Cause: error in opening zip file (android-studio) - android-studio

When I create a new project I finish the steps and click on "finish" and wait for the project to open.
But instead I see an error:
I can't solve this problem.

My Installation & problem details
I had this issue after importing a github project into Android Studio using the File > Import Project option. Network was fine and I had other Android Studio projects working properly so this was not a installation issue. I run Android Studio (Preview) 0.5.4
The solution that worked for me
I had the luxury of comparing differences with working projects. That is how I discovered the error was due to the distributionUrl property in the gradle/wrapper/ file.
In the failing project this was set like distributionUrl=http\:// While in the working project this was distributionUrl=http\:// Note the difference in the version.
Updating this distributionUrl in to this 1.11 link solved the issue for me.
About the Network
I have this issue on a very restricted network and I can see that the gradle-1.10 link does point to a zip file. The network issue sounds very plausible to. Probably I already have the 1.11 zip downloaded while on another network. I's less likely (though not impossible) that the 1.10 zip is broken.

Android Studio error installing Gradle
Your situation may be like this one. Just redownload the right, and replace the bad one on ~/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-1.x/[hash code]/
and the restart the android-studio
Note: ~/.gradle/ is where the directory may be found on unixoid operating systems (e.g. Linux, OS X, ...). On Windows it's typically at C:/Users/[NAME]/.gradle/.

You can erase the existing gradle zip file, then download the appropriate one from Link, and copy the new one (basically replace the existing one, mine was cc 5 MB, with new one cc 80 MB). Then reload Studio, and wait.

In my case it caused because of not properly configured HTTP proxy settings.
Android Studio created the file with the HTML error page of my proxy server inside. Obviously it won't be able to open the zip file afterwards.
The error disappeared once I configured the HTTP proxy settings under File > Settings > HTTP Proxy, deleted the existing archive and restarted Android Studio.

this may help you
Android studio - Failed to complete gradle execution - error in opening zip file
delete the .gradle directories in both your home directory and in your project's root directory and try building again.

If it says asks for disable offline mode, disable it by clicking on it again. It will download some required jar files. Then enable offline mode by checking checkbox under gradle settings for offline work. Disconnect from internet and rebuild project to see if it still works.

I am Facing this problem....
Go to Link
then download complete gradle file ..
Android studio -> Settings -> build tools -> gradle -> Project-level settings -> select Use local gradle distribution
then select your gradle download file
And Ok....Automatically Sync Gradle and Solve Your Problem ....


The specified Gradle distribution '' does not exist

In Android Studio, I am getting the following error when trying to run my app on an Android device:
The specified Gradle distribution '' does not exist.
All my Android Studio projects are affected by this and restoring them to older commits does not change anything.
The problems all started by following the advice given here: Could not install Gradle distribution from ''
I deleted everything in my /.gradle/wrapper/dists/ folder. Now, I get the above error and I do not see how to solve it.
Here is how to reproduce it with Android Studio 2021.1.1 on Windows (but be warned: this might corrupt your projects, too):
Delete everything in /.gradle/wrapper/dists/
Create a new project "Test" in Android Studio (this might take a while, since will be downloaded in the dists folder)
The project builds and runs without errors
Close Android Studio
Delete everything in /.gradle/wrapper/dists/ again
Open project "Test" in Android Studio
Try to run
Now you should get the above mentioned error.
At this point, /.gradle/wrapper/dists/ is still empty. Now you can do the following:
run gradlew tasks in Terminal in the Project Folder of "Test" (this will take a while, since will be downloaded in the dists folder again)
run gradlew build (everything should build without errors)
But clicking on "Run" still yields the same error.
I am getting the impression that this is an AndroidStudio / IntelliJ bug.
Can anyone help me with this?
Running Android Studio as Administrator solved the problem for me
It turned out my Android Studio installation was heavily corrupted. Simply, uninstalling it and installing it again also did not help.
I basically had to do everything that was suggested here: How to completely uninstall Android Studio from windows(v10)? and delete everything related to Android Studio. I installed it again and now everything is fine again.
I do not know what the problem was. Maybe the .m2 folder, maybe the Jetbrains folder.
My advice to everyone facing the same issue:
First try around deleting caching folders. If nothing helps, go for the brute force approach and follow the answers (not only the accepted answer) of the above mentioned StackOverflow question.

