Currently doing some research to setup an (azure) api gateway with oauth (jwt token) security.
an external partner/app sends a request to an api endpoint published on the gateway including a valid JWT-token in the header that gets validated by the gateway against AzureAD for example. When validated the request is routed to the backend service. No problems here.
My question is, what is best practice for the external app to obtain that JWT-token (to use for the api call) ?
Obviously, It could send a request to AzureAD with a clientid+secret to obtain a valid JWT token. But to do so it has to call my internal AzureAD directly ? Is this the way to do it ?
or should I expose a 'get-jwt-token' api on my api gateway and route that request to AD ? How should I secure that API ? with basic auth ?
or am I missing something, and is there a much better best/proven practice ?
A reverse proxy or API gateway is placed in front of both APIs and the Authorization Server (AS). This ensures that an attacker who somehow gains access to the back end entry point cannot access data sources.
OAuth requests are typically proxied straight through the reverse proxy / API gateway to the AS with no extra logic. All credentials, auditing of login attempts etc remain in the AS.
If using Azure AD as a cloud managed AS, this is a special case: the system is already hardened for internet clients, so most companies don't add their own proxying - though it is possible to do so.
The first of these covers the infra setup and the second gives you an idea of extensibility options once a reverse proxy / gateway is in place.
IAM Primer
API Gateway Guides
We have a proxy layer that delivers messages from a channel (think facebook messenger/twitter/sms/etc) to a 3rd party omni-channel contact centre platform.
The platform API's are secured using OAuth2's authorization code grant type. We create an 'application' within the platform space and use the provided client ID and secret to set up a basic web page with a bit of Javascript to receive the access code when the auth provider redirects to this page.
Using this code, we're able to generate auth tokens which are fed into our proxy layer.
In turn, our proxy creates access tokens for each messaging user that it needs to interact with the platform as. This works fine in the back-end layer.
My problem is that
1) the method of generating the initial code is a complete hack
2) our proxy is a pure back-end service that is not able to interact with a user-agent i.e.: a web browser; and therefore is unable to receive the code from the browser via a redirect from the OAuth provider.
I've spent some time reading through the OAuth2 spec and some blog posts too and from what I can tell, client_credentials is the correct grant type for this form of integration.
However, the platform's dev team are insistent that auth code will work for us.
I'm open to being wrong - but where I'm stuck is on how we're meant to create the initial tokens for the proxy layer given that the proxy layer is a pure back-end service.
What am I missing here?
Client credentials is definitely correct. Authorization code flow should only be used for an end user UI.
But it may be that you are interfacing with a non standard architecture that doesn't support the correct option - or politically you cannot get the buy in.
I would aim to win over the platform dev team.- buy them a beer etc
Worst case scenario you can register a pseudo user and write some HttpClient based back end code to do the Auth code flow by reading 302 location headers etc and gettimg a code then token. This will automate the login but is very hacky as you say.
I.would try my hardest to avoid it though - and make my stakeholders aware that I'm using the only option available and it could have future reliability problems
I'm reading a tutorial provided by AWS explaining how to break up a monolithic NodeJS application into a microservice architectured one.
Here is a link to it.
One important piece is missing from the simple application example they've provided and that is user authentication.
My question is, where does authentication fit into all this?
How do you allow users to authenticate to all these services separately?
I am specifically looking for an answer that does not involve AWS Cogntio. I would like to have my own service perform user authentication/management.
First, there is more than one approach for this common problem.
Here is one popular take:
Divide your world to authentication (you are who you say you are) and authorization (you are permitted to do this action).
As a policy, every service decides on authorization by itself. Leave the authentication to a single point in the system - the authentication gateway - usually combined inside the API gateway.
This gateway forwards requests from clients to the services, after authenticating, with a trusted payload stating that the requester is indeed who they say they are. Its then up to the service to decide whether the request is allowed.
An implementation can be done using several methods. A JWT is one such method.
The authenticator creates a JWT after receiving correct credentials, and the client uses this JWT in every request to each service.
