Selecting cell in Beforesave Event - excel

see codes below.
I have the 'beforesave' code in the Workbook module and it works fine when I'm in the active sheet. However from the table I use on sheet 2 I also have a pivot table on sheet 1. To refresh my pivot I use an inserted button with an attached macro (this is in the module section)
Sub Refresh_Pivot()
' Refresh_Pivot Macro
End Sub
On Activate.Workbook.Save its starts to act on my other code (which is in the workbook module), I want this to happen as a pivot table with missing data is not a good tool. However on using this it defaults with an error and highlights the cell.Offset(0, 1).Select - How can I prevent this?
Ideally I want the user to select OK on the msgbox and then the screen page changes to Sheet 2 and highlights the offending cell.
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim esave As Range
Dim psave As Range
Dim jsave As Range
Dim RAll As Range
Dim cell As Range
Set esave = Sheet2.Range("Table1[Estimated Claim (USD)]")
Set psave = Sheet2.Range("Table1[Provisional Claim (USD)]")
Set jsave = Sheet2.Range("Table1[Agreed Claim (USD)]")
Set RAll = Union(esave, psave, jsave)
For Each cell In RAll
If cell.Value <> "" And cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "" Then
Dim missdata
missdata = MsgBox("Missing Data - Enter the Date for WorkBook to Save", vbOKOnly, "Missing Data")
Cancel = True
cell.Offset(0, 1).Select
Exit For
End If
Next cell
End Sub

.Select should be avoided.
I also want to know why are you trying to select that cell? What is the purpose. If you want to interact with it, then you can do that without selecting it. For example
If cell.Value <> "" And cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "" Then
Dim missdata
missdata = MsgBox("Missing Data - Enter the Date for WorkBook to Save", vbOKOnly, "Missing Data")
Cancel = True
With cell.Offset(0, 1)
''~~> Do something
End With
Exit For
End If
Having said that if you still want to select that cell then you need to be on that sheet. There are two ways now. One is like I mentioned in the comment above.
Add Sheet2.Activate just before For Each cell In RAll in the Workbook_BeforeSave event or do that in the button's click event.
Sub Refresh_Pivot()
End Sub
Another point. You might want to pass Cancel = True before the Exit For to disable the save?


How to apply code to all the following rows

I have this code but it only work for my first row.
It is suppose to look if the checkbox on B, C or D is checked, and if so, a date + username will automaticaly fill in F and G.
here is a picture of my table:
This is what my code looks like:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("B2") Or Range("C2") Or Range("D2") = True Then
Range("G2").Value = Environ("Username")
Range("F2").Value = Date
End If
End Sub
Enter this code in a regular module, select all your checkboxes and right-click >> assign macro then choose ReviewRows.
This will run the check whenever a checkbox is clicked - a bit of overhead since all rows will be checked, but should not be a big deal.
Sub ReviewRows()
Dim n As Long
For n = 1 To 100 'for example
With Sheet1.Rows(n)
If Application.CountIf(.Cells(2).Resize(1, 3), "TRUE") > 0 Then
If Len(.Cells(6).Value) = 0 Then 'only enter if currently empty?
.Cells(6) = Date
.Cells(7) = Environ("Username")
End If
.Cells(6).Resize(1, 2).ClearContents
End If
End With
Next n
End Sub
If you want to be more precise then Application.Caller will give you the name of the checkbox which was clicked, and you can use that to find the appropriate row to check via the linkedCell.
Sub ReviewRows()
Dim n As Long, shp As CheckBox, c As Range, ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
On Error Resume Next 'ignore error in case calling object is not a checkbox
Set shp = ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(Application.Caller) 'get the clicked checkbox
On Error GoTo 0 'stop ignoring errors
If Not shp Is Nothing Then 'got a checkbox ?
If shp.LinkedCell <> "" Then 'does it have a linked cell ?
With ws.Range(shp.LinkedCell).EntireRow
If Application.CountIf(.Cells(2).Resize(1, 3), "TRUE") > 0 Then
If Len(.Cells(6).Value) = 0 Then 'only enter if currently empty?
.Cells(6) = Date
.Cells(7) = Environ("Username")
End If
.Cells(6).Resize(1, 2).ClearContents
End If
End With
End If 'has linked cell
End If 'was a checkbox
End Sub
However this appraoch is sensitive to the exact positioning of your checkbox
You have a long way to go!
Unfortunately, If Range("B2") Or Range("C2") Or Range("D2") = True Then is beyond repair. In fact, your entire concept is.
Start with the concept: Technically speaking, checkboxes aren't on the worksheet. They are on a layer that is superimposed over the worksheet. They don't cause a worksheet event, nor are they responding to worksheet events. The good thing is that they have their own.
If Range("B2") Or Range("C2") Or Range("D2") = True Then conflates Range with Range.Value. One is an object (the cell), the other one of the object's properties. So, to insert sense into your syntax it would have to read, like, If Range("B2").Value = True Or Range("C2").Value = True Or Range("D2").Value = True Then. However this won't work because the trigger is wrong. The Worksheet_Change event won't fire when when a checkbox changes a cell's value, and the SelectionChange event is far too common to let it run indiscriminately in the hope of sometimes being right (like the broken clock that shows the correct time twice a day).
The answer, therefore is to capture the checkbox's click event.
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
If CheckBox1.Value = vbTrue Then
MsgBox "Clicked"
End If
End Sub
Whatever you want to do when the checkbox is checked must be done where it now shows a MsgBox. You can also take action when it is being unchecked.