Android Studio “cannot resolve symbol R” but project compiles and runs

Android Studio displays in all java files in red : “cannot resolve symbol R” but the project compiles and runs.
I have tried every solution here:
Android Studio "cannot resolve symbol" but project compiles and works, but with no luck.
I tried to :
invalidate caches and restart android studio
delete .gradle and .idea folders
clean and rebuild the project
install a new version of android studio
mess up with gradle file then undo changes and sync project
One thing that I want to try, but I don't know how to achieve, is to reopen the project from scratch as I was opening it for the first time, but I don't know how to do this.
I also tried answers from here:
Android Studio says "cannot resolve symbol" but project compiles,
but again with no luck.
Android studio version = 3.2.1
dependency versions in gradle project file:
classpath ''
classpath ''
For some reason that i do not understand ,
this combination of build versions made the issue :
grade version = 4.10.1
classpath ''
when i switched to these build versions :
grade version = 4.6
classpath ''
The issue was solved !
File -> Close project
Open an existing Android Studio Project
Open you project
Hope it will work.
sometimes, R file is not generated because of package name on android manifest is not match with package module that you have.
Is any wrong syntax or spelling in your xml?
Check your layout or any xml file.
Android Studio seems to have a caching issue with occasionally. I rarely have a problem with this, but when I do, I actually open (double press shift and type "") or navigate to under "app/build/generated/source" directory, opening the file and checking if the relevant XML id has been created. If it has, it forces Android Studio to now recognise the id's that are not being resolved. It's quick to try, and doesn't require clean and rebuild.
From your programs menu, open android studio. instead of opening your project from the recent files, select to open a project from your computer and then locate the path to your project. When all else fails, sometimes this works.
Also, try commenting out the support libraries from your gradle implementation, sync your project, and after sync fails comment them back in and sync again. (not sure if that's what you tried already when you said you messed with the gradle file)
In my case,
I am using
- Android Studio version 3.3.1 at home
- Android Studio version 3.2.1 at office
When i pulled projects to my office computer that are firstly created at my home computer ,
Android Studio can not resolved R file but runs application with no error. Because projects gradle and Android Studio version are incompatible.
Only thing that you sholud do, change the gradle version in project level gradle file
classpath ''
classpath ''
I was facing same issue,
first thought the issue might because of some xml file or naming of drawable resources incorrectly. After analysing, this case wasn't applicable to me.
Updating Android studio from older version 3.2 to newer version 3.3.2 along with new build tool version from SDK manager resolved this issue
for me.
I've tried invalidate cache and Restart AS with clean rebuild all the options but didn't work for me.
It says cannot resolve symbol, but it can run.
In my case, I just reload the needed *.jar files to the libs folder.
File >> invalidate caches/restart
Rebuild Project
Works for me!
It looks like the library did not load my "imports" properly the first time.
That's why the import methods cannot be seen in my main_activity.xml.
This happened to me when I was going back and forth between different SDK versions.
Apparently SDK manager copied all the source files but it didn't finish cleanly. As a result I could compile and run my project just fine but IDE didn't recognize the SDK and reported all java symbols unresolved.
None of the above and other solutions in SO didn't work for me, but just uninstalling/reinstalling the specific SDK version did a job.
If you renamed your package (inside java folder), make sure you change your Manifest package name to the same
The only thing that worked for me was,
import package_name.R
import package_name.*
simply go to project settings : settings.gradel and change the to your current name = "write the project name here"

