Component unable to allocate device that is not Executable Device - redhawksdr

I am using Redhawk 1.9. I create a Redhawk Device, Component, Node, and Waveform with default settings. I use C++ implementation on all the above. The problem is that the device can't be allocated since it is not an executable device. In the implementation tab in the code section the "type" variable is set to "Executable" (default value). If this is incorrect then what should it be?
Note: When I make an Device derived from executable device then the problem goes away.
I was able to reproduce the problem with dummy device and component as shown below:
I update the Component so that it will use the device.
<usesdevice id="dummy_device_2" type="usesdevice">
<propertyref refid="DCE:cdc5ee18-7ceb-4ae6-bf4c-31f983179b4d" value="dummy_device_kind_1"/>
I update the device properties:
<simple id="DCE:cdc5ee18-7ceb-4ae6-bf4c-31f983179b4d" mode="readonly" name="device_kind" type="string">
<description>This specifies the device kind</description>
<kind kindtype="configure"/>
<kind kindtype="allocation"/>
<action type="eq"/>
I add the Dummy device created here into the dummy node created here.
I add the Dummy Component to the Dummy Waveform.
I launched the Dummy node that only contains the dummy device
I launched the Dummy waveform that only contains the above dummy device.
I get the following error message:
Failed to create application:
DeviceOnlyTestWaveform_343_114533234 The
following CORBA exception occurred: InvalidCapacity while creating the
application IDL:CF/ApplicationFactory/CreateApplicationError:1.0*
The Domain Manager (run with Trace logging) shows the following:
DEBUG:ApplicationFactory_impl - Trying to find the device
TRACE:ApplicationFactory_impl - Searching for a place to deploy component amongst 1 devices
TRACE:ApplicationFactory_impl - Checking Device DummyNode:DeviceOnlyTesTDevice_1
TRACE:ApplicationFactory_impl - Device DummyNode:DeviceOnlyTesTDevice_1 is loadable
TRACE:ApplicationFactory_impl - Device DummyNode:DeviceOnlyTesTDevice_1 is not loadable
TRACE:ApplicationFactory_impl - Done checking all the devices
DEBUG:ApplicationFactory_impl - Device Allocation Failed.. need to clean up
In ApplicationFactory_impl the code appear to show that the allocation fails since the device is not derived from Executable Device. The code section has "type" to Executable (default setting). If this is not correct then what should it be?
// Check that the device meet's the needs of this component
// - Validate the type of device meets the requirements in the 'code' section of the implementation
LOG_TRACE(ApplicationFactory_impl, "Checking Device " << deviceNodeIter->identifier);
if (deviceNodeIter->device->usageState() == CF::Device::BUSY)
LOG_TRACE(ApplicationFactory_impl, "Ignoring Device " <<deviceNodeIter->label << " is BUSY");
if ((implementation->getCodeType() == CF::LoadableDevice::EXECUTABLE) ||
(implementation->getCodeType() == CF::LoadableDevice::SHARED_LIBRARY)) {
// Does this device provide LoadableDevice?
LOG_TRACE(ApplicationFactory_impl, "Device " << deviceNodeIter->identifier << " is loadable");
CF::LoadableDevice_var loaddev;
loaddev = ossie::corba::_narrowSafe<CF::LoadableDevice> (deviceNodeIter->device);
if(CORBA::is_nil(loaddev)) {
LOG_TRACE(ApplicationFactory_impl, "Device " << deviceNodeIter->identifier << " is not loadable");
if (implementation->getEntryPoint().size() != 0) {
// Does this device provide ExecutableDevice?
LOG_TRACE(ApplicationFactory_impl, "Device " << deviceNodeIter->identifier << " is executable");
CF::ExecutableDevice_var execdev;
execdev = ossie::corba::_narrowSafe<CF::ExecutableDevice> (deviceNodeIter->device);
if(CORBA::is_nil(execdev)) {
LOG_INFO(ApplicationFactory_impl, "Device " << deviceNodeIter->identifier << " is not executable");

