Get rid of warning in perl number adder code - string

I am writing a program that takes numbers from the command line until the user enters a blank line.
Should the user enter something that is neither newline nor numeric, it notifies the user, and continues.
While everything works, I have use warnings turned on, and it doesn't seem to like the second if conditional if the enters something invalid.
Argument "foo" isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at line 25, <STDIN> line 4.
I don't like running the program with this warning. How can I improve my code?
This is my program
use strict;
use warnings;
#declare variable
my $number = 0; #final answer
my $input;
#prompt the user
print "Input some integers, line by line. When you are done, press return to add them up." . "\n";
while (1) {
#get input from user
$input = <STDIN>;
#remove newlines
#user pnches in newline
if ($input eq '') { #if the answer is new line
#quit the loop
} #end of if statement
#user punches in bad input
elsif ($input == 0 && $input ne '0' && $input ne '') {
#tell the user what happened and how to rectify it
print "Input must be an integer." . "\n";
} # end of elsif statement
else {
$number += $input;
} # end of else statement
} #end of while
print "Total is: $number\n";

Perl does DWIM very well. It is famous for it.
So, whatever language you have come from - it looks like C - forget about checking for both strings and numbers: a Perl scalar variable is whatever you ask it to be.
That means something like
elsif ($input == 0 && $input ne '0' && $input ne '') {
makes little sense. Anything read from the keyboard is initially a string, but it will be a number if you want. You are asking for $input to evaluate as zero but not to be the literal string 0. That applies to very few strings, for instance 00 or 0e0.
I think this is what you meant to write. Please take a look.
Isn't it clearer without comments?
use strict;
use warnings;
print "Input some integers line by line. When you are done, press return to add them up\n";
my $total = 0;
while (<>) {
last unless /\S/;
if (/\D/) {
print "Input must be an integer\n";
$total += $_;
print "Total is: $total\n";

Since Perl is untyped, and you are using $input as both a number and a string, you get that warning because "foo" isn't a number and "==" is used to compare equality of numbers.
You first need to check to see if $input is a number or not. One suggestion:
if ($input =~ /^\d+$/)
$number += $input;
print "Input must be an integer.\n";


How can I get Perl string to keep its original formatting after editing it?

I am attempting to write a code that will encrypt letters with a basic cyclic shift cipher while leaving any character that is not a letter alone. I am trying to do this through the use of a sub that finds the new value for each of the letters. When I run the code now,it formats the result so there is a single space between every encrypted letter instead of keeping the original formatting. I also cannot get the result to be only in lowercase letters.
sub encrypter {
my $letter = shift #_;
if ($letter =~ m/^[a-zA-Z]/) {
$letter =~ y/N-ZA-Mn-za-m/A-Za-z/;
return $letter;
else {
return lc($letter);
print "Input string to be encrypted: ";
my $input = <STDIN>;
chomp $input;
print "$input # USER INPUT\n";
my #inputArray = split (//, $input);
my $i = 0;
my #encryptedArray;
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#inputArray; $i++) {
$encryptedArray[$i] = encrypter($inputArray[$i]);
print "#encryptedArray # OUTPUT\n";
The problem is how you are printing the array.
Change this line:
print "#encryptedArray # OUTPUT\n";
print join("", #encryptedArray) . " # OUTPUT\n";
Here is an example that illustrates the problem.
my #array = ("a","b","c","d");
print "#array # OUTPUT\n";
print join("", #array) . " # OUTPUT\n";
$ perl
a b c d # OUTPUT
abcd # OUTPUT
According to the Perl documentation on print:
The current value of $, (if any) is printed between each LIST item.
The current value of $\ (if any) is printed after the entire LIST has
been printed.
So two others ways to do it would be:
my #array = ("a","b","c","d");
print #array, " #OUTPUT\n";
my #array = ("a","b","c","d");
print #array, " #OUTPUT\n";
Here is a related answer and here is documentation explaining $" and $,.
Those spaces in your output from $" (list separator) because you use print "#encryptedArray" to print that array, which equals print join($", #encryptedArray), therefore you could disable them by
local $" = '';
or you could join that #encryptedArray by yourself before you print it, just as suggested by #Matt.
Note that there is no need for such complexity. tr/// - also known as y/// - wil convert the whole string for you. Like this
use strict;
use warnings;
print "Input string to be encrypted: ";
chomp(my $input = <STDIN>);
print "$input # USER INPUT\n";
(my $encrypted = $input) =~ tr/N-ZA-Mn-za-m/A-Za-z/;
print "$encrypted # OUTPUT\n";