Internal error. Please report to

Anybody knows how to get around this issue while launching Android Studio?
I saw a Google ticket here, but it was not useful:
Internal error. Please report to
java.lang.AssertionError: Unexpected node Pythonid; nodes=[org.jetbrains.plugins.terminal, org.jetbrains.plugins.javaFX, org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle, org.jetbrains.plugins.github,, org.jetbrains.idea.maven,, org.intellij.intelliLang, org.intellij.groovy, org.editorconfig.editorconfigjetbrains, hg4idea, com.millennialmedia.intellibot, com.jivesoftware.robot.intellij.plugin, com.intellij.ui-designer-new, com.intellij.tasks,, com.intellij.modules.xml, com.intellij.modules.xdebugger, com.intellij.modules.vcs, com.intellij.modules.python, com.intellij.modules.platform, com.intellij.modules.lang, com.intellij.modules.json,, com.intellij.modules.androidstudio, com.intellij.modules.all,, com.intellij.copyright, com.intellij,,,, amailp.intellij.robot, TestNG-J, Subversion, JUnit, Git4Idea, Coverage, CVS]
at com.intellij.util.graph.GraphGenerator.buildOuts(
at com.intellij.util.graph.GraphGenerator.<init>(
at com.intellij.util.graph.GraphGenerator.create(
at com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManagerCore.createPluginIdGraph(
at com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManagerCore.initializePlugins(
at com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManagerCore.initPlugins(
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.loadApplicationComponents(
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.<init>(
at com.intellij.openapi.application.ex.ApplicationManagerEx.createApplication(
at com.intellij.idea.IdeaApplication.<init>(
at com.intellij.idea.MainImpl$1$
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$300(
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
It looks like you have a corrupted installation file - completely uninstall Android Studio and download it again from the website.
Install the newly downloaded version of Android Studio on your system - the one you had previously downloaded is likely corrupt.
Here are the instructions to uninstall Android Studio completely. Note that some files may be located in a different location depending on where you chose to install and the versions you've been using so if something is not in its normal place, please let me know.
Please follow all of the steps below in order.
Run the uninstaller
The first step is to run the uninstaller. Open Control Panel by accessing it from the menu when you right-click the Start Button (This applies for Windows 8 systems). Then, under Programs, select Uninstall a Program. After that, click on Android Studio and press Uninstall. If you have multiple versions, uninstall them as well.
After you have uninstalled Android Studio, it is recommended that you restart before proceeding with the steps below.
Remove the Android Studio files
To delete any remains of Android Studio setting files, in Windows Explorer (The file browser in Windows), type this as the File Path:
Replacing [YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME] with the username of your account on Windows. If you don't know your username, navigate to C:\Users and it will list all users on the system.
Here, delete .android, .AndroidStudio and any versions of this directory with versions on the end, .gradle and .m2.
Then, go to
and delete the JetBrains directory.
Finally, go to
C:\Program Files
and delete the Android directory.
Remove the SDK
To delete any remains of the SDK, in Windows Explorer, type this in as the File Path:
Here, delete the Android directory.
(Optional) Delete all previous projects
If you want to delete any of your previous projects, the directory where your projects are found is the AndroidStudioProjects directory. It is located in your root user file, C:\Users[YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME].
Hopefully this will now have deleted the Android Studio files and you can now try reinstalling the tools.
If you have any problems doing so, give me a shout :)
1st step please disconnect your internet connection and restart the studio.
If it is not working??? Do the following steps.
Open the folder bin under the directory where you installed your Android Studio.
Find the file and open it with Notepad++/UltraEdit/other_edit_tools.
Add as the final line and save the file.
Restart Android Studio.
Remove lib folder .local/share/Google/AndroidStudio4.1/marketplace
or execute command