VBA Excel - Call macro using buttons

I have written the following macro that calls a Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() if I confirm that I want to run it. Please find below the first part of the code:
Sub test()
Dim result As VbMsgBoxResult
result = MsgBox("Run Macro?", vbYesNo, "Excel VBA")
If result = vbYes Then
Call Worksheet_Calculate
End If
End Sub
The second code, which is Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate(), shall copy the result of the calculation performed in B2 and paste it in C2 as well as add a timestamp to D2. Columns C and D are populated as values in B2 change, so that I get a list of results and timestamps in C3 and D3, C4 and D4 etc. Here is the code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Dim lastrow As Long
lastrow = Worksheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
With Worksheets(1).Cells(lastrow, 2)
.Offset(1, 0) = Cells(2, 1).Value
.Offset(1, 1) = FormatDateTime(Now, vbLongTime)
End With
End Sub
The problem that I am facing is related to the fact that my Public Sub Worksheet_Calculate() is called only once and whenever I recalculate the value of B2 nothing happens.
Is there a way to a) keep second code activated or b) have a button(s) or a tickbox that would activate/deactivate the second code?
Hope it makes sense, thanks in advance!
Worksheet Calculate Event
This is what you put into Module1, or what ever you will call your Module. This is a normal module created with Add Module. I've left the name of the test program intact, but I changed the other because it is used for worksheet events, particularly the Worksheet Calculate event. The test program and the variable blnCalculation enable or disable the whole thing, so in the beginning nothing will be happening before you enable it. You can create a button for it and in its Click event just add Module1.test or just run it from Macros.
Option Explicit
Public TargetValue As Variant
Public blnCalculation As Boolean
Sub test()
Dim result As VbMsgBoxResult
result = MsgBox("Run Macro?", vbYesNo, "Excel VBA")
If result = vbYes Then
blnCalculation = True
blnCalculation = False
End If
End Sub
Sub SheetCalculate()
Dim lastrow As Long
With ActiveSheet
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
With .Cells(lastrow, 2)
.Offset(1, 0) = .Parent.Cells(2, 1).Value
.Offset(1, 1) = FormatDateTime(Now, vbLongTime)
End With
End With
End Sub
And the following is what you put into each sheet code aka Object module, which you get by double-clicking on it in VBE. The Worksheet Calculate event happens each time Excel 'decides' to calculate a worksheet, which is in your case probably guaranteed because you say that there is a formula in B2, so the event will happen every time B2 gets calculated. But it won't run the SheetCalculate program unless the value has changed which is checked with the TargetValue variable.
The Worksheet Activate event happens on a worksheet e.g. each time when you select it in the tab. In this case it is used to pass the new B2 value from the newly selected worksheet to the TargetValue variable.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
If Module1.blnCalculation Then _
Module1.TargetValue = Me.Range("B2").Value
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
If Module1.blnCalculation Then
If Me.Range("B2").Value <> Module1.TargetValue Then
End If
End If
End Sub

Using VBA userform to select ranges on multiple sheets - sheet changes back to original activesheet