Although your device is capable of satisfying the usesdevice allocation, without a GPP or other ExecutableDevice, there is no place to run your component. There are two ways that allocation is performed when launching components:
Satisfying usesdevice relationships
Deciding on which device to deploy the executable
Each implementation in the component's SPD has a list of dependencies that must be satisfied to run the entry point. Typically, for a C++ component, this will include the OS and processor type. Additional requirements can be defined based on the processing requirements of the component, such as memory or load average; these must be allocation properties known to the target device, just like with usesdevice. There is also an implicit requirement that the device selected for deployment should support the ExecutableDevice interface (there is slightly more nuance to it, but that's by far the most common case).
When launching a waveform, the ApplicationFactory tries to allocate all required devices and select an implementation for each component in sequence. Each possible implementation is checked against all of the devices in the domain to see if there is a device that meets its dependencies. If so, the entry point for that implementation will be loaded onto the device and executed, and the ApplicationFactory moves on to the next component. If no suitable device can be found, it throws a CreateApplicationError, as you are seeing.
For most cases, you can use the GPP device included with REDHAWK to support the execution of your components. You would usually only write your own ExecutableDevice if you have a specific type of hardware that does not work with GPP, like an FPGA. If you have installed from RPM, there should be a node tailored to your local system (e.g., processor type, Java and Python versions) in your $SDRROOT/dev/nodes directory. Otherwise you can create it yourself with the '' script included with the GPP project; see the Ubuntu installation guide for an example (admittedly, somewhat buried in the REDHAWK Manual, Appendix E, Section 5).

I believe the problem is that you don't have a GPP in the node with your Dummy Device. Because your original Device was not Executable, it was unable to execute the Component's code, which is what the GPP would do for you.
To add the GPP in the IDE, simply open up the DeviceManager.dcd.xml file of your Node, navigate to the Devices tab, and click the Add button. If everything is installed correctly, you should be able to select the GPP, then click Finish. Finally, save the Node and drag it to Target SDR and try launching it with nodeBooter again.
Also, the type "Executable" in the *.spd.xml file isn't specific to Devices. If you look at the implementation section for a Component, you'll notice there is a Type drop down under the Code section as well. The reason for this is because it isn't describing the type of Device/Component, but how the output of the build process should be interpreted.


Problem access to GPIO rasbery pi 3 with android things

I want to turn on A LED with android things and raspberry Pi 3. I did it as instructed in And I am using last android things version (1.0.15).
any comments why I get a such error?
2009-01-01 03:30:07.762 667-667/com.inflashpay.inflash
E/Request Permission: List of available ports: [BCM2] 2009-01-01
03:30:07.774 667-667/com.inflashpay.inflash E/Request Permission:
Unable to access GPIO android.os.ServiceSpecificException: BCM2 failed to apply the required
pin mux: No such file or directory (code 2)
private static final String LED = "BCM2";
private Handler mHandler = new Handler();
private Gpio mLedGpio;
PeripheralManager service = PeripheralManager.getInstance();
Log.i(TAG, "Available GPIO: " + service.getGpioList());
try {
mLedGpio = service.openGpio(LED);
Log.i(TAG, "Start blinking LED GPIO pin");
// Post a Runnable that continuously switch the state of the GPIO, blinking the
// corresponding LED;
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error on PeripheralIO API", e);
The code sounds good, but the problem is probably the GPIO name.
Check out the pinout diagram of the Raspberry Pi
You can see that BCM2 is not available (although BCM21 is)
You can see another example that uses the pins on the Rainbow HAT on this sample. That one I have run and verified that works. Feel free to compare the project with yours or clone the repo and try that code.
I modified CONFIG file because I needed to use a monitor needed to change resolution there, and when I restored it to default problem solved.

Pre Spatializer Effect - Unity and Google VR Audio

I am using GVR Audio within unity to provide HRTF's for my audio sources, my project involves modelling the acoustics of the virtual environment which needs to happen before the HRTF filters.
On a default unity audio source there is an option to spatialise post effects, meaning I can insert my own effect there. However on the GVR Audio source there is no such option, what is the recomended way to spatialize post effects with GVR?
GvrAudioSource uses Unity's AudioSource under the hood. This means, it is possible to apply pre-spatialization processing using the OnAudioFilterRead method - as you'd normally write for audio sources in your script.
Alternatively, for other audio effect components that would require the spatializePostEffects option, you could simply enable the option through the script by adding the corresponding line below to Awake() function in GvrAudioSource.cs:
void Awake () {
audioSource.spatialBlend = 1.0f;
audioSource.spatializePostEffects = true; // Add this line.
Please also note that, this unfortunately does not currently allow you to add Unity's stock AudioEffect components (e.g. AudioLowPassFilter) in the Editor, as it'd complain about the lack of an AudioSource component in that game object. This is, however, only a UI limitation, i.e., adding a component with such restrictions in run time should still work as expected.
Hope this answers your question.