rm -rf ~/.local/share/Google/AndroidStudio4.1/marketplace/lib
To recover from this state, you need to remove the "python" folder that you find here:
(Found at, worked for me)
I have this problem in android studio in linux OS after install a plugin,i resolved this issue with deleted.AndroidStudio3.2 folder from Home Directory and other way you can go to this directory and delete the plugin that caused it .
Directory : /home/your system's name/.AndroidStudio3.2/config/plugins .
and for windows OS you must go to this Directory :
C:\Users\your system's name.AndroidStudioPreview3.2\config\plugins
Note : this directory is hidden and you must visible befor use it .
I did faced this issue too, where it says to do this in my windows 10:
please report to in a windows error message.
It happened when i added some plugins in Android studio in Windows.
It persisted in my machine until i opened my Android Studio as an administrator and then uninstalled the most recent Plugins from File > Settings > Plugins > Installed Plugins.
What went wrong may be I added many plugins and applied all of them at once. May be i should have added one plugin at a time. Like install a plugin > apply that plugin and restart my Android Studio IDE in order to see it's effects.
My issue was with a plugin. I tried all sorts of ways of deleting Android folders using terminal. Nothing was working for me until I searched all instances of AndroidStudio in Finder and deleted each of them. After reinstalling everything worked great!
I solved it by removing an incompatile plugin located here: ~\AppData\Roaming\Google\AndroidStudio4.1\plugins.
I deleted the folder "marketplace"
Open the folder bin under the directory where you installed your Android Studio.
Find the file and open it with Notepad++/UltraEdit/other_edit_tools.
Add as the final line and save the file.
Restart Android Studio.
It information helped for me
<<~ ~ ~ Quick Solution for Windows 10, Hope it will help ~ ~ ~>>
Download the latest Android Studio from the official website
Uninstall the existing Android Studio from your computer. NB: Remove Settings Preferences too while uninstalling.
Restart your computer
Install the newly downloaded Android Studio
Delete the old directories which will show when run the Android Studio the first time after installation of the new Android Studio.
NB: Do not remove your SDK files after uninstalling the Android Studio, if you want to save your time in installing the Android Studio.
I have solved this problem, depending on the system you use delete the following files:
~/Library/Application Support/Google/AndroidStudioPreview4.1
Thanks #Jonilson Coelho dos Anjos
For Ubuntu users
go to home
press ctrl+h to show hidden folder .local
now go to .local folder
you will find share folder, go inside share folder
find Google folder and delete it
Open Android Studio
Enjoy !!
delete paid plugin in android studio plugin folder (C:\Users\your_computer_name\AppData\Roaming\Google\AndroidStudio4.1\plugins) and will work correctly. it works for me.
paid plugin should have to activate otherwise it will conflict.
1) Go to
2) Delete folder
3) Then restart Android studio.
I hope this works for you.
I came with a new solution. Instead of uninstalling Android Studio and removing all related folders and losing your programming state on Android studio, and beside all these wasting your time, you should try this solution first which worked for me:
In my case the problem was the Windows. As it has crashed recently, I figured out the problem could be it, so I decided to restore the windows to the most recent point before Android Studio crashed. But the system restore tool didn't allow me to restore my system at all, and it said I should repair missing or corrupted system files first.
I first used Microsoft System File Checker tool thread to fix the case, and guess what? after restarting the windows 10, all problems gone. No need for uninstalling the Android Studio or removing any plugins or even restoring the windows to an stable state.
Hope this work for you too.
error Android studio
Hi everyone, I have this problem recently and I found the solution by deleting plugins which was corrupted in:
My solution is:
Delete folder C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\Google\AndroidStudio
Delete folder C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Google\AndroidStudio
Run AndroidStudio.
Android Studio will be opened like fresh install.
100 % solved
1st go to
2nd Delete folder
List item
3rd Start again android studio