If you want to write your own auth, it can be a service like the others. Part of it would be a small client middleware that you run at all other service endpoints which require protection (golang example for middleware).
An alternative to a middleware is to run a dedicated API Gateway that queries the auth service before relaying the requests to the actual services. AWS also has a solution for those and you can write custom authentication handlers that will call your own auth service.
It is important to centralize the authentication, even for a microservices approach for a single product. So I'm assuming you will be looking at having an Identity Service(Authentication Service) which will handle the authentication and issue a token. The other microservices will be acting as the service providers which will validate the token issued.
Note: In standards like OpenID connect, the id_token issued is in the format of JWT which is also stateless and self-contained with singed information about the user. So individual Microservices doesn't have to communicate with the authentication service for each token validation. However, you can look at implementing or using Refresh tokens to renew tokens without requiring users to login again.
Depending on the technology you choose, it will change the nature how you issue the tokens and validate.
ExpressJS framework for backend - You can verify the tokens and routes in a Node Middleware Handler using Passport.
If you use API Gateway in front of your Microservice endpoints you can use a Custom Authorizer Lambda to verify the tokens.
However, it is recommended to use a standard protocol like OpenID connect so that you can be compatible with Identity Federation, SSO behaviors in future.
Since you have mentioned that you are hoping to have your own solution, it will come also with some challenges to address,
Password Policies
Supporting standards (OpenID Connect)
Security (Encryption at rest and transit especially for PIDs)
SSO, MFA & Federation support etc.
In addition to non-functional requirements like scalability, reliability, performance. Although these requirements might not arise in the beginning, I have seen many come down the line, when products get matured, especially for compliance.
That's why most people encourage to use an identity server or service like Cognito, Auth0 & etc to get a better ROI.
I am trying to implement delegated authorization in a Web API for mobile apps using OAuth 2.0. According to specification, the implicit grant flow does not support refresh tokens, which means once an access token is granted for an specific period of time, the user must grant permissions to the app again once the token expires or it is revoked.
I guess this is a good scenario for some javascript code running on a browser as it is mentioned in the specification. I am trying to minimize the times the user must grant permissions to the app to obtain a token, so it looks like the Authorization Code flow is a good option as it supports refresh tokens.
However, this flow seems to rely heavily on a web browser for performing the redirections. I am wondering if this flow is still a good option for a mobile app if a embedded web browser is used. Or should I go with the implicit flow ?
Clarification: Mobile App = Native App
As stated in other comments and a few sources online, implicit seems like a natural fit for mobile apps, however the best solution is not always clear cut (and in fact implicit is not recommended for reasons discussed below).
Native App OAuth2 Best Practises
Whatever approach you choose (there are a few trade offs to consider), you should pay attention to the best practices as outlined here for Native Apps using OAuth2:
Consider the following options
Should I use implicit?
To quote from Section 8.2
The OAuth 2.0 implicit grant authorization flow (defined in Section 4.2 of OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749]) generally works with the practice of performing the authorization request in the browser and receiving the authorization response via URI-based inter-app communication.
However, as the implicit flow cannot be protected by PKCE [RFC7636] (which is required in Section 8.1), the use of the Implicit Flow with native apps is NOT RECOMMENDED.
Access tokens granted via the implicit flow also cannot be refreshed without user interaction, making the authorization code grant flow --
which can issue refresh tokens -- the more practical option for native app authorizations that require refreshing of access tokens.
Authorization Code
If you do go with Authorization Code, then one approach would be to proxy through your own web server component which enriches the token requests with the client secret to avoid storing it on the distributed app on devices.
Excerpt below from:
The Authorization Code Grant flow is recommended for applications that
have a web service. This flow requires server-to-server communication
using an application's client secret.
Note: Never put your client secret in distributed code, such as apps
downloaded through an app store or client-side JavaScript.
Applications that do not have a web service should use the Implicit
Grant flow.
The final decision should factor in your desired user experience but also your appetite for risk after doing a proper risk assessment of your shortlisted approaches and better understanding the implications.