frontend_tuner_status doesn't work in Python FEI

I'm using the Redhawk IDE 2.0.1 in Centos 6.5.
If I generate a Python based FEI, install, run, allocate, and then try to change the center_frequency via the Properties tab in the IDE I get the error:
Failed to update device property: Center Frequency
Error while executing callable. Caused by org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT: Server-side Exception: null vmcid: 0x41540000 minor code: 99 completed: No
Server-side Exception: null
I've tried to totally different systems and I get the same behavior.
If I do the same thing with the C++ project it works fine. Seems to me the auto generated Python code in 2.0.1 is broken like maybe it's not registering the listener? Any ideas are appreciated as this app will be much easier to implement in Python for me. Thanks
The error org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT: Server-side Exception is a CORBA exception indicating that the FEI device does not implement the setTunerCenterFrequency method, despite the FEI device having a DigitalTuner port. The DigitalTuner IDL inherits from the AnalogTuner IDL, which provides the setTunerCenterFrequency method. There must be a bug in the implementation of the FEI DigitalTuner port. In ${OSSIEHOME}/lib/python/frontend/, InDigitalTunerPort does not inherit from the InAnalogTunerPort, which is where the setCenterFrequency method lives. Changing it to the following should fix this issue:
class InDigitalTunerPort(FRONTEND__POA.DigitalTuner, InAnalogTunerPort):
def __init__(self, name, parent=digital_tuner_delegation()):
InAnalogTunerPort.__init__(self, name, parent)
There's a second issue as well. The generated base class instantiates the DigitalTuner port without passing in a reference to itself, the parent. The generated base class of your FEI Device should change from this:
self.port_DigitalTuner_in = frontend.InDigitalTunerPort("DigitalTuner_in")
to this:
self.port_DigitalTuner_in = frontend.InDigitalTunerPort("DigitalTuner_in", self)

