Perl: libapt-pkg-perl AptPkg::Cache->new strange behaviour under precise - linux

I have a very strange problem with the constructor of AptPkg::Cache object in the precise package of libapt-pkg-perl (v. 0.1.25).
The perl script is designed to download a debian package for three different architectures (i386, armel, armhf). For each architecture I do the following:
Configure AptPkg::Config '$_config' with the right parameters and package-lists for the desired architecture.
Create the cache object with AptPkg::Cache->new .
Call the method AptPkg::Cache->policy to create the AptPkg::Policy object.
Call the method AptPkg::Policy->candidate("program-name") .
Download the package for the selected architecture.
This works very well with Ubuntu Lucid, but with Ubuntu Precise I can only download the package for the first architecture defined. For the other two architectures there will be no installation candidate (method AptPkg::Policy->candidate("Package-Name") doesn't return an object).
I tried to build a workaround and I found one solution how the script works for all three architectures, without problems, in precise:
If I create the cache object (with AptPkg::Cache->new) twice in a row it works and the script downloads the debian package for all three architectures:
my $cache = AptPkg::Cache->new;
$cache = AptPkg::Cache->new;
I'm sure that the problem has something to do with the method AptPkg::Cache->new because I checked everything else, what could cause the problem, twice. All config-variables are set correctly and I even get a different Hash for AptPkg::Cache->new for each architecture, but it seems that I am overlooking something important.
I'm not very familiar with perl, so I am asking you guys if someone can explain why the script works with the workaround but not without it. Further it looks quite strange if you have the same line of code twice in your script.

Maybe you hit this bug -
There is a script there to test if you're affected. If it's something else consider submitting a bug report.
edit: Just saw this is 11 months old :/


XSCT executes command in interactive shell but not within script

First, take note that I am using the Xilinx SDK 2018.2 on Kubuntu 22.04 because of my companies policy. I know from research, that the command I'm using is deprecated in newer versions, but in the version I am using, it works flawlessly - kind of... But read for yourself:
My task is to automate all steps in the FPGA build to create a pipeline which automatically builds and tests the FPGAs. To achieve this, I need to build the code - this works flawlessly in XSDK. For automation, this also has to work in the command line, so what I did is following the manual to find out how this is achieved. Everything works as expected if I write it in the interactive prompt like shown here:
user#ubuntuvm:~$ xsct
****** Xilinx Software Commandline Tool (XSCT) v2018.2
**** Build date : Jun 14 2018-20:18:43
** Copyright 1986-2018 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Then I can enter the commands I need to import all needed files and projects (hw, bsp, main project). With this toolset, everything works as expected.
Because I want to automate it via a pipeline, I decided to pack this into a script for easier access. The script contains exactly the commands I entered in the interactive shell and therefore looks like this:
user#ubuntuvm:~/gitrepos/repository$ cat ../autoBuildScript.tcl
setws /home/user/gitrepos/repository
openhw ./hps_packages/system.hdf
openbsp ./bsp_packages/system.mss
importprojects ./sources/mainApp
importprojects ./bsp_packages
importprojects ./hps_packages
regenbsp -bsp ./bsp_packages/system.mss
projects –clean
projects -build
The commands are identical to the ones entered via the interactive CLI tool, the only difference is that this is now packed into a script. The difference is, that this now does not build completely anymore. I get the following error:
user#ubuntuvm:~/gitrepos/repository$ xsct ../autoBuildScript.tcl
INFO: [Hsi 55-1698] elapsed time for repository loading 1 seconds
Starting xsdk. This could take few seconds... done
'mainApp' will not be imported... [ALREADY EXIST]
'bsp_packages' will not be imported... [ALREADY EXIST]
'hps_packages' will not be imported... [ALREADY EXIST]
unexpected arguments: –clean
while executing
"error "unexpected arguments: $arglist""
(procedure "::xsdb::get_options" line 69)
invoked from within
"::xsdb::get_options args $options"
(procedure "projects" line 12)
invoked from within
"projects –clean"
(file "../autoBuildScript.tcl" line 8)
I've inserted projects -clean only, because I got the error before with projects -build and wanted to check, if this also happens with another argument.
In the internet I didn't really find anything according to my specific problem. Also I strictly held on to the official manual, in which the command is also used just as I use it - but with the result of it being working.
Also, I've checked the line endings (set to UNIX) because I suspected xsct to read maybe a newline character or something similar, with no result. This error also occurs, when I create the bsp and hardware from sketch. Also, to me the error looks like an internal one from Xilinx, but let me know what you think.
So, it appears that I just fixed the problem on my own. Thanks on everyone reading for being my rubber ducky.
Apparently, the version 2018.2 of XSDK has a few bugs, including inconsistency with their command interpretation. For some reason the command works in the interactive shell, but not in the script - because the command is in its short form. I just learned from a Xilinx tutorial, that projects -build is - even though it works - apparently not the full command. You usually need to clarify, that this command should come from the SDK like this: sdk projects -build. The interactive shell seems to ignore this fact for a reason - and so does the script for any command except projects. Therefore, I added the "sdk" prefix to all commands which I used from the SDK, just to be safe.
I cannot believe, that I just debugged 2 days for an error whose fix only contains 3 (+1 whitespace) letters.
Thanks everybody for reading and have a nice day

