Synchronization Alfresco site document library to Sharepoint location - sharepoint

I have alfresco running from a server
and sharepoint running from port 80 i.e
I want to synchronize everything that is on Alfresco site,
to a sharepoint site
without having to recreate the entire site on sharepoint. I have already configured sharepoint module for Alfresco to allow online Editing using Sharepoint configuration. My alfresco version is 4.2

I think you may be misunderstanding the SharePoint protocol support that ships with Alfresco. The functionality allows you to use Microsoft Office applications to retrieve and store files in Alfresco via the SharePoint protocol. This uses Microsoft's built-in SharePoint integration but with Alfresco on the back-end instead of SharePoint.
There is currently nothing out-of-the-box that will do a sync between a SharePoint back-end and an Alfresco back-end.
There are third-party products and other open source projects that will do that sort of synchronization but nothing in the core product at the current time.


migartion sharepoint web application sharepoint 2013 to sharepoint online

actually i tried to migrate lists and document libraries from one site to another site in sharepoint 2013 and migrate sites also from 2010 to sharepoint 2013. But,I want to migrate web application from sharepoint 2013 to sharepoint online.
We are limited to creating Site collections only in SharePoint online. You cannot create/migrate the complete web application to SharePoint online in one go. You would have to migrate either a complete site collection or site level.
I have experience migrating with SharePoint migration tool from Microsoft (which is free software) and it worked well.
However, i would suggest to migrate individual site level as it would be easy to manage. I have tried migrating a site collection which failed after 40% and it was difficult to debug where the error was. I later figured it was the nintex form on a document library that was a culprit.
Good luck with your project!
You may use below methods to create apps
Using SharePoint Apps ( )
Use the latest SPFx framework ( to create apps.

CMIS support for Sharepoint and OneDrive

I would like to have a quick info whether Microsoft Sharepoint and OneDrive has CMIS support ? If not which will be the best library to integrate Sharepoint and OneDrive using Java ?! Please help
Microsoft SharePoint on premise (2010 & 2013) supports CMIS for searching documents though limited to library level. But I have doubts regarding OneDrive files. Though OneDrive is hosted as SharePoint MySite, these documents are not accessed through SharePoint library.
Follow this link to know about CMIS on SharePoint.
And this link to activate and use CMIS.

migrate content from Sharepoint intranet to Sitecore

There are many paid tools available to migrate content from Sharepoint to Sitecore like Kapow, Siteport etc. Are there any open source tools available to migrate content from Sharepoint intranet to Sitecore?
There is an integration services marketplace module that does data transformation, but not specific to Sharepoint. I haven't tried to use it to query for data from Sharepoint, but it is shared source so you can probably make it do what you need.

Office Web Apps Server 2013 without SharePoint

I've noticed Microsoft has released a new version of Office Web Apps Server 2013, which is a standalone product now.
I'm looking for an engine that I can convert Word/Excel and PowerPoint documents into web-friendly versions (HTML5) for an application I've built that uploads these documents to S3 and I thought Office Web Apps Server 2013 standalone would work.
I don't want to use Google Docs, but rather use a solution that I'm hosting myself.
Reading the Office Web Apps Server documentation, it doesn't specify whether or not I need to have a SharePoint server license. I've tried deploying Office Web Apps Server on a Windows 2012 server on Microsoft Azure, and while the software installs, it is unable to render any documents that I'm pointing to it from an external URL (a publicly accessible S3 bucket).
Does anyone know the particular requirements of Office Web Apps Server 2013 to work properly? The website does state that it can be used to view documents from an external URL which is how I'm trying to use it. But since its a new product, there isn't that much information I was able to find on it other than Microsoft's deployment instructions.

Sharepoint - Providing data outside intranet

I know that using SharePoint internally is free, but what if I create an application that will provide some of the data stored in SharePoint externally? Is it legal way to do things or do I have to pay for full SP licence to do that?
The cheapest option in your case may be to install WSS + Sql Server 2008 Express on Windows Server Web Edition (~£400) to avoid paying for CALs or External Connector.
Only Windows Sharepoint Services (WSS 3.0) is free and included in Windows 2003 and 2008 and thus being licensed along with it. If users need to authenticate on the site (i.e. using forms auth), then you either need a Windows CAL for each user or an External Connector License. If you do not have user accounts ("Anonymous access"), then you should not need any additional licensing.
On the other hand, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS 2007) is a commercial product that requires licenses for any use, internal or external.
IANAL, so check with MS Licensing for this.
Using SharePoint internally is not free. You need server licenses for each server copy you have and client access lincenses (CALs) for every client that uses it - internally. There is a separate model for licensing SharePoint hosted and published externally.
You should talk to your microsoft licensing provider about this, it's not really a programming question, it's a licensing question.
There is a licensing fee for providing SharePoint connected to the intrenet. the situation where you have your own application reading data from SharePoint (e.g. webservices/rss) and exposing that to the internet is quite different and not likely to be considered for licensing.
Given that you are only exposing part of the data and none of the interface, you should be okay. If you are using CALs to access SharePoint, I believe the user running the application you access SharePoint with would use up one of those CALs.
You would really need to check with your SharePoint licensing guys to be 100%.