How to Self-Lock a Javacard Applet

My question is whether it is possible to lock an applet from within the code of the applet itself as a countermeasure to detected manipulations from within the code.
The obvious choice is to use GPSystem.lockCard(); and it works, however I wonder if it is possible to only lock the applet. Also I can lock the applet itself from an authenticated session of the associated security domain. But is it possible from the applet code itself. It seems, given the GPSystem.setCardContentState(); method used with GPSystem.APPLICATION_LOCKED, so I also tested that but it does not work.
Rereading the description of the GP Card specification 2.2 PDF:
The OPEN shall reject any transition request from the Life Cycle State LOCKED;
In my Eclipse, the JavaDoc says:
The OPEN shall reject any transition request to the Life Cycle State LOCKED
What's going on here?
It's interesting to see how this mechanism evolved from GlobalPlatform Card specification 2.1.1 to 2.2.1 (still the same in 2.3):
In GP 2.1.1, only the card issuer (off-card entity) or the OPEN (as a result of "exceptions") is allowed to initiate locking of an application:
The Card Issuer has a mechanism to disable the continued execution status of an on-card Application. This mechanism may be invoked from within the OPEN based on exceptions handled by the OPEN or from the use of externally invoked commands. The Card Issuer is the only entity that may initiate the locking of an Application.
The method GPSystem.setCardContentState() is clearly defined to allow only state changes to application specific life-cycle states (values between 0x07 and 0x7F with the lowest 3 bits set). Since the constant for APPLICATION_LOCKED in later specifications is 0x80 setting this state is not allowed. This is also made clear in the notes to this method:
The OPEN shall reject any transition request to the Life Cycle States INSTALLED or LOCKED.
Consequently, trying to set the application state to locked from within the application itself must fail on a card implementing GP 2.1.1.
UPDATE (2016-05-20): I tested this on a few NXP JCOP cards (that are claimed to comply to GP 2.1.1) and setting values that have the upper bit set or any of the lower 3 bits cleared indeed fails.
This changed in GP 2.2. Now, an application is allowed to lock itself:
The card has a mechanism to disable and subsequently re-enable the continued execution status of an on-card
Application. This mechanism may be invoked from within the OPEN based on exceptions handled by the OPEN or
from the use of externally invoked commands. An Application with Global Lock privilege, the Application itself or
a directly or indirectly associated Security Domain are the only entities that may initiate the locking of an
The GP Card specification does not require an application to hold any specific permission to lock itself.
Unfortunately, the API specification for the method GPSystem.setCardContentState() is still not quite clear. First, the description of the method still states that only values between 0x07 and 0x7F with the lowest 3 bits set must be allowed:
This method sets the Application specific Life Cycle State of the current applet context. Application specific Life Cycle States range from 0x07 to 0x7F as long as the 3 low order bits are set.
Second, there are deviating notes in the API documentation thats part of appendix A of the GP Card specification 2.2 document and the JavaDoc in the API export files. While the notes in the specification were changed to:
The OPEN shall reject any transition request to the Life Cycle State INSTALLED;
The OPEN shall reject any transition request from the Life Cycle State LOCKED;
The notes in the API export files ( and JavaDoc) remained the same as in GP 2.1.1.
Consequently, if this method was implemented according to the specification, it should still reject setting the application life-cycle state to APPLICATION_LOCKED.
UPDATE (2016-05-20): I tested this on a NXP J3D081 (JCOP v2.4.2 R2) card (that is claimed to comply to GP 2.2). Setting values that have the upper bit set or any of the lower 3 bits cleared, unfortunately, fails.
However, there is also the method GPRegistryEntry.setState(). The documentation of this method states that:
A transition request to Life Cycle state other than APPLICATION_LOCKED and APPLICATION_UNLOCKED shall be accepted only if the invoking Application corresponds to this GPRegistryEntry;
An Application shall be able to lock and shall not be able to unlock itself;
Thus, it would be interesting to see if the following worked on the same card where using setCardContentState() failed:
UPDATE (2016-05-20): I tested this on a NXP J3D081 (JCOP v2.4.2 R2) card (that is claimed to comply to GP 2.2). Unfortunately, this fails as well. Btw. it does not seem to make a difference if null or JCSystem.getAID() is used as parameter for getRegistryEntry().
UPDATE (2016-06-14): According to Paul Bastian, an NXP representative has confirmed that applications cannot set themselves to locked state on JCOP v2.4.x cards.
UPDATE (2016-06-06): I tested this on a Infineon SLE97CNFX card (that is claimed to comply to GP 2.2.1) and it worked. I could successfully set the state to locked by using APPLICATION_LOCKED (0x80). The state is then set to previous_state | 0x80. Trying to set other state values that have the upper bit set (e.g. 0x8F) does not work (just as I expected).
In GP 2.2.1, the documentation of the method GPSystem.setCardContentState() was changed (again). The change note clearly indicates that the method was updated to now allow an application to lock itself (export file version 1.5. maps to GP 2.2.1):
export file version 1.5: this method now allows the application associated with the current applet context to lock itself.
The method definition was changed to:
This method allows the application associated with the current applet context to change its state to an application specific life cycle state or to lock itself. An application cannot unlock itself using this method.
The value range for the state parameter passed to the method now explicitly includes the value of APPLICATION_LOCKED:
bState - an application specific life cycle state (0x07 to 0x7F with 3 low order bits set), or APPLICATION_LOCKED (0x80).
Consequently, cards implementing GP 2.2.1 or higher should eventually allow applications to change their own life-cycle state to locked using the method GPSystem.setCardContentState().
UPDATE (2016-06-06): I tested this on a Infineon SLE97CNFX card (that is claimed to comply to GP 2.2.1 (or is it 2.3?)) and it worked. I could successfully set the state to locked by using APPLICATION_LOCKED (0x80). The state is then set to previous_state | 0x80. Trying to set other state values that have the upper bit set (e.g. 0x8F) does not work (just as I expected).
An alternative solution
What you could do to overcome your problem without being able to set the application life-cycle to state APPLICATION_LOCKED, is to use application-specific life-cycle states:
public class LockableApplet extends Applet {
[... applet installation / instantiation code ...]
private static final byte APPLICATION_STATE_UNLOCKED = (byte)0x07;
private static final byte APPLICATION_STATE_LOCKED = (byte)0x7F;
public boolean select() {
if (GPSystem.getCardContentState() == APPLICATION_STATE_LOCKED) {
return false;
return true;
public void process(APDU apdu) {
if (selectingApplet()) {
if (GPSystem.getCardContentState() == APPLICATION_STATE_LOCKED) {
[... applet logic code ...]
Upon detecting a problem that should cause your application to be locked, you could lock the applet with the following call:
You could later unlock the application again using a SET STATUS command through the security domain.
(Buyer beware: It seems this way simply does not work -- see comments)
(In context of GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2.1)
You must obey the Application Life Cycle State rules depicted in figure 5-2 (the arrow marked '5' applies here).
The correct way should be:
GPSystem.setCardContentState((byte)(GPSystem.getCardContentState() | GPSystem.APPLICATION_LOCKED));
GPSystem.getRegistryEntry(JCSystem.getAID()).setState((byte)(GPSystem.getCardCo‌​ntentState() | GPSystem.APPLICATION_LOCKED))
The 0x80 life cycle state is invalid for an application. See table 11-4 ( at least the b1 and b2 bits must be set, the b3 bit probably as well).
(I confess to write this answer based solely on the remembrance of fact that OPEN keeps the original state from which the entity was locked)
I am quite curious about this so I did some tests using the following applet (excerpt):
public void process(APDU apdu) {
byte[] buffer = apdu.getBuffer();
if(selectingApplet()) {
short claIns = Util.getShort(buffer, ISO7816.OFFSET_CLA);
switch(claIns) {
case (short) 0x8007:
if(buffer[0]==buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_P1]) {
if(GPSystem.setCardContentState(buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_P2])) {
} else {
} else {
apdu.setOutgoingAndSend((short)0, (short)3);
default: {
And the following APDUs:
8007070F03 // To test transition into Application Specific State
80070F8F03 // To test my theory
80070F8003 // To test the GPSystem.APPLICATION_LOCKED constant directly
The results for my set of cards (Gemalto, Morpho, JCOP -- unfortunately all of them are GP 2.1.1) are in line with Michael Roland's great answer and GP specs -- the application's attempt to block itself is refused.
Received response APDUs for all GP 2.1.1 cards:
8007070F03 -> 07010F9000 // Succeeded in transition from `07` to `0F`
80070F8F03 -> 0F000F9000 // Failed transition from `0F` to `8F`
80070F8003 -> 0F000F9000 // Failed transition from `0F` to `80`
Just a note: This tool is quite useful to determine the implemented GP version as it parses the Card Recognition Data.
Yes. It is common and intended operation of a GlobalPlatform application. You must install your application with the right privilege (gp -install -privs CardLock) and the code to do it is:
You can later unlock the application with
gp -unlock-applet <aid>
There is no compliance to GP core spec per se. A product is GP compliant to a GP configuration. GP configuration are not free of charge. JCOP 2.4.x products are compliant to GP 2.2.x 'Mapping Guidelines of Existing GP 2.1.1 Implementation on v2.2.1' configuration. As the name suggests, this configuration is for backward compatibility mapping. Basically JCOP 2.4.x products are GP 2.1.1 compliant products only (with a couple features from GP 2.2.x). Global Lock privilege is optional for applets.
Yes, it is quite simple: use a private static boolean flag and check it in the beginning of the process(APDU apdu) method:
public class MiniApplet extends Applet {
public static void install(byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength) {
new MiniApplet();
protected MiniApplet() {
private static final short SW_APPLET_IS_LOCKED = (short) 0x9199; //any error SW
private static boolean appletLocked = false; //static -> faster access, this flag is checked each call! "private" modifier is VERY important!
public void process(APDU apdu) {
if (selectingApplet()) {
return; //it is a good practice not to throw any exceptions on SELECT command
if (appletLocked) {
if (attackDetected()) { //implement your attack detection
appletLocked = true;

