Search for String in both elements of pairs - haskell

Again I am stuck.
I have a list of pairs of strings [(String, String)] and want to look for another String in it.
When the substring matches the first in the tuple, I'd like to return the second one and vice versa.
I had some ideas but again, I don't know how to correctly apply functions in Haskell.
My first idea was to use map but that wouldn't really be able to give me a String as a result, would it?
I was thinking about using filter. First searching the substring in the first of the pair and then in the second ones.
This is as far as I got:
search :: String -> [(String, String)] -> String
search substr xs = filter(==substr) xs.fst
And it doesn't even work :/
I'd be thankful for any kind of advice!

I would suggest you to wrap the return type in Maybe in case the substring isn't found.
search :: Eq a => a -> [(a, a)] -> Maybe a
search s xs = case lookup s xs of
Just x -> Just x
Nothing -> lookup s xs'
where xs' = map swap xs
If you don't want to wrap it with Maybe, just use the fromJust function and change the type signature accordingly. In the above code, you are using the library defined lookup function. And in case the lookup fails in the first search you exchange the tuples and again perform the lookup operation. Also, Don't forget to import swap from Data.Tuple.
Demo in ghci:
ghci > let a = [("hi","bye"),("cat", "dog")]
ghci > search "hi" a
Just "bye"
ghci > search "dog" a
Just "cat"

You can call lookup on the list, and then call lookup after swapping each tuple in the list. But this means possibly traversing the list twice.
lookup' k = foldl acc Nothing
acc (Just x) _ = Just x
acc _ (a,b) | k == b = Just a | k == a = Just b | otherwise = Nothing
This way you traverse the list only once. This version doesn't terminate on infinite lists if the element is present. You can write it using foldr, but that for that version, lookup' 0 [(0,1), undefined] == undefined as opposed to the preferred behavior.
You can also write it using explicit recursion. For once, using explicit recursion is better! It covers both of the cases covered above:
lookup'' k [] = Nothing
lookup'' k ((a,b):xs)
| k == a = Just b
| k == b = Just a
| otherwise = lookup'' k xs
>lookup'' 1 [(1,0), undefined]
Just 0
>lookup'' 1 (zip [0..] [0..])
Just 1

user2407038's solution, lookup'' is the most efficient since it traverses the list only once, and terminates early when a match is found. It can be written without explicit recursion as follows:
import Control.Monad ( msum )
lookup'' k = msum . map match
where match (a, b) | k == a = Just b
| k == b = Just a
| otherwise = Nothing


Removing specific elements from lists in Haskell

I'm having a hard time getting Haskell and functional programming together in my head. What I am trying to do is manipulate a string so that I am printing/returning specific characters each time based on a number given. For example:
printing "testing" 2 = "etn"
printing "testing" 3 = "sn"
I've read a lot online, and from what I understand I can achieve this with filtering and cycling, but I cannot get/understand the syntax of this language to get a working program.
I'll try to describe my thought process so you can follow. This function fits the pattern of creating an output list (here a string) from an input seed (here a string) by repeated function application (here dropping some elements). Thus I choose an implementation with Data.List.unfoldr.
unfoldr :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> [a]
Okay so, I need to turn the seed b into (Maybe) an output a and the rest of the string. I'll call this subfunction f and pass it into unfoldr.
printing s n = unfoldr f s
where f b = case drop n b of
[] -> Nothing
(x:xs) -> Just (x,xs)
It turns out that attempting to take the head off the front of the list and returning a Maybe is also a common pattern. It's Data.List.uncons, so
printing s n = unfoldr (uncons . drop n) s
Very smooth! So I test it out, and the output is wrong! Your specified output actually eg. for n=2 selects every 2nd character, ie. drops (n-1) characters.
printing s n = unfoldr (uncons . drop (n-1)) s
I test it again and it matches the desired output. Phew!
To demonstrate the Haskell language some alternative solutions to the accepted answer.
Using list comprehension:
printing :: Int -> String -> String
printing j ls = [s | (i, s) <- zip [1 .. ] ls, mod i j == 0]
Using recursion:
printing' :: Int -> String -> String
printing' n ls
| null ls' = []
| otherwise = x : printing' n xs
ls' = drop (n - 1) ls
(x : xs) = ls'
In both cases I flipped the arguments so it is easier to do partial application: printing 5 for example is a new function and will give each 5th character when applied to a string.
Note with a minor modification they will work for any list
takeEvery :: Int -> [a] -> [a]

