How to add a post image in Ghost's index? - node.js

I don't see any examples in the docs on how to use a post's image on the index view of Ghost. For example, you can see this theme doing it:
Any ideas?
EDIT: If anyone comes across this, I found this post that helped:

Since version 0.5.2 there's now official support for Post Images. So avoid the hack using {{content words="0"}}
Instead use {{image}} to print out the url for the image.
For example:
<header {{#if image}}" style="background-image: url({{image}}){{/if}}">

As #user3088077 mentioned in his edit, I could make the image appear in the index page by replacing in the index.hbs
from {{ excerpt }} to {{content words="0"}}.
What happens is that excerpt does not include images, while content does.

This is aimed towards displaying the featured image in index which means it needs to be on the front page not on post page.


link to anchor from URL using react

I have a FAQ page i have created with many questions and answers in the form of
<h4 id="anchor-name">question</h4>
This works as expected if i have a button or clickable link in the form of
Click here to go to anchor
which takes me directly to my question with that id (expected behaviour)
The problem is when i try to access this from a URL from another tab by doing something like
it redirects me to my FAQ page but not to my question. Instead, it just loads the FAQ and stays on the top.
Some context:
frontend is in react
the first # in the url https://my-app-url/#/FAQ/#anchor-name is mandatory. Apparently if i just go with https://my-app-url/FAQ/#anchor-name it never loads the page
I have tried enclosing the <div> tags and the <h4> tags by an <a> tag but it didn't work. In those cases what i did was
<a href="#anchor-name">
<h4 id="anchor-name">question</h4>
What i wish to know and cannot seem to find it by doing research a lot is:
Is it possible to access this anchor via URL from an external link by using react-router library?
Could it be that by using react the html way to anchor is not working as expected?
Is my first # in the URL interfering with the anchor linking feature?
You don't need that last / right before the #anchor-tag.
so the URL would be:
For anyone who might be interested, I fixed this issue. The problem was fixed by replacing HashHistory with BrowserHistory. With HashHistory, the URL gets an # that interferes with anchors. By using BrowserHistory, that # is never there so the issue is gone. Hopes this helps.

Embed SVG image in GitHub wiki in 2016

Yes, there are questions about this. Unfortunately, the answers are all messy now with information about different things that worked differently across the past five or so years.
So how the heck am I to
an svg image
in a GitHub .wiki folder
inside a GitHub .wiki page
I can't believe you need a PhD for this.
Here is my example page with broken embedding:
Here is the actual thing:
I suppose the problem is this renders as raw text instead of being shown as svg image?
And no, I don't want to set up gh-pages. I want to use the bloody Wiki, because that is what it's supposed to do.
Ok, so apparently this is what happens:
GitHub doesn't want to render images properly from rawgithubcontent.
So forget about embedding them in the wiki
Create a gh-pages branch for the main project unless you already have one
Find or create an unused directory in that branch, and add the image there
Link to the gh-pages URL
Not cool, but it works.
You can do that using
Upload the file to one folder under any repository.
Find the svg link on GitHub, and click to the "Raw" version.
Copy the URL.
Change to
Insert /gh/ before your username.
Remove the branch name.
(Optional) Insert the version you want to link to, as #version (if you do not do this, you will get the latest - which may cause long-term caching)
Using label image, then add ?sanitize=true to the path tail of the svg file.
For example,
If raw svg file path in github is:
You can use below:
<a href="">
<img style="position: absolute; top: 76px; right: 0; border: 0" alt="Fork me on GitHub"
The result:
Link and execute external JavaScript file hosted on GitHub

MODx Revo. How to show the first image of a blog post on the main page?

I use MODx Revolution. On the home page we show some of the excerpt of the content (introtext).
<h2 class="title">[[+pagetitle]]</h2>
<p class="postmeta">
read more
| <span class="date">[[+publishedon:strtotime:date=`%m/%d/%y`]]</span>
This is the guide I've used.
how display on the main page as the first image of the article?
You need to make a Template Variable eg 'BlogImage' of type 'Image' and assign that TV to your blog post template. Then upload your image to that field within each blog post and you can then access it with:
img src="[[+tv.BlogImage]]"
That will output your image from the TV.
To output this image on a different template EG your homepage template you need to do a GetResources or GetResourceField call, which requires the installation of packages through the Revo Package Manager.
hope that helps.

