Puppet Servers of same type - puppet

I have a best practice question around Puppet when working is server/agent mode.
I have created a working solution using a manifest/sites.pp configuration that identifies the configuration using the hostname of the agent.
For example:
node 'puppetagent.somedomain.com' {
include my_module
notify { 'agent configuration applied':
This works great for configuring a single node but what if I had a scenario in which I had multiple applications servers all with differing hostnames but all of which needed the same configuration.
Adding multiple node entries, comma separated hostname list or regular expressions doesn't feel like the 'right' way to do this.
Are there alternative ways? Can you define node 'types'? What do the community consider best practice for this?
Many thanks

If all the servers have the same configuration, inheritance, or the hieara hierarchy are the easiest ways to achieve this.
Once you need to maintain a larger set of systems where certain nodes have types such as 'web server' or 'database server' the configurations will diverge and the single inheritance model is not entirely sufficient.
You can use composition in those places. Take a peak at this article for more details.

Regular expressions might not be so bad, but I suppose the current trend is to use hiera_include.
You can do something dirty like this :
$roles = { 'webserver' => [ 'server1', 'server2', 'server3' ]
, 'smtp' => [ 'gw1', 'gw2' ]
node default {
$roles . filter |$k,$v| { $hostname in $v }
. each |$k,$v| { hiera_include($k) }

I would suggest taking a look at the concept of "roles and profiles" here: http://www.craigdunn.org/2012/05/239/
You can have multiple nodes all of which include the same configuration with a "profile" that includes one or more "roles".
As for defining multiple nodes with the same configuration or a "profile" containing "role(s)", I would suggest using hiera_include like #bartavelle mentioned. Except to use a common environment variable for identifying the nodes rather than using regular expressions.


Puppet - How to write yaml files based on Role/Profile method

I've added our infrastructure setup to puppet, and used roles and profiles method. Each profile resides inside a group, based on their nature. For example, Chronyd setup and Message of the day are in "base" group, nginx-related configuration is in "app" group. Also, on the roles, each profile is added to the corresponding group. For example for memcached we have the following:
class role::prod::memcache inherits role::base::debian {
include profile::app::memcache
The profile::app::memcached has been set up like this :
class profile::app::memcache {
service { 'memcached':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
hasrestart => true,
hasstatus => true,
and for role::base::debian I have :
class role::base::debian {
include profile::base::motd
include profile::base::chrony
The above structure has proved to be flexible enough for our infrastructure. Adding services and creating new roles could not been easier than this. But now I face a new problem. I've been trying to separate data from logic, write some yaml files to keep the data there, using Hiera version 5. Been looking through internet for a couple of days, but I cannot deduct how to write my hiera files based on the structure I have. I tried adding profile::base::motd to common.yaml and did a puppet lookup, it works fine, but I could not append chrony to common.yaml. Puppet lookup returns nothing with the following common.yaml contents :
profile::base::motd::content: This server access is restricted to authorized users only. All activities on this system are logged. Unauthorized access will be liable to prosecution.'
profile::base::chrony::servers: 'ntp.centos.org'
profile::base::chrony::service_enable: 'true'
profile::base::chrony::service_ensure: 'running'
Motd lookup works fine. But the rest, no luck. puppet lookup profile::base::chrony::servers returns with no output. Don't know what I'm missing here. Would really appreciate the community's help on this one.
Also, using hiera, is the following enough code for a service puppet file?
class profile::base::motd {
class { 'motd':
PS : I know I can add yaml files inside modules to keep the data, but I want my .yaml files to reside in one place (e.g. $PUPPET_HOME/environment/production/data) so I can manage the code with git.
The issue was that in init.pp file inside the puppet module itself, the variable $content was assigned a value. Removing the value fixed the problem.

How can I use Foreman host groups with Puppet?

