How to check SDL condition variables is waiting or not? - multithreading

I am writing a SDL multithread application. My application has some threads that waits for signal by using SDL_CondWait.
When users exit, I want to wake up the threads to let the application exit. However, when I used SDL_CondSignal to signal the conditional variables, the application sometimes got errors.
I guessed that is because at that moment, the condition varialbe isn't waiting.
My question is how to check whether SDL condition variables is waiting ?

struct SDL_cond
SDL_mutex *lock;
int waiting;
int signals;
SDL_sem *wait_sem;
SDL_sem *wait_done;
The waiting struct field holds amount of threads that the are blocked.
Also, if you want to wake up all threads, you should call SDL_CondBroadcast. SDL_CondSignal wakes up only one of the threads.


Linux kernel - wait queues

I'm reading "Linux kernel development 3rd edition by Robert Love" to get a general idea about how the Linux kernel works..(
I'm confused about how wait queues work for example this code:
/* ‘q’ is the wait queue we wish to sleep on */
add_wait_queue(q, &wait);
while (!condition) { /* condition is the event that we are waiting for */
prepare_to_wait(&q, &wait, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
if (signal_pending(current))
/* handle signal */
finish_wait(&q, &wait);
I want to know which process is running this code? is it a kernel thread? whose process time is this?
And also in the loop, while the condition is still not met we will continue sleeping and call schedule to run another process the question is when do we return to this loop?
The book says that when a process sleeps, it's removed from our run queue, else it would be waken and have to enter a busy loop...
Also says: "sleeping should always be handled in a loop that ensures that the condition for which the task is waiting has indeed occurred."
I just want to know in what context is this loop running?
Sorry if this is a stupid Question. I'm just having trouble seeing the big pic
Which process is running the code? The process that called it. I don't mean to make fun of the question but the gist is that kernel code can run in different contexts: Either because a system call led to this place, because it is in a interrupt handler, or because it is a callback function called from another context (such as workqueues or timer functions).
Since this example is sleeping, it must be in a context where sleeping is allowed, meaning it is executed in response to a system call or at least in a kernel thread. So the answer is the process time is taken from the process (or kernel thread) that called into this kernel code that needs to sleep. That is the only place where sleeping is allowed in the first place.
A certain special case are workqueues, these are explicitly for functions that need to sleep. Typical use would be to queue a function that needs to sleep from a context where sleeping is forbidden. In that case, the process context is that of one of the kernel worker threads designated to process workqueue items.
You will return to this loop when the wait_queue is woken up, which either sets one task waiting on the queue to runnable or all of them, depending on the wake_up function called.
The most important thing is, forget about this unless you are interested in the implementation details. Since many people got this wrong and it's basically the same thing everywhere it's needed, there have long been macros encapsulating the whole procedure. Look up wait_event(), that's how your example should really look like:
wait_event(q, condition);
As per your example... I added comments....
NOTE: while creating waiting queue by default it will be in sleep stat.
DEFINE_WAIT(wait); /* first wait ---> it the kernel global wait queue it is pointing */
add_wait_queue(q, &wait); /* first wait ---> it the kernel global wait queue it is pointing using add_wait_queue(q, &wait); ---> you are adding your own waiting queue (like appending linked list) */
while (!condition) {
/* condition is the event that we are waiting for */
/*condition --> Let's say you are getting data from user space in write method (using __get_user()) */
prepare_to_wait(&q, &wait, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
/* This will wait when any wake_up_process() call will be generated having interrupt */
if (signal_pending(current))
/* This is continuously monitoring if any signal is pending on current CPU on which wait queue is running while not pending any signal generally used return -ERESTARTSYS; or "break" the loop if interrupts came exa., SIGINT or SIGKILL and finishes wait queue statement to check again /
/ handle signal */
schedule(); // Scheduling of wait queue
// Remove from global data structure
finish_wait(&q, &wait); //Finishing wait queue

How does Wait/Signal (semaphore) implementation pseudo-code "work"?

Wait(semaphore sem) {
if (sem.val < 0){
add thread to sem.L
Signal(semaphore sem){
if (sem.val <= 0) {
th = remove next
thread from sem.L
If block(thread) stops a thread from executing, how, where, and when does it return?
Which thread enables interrupts following the Wait()?
the thread that called block() shouldn’t return until another thread has called wakeup(thread)!
but how does that other thread get to run?
where exactly does the thread switch occur?
block(thread) works that way:
Enables interrupts
Uses some kind of waiting mechanism (provided by the operating system or the busy waiting in the simplest case) to wait until the wakeup(thread) on this thread is called. This means that in this point thread yields its time to the scheduler.
Disables interrupts and returns.
Yes, UP and DOWN are mostly useful when called from different threads, but it is not impossible that you call these with one thread - if you start semaphore with a value > 0, then the same thread can entry the critical section and execute both DOWN (before) and UP (after). Value which initializes the semaphore tells how many threads can enter the critical section at once, which might be 1 (mutex) or any other positive number.
How are the threads created? That is not shown on the lecture slide, because that is only a principle how semaphore works using a pseudocode. But it is a completely different story how you use those semaphores in your application.

