Azure virtual machine - Purpose of Storage account - azure

I'm looking for the purpose of a Storage account in Azure. Because I have a problem with.
My account is limited to 1 Storage account, and apparently I'm already using it, but I don't know why, I don't think I need it.
I have one virtual machine with a cloud service and the storage account. I would like to create another virtual machine but I can't because of the Storage account limit.
May I delete the Storage accout? I don't want to break my virtual machine.
Few months ago, I was able to create two virtual machines, so I don't understand why I can't anymore, my Azure account didn't change. Thanks.

Storage Account is "the storage" where Azure puts your Virtual Machine disks (=vhd files).
On the same Storage Account you can create more than one Virtual Machine.


How to know Storage Account is associated with Azure VM or HDInsight Cluster

I have create more than 3 storage account and 3 VM and 3 Clusters.
Storage Accounts:
Storage Account 1
Storage Account 2
Storage Account 3
I want to know Storage Account 1 is associated with how many VM and Clusters. How can I find it via Azure Portal ?
A storage account isn't an "owned" or "dedicated" resource. That is, even if you use a storage account for a given app or service, there's no tight coupling between the two. Any service / app that has your account credentials (or a SAS link to a specific container/queue/table within your storage account) will be able to use that storage account.
However, if you look at the settings for a given app or service (in your case, your VM or HDInsight), you can see which storage accounts it's using, with a bit of digging. For example, your VM might have both OS and Data disks, with each disk using potentially a different storage account - you'd need to enumerate the OS+attached disks to see which storage accounts are in use for each.
Further, if you create all resources at once (again, imagine creating a new VM with new storage), all of your resources will be bundled together within the same Resource Group.
You can via the new Azure portal to find the Azure Storage Account, in the storage account, you will find the Container. The vhds container used for Azure VM by default, select the vhds, you will find the VMs' VHD files there. About the HDInsight, the default Container name is the HDInsight name, so we can find the result manually.

Azure VM two storages

I'm using Azure VM (Ubuntu 16.04) as web server. For some reason at my resource group for VM there are two storages.
First - GRS Standart and second LRS Premium.
How to determine which storage is necessary for my web server and which I can safely delete?
You can check the storage account holding the disks (OS and Data disks) by clicking on Disks option and then clicking on individual disks. You will see the URL of the page blob holding the disk and that should tell you about the storage account.
However before deleting the other storage account, please check if it is not used for collecting diagnostics data for the VM.
Making an assumption, I believe your LRS Premium account is holding the disks and the other one is for storing diagnostics data.

Windows Azure Stopped VM Data Persistance

I cannot find any information on the Azure site clarifying this - possibly it's my understanding of how these work - please can someone confirm I am correct.
If I have a VM (Windows generated from their template which I have then installed some software on) and shut it down (using the portal to deallocate it), I am no longer charged compute costs. I am still charged storage for the VHD file but there will be no storage transactions as the machine is switched off.
As and when I start it, a new instance is deployed, from the VHD I previously configured (this is important to start with the software installed still) and I will then be charged for storage transactions and compute minutes.
Also, for the storage on VHD files, is this goo-redundant or locally-redundant or do I choose when creating the VM?
If you create a storage account first, you have a choice of enabling geo-replication or not. Default value is enabled.
If you create a virtual machine, creation of a new storage account is an option. This account will default have geo-replication enabled.
You are correct on the charging.

How to move an Azure Virtual Machine to another storage account?

In Windows Azure, I have created a number of virtual machines over the same storage account. I want to move some of those virtual machines to a different storage account so that I can have Geo-Replication for only some of them instead of all.
Is there any way to change the storage account of a VM?
There is no such feature provided out of the box. What you can do is following:
Shut down the VM
Copy the system disk's VHD to the new storage account (use Copy Blob feature!)
Create a new VM based on the copied VHD
(Pray that the new VM will boot up successfully :) )
Most of the times this scenario is valid and works.
Yes you can. Please find the refrences below-

How do I migrate an existing Windows Azure VM to a Windows Azure virtual network?

I would like to migrate our test server - a Windows Azure VM running Windows 2008 server (running AD DC and variety of apps such as Dynamics CRM) - to a virtual network.
I am looking for a safe way to migrate the server to the virtual network.
My research to date indicates that I can create a new VM using the same OS disk. However when I attempt to create a new VM the existing OS disk is not visible in the list of images.
Is anybody able to point me in the right direction as to how this is achieved? Also, do you have any recommendations with respect to a rollback strategy (e.g. Backup tools)?
I haven't verified the flow, but it should be working fine. Follow these steps:
Make sure you are not using static IP on your AD/DC. The IP Addresses in Azure shall always be DHCP allocated!
Shut down the AD/DC
Copy the VHD blob to a new blob! I strongly suggest that you have the OS Disk (VHD blob) in a storage account which is in the same affinity group as the Virtual Network. So, if the current OS Disk is not in a Storage Account, which is in the same affinity group as the VNet, create a new storage account and copy the original VHD there. Please note that you should copy the blob only when the VM is shut down!
Create the sub-net you want to bring the VM in. (probably you already have created it).
Create a new VM using the copied VHD as an OS Disk and selecting the Virtual Network and sub-net.
Possible gotchas with this migration:
IP Address of AD/DC will change when added to the Virtual Network. Be prepared and never assign static IP Address to a VM in Azure
You will not see the VHD in the list of possible images to use - in that case use some kind of storage explorer (such as Cloud Storage Studio) to make sure there is no existing lease on the blob with the VHD. If there is a lease - break it!
A suggested VNet setup for AD/DC/DNS infrastructure in azure is clearly described in this blog post
