
Child exited with status 1
GDBserver exiting logout
I've tried doing
root#appPC# xhost +
root#appPC# export DISPLAY=:ECLIPSEPCIP:0.0
but it didn't work. Anyone knows how to do this?
I've added the argument -display ECLIPSEPCIP:0.0 in the debug config and now it starts, but in the appPC instead of the host ECLIPSEPC.

You can enforce ssh X11 forwarding using the ssh config file:
Add the following lines to your $HOME/.ssh/config:
Host apppcIP
ForwardX11 yes
I guess there should be also an option in eclipse to configure -X for the ssh connection, but I'm not sure and have no eclipse for testing. However, the solution shown above will work regardless of eclipse's feature set.
Further, you should not start eclipse as root, also root to root ssh connections are considered insecure. Make sure the regular user can connect to the remote host and execute the necessary commands there.


How to open a xterm terminal in a SSH connection with a remote Ubuntu without GUI

I am using Mininet on a remote Ubuntu without GUI. And I am trying to use "xterm h1" to open a terminal on a virtual host in Mininet. But it showed me always there is no display connected. I am trying to use other X application like firefox and it showed me
"No protocol specified
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
Error: cannot open display: :0.0"
Then I have set X11forward yes in sshd_config on the remote Ubuntu, and install Xlaunch on my windows but showed no changes.
Can someone tell me how to solve this problem?
PS. I am using a pycharm on Windows11 to establish this SSH session
Since you are running windows you will first need an application that will run an X11 server on your windows, Xming, for example. You will then need to configure your ssh connection to use that xserver. Finally you want to setup the DISPLAY variable at your remote to be LOCAL_IP:0 where LOCAL_IP is the public IP of your machine.

