This works in Google Spreadsheet:
function onOpen() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var menu = [
{name: "Initialize", functionName: "labnolReset"},
{name: "Test", functionName: "test"}
ss.addMenu("Gmail", menu);
ss.toast("Please click the GMail menu above to continue..", "", 5);
How to convert it to Google Docs? I tried to copy the code into Google Doc, then assign ss with DocumentApp.getActiveDocument(), but it didn't work. I get neither the GMail menu nor the "toast".
I also tried:
var ui = DocumentApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu("Gmail", menu).addToUi();
but that didn't work either.
please help.
You can indeed have menu's in Google Docs. You have to understand that the implementation of scripts started with Sheets and evolved to touch very many other areas of Google Apps. In that respect the implementation for Docs is quite different.
The best place to lear about Google Apps Script is to peruse the excellent documentation found here:
And in the specific case of your query the link to read up is here :
For menu's this is the specific code you can use
function onOpen() {
var ui = DocumentApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('Sample Menu')
.addItem('Show alert', 'showAlert')
.addItem('Show prompt', 'showPrompt')
.addSubMenu(ui.createMenu('Custom UIs')
.addItem('Show HTML dialog', 'showDialog')
.addItem('Show HTML sidebar', 'showSidebar'))
The toast is specific to spreadsheets, not available in docs. On the other hand you will be able to use these:
I am trying not to have the column description for field type "URL" in SharePoint 2016. I want to use this OOTB column URL, but not get "Type the description". The only work around i saw is using JavaScript. I wanted to know, is there any other way remove it?
Programmatically, or some property in schema.xml?
Any suggestions and help is appreciated.
Sample JSlink script for you.
You could upload jQuery library and the custom jslink library to SharePoint library, I upload to layouts folder just for easy testing.
(function () {
var JSHyperlinkFieldCtx = {};
JSHyperlinkFieldCtx.Templates = {};
JSHyperlinkFieldCtx.Templates.Fields = {
"JSHyperlink": {
"NewForm": HideJSHyperlinkTemplate
function HideJSHyperlinkTemplate(ctx) {
var result = SPFieldUrl_Edit(ctx);
var $f = $(result);
$f.find('span:eq(1)').css('display', 'none');
$f.find('input:eq(1)').css('display', 'none');
return $f.html();
use the script:
I'm using the wonderful plugin Leaflet.Control.Search in order to search for markers (from a geoJson marker group) on my map – which works great.
I only have one simple question now:
how can I open a popup for the search result marker?
I'm using custom marker icons with popups (which open on click) already bound to them – but I would like to open the respective popup automatically once it has been found via the search.
My code looks like this:
var searchControl = new L.Control.Search({layer: markers2, propertyName: 'Name', circleLocation:true});
searchControl.on('search_locationfound', function(e) {
}).on('search_collapsed', function(e) {
map.addControl( searchControl ); //inizialize search control
and thought it might work with that line:
but unfortunately it doesn't.. ;)
Oh, and a second question: at the moment I'm searching only in 1 geoJson layer ("markers2") – does anyone know whether it's possible to search in multiple layers at once?
Any suggestions? I'd be grateful for any help, thanks in advance!
got it: it works like this: e.layer.openPopup().openOn(map);
event.layer is set only for preloaded layer, if you search marker by ajax,jsonp or callData.. event.layer is undefined.
var geojsonLayer = new L.GeoJSON(data, {
onEachFeature: function(feature, marker) {
var controlSearch = new L.Control.Search({layer: geojsonLayer, initial: false});
controlSearch.on('search_locationfound', function(event) {
Look at GeoJSON demo:
Recently, I was looking for an answer, and here is my solution for it
searchControl.on("search:locationfound", function (e) {
if (e.layer._popup) e.layer.openPopup();
I've been trying to figure auto-complete some values from netsuite onto our custom html form.
After a bit of researching, I found this gem: nlapiGetContext (
which should do exactly what it says,
However, when doing a console.log dump of nlapigetcontext()
the following information is displayed, not my current logged in user information
Here is my current test script:
if (window.addEventListener) { // Mozilla, Netscape, Firefox
window.addEventListener('load', WindowLoad, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent) { // IE
window.attachEvent('onload', WindowLoad);
function WindowLoad(event) {
Any help or guidance is appreciated!
Thank you!
Where is this form located? Context will only work if you are logged into the system, so this won't apply for online customer forms, those are considered to be "outside the system".