Error running android: Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again

Android Studio (1.2 RC0) keeps telling me
Error running android: Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again.
How can I find out what the problem is? Unfortunately the solutions from this SO thread did not help.
Goto File -> Invalidate caches / Restart
Shutdown Android Studio
Rename/remove .gradle folder in the user home directory
Restart Android Studio (It will download gradle metadata and data)
Gradle build succeed
Rebuild project. Done.
Solution is
Connect your computer to the internet
Sync project with Gradle files
On toolbar
It will automatically sync the gradle.
Just ignore the error and try running the project anyway.
It will fail, but this time you will get a link in the error description. Clicking the link will trigger the automatic update/download of the outdated/missing component.
In my scenario, the project failed to launch two times, each time another API/SDK component being the culprit.
In my case I was just trying to launch a sample project I downloaded, having no clue what API level was being targeted or where to look for this information.
Download the latest Gradle package distribution for example (
Extract this zip file in a folder as for example (D://Gradle)
Load your project in Android Studio and go to File->Settings->Gradle. Click on Use local Gradle distribution and point it to the folder where you unzipped the latest Gradle project.
Restart your project
It is a very common issue and the solution is very easy...
Just update the SDK in SDK manager(see full instructions below)
Open Android Studio and go to your SDK Manager(File>Settings>SDK
Check for (-) icon in front of any package and click on it.
Click OK to start updating the SDK.
Thanks for asking that question :)
Delete "build" folder from project's root folder. Then do "invalidate cache and restart". This will restart your Android Studio and then build the app again, will solve the issue.
Go to
(and set gradle home path from your directory)
If no error messages are shown: sometimes the command-line gradle shows them. Just go the the command-line, change to the app directory and type
gradle installDebug
or, if the details are missing
gradle --info installDebug
This can provide additional information how to debug the problem.
I had the same issue yesterday. After opening the "Android SDK Manager", updating all packages and restarting Android Studio, the project compiled again.
For me, the problem was the SDK Tools License had not been accepted. Clicking on the "Build" tab at the bottom uncovered the issue.
From there, I went into the AVD, uninstalled the tools and then reinstalled them, which prompted to accept the license.
All of these have not worked for me, what did is reading the very bottom of the log file located around here
and it said the following
So i fixed the problem by going into Tools > SDK Manager and installing the required SDK version
it looks different from one situation to another.
for me i did an installation and update a lot of things that the sdk manager said to then i had this problem.
all i did was:
from file -> Invalidate caches/Restart
(a dialog will pop-up) choose Invalidate and restart.
after the restart is done. everything was fixed but i needed to create a new emulator and delete the old one.
(android studio 1.3.1)
(one professional must edit this to be more understandable)
Here everything was fine, but your machines also needs restart because some system files are changed, to sync them we have to restart the system.
This could be due to Android Studio version conflict of v3 and v4 especially when you import a project in android stdio v4 which was previously built in v3.
Here are the few things you need to do:
remove the .gradle and .idea folders from the main Application folder.
import the project in the android studio.
after the sync finished, it will ask you to update the android studio supported version.
click update.
I had the exact same error message
Error running android: Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again
Steps to solve:
Close Android Studio.
Remove the .gradle and .idea folders from the Application folder.
Open Android studio with your project.
After these steps android studio gradle will sync and download the required files to run the project (don't forget to disable offline mode).
I got this error going from Gradle 3.5.3 to 5.4.1 (Android Studio prompted and I clicked "Upgrade".)
Gradle proceeded to upgrade but yielded some errors such as:
ERROR: The Android Gradle plugin supports only Crashlytics Gradle plugin version 1.25.4 and higher.
The following dependencies do not satisfy the required version:
root project 'Android%20App' ->
Update plugins
Affected Modules: app
INFO: API 'variant.getExternalNativeBuildTasks()' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'variant.getExternalNativeBuildProviders()'.
It will be removed at the end of 2019.
For more information, see
To determine what is calling variant.getExternalNativeBuildTasks(), use -Pandroid.debug.obsoleteApi=true on the command line to display more information.
Affected Modules: app
INFO: The specified Android SDK Build Tools version (27.0.3) is ignored, as it is below the minimum supported version (28.0.3) for Android Gradle Plugin 3.5.3.
Android SDK Build Tools 28.0.3 will be used.
To suppress this warning, remove "buildToolsVersion '27.0.3'" from your build.gradle file, as each version of the Android Gradle Plugin now has a default version of the build tools.