A great read is here
Another one is which states
The current industry best practice is to use the Authorization Flow
while omitting the client secret, and to use an external user agent to
complete the flow. An external user agent is typically the device’s
native browser, (with a separate security domain from the native app,)
so that the app cannot access the cookie storage or inspect or modify
the page content inside the browser.
PKCE Consideration
You should also consider PKCE which is described here
Specifically, if you are also implementing the Authorization Server then states that you should
Allow clients to register custom URL schemes for their redirect URLs.
Support loopback IP redirect URLs with arbitrary port numbers in order to support desktop apps.
Don’t assume native apps can keep a secret. Require all apps to declare whether they are public or confidential, and only issue client secrets to confidential apps.
Support the PKCE extension, and require that public clients use it.
Attempt to detect when the authorization interface is embedded in a native app’s web view, instead of launched in a system browser, and reject those requests.
Web Views Consideration
There are many examples in the wild using Web Views i.e. an embedded user-agent but this approach should be avoided (especially when the app is not first-party) and in some cases may result in you being banned from using an API as the excerpt below from here demonstrates
Any attempt to embed the OAuth 2.0 authentication page will result in
your application being banned from the Fitbit API.
For security consideration, the OAuth 2.0 authorization page must be
presented in a dedicated browser view. Fitbit users can only confirm
they are authenticating with the genuine site if they have
the tools provided by the browser, such as the URL bar and Transport
Layer Security (TLS) certificate information.
For native applications, this means the authorization page must open
in the default browser. Native applications can use custom URL schemes
as redirect URIs to redirect the user back from the browser to the
application requesting permission.
iOS applications may use the SFSafariViewController class instead of
app switching to Safari. Use of the WKWebView or UIWebView class is
Android applications may use Chrome Custom Tabs instead of app
switching to the default browser. Use of WebView is prohibited.
To further clarify, here is a quote from this section of a previous draft of the best practise link provided above
Embedded user-agents, commonly implemented with web-views, are an
alternative method for authorizing native apps. They are however
unsafe for use by third-parties by definition. They involve the user
signing in with their full login credentials, only to have them
downscoped to less powerful OAuth credentials.
Even when used by trusted first-party apps, embedded user-agents
violate the principle of least privilege by obtaining more powerful
credentials than they need, potentially increasing the attack surface.
In typical web-view based implementations of embedded user-agents, the
host application can: log every keystroke entered in the form to
capture usernames and passwords; automatically submit forms and bypass
user-consent; copy session cookies and use them to perform
authenticated actions as the user.
Encouraging users to enter credentials in an embedded web-view without
the usual address bar and other identity features that browsers have
makes it impossible for the user to know if they are signing in to the
legitimate site, and even when they are, it trains them that it's OK
to enter credentials without validating the site first.
Aside from the security concerns, web-views do not share the
authentication state with other apps or the system browser, requiring
the user to login for every authorization request and leading to a
poor user experience.
Due to the above, use of embedded user-agents is NOT RECOMMENDED,
except where a trusted first-party app acts as the external user-
agent for other apps, or provides single sign-on for multiple first-
party apps.
Authorization servers SHOULD consider taking steps to detect and block
logins via embedded user-agents that are not their own, where
Some interesting points are also raised here:
Unfortunately, I don't think there is a clear answer to this question. However, here are the options that I've identified:
If it is ok to ask the user for his/her credentials, then use the Resource Owner Password Credentials. However, this may not be possible for some reasons, namely
Usability or security policies forbid the insertion of the password directly at the app
The authentication process is delegated on an external Identity Provider and must be performed via an HTTP redirect-based flow (e.g. OpenID, SAMLP or WS-Federation)
If usage of a browser based flow is required, then use the Authorization Code Flow. Here, the definition of the redirect_uri is a major challenge, for which there are the following options:
Use the technique described in, where a special redirect_uri (e.g. urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob) signals the authorization endpoint to show the authorization code instead of redirecting back to the client app. The user can manually copy this code or the app can try to obtain it from the HTML document title.
Use a localhost server at the device (the port management may not be easy).