You can write a Suitelet to retrieve data from an external form if you are only retrieving values.
I use this to get campaign information on an external landing page.
function getCamData(request, response){
if ( request.getMethod() == 'GET' ){
response.setHeader('Custom-Header-CamID', 'CamID');
var camid = request.getParameter('camid');
var rec = nlapiLoadRecord('campaign', camid);
var o = new Object();
o.thisid = camid;
o.promocode = rec.getFieldValue('campaignid'); = rec.getFieldValue('custevent_cam_1300num'); = rec.getFieldValue('family');
var myString = JSON.stringify(o);
response.write (myString);
You request something like this:
And returns something like this:
{"thisid":"8020","promocode":"CAM999","phone":"1800 111 222","family":"12"}
Also you can do server-side posting from an external site to a NetSuite customer online form, it will capture and validate the data as far as it has the entry fields set in NS, this is a great way to avoid using those horrible iframes.
Use these functions
For details check
As am totally new to YUI i dont have any clue about.I have just gone through this link to implement autocomplete using YUI
According to my requirement i need to assign a string array dynamically to datasource object instead of
var dsLocalArray = new YAHOO.util.LocalDataSource(["apples", "broccoli", "cherries"]);
something like
var dsLocalArray=new YAHOO.util.LocalDataSource(documentList[]);
where my documentList is String Array.How do i that?Thanks in advance for the help.
I would suggest you to use YUI3 than YUI2, the example you are showing which uses the YAHOO namespace which is YUI2.
YUI3 is simpler and better, you can get the docs here:
Example of implementing with YUI3 including highlighting feature:
YUI().use('autocomplete', 'autocomplete-filters', 'autocomplete-highlighters', function (Y) {'#ac-input').plug(Y.Plugin.AutoComplete, {
resultFilters : 'phraseMatch',
resultHighlighter: 'phraseMatch',
source : ['Alabama','Alaska','Arizona','Arkansas','California']
Try to lok into the examples at the right bottom side panel in the above docs link.
I am building an extension where I want to be able to add a signifier to the extension button when the extension in the code has been activated. I was hoping I could add text to the extension button (top right)
Here is a simple scenario. Let's say my extension monitors browsing and gets the tab url, in my extension I have a list of domains to watch for.
Watch for these domains
If a user visits a domain in the watched list I want to indicate this somehow, by adding some text somewhere - I was hoping in the top right of the browser where the extensions buttons are. I don't really want to use a notification window as I want something unobtrusive. The text that I want to display would just be a few letters but different for different urls.
Does anyone have any inspiration?
You may change the extension icon like this:
chrome.browserAction.setIcon({path: icon});
There is also a 'badge' - small box over the extension icon that shows ie. number of unread messages in gmail extension. You can manipulate it like this:
chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({color:[190, 190, 190, 230]});
It is also possible to generate icon dynamically on a canvas element and then display it like this:
chrome.browserAction.setIcon({imageData:canvasContext.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width,canvas.height)});
Note that you must call this from your background script, since the content script will not have permission!
tl;dr: Call it from background.js
I googled around this comment because I was trying to call a chrome.browserActions function from my content script
It's only accessible to scripts that are running as part of a chrome extension, since content_scripts are the same as client scripts you'd have to access them through the chrome.* api's
and to fix some addition headaches I had the call for setBadge text needs to look like:
chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: 'ASDF'});
You can put as many characters as you want, but only 4 or so will appear. I got hung up on what the object property needed to be.
You can also set a timeout to check changes on the system every x minutes, and then update de badge.
On my extension, I have an task counter called inside a notification function. Something like :
var result = data.retorno;
if(result.length > 0){
var totalItens = result[0].total
} else {
var totalItens = 0;
chrome.browserAction.setIcon({path: '19.png'});
for(var i=0; i<result.length; i++){
var imagem = 'http://mydomain/myimage';
var titulo = 'mytitle';
var desciption = 'mydescription';
var urlNot = 'http://mydomain/mypageOnclick';
var not = new Notifier(urlNot);
imagem, // The image.
titulo, // The title.
desciption // The body.
You have to change in 3 files.
Check this code added
"background": { "scripts": ["background.js"], "persistent": false }
Add the following code:
const msg = 'updateIcon'
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ message: msg }, function(response) {
Add the following code:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
// Callback for that request
chrome.browserAction.setIcon({path: "/assets/icon.png"});