Install Build Tools 28.0.3, update version in build file and sync project
Affected Modules: app
The thing that fixed it was opening Settings --> Appearance & Behavior --> System Settings --> Android SDK and I then selected some recent versions of Android SDK like 8, 9, and 10. (I had only had 5.1, 6.0, and Android N Preview installed.)
Once that's installed, I had to modify my build.gradle file for my Module: app
Removed buildToolsVersion '27.0.3'
Then I clicked the "Sync Project with Gradle Files" button on the toolbar. The Sync output window offered an option to "Update Plugins" and once I clicked through that everything seemed to work. For good measure I again clicked "Sync Project with Gradle Files" followed by Build --> Clean Project, and finally I was able to run my project again.
Resolution is simple. Open the "Android SDK Manager", update all packages and then restart your Android Studio. After that you project should compile without any issues.
It took me some time to resolve this.
Updated SDK Build-Tool [Didn't help]
Updated CMake [Didn't help]
Updated Android SDK Platform-Tools [Didn't help]
Updated Android SDK Tools [Didn't help]
Updated NDK [Problem solved]
There was a reason, I didn't want to update NDK. When all else failed, I updated NDK and that did the trick.
If your got timeout, Check Gradle Scripts -> in Android Studio, I found that I do have set a socket proxy in Android Studio settings, but in this file, my proxy became to http, so I just removed this http proxy setting lines, and finally works.
I got this problem on Android studio, there in either sync or build square were this link like blue text about this issue, press that button and it download something that fix this problem
I ran into the same issue, but then did the following, and my issue was resolved:
updated Gradle
installed the latest version of Android studio (mine was out of date)
And that solved my problem.
Note: It also helped me to click on the event log, because it has more detailed info about errors. also has great info.
I've installed Android SDK Command-Line Tools from SDK Manager and after, juste Sync again and all is worked well.
it was hard to solve but i did it
look go to
C:\Users(user name)
delete .gradle file
its you didn't see it it may be in hidden files so if you use windows 7
right click then click on properties and click on hidden to be not checked
then the file will appear then delete it
i hope this works
It could be that you are using gradle in offline mode.
To uncheck it go to File > Settings > Gradle, uncheck the Offline Work checkbox, and click Apply
Make sure you have internet connection and sync the project again.
Its because the gradle is not synced because of many reasons.
Go to project folder and remove .gradle folder and start sync. It will work
Apparently, some platforms could be missing. This is how I solved the problem:
Do you see an error message that is shown at the bottom of your Android Studio window? It could be a smaller window on the bottom right also.., which looks like:
Now, Click on that blue link, do as the dialog boxes say (if any)...
That solved the problem. Hope it helps...
Download grade files from this url and extract all in a folder:
Open file -> Setting in windows OS or Preferences in mac OS and in "Build, Execution, Deployment"
Click on "Gradle"
Check “Use local cradle distribution” and give that extracted folder path.
Run gradle.bat for Windows OS and gradle file for mac OS in that folder.
Then check “Offline work”.
"your extracted folder path"/gradle-4.10.2/bin/.gradle (for version 4.1.2 you can set your version)
Press OK and enjoy it.
I had the exact same error message
Error running android: Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again
, but if none of the above fixes your error, then I would highly suggest for you to check your syntax inside the AndroidManifest.xml file.
That fixed if for me. I don't understand why the error-message is so misleading, since it had nothing to do with the build gradle directly.
Please also see this SO-answer here, which has lead many of us in the right direction.
It was yelling at me about a line in my xml file (which was perfectly valid and never had problems the entire time I've worked on the project). I deleted the line and even after running again and cleaning and rebuilding it kept yelling at me about the completely blank line. I restarted android studio and removed the .gradle folder and it finally worked. Hopefully someone in my shoes that had all of the other answers in this thread fail them will see this answer and save a few hours.
I had this problem (clicked a prompt to "sync with gradle" on my perfectly valid and working project and it killed everything) and I researched for hours trying to figure out how to fix this, including this thread among many others. I finally found my solution, so hopefully, it'll help somebody (and hopefully they fix this terrible system)
I encountered this in a unique situation: had refactored the word "time" to "distance" for one of my variables. And when I did the refactor, accidentally had it change the name of one of my gradle dependencies / implementations.
This is a rare cause of the error, but a possibility. So make sure all your dependencies are properly implemented in build.gradle
Delete .gradle folder(root directory) and build folder(project directory) and then invalidate caches/restart android studio, run your project again hopefully it will work. It might take some time for the background tasks. In some countries, you may need to turn on the VPN to download.