Haskell return position of searched item

I have the following Haskell code, which returns the an instance of the requested element from the list (just the first instance) or returns 0 if the element is not present. I am trying to return the position of the element in the list instead but don't know how to (I am very new to programming).
e.g. 'm' 'some' is returning m but I want it to return 3.
findMe x [] = 0
findMe x (y:ys) = if x == y
then x
else findMe x ys
Try this. If 0 is returned because element not present, I assume that it is 1 index start.
findMe x list = findMeP list 1
findMeP [] _ = 0
findMeP (y:ys) n
| x == y = n
| otherwise = findMeP ys (n + 1)
As a demo, take a look at this.
Although the previous answer is correct, here is a solution that I'd prefer since it makes use of basic building blocks from the base library and avoids explicit recursion.
import Data.List (find) {- for find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a -}
findMe :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe (Int, a)
findMe x = find ((== x).snd) . zip [1..]
The function returns both the element and its index, counting from zero, wrapped in a Maybe type. If the element is not found, Nothing is returned.
To extract the element or the index alone one can map the fst and snd functions over the Maybe result:
findMeIndex = fmap fst . findMe
findMeElem = fmap snd . findMe
findMe 'c' ['a','b','c','d'] == Just (2,'c')
findMe 'z' ['a','b','c','d'] == Nothing
findMeIndex 'c' ['a','b','c','d'] == Just 2
findMeIndex 'z' ['a','b','c','d'] == Nothing
If you need to start counting from 1, you can replace [0..] with [1..]. In either case, wrapping the result in a Maybe is preferred to returning some special value signaling the absence of the element (say -1 or 0), because then the user cannot ever mistake to interpret your result. For example, if you count from 1 and return 0 on failure, and someone uses your function erroneously thinking that you count from 0, they may interpret a failure as if the element was found at the first position. Here instead, the user is forced to handle the failure case explicitly.
The function works as follows. zip [0..] produces a list of pairs coupling each element with its index, starting from zero ([0..] is the infinite list [0,1,2,3,..]). Then, find scans the list (in exactly the same way as OP's original code), returning the first element for which the function ((== x).snd) returns True, wrapped in a Maybe type, if found, or Nothing otherwise. Which element does find look for? Remember that find is fed with a list of pairs. So by composing the snd function with (== x) we find the pair whose second component is equal to x

How to shorten a Haskell implementation like this?