Why does this string undef check return true?

my $line = "hello";
print ($line == undef);
The check should be false since $line is not undefined (I defined it in the first line). Why is this code snippet printing out '1'?
It's doing exactly what you said.
print ($line == undef);
You're printing out a boolean value because ($line == undef) is a boolean statement.
The == is a numeric equals. Since $line is text, it has the value of 0. So does undef numerically. Thus ($line == undef) is true.
You should always put the following on the top of your program:
use strict;
use warnings;
There are other pragmas people put, but these are the two most important. They will find 90% of your errors. Try this program:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $line = "hello";
print ($line == undef)
You'll get:
Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at ./ line 6.
Argument "hello" isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at ./ line 6.
Of course I have an uninitialized value! I'm using undef. And, of course hello isn't a numeric value.
I'm not entirely sure what you want. Do you want to print out hello if it's not defined? Are you trying to see the value of that boolean statement?
What about that \n on the end that print doesn't put on the end of the line? Do you want that? Because print can be prone to the forgotten \n error, I prefer to use say:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say); # Say is like print but includes the ending `\n`
my $line = "hello";
say (not defined $line); # Will print null (false) because the line is defined
say ( defined $line); # Will print "1" (true).
say ( $line ne undef); # Will print '1' (true), but will give you a warning.
say $line if defined line; # Will print out $line if $line is defined
Always put
use strict; use warnings;
use Modern::Perl;
you will see some errors :
Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at /tmp/ line 3.
Argument "hello" isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at /tmp/ line 3.
To test if a variable is defined, use :
print "variable defined" if defined $variable;
To test a string against another string, use :
if ($string eq $another_string) { ... }

Replacing values of a file based on a conf file

I have a conf file which has the format of variable="value" where values may have special characters as well. An example line is:
LINE_D="(L#'id' == 'log') AND L#'id' IS NULL"
I have another file F which should replace values based on this conf file. For example, if there is line in F
it should be replaced by
PRINT '(L#'id' == 'log') AND L#'id' IS NULL'
How can I a program in shell script which takes conf and F and generate the values in F replaced.
Your definition of what's required leaves lots of gaps, so you'll probably need to tweak this script. It is a cut-down version of a more complex script originally designed to process makefiles. That means there is probably material you could remove from here without causing trouble, though I've gotten rid of most of the extraneous processing.
#!usr/bin/env perl
# Note: this script can take input from stdin or from one or more files.
# For example, either of the following will work:
# cat config file | setmacro
# setmacro file
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
# Usage:
# -b -- omit blank lines
# -c -- omit comments
# -d -- debug mode (verbose)
# -e -- omit the environment
my %opt;
my $input_line;
die "Usage: $0 [-bcde] [file ...]" unless getopts('bcde', \%opt);
# Copy environment into hash for MAKE macros
%MACROS = %ENV unless $opt{e};
my $rx_macro = qr/\${?([A-Za-z]\w*)}?/; # Matches $PQR} but ideally shouldn't
# For each line in each file specified on the command line (or stdin by default)
while ($input_line = <>)
chomp $input_line;
# Expand macros in given value
sub macro_expand
my($value) = #_;
print "-->> macro_expand: $value\n" if $opt{d};
while ($value =~ $rx_macro)
print "Found macro = $1\n" if $opt{d};
my($env) = $MACROS{$1};
$env = "" unless defined $env;
$value = $` . $env . $';
print "<<-- macro_expand: $value\n" if $opt{d};
# routine to recognize macros
sub do_line
my($line) = #_;
if ($line =~ /^\s*$/o)
# Blank line
print "$line\n" unless $opt{b};
elsif ($line =~ /^\s*#/o)
# Comment line
print "$line\n" unless $opt{c};
elsif ($line =~ /^\s*([A-Za-z]\w*)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/o)
# Macro definition
print "Macro: $line\n" if $opt{d};
my $lhs = $1;
my $rhs = $2;
$rhs = $1 if $rhs =~ m/^"(.*)"$/;
$MACROS{$lhs} = ${rhs};
print "##M: $lhs = <<$MACROS{$lhs}>>\n" if $opt{d};
print "Expand: $line\n" if $opt{d};
$line = macro_expand($line);
print "$line\n";
Given a configuration file, cfg, containing:
LINE_D="(L#'id' == 'log') AND L#'id' IS NULL"
and another file, F, containing:
the output of perl cfg F is:
PRINT '(L#'id' == 'log') AND L#'id' IS NULL'
PRINT '(L#'id' == 'log') AND L#'id' IS NULL'
This matches the required output, but gives me the heebie-jeebies with its multiple single quotes. However, the customer is always right!
(I think I got rid of the residual Perl 4-isms; the base script still had a few remnants left over, and some comments about how Perl 5.001 handles things differently. It does use $` and $' which is generally not a good idea. However it works, so fixing that is an exercise for the reader. The regex variable is not now necessary; it was when it was also recognizing make macro notations — $(macro) as well as ${macro}.)