Use a custom URI scheme (e.g. myapp://...) that when dereferenced triggers a registered "handler" (the details depend on the mobile platform).
If available, use a special "web view", such as the WebAuthenticationBroker on Windows 8, to control and access the HTTP redirect responses.
Hope this helps
TL;DR: Use Authorization Code Grant with PKCE
1. Implicit Grant Type
The implicit grant type is quite popular with mobile apps. But it was not meant to be used like this. There are security concerns around the redirect. Justin Richer states:
The problem comes when you realize that unlike with a remote server
URL, there is no reliable way to ensure that the binding between a
given redirect URI and a specific mobile application is honored. Any
app on the device can try to insert itself into the redirection
process and cause it to serve the redirect URI. And guess what: if
you’ve used the implicit flow in your native application, then you
just handed the attacker your access token. There’s no recovery from
that point — they’ve got the token and they can use it.
And together with the fact, that it does not let you refresh the access token, better avoid it.
2. Authorization Code Grant Type
The authorization code grant requires a client secret. But you should not store sensitive information in the source code of your mobile app. People can extract them. To not expose the client secret, you have to run a server as a middleman as Facebook writes:
We recommend that App Access Tokens should only be used directly from
your app's servers in order to provide the best security. For native
apps, we suggest that the app communicates with your own server and
the server then makes the API requests to Facebook using the App
Access Token.
Not an ideal solution but there is new, a better way to do OAuth on mobile devices: Proof Key for Code Exchange
3. Authorization Code Grant Type with PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange)
Out of the limitations, a new technique was created that let you use the Authorization Code without a client secret. You can read the full RFC 7636 or this short introduction.
PKCE (RFC 7636) is a technique to secure public clients that don't use
a client secret.
It is primarily used by native and mobile apps, but the technique can
be applied to any public client as well. It requires additional
support by the authorization server, so it is only supported on
certain providers.
Using a webview in your mobile application should be an affordable way to implement OAuth2.0 protocol on Android platform.
As for redirect_uri field, I think http://localhost is a good choice and you don't have to port a HTTP server inside your application, because you can override the implementation of onPageStarted function in the WebViewClient class and stop loading the web page from http://localhost after you check the url parameter.
public void onPageStarted(final WebView webView, final String url,
final Bitmap favicon) {}
The smoothest user experience for authentication, and the easiest to implement is to embed a webview in your app. Process the responses received by the webview from the authentication point and detect error (user cancel) or approval (and extract token from url query parameters).
And I think you can actually do that in all platforms. I have successfully made this work for the following: ios, android, mac, windows store 8.1 apps, windows phone 8.1 app. I did this for the following services: dropbox, google drive, onedrive, box, basecamp. For the non-windows platforms, I was using Xamarin which supposedly does not expose the entire platform specific APIs, yet it did expose enough for making this possible. So it is a pretty accessible solution, even from a cross platform perspective, and you don't have to worry about the ui of the authentication form.
I'm interested to know what methods people use to secure their webservices from unauthorized web service consumers.
There is a protocol specifically for web services security WS-Security. I've used parts of it in the past but at the time there was not a lot of support for it in .Net so it was a lot of work.
Currently with .Net I use SOAP Extension Headers. I have one web service call to authenticate and get a session token and then include that token in a SOAP header for every subsequent call, somewhat similar to this example. Of course all the request must travel over TLS to keep them from being compromised.
I usually require either a user id/password to be sent each time, or return a token from the first authenticated connection that can be used subsequently.
Nothing fancy. Pretty similar to standard web app login.
I've used both SOAP headers and method parameters to pass user credentials -- .NET makes using the SOAP headers pretty easy, but I had issues with this using Java (several months back). I also do some IP-based filtering if the service is not intended for client (browser) use, but rather from backend web servers. Public, browser consumable web services are often protected by session cookies -- i.e, requires a valid logon to the web site, then the standard session authentication mechanism is used for requests via AJAX to web services.
You can use network appliances such as IBM's DataPower or Vordel if you don't want to handle in your own application.