I have a function with a lot of guards that look like this:
| p `elem` [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]
| p `elem` [7,8,9,10,11,12,13] = [7,8,9,10,11,12,13]
| p `elem` [14,15,16,17,18,19,20] = [14,15,16,17,18,19,20]
| otherwise = []
I'm sure I can write this much shorter with Haskell. If not, then it's okay. I'm new to Haskell and I would love to become better at it by learning different approaches.
Perhaps using "map" may be a good start? But then, I'm not sure how to pass in those specific lists.
The values are not always contiguous.
What about simple bounds checks?
function p
| p < 0 = []
| p < 7 = [0..6]
| p < 14 = [7..13]
| p < 21 = [14..20]
| otherwise = []
It will be faster and for some applications use less memory.
If you don't want to perform a bounds check (but an element check), you can still use the shortened list notation.
Alternatively, you could construct a helper function that iterates over the lists:
helper (x:xs) p | elem p x = x
| otherwise = helper xs p
helper [] _ = []
function = helper [[0..6],[7..13],[14..20]]
Although this is actually longer, you can easily extend the function to use other lists. Note however that this function will be slower, since elem requires O(n) time whereas a bounds check takes O(1) time.
You can also - as is suggested in #jamshidh's answer construct a Data.Map which is a datastructure that guarantees O(log n) lookup time:
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
helper2 :: Ord a => [[a]] -> a -> [a]
helper2 lst p = fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup p (Map.fromList $ concatMap (\x -> zip x (repeat x)) lst)
function = helper2 [[0..6],[7..13],[14..20]]
For this last piece, it generates (\x -> zip x (repeat x)) generates for a list tuples containing an element of the list e and the entire list l. For example:
Prelude> (\x -> zip x (repeat x)) [0..6]
This works as follows: x unifies with a list, for instance [0,1,2,3,4,5,6], now we apply a zip function on [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] and on the infinite list [[0,1,2,3,4,5,6],[0,1,2,3,4,5,6],[0,1,2,3,4,5,6],....]. zip generates tuples as long as both lists feed elements, so it takes the first element from [0,1,..,6] and the first from [[0,1,..,6],[0,1,..,6],[0,1,..,6],...] so the resulting tuple is (0,[0..6]), next it takes the second element 1 from the list, and the second item from the repeat function, thus (1,[0..6]). It keeps doing this -- although lazily -- until one of the lists is exhausted which is the case for the first list.
You can use the list monad here.
func p = join $ do x <- [[1,3,5], [2,4,6], [7,8,9]]
guard $ p `elem` x
return x
The list of lists are the things you want to check against. The call to guard filters out the choices that don't succeed. As long as the candidate lists are disjoint, at most one will succeed. return x evaluates to either [] or [x] for one of the choices of x, so join
reduces [x] to [].
> func 1
> func 2
> func 7
> func 10
As a list comprehension, it would look like
func p = join [x | x <-[[1,3,5],[2,4,6],[7,8,9]], p `elem` x]
First create the list of lists
lists = [[0,1,2,3,4,5,6], [7,8,9,10,11,12,13], [14,15,16,17,18,19,20]]
Then create a mapping from value to list
theMap = concat $ map (\x -> zip x (repeat x)) lists
This will give you what you need
> lookup 1
Just [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]
Note that the output is a Maybe, in the case you don't supply a value in any list.

