Tiny library just for Blob Storage on Windows Azure? - azure

The Windows Azure Storage package comes with a truckload of dependencies, including improbable libraries such as System.Spatial. I only intend to use the Blob Storage, which should represent about 5% of this package. Is there any stand-alone library available to do this?

You could always make direct REST API calls, as the storage API is well-documented. This is about as lightweight as you're going to get. There is no other official .net Azure SDK other than the one you referenced. I don't know of any 3rd-party .net SDKs available.


How can use azure storage from Lucee

I am developing an application using Lucee.
Currently I have some files stored on an Azure Storage Account
and I need to be able to read and write to the Azure Storage account.
Is there any java api or Lucee Extension that can be used for this purpose?
There is indeed Azure Storage SDK for Java. The full documentation can be found here
It has support for blobs, Queues, Android and other libraries.
I liked #Adam-Smith-msft answer but I ended up using the code from https://github.com/paulklinkenberg/lucee-azure-provider so i did not have to deal directly with the Java SDK

Using CosmoDb Table API with Azure Table Services and .NET Core

Given the older Azure Storage NuGet package is being broken up, it's not entirely clear from the documentation how you access Azure Table Storage from a .NET Core app.
There seems to be some conflicting information. According to this article, the recommended way of access Table Storage is now with the CosmoDb Table API package, but that same article says it doesn't work with .NET Core.
For .net core, you should keep using the older Azure Storage NuGet package, please refer to this issue:
Adding .Net Core/standard support for Microsoft.Azure.CosmosDB.Table is on our roadmap. And
yes you should use `Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage' until .Net core, support is enabled
for Azure Cosmos DB Table API.

Use azure media service / server with xamarin

Have anyone used azure media service with xamarin. I am trying to make an portable library which can upload / retrieves video asseset from a standard azure media server. However I am not able to install the nuget package into my project.
Can anyone point me in the right direction
I don't think the default azure media libary is a portable library therefore you cannot add it to your portable library project.
You could however implement this using the available rest documentation.
Media Services Rest Api
We've done something similar for access to blob storage. To avoid having to reference all the azure storage libraries in all our projects.

Where is ServiceProperties.Cors for Azure SDK 2.1?

I wanted to follow the guidance of “Windows Azure Storage and CORS” but I notice that my version of the Windows Azure SDK (2.1) does not have the members (like ServiceProperties .Cors) used in the article. I also notice that the documented members of ServiceProperties do not include Cors. Was this stuffed removed from the codebase or is this stuff so new that it is not documented yet? Is this CORS stuff in a future version of the SDK? Or do I have to use the REST API?
Storage Client Library (version 2.x) which comes with SDK 2.1 does not have support for CORS. It is supported in Storage Client Library version 3.x. So if you want to manage CORS settings, you would need to use that library. You can download this library through Nuget: http://www.nuget.org/packages/WindowsAzure.Storage. You could always use REST API if you want to.
However, please keep in mind that SDK 2.1 is not compatible with version 3.x of storage client library. What that means is that if you use 3.x version of storage client library in your project you won't be able to use storage emulator. You would always need to connect to cloud storage account for development.
Windows Azure Blobs, Tables and Queues now support CORS to enable users to access/manipulate resources from within the browser serving a web page in a different domain than the resource being accessed.

Deploy Azure Package from my own WPF App

I am creating a little utility app for some of my Azure work and i would love to make it possible to deploy a azure package from within my tool.
I have a package that have been created from Visual studio and i can manual deploy it or deploy it from within VS 2012.
Anyone who know a guide or can tell me how i would deploy it from my own application?
Yes, you can do that. Everything you see as far as deployment is concerned in VS is backed by a REST API. So you could essentially write a WPF application which is a wrapper over these REST API. There're two things you would need to do:
Upload Package files to blob storage: This would be the 1st thing you would need to do. You could make use of storage client library or implement REST API for uploading package files to blob storage.
Implement "Create Deployment" Service Management API function: Take a look at the functionality here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/ee460813.aspx. Once you have uploaded the package file in blob storage (and got the blob URI), you could invoke this functionality.
As far as I know there is no API wrapper / SDK available that covers full functionality on managing Storage Accounts, Deployments etc. yet. You can use the Windows Azure Management REST API though.
In order to use this API you need to have a valid management certificate in the subscription you want to manage and sign all REST calls to the Management API with it. There should be sufficient information about how to do so in the link above.