Golem Task respons back with runtime error 2, can't determine the cause

Repo for all code I've been using is updated here . When I run the requestor script it exits with a runtime error 2 (File not found). I am not sure how to further debug this or fix it. So far I've converted my code over to a python slim docker image to better mirror the example. It also works for me when I spin up a docker image that typing and running "/golem/work/ --trainmodel" works from root. I switched all my code to use absolute paths. I also did make sure the shebang (#!) uses linux end of file characters rather than windows before which was giving me errors. Fixed a bug where my script returns error code 2 when called with no args to now pass., trainLabelsGlobal)
pkl_file = "classifier.pkl"
with open(pkl_file, 'wb') as file:
pickle.dump(clf, file)
is the only piece I could think of that causes the issue, but as far as I can tell this is the proper way to pickle something in python. Requestor script is also heavily based on the simple service example and I tried to mirror my design to that. I just need help in getting more information while debugging, or guidance on how to move forward from here

How to build and run Light Table without error?

I've been trying for hours, but can't build and use Light Table. Every time I try to run deploy/LightTable, it hangs on a screen that simply says "Light Table". I receive this error*:
[14381:0519/204037:INFO:CONSOLE(27860)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'thread_STAR_' of undefined", source: file:///home/zaz/Desktop/LightTable/builds/lighttable-0.8.0-linux/resources/app/core/node_modules/lighttable/bootstrap.js (27860)
Here's what I've tried:
git clone
cd LightTable
./deploy/LightTable # creates frozen window, throws the error above
cd deploy
./LightTable # creates frozen window, throws the error above
./ltbin # creates frozen window, throws the error above
I also tried similar things after checking out the atom-shell branch and the 0.7.2 tag (and cleaning up all the files from the previous build). Each time, I received the error above.
Does anyone know what's going on here?
Has Light Table been completely abandoned? It seems the last commit was in March.
* Depending on the version I was trying to run, I also received other errors, but I don't think they're relevant (the error above was the only one that appeared for all versions):
[18593:0519/] NVCtrl extension does not exist.
[18593:0519/] Gdk: gdk_window_set_icon_list: icons too large
Fontconfig warning: FcPattern object size does not accept value 11(i)
[14413:0519/] Renderer process started
A year later (question was written in May 2015, now is June 2016), LightTable 0.8.1 is out, and I tried both Linux binary and cloned it from git, and it works fine.
For complete info, I'm using also Atom, and although I had not problems with "Cannot read property 'something' of undefined"" in Atom core, I met such problems in two or three Atom packages.
Both editors are based on same electron platform, LightTable is beautiful eye candy with quite revolutionary REPL integration, but it needs more polish to be usable to same extent as Atom.
For example, LightTable does not have workspace saving by default, that is done via plugin. That's ridiculous.
But although Atom looks so nice and powerful compared to simple editors, with realy huuuge number of available packages/plugins, LightTable is more elegant.
As I don't want to start new semi-religious war Atom vs LightTable resembling vi-vs-emacs, I'll stop here. :)
I can't replicate your problems in LightTable v0.8.1, so I think that answers this question. If not, please add errors you get with v0.8.1.
For info about releases, please check:

Runtime error R6034 in embedded Python application

I am working on an application which uses Boost.Python to embed the Python interpreter. This is used to run user-generated "scripts" which interact with the main program.
Unfortunately, one user is reporting runtime error R6034 when he tries to run a script. The main program starts up fine, but I think the problem may be occurring when python27.dll is loaded.
I am using Visual Studio 2005, Python 2.7, and Boost.Python 1.46.1. The problem occurs only on one user's machine. I've dealt with manifest issues before, and managed to resolve them, but in this case I'm at a bit of a loss.
Has anyone else run into a similar problem? Were you able to solve it? How?
The problem was caused by third-party software that had added itself to the path and installed msvcr90.dll in its program folder. In this case, the problem was caused by Intel's iCLS Client.
Here's how to find the problem in similar situations:
Download Process Explorer here.
Start your application and reproduce runtime error R6034.
Start Process Explorer. In the "View" menu go to "Lower Pane View" and choose "DLLs".
In the top pane, locate your application and click on it. The bottom pane should show a list of DLLS loaded for your application.
Locate "msvcr??.dll" in the list. There should be several. Look for the one that is not in the "winsxs" folder, and make a note of it.
Now, check the path just before your application runs. If it includes the folder you noted in step 5, you've probably found the culprit.
How to fix the problem? You'll have to remove the offending entry from the path before running your program. In my case, I don't need anything else in the path, so I wrote a simple batch file that looks like this:
That's it. The batch file simply clears the path before my program runs, so that the conflicting runtime DLL is not found.
This post elaborates on #Micheal Cooper and #frmdstryr and gives a better alternative than my earlier answer.
You can put the following in front of a python script to purge the problematic entries.
import os, re
path = os.environ['PATH'].split(';')
def is_problem(folder):
for item in os.listdir(folder):
if re.match(r'msvcr\d\d\.dll', item):
return True
return False
path = [folder for folder in path if not is_problem(folder)]
os.environ['PATH'] = ';'.join(path)
For the vim with YouCompleteMe case, you can put the following at the top of your vimrc:
python << EOF
import os, re
path = os.environ['PATH'].split(';')
def is_problem(folder):
for item in os.listdir(folder):
if re.match(r'msvcr\d\d\.dll', item):
return True
return False
path = [folder for folder in path if not is_problem(folder)]
os.environ['PATH'] = ';'.join(path)
A more general solution is:
import os
os.environ['path'] = ";".join(
[path for path in os.environ['path'].split(";")
if "msvcr90.dll" not in map((lambda x:x.lower()), os.listdir(path))])
(I had the same problem with VanDyke SecureCRT)
(This might be better as a comment than a full answer, but my dusty SO acct. doesn't yet have enough rep for that.)
Like the OP I was also using an embedded Python 2.7 and some other native assemblies.
Complicating this nicely was the fact that my application was a med-large .Net solution running on top of 64-Bit IIS Express (VS2013).
I tried Dependency Walker (great program, but too out of date to help with this), and Process Monitor (ProcMon -- which probably did find some hints, but even though I was using filters the problems were buried in thousands of unrelated operations, better filters may have helped).
However, MANY THANKS to Michael Cooper! Your steps and Process Explorer (procexp) got me quickly to a solution that had been dodging me all day.
I can add a couple of notes to Michael's excellent post.
I ignored (i.e. left unchanged) not just the \WinSxS\... folder but also the \System32\... folder.
Ultimately I found msvcr90.dll being pulled in from:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\OpenCL SDK\2.0\bin\x64
Going through my Path I found the above and another, similar directory which seemed to contain 32-bit versions. I removed both of these, restarted and... STILL had the problem.
So, I followed Michael's steps once more, and, discovered another msvcr90.dll was now being loaded from:
C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\
Going through my Path again, I found the above and an (x86) version of this directory as well. So, I removed both of those, applied the changes, restarted VS2013 and...
No more R6034 Error!
I can't help but feel frustrated with Intel for doing this. I had actually found elsewhere online a tip about removing iCLS Client from the Path. I tried that, but the symptom was the same, so, I thought that wasn't the problem. Sadly iCLS Client and OpenCL SDK were tag-teaming my iisexpress. If I was lucky enough to remove either one, the R6034 error remained. I had to excise both of them in order to cure the problem.
Thanks again to Michael Cooper and everyone else for your help!
Using Michael's answer above, I was able to resolve this without a bat file by adding:
import os
# Remove CLS Client from system path
if os.environ['PATH'].find("iCLS Client")>=0:
os.environ['PATH'] = "".join([it for it in os.environ['PATH'].split(";") if not it.find("iCLS Client")>0])