Dynamic List Comprehension in Haskell

Suppose I have a list comprehension that returns a list of sequences, where the elements chosen depend on each other (see example below). Is there a way to (conveniently) program the number of elements and their associated conditions based on an earlier computation? For example, return type [[a,b,c]] or [[a,b,c,d,e]] depending on another value in the program? Also, are there other/better ways than a list comprehension to formulate the same idea?
(I thought possible, although cumbersome and limited, to write out a larger list comprehension to start with and trim it by adding to s a parameter and helper functions that could make one or more of the elements a value that could easily be filtered later, and the associated conditions True by default.)
s = [[a, b, c, d] | a <- list, someCondition a,
b <- list, b /= a, not (someCondition b),
otherCondition a b,
c <- list, c /= a, c /= b, not (someCondition c),
otherCondition b c,
d <- list, d /= a, d /= b, d /= c,
someCondition d, someCondition (last d),
otherCondition c d]
The question is incredibly difficult to understand.
Is there a way to (conveniently) program the number of elements and their associated conditions based on an earlier computation?
The problem is "program" is not really an understandable verb in this sentence, because a human programs a computer, or programs a VCR, but you can't "program a number". So I don't understand what you are trying to say here.
But I can give you code review, and maybe through code review I can understand the question you are asking.
Unsolicited code review
It sounds like you are trying to solve a maze by eliminating dead ends, maybe.
What your code actually does is:
Generate a list of cells that are not dead ends or adjacent to dead ends, called filtered
Generate a sequence of adjacent cells from step 1, sequences
Concatenate four such adjacent sequences into a route.
Major problem: this only works if a correct route is exactly eight tiles long! Try to solve this maze:
[E]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]
[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]
[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]
[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]
[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[E]
So, working backwards from the code review, it sounds like your question is:
How do I generate a list if I don't know how long it is beforehand?
You can solve a maze with a search (DFS, BFS, A*).
import Control.Monad
-- | Maze cells are identified by integers
type Cell = Int
-- | A maze is a map from cells to adjacent cells
type Maze = Cell -> [Cell]
maze :: Maze
maze = ([[1], [0,2,5], [1,3], [2],
[5], [4,6,1,9], [5,7], [6,11],
[12], [5,13], [9], [7,15],
[8,16], [14,9,17], [13,15], [14,11],
[12,17], [13,16,18], [17,19], [18]] !!)
-- | Find paths from the given start to the end
solve :: Maze -> Cell -> Cell -> [[Cell]]
solve maze start = solve' [] where
solve' path end =
let path' = end : path
in if start == end
then return path'
else do neighbor <- maze end
guard (neighbor `notElem` path)
solve' path' neighbor
The function solve works by depth-first search. Rather than putting everything in a single list comprehension, it works recursively.
In order to find a path from start to end, if start /= end,
Look at all cells adjacent to the end, neighbor <- maze end,
Make sure that we're not backtracking over a cell guard (negihbor `notElem` path),
Try to find a path from start to neighbor.
Don't try to understand the whole function at once, just understand the bit about recursion.
If you want to find the route from cell 0 to cell 19, recurse: We know that cell 18 and 19 are connected (because they are directly connected), so we can instead try to solve the problem of finding a route from cell 0 to cell 18.
This is recursion.
The guard,
someCondition a == True
Is equivalent to,
someCondition a
And therefore also equivalent to,
(someCondition a == True) == True
(someCondition a == (True == True)) == (True == (True == True))
someCondition a == (someCondition a == someCondition a)
The first one, someCondition a, is fine.
Footnote about do notation
The do notation in the above example is equivalent to list comprehension,
do neighbor <- maze end
guard (neighbor `notElem` path)
solve' path' neighbor
The equivalent code in list comprehension syntax is,