Comparing Input to Strings

So I'm writing a relatively simple program that prompts the user for a command, add, subtract, etc, and then prompt for numbers to complete that operation. Everything is written and it compiles fine, but when I enter a command in (add, subtract, etc.) it isn't comparing it properly. Instead of entering the operation branch of the if case, it goes to the invalid command catch I added. Here is part of the code that contains the declaration and the first if statement.
my $command = <STDIN>;
my $counter = 1;
#perform the add operation if the command is add
if (($command eq 'add') || ($command eq 'a')){
my $numIn = 0;
my $currentNum = 0;
#While NONE is not entered, input numbers.
while ($numIn ne 'NONE'){
if($counter == 1){
print "\nEnter the first number: ";
print "\nEnter the next number or NONE to be finished.";
$numIn = <STDIN>;
$currentNum = $currentNum + $numIn;
print "\nThe answer is: #currentNum \n";
#perform the subtract operation if the command is subtract
Does anyone know why if I enter in add it skips this?
$command probably still has the new line attached to it, so eq will fail. because "add" != "add\n"
You might consider just checking the first letter of your command, say with a regular expression
$command =~ /^a/i
or use chop on $command to remove the last character.

Why is my word frequency counter example written in Perl failing to produce useful output?

I am very new to Perl, and I am trying to write a word frequency counter as a learning exercise.
However, I am not able to figure out the error in my code below, after working on it. This is my code:
$wa = "A word frequency counter.";
#wordArray = split("",$wa);
$num = length($wa);
$word = "";
$flag = 1; # 0 if previous character was an alphabet and 1 if it was a blank.
%wordCount = ("null" => 0);
if ($num == -1) {
print "There are no words.\n";
} else {
print "$length";
for $i (0 .. $num) {
if(($wordArray[$i]!=' ') && ($flag==1)) { # start of a new word.
print "here";
$word = $wordArray[$i];
$flag = 0;
} elsif ($wordArray[$i]!=' ' && $flag==0) { # continuation of a word.
$word = $word . $wordArray[$i];
} elsif ($wordArray[$i]==' '&& $flag==0) { # end of a word.
$word = $word . $wordArray[$i];
$flag = 1;
print "\nword: $word";
} elsif ($wordArray[$i]==" " && $flag==1) { # series of blanks.
# do nothing.
for $i (keys %wordCount) {
print " \nword: $i - count: $wordCount{$i} ";
It's neither printing "here", nor the words. I am not worried about optimization at this point, though any input in that direction would also be much appreciated.
This is a good example of a problem where Perl will help you work out what's wrong if you just ask it for help. Get used to always adding the lines:
use strict;
use warnings;
to the top of your Perl programs.
Fist off,
$wordArray[$i]!=' '
should be
$wordArray[$i] ne ' '
according to the Perl documentation for comparing strings and characters. Basically use numeric operators (==, >=, …) for numbers, and string operators for text (eq, ne, lt, …).
Also, you could do
#wordArray = split(" ",$wa);
instead of
#wordArray = split("",$wa);
and then #wordArray wouldn't need to do the wonky character checking and you never would have had the problem. #wordArray will be split into the words already and you'll just have to count the occurrences.
You seem to be writing C in Perl. The difference is not just one of style. By exploding a string into a an array of individual characters, you cause the memory footprint of your script to explode as well.
Also, you need to think about what constitutes a word. Below, I am not suggesting that any \w+ is a word, rather pointing out the difference between \S+ and \w+.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict; use warnings;
use YAML;
my $src = '$wa = "A word frequency counter.";';
print Dump count_words(\$src, 'w');
print Dump count_words(\$src, 'S');
sub count_words {
my $src = shift;
my $class = sprintf '\%s+', shift;
my %counts;
while ($$src =~ /(?<sequence> $class)/gx) {
$counts{ $+{sequence} } += 1;
return \%counts;
A: 1
counter: 1
frequency: 1
wa: 1
word: 1
'"A': 1
$wa: 1
=: 1
counter.";: 1
frequency: 1
word: 1