I have this manifest:
$foremanlogin = file('/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/foremanlogin.txt')
$foremanpass = file('/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/foremanpass.txt')
$query = foreman({foreman_user => "$foremanlogin",
foreman_pass => "$foremanpass",
item => 'hosts',
search => 'hostgroup = "Web Servers"',
filter_result => 'name',
$quoted = regsubst($query, '(.*)', '"\1"')
$query6 = join($quoted, ",")
notify{"The value is: ${query6}": }
node ${query6} {
package { 'atop':
ensure => 'installed',
When I execute this on agent I got error:
Server Error: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at ''
Error in my node block
node ${query6} {
package { 'atop':
ensure => 'installed',
I see correct output from notify, my variable looks like this:
Variable in correct node manifest format.
I don't understand whats wrong? variable query6 is correct.
How to fix that?
I just want to apply this manifest to foreman host group, how to do this right?
On the Puppet side, you create classes describing how to manage appropriate subunits of your machines' overall configuration, and organize those classes into modules. The details of this are far too broad to cover in an SO answer -- it would be analogous to answering "How do I program in [language X]?".
Having prepared your classes, the task is to instruct Puppet which ones to assign to each node. This is called "classification". Node blocks are one way to perform classification. Another is external node classifiers (ENCs). There are also alternatives based on ordinary top-level Puppet code in your site manifest. None of these are exclusive.
If you are running Puppet with The Foreman, however, then you should configure Puppet to use the ENC that Foreman provides. You then use Foreman to assign (Puppet) classes to nodes and / or node groups, and Foreman communicates the details to Puppet via its ENC. That does not require any classification code on the Puppet side at all.
See also How does host groups work with foreman?

CouchDB Read Configuration from design document

I would like to store a value in the config file and look it up in the design document for comparing against update values. I'm sure I have seen this but, for the life of me, I can't seem to remember how to do this.
I realize (after the first answer) that there was more than one way to interpret my question. Hopefully this example clears it up a little. Given a configuration:
curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_config/shared/token -d '"0123456789"'
I then want to be able to look it up in my design document
"_id": "_design/loadsecrets",
"validate_doc_update": {
"test": function (newDoc,oldDoc) {
if (newDoc.supersecret != magicobject.config.shared.token){
throw({unauthorized:"You don't know the super secret"});
It's the abilitly to do something like the magicobject.config.shared.token that I am looking for.
Another potentially useful (contrived) scenario
curl -X PUT http://trustedemployee:5984/_config/eventlogger/detaillevel -d '"0"'
curl -X PUT http://employee:5984/_config/eventlogger/detaillevel -d '"2"'
curl -X PUT http://vicepresident:5984/_config/eventlogger/detaillevel -d '"10"'
Then on devices tracking employee behaviour:
"_id": "_design/logger",
"updates": {
"logger": function (doc,req) {
if (!doc) {
doc = {_id:req.id};
if(req.level < magicobject.config.eventlogger.detaillevel ){
doc.details = req.details;
return [doc, req.details];
Here's a follow-up to my last answer with more general info:
There is no general way to use configuration, because CouchDB is designed with scalability, stability and predictability in mind. It has been designed using many principles of functional programming and pure functions, avoiding side effects as much as possible. This is a Good Thing™.
However, each type of function has additional parameters that you can use, depending on the context the function is called with:
show, list, update and filter functions are executed for each request, so they get the request object. Here you have the req.secObj and req.userCtx to (ab)use for common configuration. Also, AFAIK the this keyword is set to the current design document, so you can use the design doc to get common configuration (at least up to CouchDB 1.6 it worked).
view functions (map, reduce) don't have additional parameters, because the results of a view are written to disk and reused in subsequent calls. map functions must be pure (so don't use e.g. Math.random()). For shared configuration across view functions within a single design doc you can use CommonJS require(), but only within the views.lib key.
validate doc update functions are not necessarily executed within a user-triggered http request (they are called before each write, which might not be triggered only via http). So they have the userCtx and secObj added as separate parameters in their function signature.
So to sum up, you can use the following places for configuration:
userCtx for user-specific config. Use a special role (e.g. with a prefix) for storing small config bits. For example superLogin does this.
secObj for database-wide config. Use a special member name for small bits (as you should normally use roles instead of explicit user names, secObj.members.names or secObj.admins.names is a good place).
the design doc itself for design-doc-wide config. Best use the this.views.lib.config for this, as you can also read this key from within views. But keep in mind that all views are invalidated as soon as you change this key. So if the view results will stay the same no matter what the config values are, it might be better to use a this.config key.
Hope this helps! I can also add examples if you wish.
I think I know what you're talking about, and if I'm right then what you are asking for is no longer possible. (at least in v1.6 and v2.0, I'm not sure when this feature was removed)
There was a lesser-known trick that allowed a view/show/list/validation/etc function to access the parent design document as this in your function. For example:
"_id": "_design/hello-world",
"config": {
"PI": 3.14
"views": {
"test": {
"map": "function (doc) { emit(this.config.PI); })"
This was a really crazy idea, and I imagine it was removed because it created a circular dependency between the design document and the code of the view that made the process of invalidating/rebuilding a view index a very tricky affair.
I remember using this trick at some point in the distant past, but the feature is definitely gone now. (and likely to never return)
For your special use-case (validating a document with a secret token), there might be a workaround, but I'm not sure if the token might leak in some place. It all depends what your security requirements are.
You could abuse the 4th parameter to validate_doc_update, the securityObject (see the CouchDB docs) to store the secret token as the first admin name:
"test": "function (newDoc, oldDoc, userCtx, secObj) {
var token = secObj.admins.names[0];
if (newDoc.supersecret != token) {
throw({unauthorized:"You don't know the super secret"});
So if you set the db's security object to {admins: {names: ["s3cr3t-t0k3n"], roles: ["_admin"]}}, you have to pass 's3cr3t-t0k3n' as the doc's supersecret property.
This is obviously a dirty hack, but as far as I remember, the security object may only be read or modified by admins, you wouldn't immediately leak your token to the public. But consider adding a separate layer between the CouchDB and your caller if you need "real" security.