Fix Android Studio Corrupted Project Workspace Settings

I had this problem for a while and was able to solve it myself.
If in opening your project in Android Studio and something similar to this error message pops up:
Cannot load settings from file (C:\Users\User\AndroidStudioProjects\ProjectName\.idea\workspace.xml): Error on line 1: Content is not allowed in prolog. Please correct the file content.
It probably means your project workspace settings file is corrupted by whatever reason and Android Studio could not read it. Mine is probably because of BSOD, because Windows.
To solve the error, just delete the workspace.xml as specified in the error message. It is ok to delete it since you probably already lost all your custom workspace settings when the file got corrupted and you will never be able to save new workspace settings unless you fix the corrupted file. After deleting it, the next time you open your project in Android Studio, it will try to look for the workspace file, and if it can't find it, it will just create a new valid one.
I hope this helps! :)
Step 1 :Exit Android Studio.
Step 2 :Delete workspace.xml file found in the \ProjectName\.idea\ directory.
Step 3 :Run Android Studio again.
On a Mac, I found File > Invalidate Caches/Restart did the trick.
on a windows 8.1, I found File > Invalidate Caches/Restart did the trick
I have encountered similar problem many times, and there just one thing that can be done to solve this.
Just delete idea folder.
I would like to suggest restart Android studio File > invalidate caches and restart... > invalidate caches and restart option before deleting workspace.xml
if restarting android studio fail to solve your problem, kindly run check disk from disk properties because I notice that this error is raise due to file indexing / file system error or sometime permission denied by OS.
Just Delete idea folder ..
Thank you.
in Terminal navigate to your project directory, and run these
rm -rf .idea
rm *.iml
then go into your app directory and do that same thing as above.
Finally, "File" -> "New" -> "Import", this should solve the corruption.
Just delete .idea folder from project directory an re run android studio.
it worked for me.
I am using Android Studio 4.0 I solved this by:
Deleting .idea folder in the Project
Restart Android Studio
Done :)
I have encountered similar problem many times, and there just one thing that can be done to solve this.
step 1 : delete the .xml files containing error, or cut and paste to some backup folder if you want to inspect that file later on. However, it's unlikely that you'd find anything.
step 2 : try to open android studio after having deleted those files, it must be running perfect. if it doesn't and still contains errors try 'invalidate catches and restart' option in file menu.
I just deleted the workspace.xml after closing the studio and started again.
It works fine.
Since for me didn't worked to delete the file i just override the actual workspace.xml with the one i had on backup directory of my project. Now it works.
Had Today the same Problem, but i found a "workspace.xml" with something like "jpt_tmp" at his end, in the same directory. After swaping the "tmp" once with the original, i got everything back to work.
I tried many options but finally for windows 10, File > Invalidate Caches/Restart worked for me.
I guess the problems depends on each situation. I was using Flutter in Android Studio and suddenly one day this problem occurred.
Just delete the project_name.iml in Flutter project and project_name_android.iml in android module.
For android projects simply delete .iml file in the project.
After deleting restart Android Studio and follow the steps as in this video. It was of great help.
Sorry for delay response, I also came across this scenario, so tried to resolve it using many way available on internet which include
invalidate cache and restart
restart android studio
deleting *.iml file
restart system
The only solution worked for me is, I export my project into zip format and then I open it from there. The project open and build successfully without any problem.
I hope this will help for you.
In my case it was iml file which was corrupted, so i deleted it, restarted android studio,
pasted the same file as it was before, restarted android studio and everything was working fine.
A gradle sync did the trick for me.
Just press the button from the toolbar named "sync project with gradle files". The icon is an elephant with a little blue arrow.
If it still does not work, try deleting the .idea folder first, before syncing the gradle files again.