I have a userform which has multiple RefEdit controls. I need the user to select ranges from multiple sheets and the userform has to be complete before the rest of the code can run.
Issue: The activesheet is "Sheet1" when the userform is initiated. Each time I select a range on "Sheet2" and click into the next RefEdit the visible Excel sheet returns to "Sheet1". I'd like the sheet to remain on "Sheet2", since clicking between the sheets significantly increases the time it takes to select the data.
Because I need the userform to be completed before continuing with my code, using "vbModeless" doesn't appear to work.
I've tried to step through the userform events which appeared to be relevant but none were activated when I entered the RefEdit, selected the data, or left the RefEdit.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Edit: Using some input from the responses and doing some more research I think I've figured out the problem and a work around.
RefEdit events such as Change or Exit (I tried all of them I think) don't appear to trigger when a change occurs in the control. So I couldn't write code to manipulate the activesheet when I changed the control. A workaround found here: uses a textbox and inputbox to simulate a RefEdit control and will actually trigger when changes are made! Code is below. To add other "RefEdit" controls you should repeat the code in the Userform_Initialize event for each control, then add another TextBox1_DropButtonClick and update TextBox1 to the name of the new control. In use when the control updates the workbook jumps to the previous activesheet and then returns the desired activesheet. Not as smooth as I'd like but much better than it was.
Private Sub CancelButton_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub OKButton_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.TextBox1.DropButtonStyle = fmDropButtonStyleReduce
Me.TextBox1.ShowDropButtonWhen = fmShowDropButtonWhenAlways
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_DropButtonClick()
Dim ASheet As String ' Active sheet
'Use input box to allow user to select a range
On Error Resume Next
Me.TextBox1.Value = Application.InputBox("Select the range containing your data", _
"Select Chart Data", Me.TextBox1.Text, Me.Left + 2, _
Me.Top - 86, , , 0)
On Error GoTo 0
'Check if there is a sheet name - if the range selected is on the activesheet the output of the inputbox doesn't have a sheet name.
If InStr(1, Me.TextBox1.Value, "!", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then ' there is a sheet name
ASheet = Replace(Split(Me.TextBox1.Value, "!")(0), "=", "") ' extract sheet name
Else ' there is no sheet name
Me.TextBox1.Value = "=" & ActiveSheet.Name & "!" & Replace(Me.TextBox1.Value, "=", "") ' add active sheet name to inputbox output
ASheet = ActiveSheet.Name
End If
Worksheets(ASheet).Activate ' set the active sheet
End Sub
Have you tried something as simple as:
somewhere in the beginning of your form code ?
Since you haven't posted your code, it's hard to provide a good answer.
Hope this helps a little :)
This form module worked for me.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 'Cancel Button
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() 'GO Button
Dim newSheet As Worksheet
abc = Split(RefEdit1.Value, "!")
cbn = abc(0)
Unload Me
Set newSheet = Worksheets(abc(0))
End Sub

excel 2010 vba send keys to simulate clicking the formula bar

Google hasn't given me quite what I want, I thought maybe SO might have the answer.
Instead of using a input box or user prompt that asks the user for info that will be stored in cell, I'm looking for some code to simulate clicking in the formula bar. I am currently using sendkeys method with "F2" to allow the user to enter info into the selected cell. It would be much easier to look into the formula bar, instead of a single cell in a sea of data.
Sub CopyTemplate()
Dim rng As Range
Dim trng As Range
Dim tco As String
'Use the InputBox select row to insert copied cells
Set rng = Application.InputBox("select row to paste into", "Insert template location", Default:=ActiveCell.Address, Type:=8)
If rep = vbCancel Then
End If
startrow = rng.Row
' MsgBox "row =" & startrow
Range("AG2") = startrow
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'copy template block
Range("AG1") = ActiveCell.Row
tco = "A5:AN" & Range("AG1")
Range("A" & Range("AG2")).Activate
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
'select first value
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
SendKeys "{F2}"
SendKeys "{BS}"
End Sub
when the codes runs this is what the user sees (col 2 col 2621)
I don't believe there is a single keypress to "activate" the formula bar. There is probably a way to do with multiple keypress events like <alt><tab><tab>...~nine years later and a couple of other keys~...<tab><tab>
The quicker and more direct way would be to turn off the "EditDirectlyInCell" setting:
Application.EditDirectlyInCell = False
This will bring the cursor to the formula bar when you sendkey F2
You could just turn this thing off on Workbook_Open() in the workbook's code:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.EditDirectlyInCell = False
End Sub
Perhaps on Workbook_BeforeClose() you could toggle that setting back on so you don't change their defaults:
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Application.EditDirectlyInCell = True
End Sub
maybe this will help, i set the Application.EditDirectlyInCell to false, before entering cell editing, then call DoEvents before returning EditDirectlyInCell to true
Sub EditRange(ByVal Target As Range) 'so any change in target would not affect
'the caller's variable
Set Target = Target.Areas(1).Resize(1, 1) 'to make sure the target is single cell
Target.Worksheet.Activate 'to make sure the worksheet is active
Target.Activate 'activate the designated cell
Application.EditDirectlyInCell = False 'turn cell editing to false, any attempt _
to edit cell will be done in formula bar
SendKeys "{F2}" 'send F2 to start editing the cell
DoEvents 'make sure every command is fully executed
Application.EditDirectlyInCell = True 'return in cell editing to default value
End Sub

How to reference a specific sheet within VBA Code in Excel 2013

This works perfectly, but I only want it to reference a single sheet instead of every sheet in the workbook
Private Sub Worksheet_Change()
Dim LastRow As Long, c As Range
Application.EnableEvents = False
LastRow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "AA120").End(xlUp).Row
On Error Resume Next
For Each c In Range("AA5:AA120" & LastRow)
If c.Value = "0" Then
c.EntireRow.Hidden = True
ElseIf c.Value > "0" Then
c.EntireRow.Hidden = False
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
As i can see you only need to insert this code in one sheet which ever you want. Rightclick on sheet name(tab) and select "view code", then paste this code. BUT! If this runs on every sheet, then you also need to delete code from "This Workbook" --> (Alt+F11) and select "This workbook", then erase this code from there.
You have to use
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
According to the great Chip Pearson, "The events and their procedure declarations are fixed. You must not alter the name or parameter list of an event procedure." (I do not have a system with Office to test it).
You would insert your Sub in a sheet module, and it will work only on that sheet.