Relationships are not displaying properly in Neo4J

I'm just starting out with Neo4j and I've been trying to send over simple relationships using Postman. I'm not having any issues sending the Nodes but the second I try to create a relationship, it creates two arbitrary grey nodes and builds the relationships. However, when I send a command like this:
CREATE (a:Person { name:'Tom Hanks', born:1956 })
-[r:ACTED_IN { roles: ['Forrest']}]->
(m:Movie { title:'Forrest Gump',released:1994 })
It properly displays the nodes and the relationship between them. See image below for more clarity.
This seems a bit odd as I would assume you'd be able to easily add nodes or create relationships at any point rather than when the Node's are being created.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, you can create Relationship after the node is created using Match clause.
For e.g.
MATCH (node1:node),(node2:node)
WHERE node1.val=20 AND node2.val=21
CREATE (node1)-[r:Rel]->(node2)

Partial Update Document without script Elasticsearch

I am using the following code for partial update
POST /website/blog/1/_update
"script" : "ctx._source.views+=1"
is there any alternative way I can achieve the same thing. because I don't want to change anything in
groovy script because last time I changed the settings and my server was compromised.
So someone please help me with the solution or some security measures if there is no work around.
No, you cannot dynamically change a field value without using a script.
You can use file-based scripts though, which means that you can disable dynamic scripting (default in ES 1.4.3+) while still using scripting in a safe, trusted way.
You could have the script store:
ctx._source.views += your_param
Once stored, you can then access the script by name, which bypasses dynamic scripting.
POST /website/blog/1/_update
"script": "your_custom_script",
"params" : {
"your_param" : 1
Depending on the version of Elasticsearch, the script parameter is better named (e.g., ES 2.0 uses "inline" for dynamic scripts), but this should get you off the ground.