What are working threads?

What are this working threads? How to implement them? And when to use them. I ask this because many people mention them but I dont find an the net some example of them. Or is just a saying for creating threads? Thanks.
Working threads isn't itself a meaningful term in the thread world.
I guess you mean to say," What are worker threads" ?
In that case, let me tell you that a worker thread is commonly used to handle background tasks that the user shouldn't have to wait for to continue using your application.
e.g Recalculation and background printing.
For implementing the worker thread, the controlling function should be defined which defines the thread. When this function is entered, the thread starts, and when it exits, the thread terminates. This function should have the following prototype : More Information
UINT MyControllingFunction( LPVOID pParam );
A short snippet to implement the controlling function of worker thread,
UINT MyThreadProc( LPVOID pParam )
CMyObject* pObject = (CMyObject*)pParam;
if (pObject == NULL ||
return 1; // if pObject is not valid
// do something with 'pObject'
return 0; // thread completed successfully
// inside a different function in the program
pNewObject = new CMyObject;
AfxBeginThread(MyThreadProc, pNewObject);
"Worker thread" is a generic term for a thread which performs some task independent of some primary thread. Depending on usage, it may simply mean any thread other than the primary UI thread, or it may mean a thread which performs a well-scoped task (i.e. a 'job' rather than a continuous operation which lasts the lifetime of the application).
For example, you might spawn a worker thread to retrieve a file from a remote computer over a network. It might send progress updates the application's main thread.
I use a worker, or background thread, any time that I want to perform a lengthy task without tying up my user interface. Threads often allow me to simplify my code by making a continuous series of statements, rather than a convoluted, non-blocking architecture.

Can I prevent a Linux user space pthread yielding in critical code?

I am working on an user space app for an embedded Linux project using the kernel.
My app passes data between two file nodes by creating 2 pthreads that each sleep until a asynchronous IO operation completes at which point it wakes and runs a completion handler.
The completion handlers need to keep track of how many transfers are pending and maintain a handful of linked lists that one thread will add to and the other will remove.
// sleep here until events arrive or time out expires
for(;;) {
no_of_events = io_getevents(ctx, 1, num_events, events, &timeout);
// Process each aio event that has completed or thrown an error
for (i=0; i<no_of_events; i++) {
// Get pointer to completion handler
io_complete = (io_callback_t) events[i].data;
// Get pointer to data object
iocb = (struct iocb *) events[i].obj;
// Call completion handler and pass it the data object
io_complete(ctx, iocb, events[i].res, events[i].res2);
My question is this...
Is there a simple way I can prevent the currently active thread from yielding whilst it runs the completion handler rather than going down the mutex/spin lock route?
Or failing that can Linux be configured to prevent yielding a pthread when a mutex/spin lock is held?
You can use the sched_setscheduler() system call to temporarily set the thread's scheduling policy to SCHED_FIFO, then set it back again. From the sched_setscheduler() man page:
A SCHED_FIFO process runs until either
it is blocked by an I/O request, it is
preempted by a higher priority
process, or it calls sched_yield(2).
(In this context, "process" actually means "thread").
However, this is quite a suspicious requirement. What is the problem you are hoping to solve? If you are just trying to protect your linked list of completion handlers from concurrent access, then an ordinary mutex is the way to go. Have the completion thread lock the mutex, remove the list item, unlock the mutex, then call the completion handler.
I think you'll want to use mutexes/locks to prevent race conditions here. Mutexes are by no way voodoo magic and can even make your code simpler than using arbitrary system-specific features, which you'd need to potentially port across systems. Don't know if the latter is an issue for you, though.
I believe you are trying to outsmart the Linux scheduler here, for the wrong reasons.
The correct solution is to use a mutex to prevent completion handlers from running in parallel. Let the scheduler do its job.

How to wait in the main thread until all worker threads have completed in Qt?

I have designed an application which is running 20 instance of a thread.
for(int i = 0;i<20;i++)
How can I wait in the main thread until those 20 threads finish?
You need to use QThread::wait().
bool QThread::wait ( unsigned long time = ULONG_MAX )
Blocks the thread until either of
these conditions is met:
The thread associated with this
QThread object has finished execution (i.e. when it returns from
run()). This function will return true if the thread has finished. It
also returns true if the thread has
not been started yet.
time milliseconds has elapsed. If time is
ULONG_MAX (the default), then the wait
till never timeout (the thread must
return from run()). This function
will return false if the wait timed
This provides similar functionality to
the POSIX pthread_join() function.
Just loop over the threads and call wait() for each one.
for(int i = 0;i < 20;i++)
If you want to let the main loop run while you're waiting. (E.g. to process events and avoid rendering the application unresponsible.) You can use the signals & slots of the threads. QThread's got a finished() singal which you can connect to a slot that remembers which threads have finished yet.
You can also use QWaitCondition
What Georg has said is correct. Also remember you can call signal slot from across threads. So you can have your threads emit a signal to you upon completion. SO you can keep track of no of threads that have completed their tasks/have exited. This could be useful if you don't want your Main thread to go in a blocking call wait.