Include an SVG (hosted on GitHub) in MarkDown

I know that an image can be placed in an MD with the MD syntax of either ![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg) or ![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title"), but I am having difficulty placing an SVG in MD where the code is hosted on GitHub.
Ultimately using rails3, and changing the model frequently right now, so I am using RailRoady to generate an SVG of the schema diagram of the models. I would like for that SVG to then be placed in the, and be displayed. When I open the SVG file locally, it does work, so how do I get the browser to render the SVG in the MD file? Given that the code will be dynamic until it is finalized (seemingly never), hosting the SVG in a separate place seems overkill and that I am missing an approach to accomplish this.
The SVG I am trying to include is here on GitHub:
I have tried the following, with an actual image as well to verify the syntax is working, just that the SVG code isn't being rendered:
[1]: "Overview"
<img src="">
![Alt text](
[Google Doc]( :
<img src="">
<img src="">
<img src="">
to get the results of:
1: "Overview"
Google Doc :
The purpose of is to allow users to view the contents of a file, so for text based files this means (for certain content types) you can get the wrong headers and things break in the browser.
When this question was asked (in 2012) SVGs didn't work. Since then Github has implemented various improvements. Now (at least for SVG), the correct Content-Type headers are sent.
All of the ways stated below will work.
I copied the SVG image from the question to a repo on github in order to create the examples below
Linking to files using relative paths (Works, but obviously only on /
![Alt text](./controllers_brief.svg)
<img src="./controllers_brief.svg">
See the working example on
Linking to RAW files
![Alt text](
<img src="">
Linking to RAW files using ?sanitize=true
![Alt text](
<img src="">
Linking to files hosted on
![Alt text](
<img src="">
Some comments regarding changes that happened along the way:
Github has implemented a feature which makes it possible for SVG's to be used with the Markdown image syntax. The SVG image will be sanitized and displayed with the correct HTTP header. Certain tags (like <script>) are removed.
To view the sanitized SVG or to achieve this effect from other places (i.e. from markdown files not hosted in repos on simply append ?sanitize=true to the SVG's raw URL.
As stated by AdamKatz in the comments, using a source other than can introduce potentially privacy and security risks. See the answer by CiroSantilli and the answer by DavidChambers for more details.
The issue to resolve this was opened on Github on October 13th 2015 and was resolved on August 31th 2017
I contacted GitHub to say that SVGs are no longer displayed in GitHub READMEs. I received this reply:
We have had to disable svg image rendering on due to potential cross site scripting vulnerabilities.
Update 2020: how they made it work while avoiding XSS attacks
GitHub appears to use two security approaches, this is a good article: see also:
show SVG inside <img tag, which prevents scripts from running, e.g. on READMEs:
use Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; style-src 'unsafe-inline'; sandbox. This prevents the script from running even in raw which contains the raw SVG file:
You can see the header with curl -vvv. The regular pages also have a content-security-policy, but it is much larger.
Update 2017
A GitHub dev is currently looking into this:
Update 2014-12: GitHub now renders SVG on blob show, so I don't see any reason why not to render on README renderings:
Also note that that SVG does have an XSS attempt but it does not run:
The billion laugh SVG does make Firefox 44 Freeze, but Chromium 48 is OK:
Petah mentioned that blobs are fine because the SVG is inside an iframe.
Possible rationale for GitHub not serving SVG images
general XML vulnerabilities. E.g. opening a billion laughs exploit just made Firefox crash my system. Firefox bug with exploit attached: Same on Chromium:
SVG XSS scripting: while most browsers don't run scripts when the SVG is embedded with img, it seems that this is not required by the standards, so maybe GitHub is playing it safe.
Browsers do run it if you open the SVG directly (but it appears that GitHub never shows images directly on the domain) or if it is inline (which are currently completely removed by GitHub), so those cases shouldn't be a security concern. Relevant links:
interactive SVG demo:
The following questions asks about the risks of SVG in general: solves this problem nicely. For each request, it retrieves the appropriate document from GitHub and, crucially, serves it with the correct Content-Type header.
Since Jan. 2022, that seems possible (and easy):
Allow to upload .svg files to Markdown
It is now possible to upload .svg files to comments in issues, PRs, discussions, and Markdown files, like READMEs.
You just have to drag and drop the file in the text area.
This will work. Link to your SVG using the following pattern:<repo-owner>/<repo>/<branch>/path/to.svg
The downside is hardcoding the owner and repo in the path, meaning the svg will break if either of those are renamed.
I have a working example with an img-tag, but your images won't display.
The difference I see is the content-type.
I checked the github image from your post (the google doc images don't load at all because of connection failures). The image from github is delivered as content-type: text/plain, which won't get rendered as an image by your browser.
The correct content-type value for svg is image/svg+xml. So you have to make sure that svg files set the correct mime type, but that's a server issue.
Try it with and don't forget to specify width and height in the tag.
Just like this worked for me on Github.
![Image Caption](ImageAddressOnGitHub.svg)
<img src="ImageAddressOnGitHub.svg">
In addition to regular SVGs, you can also insert animated SVG images in the markdown file like any other format. It can be a good alternative to GIF images.
Use relative links if both your animated SVG and your markdown file are in the same GitHub repository:
![image description](relative/path/in/repository/to/image.svg)
<img src="relative/path/in/repository/to/image.svg" width="128"/>
Example (assuming the image is in assets directory in the repository):
![My animated logo](assets/my-logo.svg)
Use this site: , it works for me as I don't have permission issue with the svg file.
Please pay attention that RawGit is not a service of github, as mentioned in Rawgit FAQ :
RawGit is not associated with GitHub in any way. Please don't contact GitHub asking for help with RawGit
Enter the url of svg you need, such as :
Then, you can get the url bellow which can be used to display:

How Can I Use Shadowbox to Extract Text Only from Webpage?

I have an article set up in Joomla that displays Terms and Conditions for the site users. I would like this to show up in a shadowbox when a user clicks a link. Here is the current anchor text example:
Terms and Conditions
This works out great for displaying the entire web page, but what I would like to do is just display the article text on the page (plain with a white background). Is this in someway possible with shadowbox? If so, how?
If I'm understanding you correctly - you want to suppress the modules and other periphery from your 'page' when it is loaded in the shadowbox.
Add ?tmpl=component to the url of your link.
You can do this with a div element and css shadow effect.
How to show/hide div is explained here:
How you can add shadow is explained here:
I believe there are some components to do this - but you may have to get creative to do it without pulling the whole page with an a href tag.
In the database there's a particular area that holds that specifically and you could write a little query to just pull that information specifically and put it in the shadowbox, but what that query would look like I'm not sure.
