how can I adding quickdialog to my project? - quickdialog
In YOUR project configuration:
in the Build Phases, Add QuickDialog (the lib, not the example app) as a Target Dependency
in the Link Binary With Libraries section, add the libQuickDialog.a library
I don't know how to do this ……
please tell me the detail about this step.

1) Click your project in the project navigator (on the left hand side, at the top, with a blue icon next to it).
2) Select your app under the Targets heading.
3) Click the Build Phases tab.
4) Expand the Target Dependencies, and click the + button. Add the one called QuickDialog (not QuickDialogExample).
5) Expand Link Binary with Libraries and click the + button. Add libQuickDialog.a.


"Layout" folder not appearing in "res" folder

Recently I installed android studio and wanted to create a map, selected java language instead of kotlin.
As I was following a guide on internet,
it said to select "Main_activity.xml" in res->layout.
But I couldn't find any layout folder.
Here's the image of my project view:Android Project View
Thank You
From your "Android Project View"
In Java folder, you can see three "com.ecample.hackathon" folders, among these three folders first one is blank, when we create any Activity in our project, java class show at here, and xml file show in layout folder(parent is res folder).
So now, you have to create Activity.
1) Right click on this empty folder "com.ecample.hackathon"
2) Select New
3) Than Select Activity
4) As per your choice you can select the option.
Ex. Select "Empty Activity
Name as according your use.
You can get java and xml file in proper place.
Hope this help you.

Bitrix - How to find last updated component or file in Bitrix

I have updated one component file from the Edit Mode of Bitrix environment. I have written one statement and write exit to debug the code. But now I can't find the component which I have edited.
Is there any way to find last updated files or templates or component or any other way by which I can revert back that component?
I have updated component file from this page - CRM > Deals > Add New Deal page.
Any help would be appreciated.
If you edited CRM > Deals > Add New Deal page using "Edit page" button then check out /crm/deal/index.php file.
To check out what core files/system components were affected (if they were modified) you could use "Project Quality Control" tool:
Open Control Panel > Settings > Tools > Project Quality Control
Click "Release Project".
In checklist find "Project release" group and click "The system kernel was not modified".
Click "Run autotest".
Click "Detail report" link to see which core files was modified.
But the best way to figure out what files was modified is compare document root folder with the backup copy.
If you want to continue to edit the files then I recommend you to set up version control system (e.g. GIT).

Orchard custom forms override Create.cshtml for one content type only

I have created a custom content type ContactForm and I'm using the Custom Forms module.
Is there a way to override the Create.cshtml file only for the ContactForm?
I tried Create-ContactForm.cshtml but it's not working.
If you want alternate view to be displayed follow the steps.
1. Enable Designer tools module.
2. View the page where create.cshtml is displayed.
3. You will see see small minus sign in right bottom corner, click it to enable shape tracing.
4. Trace the shape for which you want alternate view.
5. check shapes tab, there will be multiple alternate options availbale. click on create for appropriate one.
6. find and edit that template in visual studio.
first of all read about alternates and shape tracing.
some reference for you.

Android Programming ABC Tracing Application

i want to make an application ABC Tracing , and i want to insert a color picker in my application , but how do
i include the source code into my application ?
please explain in detail , thank you very much
Right click in package explorer or goto file>import - choose svn
get svn repository location (for example this great library : from here
follow wizard importing the trunk/library, it should end up in your package explorer
Right click in your project to use the libray, select properties, select Android, at bottom select Add Library and select the color picker.

In VS2012 how do I filter the Object Browser to display objects in my Project?

In VS2012 how do I filter the Object Browser to display objects accessible from my Project?
As far as I can make out from the UI it can be configured to show either
1) Everything installed on the machine.
2) A manually selected subset of everything installed on the machine.
3) Everything referenced by the entire Solution.
So where is the most useful view of all, namely the view of everything referenced by the current Project?
The MSDN even states that you can use it to view what can be referenced by the Project
"The Object Browser lets you select and examine the namespaces, classes, methods, and other programming symbols available for use in your project."
But I can't see how to do it.
You can use the Class View (Ctrl + Shift + C) to see the references available per project.
Look in the Projects References section of each project in the Class View.
Example: Class Library in Solution
Here, I am looking at the System.Collections classes.
Example: WPF Project in Solution
Here I am looking a the System.Diagnostics classes
To view the class in Object Browser, right click and choose, "Browse Definition".