Probe in Linux DevFreq Driver Not Being Called

I am trying to set up a devfreq driver for a peripheral on Linux. My init method for the driver looks as follows:
static struct platform_driver zynq_csortfreq_driver = {
.probe = zynq_csortfreq_probe,
.driver = {
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
static int __init zynq_csortfreq_init(void)
return platform_driver_register(&zynq_csortfreq_driver);
However, the probe function (zynq_csortfreq_probe) in my driver never seems to get called. I've read that in order for the probe call to work correctly, the .name value of the driver must match the name of the device - where can I find the name of the device?
In order for the probe function to be called, you must add a device from a machine file or via the device tree. This is typically done with platform_device_register() or platform_add_devices() in machine files. Alternatively, of_platform_populate() is used for the device tree model, but code does not use this directly. The platform device documentation has information for your Linux kernel version. It seems that your Linux uses the device tree model. The documentation in the cpufree devicetree will have some helpful information on activating your driver for this board with device trees.
The dtsi file needs something like,
soc {
zyncfreq#addr {
/* Other platform data */
Which will define the device for your machine. I would suggest that first you modify your machine files init_machine entry and use platform_device_register() to associate your driver with a device. Then you can later attempt to get the device tree mechanism working if you wish.
If you can view this closed question, my answer might be helpful if the Linux device-model documentation is not completely clear. However, I think for your case the Linux docs are sufficient.
Problem is in the makefile system. A "dummy" object file must be created and the two "real" files must be combined into the "dummy" object file.
So, new makefile:
# Makefile for the mcp3202 driver.
obj-$(CONFIG_MCP3202) := mcp3202.o
mcp3202-objs := mcp3202_core.o mcp3202_pru.o
The original "mcp3202.c" was renamed to "mcp3202_core.c". The listed "mcp3202.o" does not need a corresponding .c file since it is created "out of thin air" by the make system by combining mcp3202_core.o and mcp3202_pru.o.
Not very elegant but explains why there's a lot of "_core.c" files strung through out the KERNEL build system. Sounds like an value-added opportunity for a Kernel guru to work on...