to the main python file of the application. It just makes sure system path didn't include the paths that were causing the issue before the libraries that loaded the dll's were imported.
This post elaborates on #Micheal Cooper and #frmdstryr.
Once you identified the problematic PATH entries, you can put the following in front of a
python script, assuming here that iCLS Client and CMake are problematic.
import os
for forbidden_substring in ['iCLS Client', 'CMake']:
os.environ['PATH'] = ';'.join([item for item in os.environ['PATH'].split(';')
if not item.lower().find(forbidden_substring.lower()) >= 0])
Concerning the vim with YouCompleteMe case, you can put the following at the top of your vimrc:
python << EOF
import os
for forbidden_substring in ['iCLS Client', 'CMake']:
os.environ['PATH'] = ';'.join([item for item in os.environ['PATH'].split(';')
if not item.lower().find(forbidden_substring.lower()) >= 0])
If none of these solutions is applicable for you, you can try to remove the problem causing
entries from you PATH manually, but you want to make sure you don't break anything else on your
system that depends on these PATH entries. So, for instance, for CMake you could try to remove
its PATH entry, and only put a symlink (or the like) pointing to the cmake.exe binary into some
other directory that is in your PATH, to make sure cmake is still runnable from anywhere.
Thanks for the solution. I just little modified this sample code as the path variable in my system contains the string "ICLS CLIENT" instead of "iCLS Client"
import os
# print os.environ['PATH']
# Remove CLS Client from system path
if os.environ['PATH'].find("iCLS Client") >= 0 or os.environ['PATH'].find("ICLS CLIENT") >= 0:
os.environ['PATH'] = "".join([it for it in os.environ['PATH'].split(";") if not (it.find("iCLS Client")>0 or it.find("ICLS CLIENT")>0)])
I also had the same problem with embedding Python27.dll from a C-program using the Universal-CRT.
A <PYTHON_ROOT>\msvcr90.dll was the offender. And <PYTHON_ROOT> is off-course in my PATH. AFAICS the only users of msvcr90.dll are the PyWin32 modules
The fix was just move <PYTHON_ROOT>\msvcr90.dll to that directory.
PS. PyWin32 still has this as an issue 7 years later!
In my case the rebuilding of linked libraries and the main project with similar "Runtime execution libraries" project setting helped. Hope that will be usefull for anybody.
In my case, I realised the problem was coming when, after compiling the app into an exe file, I would rename that file. So leaving the original name of the exe file doesn't show the error.
The discussion on this page involves doing things way far advanced above me. (I don't code.) Nevertheless, I ran Process Explorer as the recommended diagnostic. I found that another program uses and needs msvcr90.dll in it's program folder. Not understanding anything else being discussed here, as a wild guess I temporarily moved the dll to a neighboring program folder.
Problem solved. End of Runtime error message.
(I moved the dll back when I was finished with the program generating the error message.)
Thank you all for your help and ideas.
Check any library having user specified path by Process Explorer. It is not necessary must be msvcr??.dll
I solved same problem except I run Python 3. Present solutions not helped because they not indicate unusual paths of msvcr90.dll. I debug code step by step inside till error dialog appears after rows (called when my code was importing PyTables module):
import ctypes
Then Process Explorer helps to find path to old libbz2.dll caused the problem (steps 3, 4 of #Micheal Cooper algorithm)
Adding this answer for who is still looking for a solution. ESRI released a patch for this error. Just download the patch from their website (no login required), install it and it will solve the problem. I downloaded the patch for 10.4.1 but there are maybe patches for other versions also.

Getting echofunc.vim to work

I came across echofunc.vim today (from a link in SO). Since I'm rubbish at remembering the order of function parameters, it looked like a very useful tool for me.
But the documentation is a bit lean on installation! And I've not been able to find any supplementary resources on the internet.
I'm trying to get it running on a RHEL box. I've copied the script into ~/.vim/plugin/echofunc.vim however no prompt when I type in a function name followed by '('. I've tried adding
let g:EchoFuncLangsUsed = ["php","java","cpp"]
to my .vimrc - still no prompting.
I'm guessing it needs to read from a dictionary somewhere - although there is a file in /usr/share/vim/vim70/ftplugin/php.vim, this is the RH default and does not include an explicit function list.
I'm not too bothered about getting hints on the functions/methods I've defined - just trying to get hints for the built-in functions. I can see there is a dictionary file available here which appears to provide the resources required for echofunc.vim, I can't see how I set this up.
It expects a tags file, the last line of the description describes exactly how to generate it:
ctags -R --fields=+lS .
It works here with PHP but not with JS. Your mileage may vary.
I didn't know about this plugin, thanks for the info.
You should try phpcomplete.vim, it shows a prototype of the current function in a scratchpad. It is PHP only, though.