VS Code SSH Remote Connection issues

I have been using VS Code and connecting remotely from home on my MacBookPro to work on a college project for the past month and for some reason it will not connect to the Computer Lab Server anymore. No idea why this is happening but it just stopped working today. I tried re-installing vs code and also installed it on my wife's computer but it still wont connect through remote ssh. No idea why this is happening but now I have no way to debug my code and have to just edit everything using emacs through the terminal app on my mac. I didn't make any changes from last night to this morning.. I can still ssh into the Computer Lab server from terminal fine. Bellow is some of the log that seems to repeat itself while it is trying to connect using the extension: remote ssh.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, or are there other IDE's that are somewhat easy to connect remotely through ssh available for Mac?
17:09:21.150] Log Level: 2
[17:09:21.152] remote-ssh#0.55.0
[17:09:21.152] darwin x64
[17:09:21.153] SSH Resolver called for "ssh- remote+7b22686f73744e616d65223a226c696e75782e63732e75736d2e6d61696e652e656475222c2275736572223a22746b7766c6b227d", attempt 1
[17:09:21.154] SSH Resolver called for host:
[17:09:21.154] Setting up SSH remote ""
[17:09:21.158] Acquiring local install lock: /var/folders/9y/scfwvr0577qfgs_l_c5ym13m0000gq/T/
[17:09:21.192] Looking for existing server data file at /Users/twilk31888 1/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh/
[17:09:21.194] Using commit id "93c2f0fbf16c5a4b10e4d5f89737d9c2c25488a3" and quality "stable" for server
[17:09:21.195] Install and start server if needed
[17:09:21.220] Checking ssh with "ssh -V"
[17:09:21.233] > OpenSSH_8.1p1, LibreSSL 2.7.3
[17:09:21.249] askpass server listening on /var/folders/9y/scfwvr0577qfgs_l_c5ym13m0000gq/T/vscode-ssh-askpass-a45a56dcf061823c964fa6ae7ff720ac39d2477f.sock
[17:09:21.249] Spawning local server with {"ipcHandlePath":"/var/folders/9y/scfwvr0577qfgs_l_c5ym13m0000gq/T/vscode-ssh-askpass-c1cf58194111018972f9cf0cd413a94b7293bda9.sock","sshCommand":"ssh","sshArgs":["-v","-T","-D","54601","-o","ConnectTimeout=15",""],"dataFilePath":"/Users/twilk31888 1/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh/"}
[17:09:21.249] Local server env: {"DISPLAY":"1","ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE":"1","SSH_ASKPASS":"/Users/twilk31888 1/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.55.0/out/local-server/","VSCODE_SSH_ASKPASS_NODE":"/Applications/Visual Studio Helper (Renderer).app/Contents/MacOS/Code Helper (Renderer)","VSCODE_SSH_ASKPASS_MAIN":"/Users/twilk31888 1/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.55.0/out/askpass-main.js","VSCODE_SSH_ASKPASS_HANDLE":"/var/folders/9y/scfwvr0577qfgs_l_c5ym13m0000gq/T/vscode-ssh-askpass-a45a56dcf061823c964fa6ae7ff720ac39d2477f.sock"}
[17:09:21.262] Spawned 4239
[17:09:21.373] > local-server> Spawned ssh: 4240
[17:09:21.379] stderr> OpenSSH_8.1p1, LibreSSL 2.7.3
[17:09:21.756] stderr> debug1: Server host key: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 SHA256:wny4SU/uVC6y9cUUH5kJnRe5SVWpBhWGABpWSYzMNG0
[17:09:22.132] stderr> Authenticated to ([]:22).
[17:09:22.490] > ready: 946b80caa0f2
[17:09:22.553] > Linux 4.15.0-112-generic #113-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 9 23:41:39 UTC 2020
[17:09:22.554] Platform: linux
[17:09:22.685] > 946b80caa0f2: running
[17:09:22.713] > Acquiring lock on /home/students/tkwilk/.vscode-server/bin/93c2f0fbf16c5a4b10e4d5f89737d9c2c25488a3/vscode-remote-lock.tkwilk.93c2f0fbf16c5a4b10e4d5f89737d9c2c25488a3
> Installation already in progress...
> 946b80caa0f2##24##
[17:09:22.714] Received install output: 946b80caa0f2##24##
[17:09:22.714] Server installation process already in progress - waiting and retrying
[17:09:22.714] Terminating local server
[17:09:22.740] Local server exit: 15
The key info is provided at the line
[17:09:22.713] > Acquiring lock on /home/students/tkwilk/.vscode-server/bin/93c2f0fbf16c5a4b10e4d5f89737d9c2c25488a3/vscode-remote-lock.tkwilk.93c2f0fbf16c5a4b10e4d5f89737d9c2c25488a3
If you could ssh into the server and remove the file by
rm -rf /home/students/tkwilk/.vscode-server/bin/93c2f0fbf16c5a4b10e4d5f89737d9c2c25488a3/vscode-remote-lock.tkwilk.93c2f0fbf16c5a4b10e4d5f89737d9c2c25488a3
then reboot the vscode and try to connect, things should be fine.
Encountered the same problem on two servers with two different causes:
One problem is solved by referring to this issue: #2805
Command Palette -> Select "Remote-SSH: Kill VS Code Server on Host..."
Remove the directory of "~/.vscode-server" on remote server.
The other problems, is caused by running out of storage quota on that server. And the issue was automatically solved when the quota was increased.
Most of the microsoft/vscode-remote-release I see, like issue 2901, are about a failed symlink on the target server.
If you can ssh in command line, try and rename /home/students/tkwilk/.vscode-server in order to force a complete re-installation of the SSH remote plugin by VSCode.
mv ~/.vscode-server ~/.vscode-server-old
Try and connect to that server through VSCode and see if the issue persists, when it tries to redo the complete vscode-server SSH setup.
I found a new reason, but it may be rare:
Before I found this problem, I had updated and modified the linux kernel of the remote virtual machine, and modified the UTS_SYSNAME located in /include/linux/uts.h;
#define UTS_SYSNAME "Linux Clstilmldy-LZM"
// #define UTS_SYSNAME "Linux"
So I met this problem, but I never found a feasible solution;
I carefully looked at the vscode output and found that vscode remote ssh: Unsupported platform: Linux Clstilmldy LZM;
[16:38:25.333] SSH Resolver called for host: Ubuntu
[16:38:25.334] Setting up SSH remote "Ubuntu"
[16:38:35.555] Got password response
[16:38:35.555] "install" wrote data to terminal: "******"
[16:38:35.574] >
[16:38:36.069] > ac25402ecd5f: running
[16:38:36.086] > Unsupported platform: Linux Clstilmldy-LZM
[16:38:36.096] > ac25402ecd5f: start
I guess that vscode remote ssh does not recognize system names other than Linux, Mac, and Windows, so I changed this line back.
I recompile and install the kernel.
okkk, I solve the problem.
Another answer, since none of these worked for me. Try toggling off the following setting in VSCode: remote.SSH.useFlock

