Content in SP 2010 Outlook OWA Webpart - sharepoint

I'm currently struggling with the 2010 Sharepoint Outlook (OWA) webparts. I can put them on my site, i get prompted to login (in OWA), but when i login i get this error.
This content cannot be displayed in a frame.
I've read alot about the topic, but haven't found a answer to if it's possible to get it working or not.
We're currently running SharePoint 2010, and OWA 2013. Upgrading to SharePoint 2013 is in the pipeline, but not around the corner...
Outlook is running locally, but will be moved to the cloud (MS 365) and SharePoint is locally hosted.


SharePoint workflow 2010 platform works, but SharePoint workflow 2013 platform does not in SharePoint 2013

I have created simple email sending workflow in platform 2013 in SharePoint Designer 2013 and I have set it to start when item is created.
I've saved and published it. It was published successfully, but it does not work on SharePoint site.
I've created the same workflow in platform 2010 in SharePoint designer 2013. It was published successfully and works fine on the site. Email is also sent to the email address given in the workflow
Why workflow 2013 platform does not work in the site?
If you were able to publish SharePoint 2013 workflow, then it's probably configured correctly in your farm. Is this problem with all workflows or specific to sending emails?
There's a known limitation in SharePoint 2013 workflows and app model - you can only send mail to internal addresses (addresses of valid SharePoint users).
It's a security feature actually. It prevents apps from sending spam.
Workaround to this problem is using SharePoint 2010 workflows.

Can't find Approval-Sharepoint workflow 2013 template

I am using Sharepoint 2013 and the Sharepoint Workflow Manager 2013. I want to create a workflow using the Approval-Sharepoint 2013 template. But I can't find it. I've searched on the web for a solution, and many sites recommend going through the steps I outline below, which I did:
At the site collection level I go to Site Settings -> Site collection features
Activate the following:
Disposition Approval Workflow
Publishing Approval Workflow
When I go to select a template, this is what I see in the menu (an asterisk indicates a 2010 template):
*Approval - SharePoint 2010
*Collect Feedback - SharePoint 2010
*Collect Signatures - SharePoint 2010
*Disposition Approval
*Publishing Approval
I see no 2013 templates, particularly the Approval-Sharepoint 2013 template which is what I need.
Some sites I've researched have said there is no Approval-Sharepoint 2013 template, but that would contradict Microsoft's own website ( ) which says:
Select the Approval – SharePoint 2013 template.
NOTE If the Approval – SharePoint 2013 template doesn’t appear in
the list, contact your SharePoint administrator to find out about
having it activated for your site collection or workspace.
Any clues?
I ran into the same issue. Everything was in order as per the numerous blog posts I had read and I still couldn't get the SharePoint 2010 Approval workflow. After calling Microsoft I realised that the Approval workflow is only available for the Enterprise version.
With SharePoint Server 2010, and with SharePoint Online for Office 365
for enterprises, all five of the following workflow types are
included. With SharePoint Online for Office 365 for small businesses
and professionals, however, only the Three-state workflow type is
So first check what version of Sharepoint you have before driving yourself nuts about this workflow.

Document management in MS Dynamics CRM 2013 without Sharepoint

As answered in other questions you can't use the free Sharepoint Foundation 2013 for document management in MS Dynamics CRM 2013.
So I ask if there is a (good *) way of using document management in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 without using Sharepoint?
(* good = easy to understand for non technical users and not too complicated to manage)
I search for a way to attach all kinds of documents to different entities like:
- pictures to accounts (not profile picure)
- PDF documents to account
- ...
I know you can use notes.
I'm a bit confused because there are attachments on entities like email.
Can I integrate these attachment-functions on other entities like accounts?
edit 18.12.2014
Yes, you can use Sharepoint Foundation, we make it work (SP Foundation 2010).
I can use documentmanagement with sharepoint, but not automated because the crmlistcomponent is not working.
Maybe someone from here can help me over there:
My Question on Sharepoint stackexchange site
The attachments mechanism isn't available for common customizations, sadly. Microsoft wants us to use the notes... Except maybe ("maybe" as in "I never bothered to check due to the monstrous amount of hoops to jump through while having almost no benefits") for activity entites.
That said, you can use SP 2013 Foundation for document management, if you want. Here's the step-by-step guide. We deployed a CRM 2013 + Document Management based on SP Foundation just a couple of days ago following these steps.
To Run the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service, follow the below steps.
SharePoint Central Administrator
Under>> Service Applications
Manage services on server
Look for>>Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service is running
Start the service
After completing all the 5 steps
To Install List Components in SharePoint
Go to Site Settings
Under>> Web Designer Gallery>> Click on “Solutions”
Click on Upload solution
and Click on Activate
To Set Broser File handling to Permissive
Go to SharePoint Central Administration
Application Management
On the Ribbon click onthe General Setting
Web Application Generation Setting pop-up window will appear
Scroll down to look for Browser file handling >> Select >>Permissive
Click Ok, save settings and restart the server/IIS
try to Activate the List compoent
Ensure the after successful activation will enable the Deactivate button.
Sometime it is very annoying you need to do several click to get this working.
Go to CRM and add the URL into Document management, all will work fine.
FYI the "CRM 2013" list component retains the 2011 look-and-feel.

Open document from webpage directly in Office

I have simple mvc web application that communicates with the Alfresco DMS thru the CMIS api (soap). I want to be able open document in Microsoft Office (lets say version 2007 and above) directly from my web page, edit this document in Office and save the document via Save button in Office to the alfresco repository.
Is there anyway to this via WebDAV protocol?
Promoting a comment to an answer
If you want to integrate with Alfresco from within Microsoft Office, then there is a very easy way to do it, but it isn't regular WebDav. Instead, what you want is the SharePoint Protocol Integration. With this, Alfresco pretends to Office to be SharePoint. All the integration you normally get between Office and SharePoint then works between Office and Alfresco.
Once you've installed the SPP/Vti amp, and suitably configured it, then in Share you should be able to pick "Edit Online" for a document. This will fire up Office, which'll talk to Alfresco to load, save etc the document. You can then work on the document from within office, and save it back to Alfresco when you're done, just as you would do if you had SharePoint.

Office 365 SharePoint online, public facing MasterPage not updating for anonymous user

We have a MasterPage for public facing site on Office 365 SharePoint Online
Any updation to masterpage was working fine till 3 days earlier, but update is not working now for anonymous user but logged in user.
Did you checked-in, published and approved it?