[result | neighbor <- maze end,
neighbor `notElem` path,
result <- solve' path' neighbor]
Is there a way to (conveniently) program the number of elements and their associated conditions based on an earlier computation? For example, return type [[a,b,c]] or [[a,b,c,d,e]] depending on another value in the program?
I suppose you want to encode the length of the list (or vector) statically in the type signature. Length of the standard lists cannot be checked on type level.
One approach to do that is to use phantom types, and introduce dummy data types which will encode different sizes:
newtype Vector d = Vector { vecArray :: UArray Int Float }
-- using EmptyDataDecls extension too
data D1
data D2
data D3
Now you can create vectors of different length which will have distinct types:
vector2d :: Float -> Float -> Vector D2
vector2d x y = Vector $ listArray (1,2) [x,y]
vector3d :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Vector D3
vector3d x y z = Vector $ listArray (1,3) [x,y,z]
If the length of the output depends on the length of the input, then consider using type-level arithmetics to parametrize the output.
You can find more by googling for "Haskell statically sized vectors".
A simpler solution is to use tuples, which are fixed length. If your function can produce either a 3-tuple, or a 5-tuple, wrap them with an Either data type: `Either (a,b,c) (a,b,c,d,e).
Looks like you're trying to solve some logic puzzle by unique selection from finite domain. Consult these:
Euler 43 - is there a monad to help write this list comprehension?
Splitting list into a list of possible tuples
The way this helps us is, we carry our domain around while we're making picks from it; and the next pick is made from the narrowed domain containing what's left after the previous pick, so a chain is naturally formed. E.g.
p43 = sum [ fromDigits [v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9]
| (dom5,v5) <- one_of [0,5] [0..9] -- [0..9] is the
, (dom6,v6) <- pick_any dom5 -- initial domain
, (dom7,v7) <- pick_any dom6
, rem (100*d5+10*d6+d7) 11 == 0
-- all possibilities of picking one elt from a domain
pick_any :: [a] -> [([a], a)]
pick_any [] = []
pick_any (x:xs) = (xs,x) : [ (x:dom,y) | (dom,y) <- pick_any xs]
-- all possibilities of picking one of provided elts from a domain
-- (assume unique domains, i.e. no repetitions)
one_of :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [([a], a)]
one_of ns xs = [ (ys,y) | let choices = pick_any xs, n <- ns,
(ys,y) <- take 1 $ filter ((==n).snd) choices ]
You can trivially check a number of elements in your answer as a part of your list comprehension:
s = [answer | a <- .... , let answer=[....] , length answer==4 ]
or just create different answers based on a condition,
s = [answer | a <- .... , let answer=if condition then [a,b,c] else [a]]
You have Data.List.subsequences
You can write your list comprehension in monadic form (see guards in Monad Comprehensions):
(Explanation: The monad must be an instance of MonadPlus which supports failure.
guard False makes the monad fail evaluating to mzero., subsequent results are appended with mplus = (++) for the List monad.)
import Control.Monad (guard)
myDomain = [1..9] -- or whatever
validCombinations :: [a] -> [[a]]
validCombinations domainList = do
combi <- List.subsequences domainList
case combi of
[a,b] -> do
guard (propertyA a && propertyB b)
return combi
[a,b,c] -> do
guard (propertyA a && propertyB b && propertyC c)
return combi
_ -> guard False
main = do
forM_ (validCombinations myDomain) print
Update again, obtaining elements recursively, saving combinations and checks
import Control.Monad
validCombinations :: Eq a => Int -> Int -> [a] -> [(a -> Bool)] -> [a] -> [[a]]
validCombinations indx size domainList propList accum = do
elt <- domainList -- try all domain elements
let prop = propList!!indx
guard $ prop elt -- some property
guard $ elt `notElem` accum -- not repeated
case accum of
prevElt : _ -> guard $ some_combined_check_with_previous elt prevElt
_ -> guard True
if size > 1 then do
-- append recursively subsequent positions
other <- validCombinations (indx+1) (size-1) domainList propList (elt : accum)
return $ elt : other
return [elt]
myDomain = [1..3] :: [Int]
myProps = repeat (>1)
main = do
forM_ (validCombinations 0 size myDomain myProps []) print
size = 2
result for size 2 with non trivial result:

“replace” a 3-tuple

I have the following list (it’s a length 2 list, but in my assignment I have a length +n list)
xxs = [(11,22,[(33,33,33),(44,44,44)]),(55,66,[(77,77,77),(88,88,88)])]
I’m trying to “replace” one 3-tuple (p1 or p2 or p3 or p4 from the image bellow) by list index (n) and by sub-list index (p).
The function, at the end, should be like:
fooo newtuple n p = (…)
For example: (replace p3 for (98,98,98):
fooo (98,98,98) 2 1
[(11, 22, [(33,33,33) , (44,44,44)]) , (55, 66, [(98,98,98),(88,88,88)])]
I planned the code like following this steps:
Access the pn that I want to change. I manage to achieve it by:
fob n p = ((aux2 xxs)!!n)!!p
where aux2 [] = []
aux2 ((_,_,c):xs) = c:aux2 xs
“replace” the 3-tuple. I really need some help here. I’m stuck. the best code (in my head it makes some sense) that I’ve done: (remember: please don’t be too bad on my code, I’ve only been studying Haskell only for 5 weeks)
foo n p newtuple = fooAux newtuple fob
where fooAux _ [] = []
fooAux m ((_):ds) = m:ds
fob n p = ((aux2 xxs)!!n)!!p
where aux2 [] = []
aux2 ((_,_,c):xs) = c:aux2 xs
Finally I will put all back together, using splitAt.
Is my approach to the problem correct? I really would appreciate some help on step 2.
I'm a bit new to Haskell too, but lets see if we can't come up with a decent way of doing this.
So, fundamentally what we're trying to do is modify something in a list. Using functional programming I'd like to keep it a bit general, so lets make a function update.
update :: Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
update n f xs = pre ++ (f val) : post
where (pre, val:post) = splitAt n xs
That will now take an index, a function and a list and replace the nth element in the list with the result of the function being applied to it.
In our bigger problem, however, we need to update in a nested context. Luckily our update function takes a function as an argument, so we can call update within that one, too!
type Triple a = (a,a,a)
type Item = (Int, Int, [Triple Int])
fooo :: Triple Int -> Int -> Int -> [Item] -> [Item]
fooo new n p = update (n-1) upFn
where upFn (x,y,ps) = (x,y, update (p-1) objFn ps)
objFn _ = new
All fooo has to do is call update twice (once within the other call) and do a little "housekeeping" work (putting the result in the tuple correctly). The (n-1) and (p-1) were because you seem to be indexing starting at 1, whereas Haskell starts at 0.
Lets just see if that works with our test case:
*Main> fooo (98,98,98) 2 1 [(11,22,[(33,33,33),(44,44,44)]),(55,66,[(77,77,77),(88,88,88)])]
First, we need a general function to map a certain element of a list, e.g.:
mapN :: (a -> a) -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
mapN f index list = zipWith replace list [1..] where
replace x i | i == index = f x
| otherwise = x
We can use this function twice, for the outer list and the inner lists. There is a little complication as the inner list is part of a tuple, so we need another helper function:
mapTuple3 :: (c -> c) -> (a,b,c) -> (a,b,c)
mapTuple3 f (x,y,z) = (x,y,f z)
Now we have everything we need to apply the replace function to our use case:
fooo :: Int -> Int -> (Int,Int,Int) -> [(Int,Int,[(Int,Int,Int)])]
fooo n p newTuple = mapN (mapTuple3 (mapN (const newTuple) p)) n xxs
Of course in the inner list, we don't need to consider the old value, so we can use const :: a -> (b -> a) to ignore that argument.
So you've tried using some ready-made function, (!!). It could access an item in a list for you, but forgot its place there, so couldn't update. You've got a solution offered, using another ready-made function split, that tears a list into two pieces, and (++) which glues them back into one.
But to get a real feel for it, what I suspect your assignment was aiming at in the first place (it's easy to forget a function name, and it's equally easy to write yourself a new one instead), you could try to write the first one, (!!), yourself. Then you'd see it's real easy to modify it so it's able to update the list too.
To write your function, best think of it as an equivalence equation:
myAt 1 (x:xs) = x
myAt n (x:xs) | n > 1 = ...
when n is zero, we just take away the head element. What do we do when it's not? We try to get nearer towards the zero. You can fill in the blanks.
So here we returned the element found. What if we wanted to replace it? Replace it with what? - this calls another parameter into existence,
myRepl 1 (x:xs) y = (y:xs)
myRepl n (x:xs) y | n > 1 = x : myRepl ...
Now you can complete the rest, I think.
Lastly, Haskell is a lazy language. That means it only calls into existence the elements of a list that are needed, eventually. What if you replace the 7-th element, but only first 3 are later asked for? The code using split will actually demand the 7 elements, so it can return the first 3 when later asked for them.
Now in your case you want to replace in a nested fashion, and the value to replace the old one with is dependent on the old value: newVal = let (a,b,ls)=oldVal in (a,b,myRepl p ls newtuple). So indeed you need to re-write using functions instead of values (so that where y was used before, const y would go):
myUpd 1 (x:xs) f = (f x:xs)
myUpd n ... = ...
and your whole call becomes myUpd n xxs (\(a,b,c)->(a,b,myUpd ... (const ...) )).