Difference between connecting throug Jenkins SSH plugin and normal ssh

I have a remote server.
If I use ssh to connect with the server as the Jenkins user it works perfectly
The jenkins user is allowed to change to user jboss WITHOUT being asked for password:
sudo su jboss
This works perfectly, no need for entering a password. Everything as expected.
If I make a Jenkins build, connecting to the remote server through a SSH plugin, the connection works fine. I can also run a testscript, it works also!
But if I make the sudo su jboss through Jenkins on my remote server, it's not working.
Jenkins is not throwing any error, there is just the spinning circle
It's never stopping, only if I cancel the job.
Anyone got an idea, what's the difference between running ssh in Jenkins and conncecting through a plugin?
Is the connection lost, when changing the username? (looks like it)
The SSH plugin and the ssh command provide two completely different implementations of the SSH protocol:
Your ssh command will probably run the OpenSSH client
The SSH plugin uses the SSH protocol implementation provided by JSch
I'm not into JSch, but I'd suspect there's a either a problem in the way the plugin configures JSch terminal handling, or there's a problem related to terminal handling with JSch. Either may break the behaviour of sudo:
sudo is somewhat sensitive to terminal/tty settings; see e.g. this discussion, which also contains a few hints which may help to work around the issue.

putty + xming: cannot connect to Xserver in Windows 7

I am trying to use putty and XMing to run programs from my Fedora 20. I used this configuration before on other machines and I was able to run GUI programs on Linux and display them in my windows 7. But this time I have trouble and get the "cannot connect to X server" error when I try to launch kwrite and kdesvn which are GUI programs in Fedora 20. The connections were good. And the XMing server was running and the X11 forwarding was enabled in putty, like the instruction here.
From my another Fedora 20 machine, I was able to connect to and run GUI programs from the target machine with ssh -X and the same username. So I am thinking the settings of the target machine was right.
Then what else I can try? how to figure out where the problem is?
Ensure that X11 forwarding is enabled in /etc/sshd_config.
X11Forwarding yes
Ensure in your home directory that you have an .Xauthority file. Permissions should be set 0600. If the file does not exist create it.
touch ~/.Xauthority
chmod 0600 ~/.Xauthority
As was previous stated first make sure that X11 forwarding is enabled in PuTTY.
Config > Connection > SSH > X11 > Enable X11 Forwarding. Based on your question it appears you already did this. Make sure you save this config.
I had a problem much like this, what happened to me was that my DISPLAY was being set elsewhere. If you can, try opening a new settion via putty from the same Windows machine using another user and then checking the display and testing your GUI programs
Another thing would be to use your own user but remove any custom work you may have done in your configuration, login fresh, check the DISPLAY and then test X
Did you enable X11 in putty?
It's under SSH | X11 | Enable X11 Forwarding
Then save the putty profile and click on session | save | open
Should work perfectly after you make those changes.

SSH Secure Shell Tunnel X11 - Display not shown

I am using SSH Secure Shell to connect to a server. My connection is allowed to Tunnel X11 connections but when I execute the command. The display is not showing up. I get the message:
couldn't connect to display "localhost:12.0"
I have a ssh server installed and running on my machine.
Remember: Both the client and the server have to allow X forwarding.
On the server look in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and make sure you have X11Forwarding yes. You will need to restart the service if you edit this file.
On the client look in /etc/ssh/ssh_config (your user ~/.ssh/ssh/config will override global settings, if you have created this file) and make sure you have ForwardX11 yes.
Alternatively give the -X switch when you create your client connection. e.g. ssh -X user#host
Oh and of course, your client needs to be running an X server which you have authority to use! E.g. if you connect from Windows using PuTTY it will never work, as Windows is not an X server!
I figured it out. I needed to have X-Server installed on my computer instead of SSH-Server. I installed Xming for that purpose and now everything works as it should.
