Create Customized Functionality in SSRS:s Report Server? - excel

Create an additional functionality in report server. It is a button or an address link and when you press it then you open a Excel application containing a customized templete. The Excel's sheet is connected to a cube in SSAS.
Is it possible to do it to fullfill the goal?
*The report server is located in a server and the user use client computer. If endusers gonna review the report in report server, they have to type the IP number and "reportserver" in the webrowser's address field.
*Using SSAS as a datasource.
*You should enable to save the document in the end user's computer.

You can upload non-SSRS files to the SSRS report server with Upload File button.
This means you can upload a template workbook configured however you'd like it. So long as the user does not have the ability to publish to SSRS then the only locations they'd be able to save it are the locations they could save any file on the network.


Can Spotfire change data table source directory based on username?

We'd like to distribute a Spotfire dashboard to different users, however the location of the data source file is on Sharepoint and for every user it's mapped to:
Where myusername is the windows login account username and if I gave someone this Spotfire file they'd have to get prompted to re-direct Spotfire to the same folder mapped under their user name. Is there any way to avoid this and have Spotfire recognize the location of the data source automatically by getting the username information from system environment variables?
I would try embedding the data source in the dxp/ analysis with no data just the column names. This way visual ect don't have to be recreated.
Set up a python script to update the data source to the user name path and refresh the table. You can even trigger this event on load so it would be seemless for end user.
Here is a link showing python script to updated data source.
If you require assistance with the python script post a new question with what code you've tried to implement.

Web query connection does not create table in excel

I have the below external link
I would like to connect it in Excel 2013 using web query (with the Power Query it works but I would like to implement it as web query from the Data tab).
In a new excel sheet I am doing the below
1) Open a blank sheet
2) Go to Data-> From Web
3) I add the link and click GO. It returns me the below. I am not sure if this error is the reason of my problem
4) By clicking 'Yes' I have the below (everything fine until now)
But when I click the import button (and select the first cell for this import) it returns an 'Open Page Builder' message. Why this happens?
I did not have this problem until last year and I do not understand what is the issue here.
Zoho Support told me that it is Microsoft issue. Can you please reproduce it and tell me why it does not show me the page in an excel table?
It should return be something like that (without the color format)
It works for me by following this method.
1) Open a blank sheet
2) Go to Data-> From Web
3) I add the link and click GO. It returns me the below
4). I choose Basic option and enter URL and click OK
5). I get the following screen
6). I Choose the second option that is Table. As per my experience data desired by us is contained in Tables.
7). I click Load button to get the data, which loads on web page correctly.
A). If you choose Advanced option in step 3 then we will get the following dialog box. In this box in upper part we can add a URL by its constituent parts. For example
has been shown entered into its constituent parts in the snapshot shown below. Further details to set a dynamic URL connection can be referred in linked document.
B). In the lower part of the dialog box there is a drop down to select HTTP Request Header Parameters like
Accept Required. Set this to application/json.
Accept-Encoding Optional. Supported encodings are gzip and deflate.
Authorization Required. See authentication.
Connection Optional. It is recommended that Keep-Alive be enabled.
Content-Length Optional. It is recommended taht the request body length be specified when known.
Further details can referred Query Management HTTP Request
HTTP Request Header Parameters setting for various applications like
Enter data directly into Power BI Desktop
Connect to Excel in Power BI Desktop
Analysis Services multidimensional data in Power BI Desktop
Connect to CSV files in Power BI Desktop
Connect to a Google BigQuery database in Power BI Desktop
Connect to an Impala database in Power BI Desktop
Connect to an OData feed in Power BI Desktop
etc.. can be referred to power-bi/desktop-connect-excel
Regarding OP's comment whether same Excel file can run on another PC, my opinion is it is not possible. When try to copy file to temporary storage for transfer, we get a warning that this file can not be copied to new location with its properties. Are you sure you want to copy without its properties. Please see this warning snap shot.
As such it seems that the same query may not work in a new location. New query has to be created for that location.

Download links from email

I am trying to download pdf available in email as hyperlinks. The reason I need this is that I get emails with several such links that needs to be downloaded and saved on a location.
Is there a way this could be automated. Tried checking out ways to do it using python or VBA but no viable solutions so far. This is O365 that I need help on and the hyperlink is embedded in the text highlighted in blue..
You should check the smtp,smtpd modules for a direct interaction with the server.
In the smtp server module you could download the mail locally and extract the info directly and locally, it's useful if you want to keep a backup of your mail, and keep clean your inbox.
In the smtp client module, you could read the email, save it as a object and extract the elements with the mime module, the extract (file) should be translated to a file object and/or saved in de pc as a file with it's extension.
Note: you should look in the internet for the configuration of your mail service to connect in the correct way and the correct sequence of steps, because some servers need a validation of the connection before login and others after the login.

Getting error "External data refresh failed" while refreshing excel odata queries in excel file uploaded on sharepoint online

I have created 2 odata queries in excel which fetch data from 2 sharepoint lists. Then I appended the 2 queries to append the data from both list into one. Now i have three queries, Query 1 fro list 1, Query 2 for list 2, and Query append for appended data. I went to connection settings and checked the option to refresh my queries every time the excel file is opened so that I have latest data from my lists.
Query Properties screenshot.
I saved the file and uplaoded on sharepoint library. Now whenever i open the file from sharepoint in excel online I get an error "External data refresh failed".error message.
The data doesnt get refreshed if i press ok.
Strangely this problem does not comes if I download the excel file and open it locally and refresh the data.
You need to create a connection in the Secure Store and tie the credentials to later be used by your Excel spreadsheet.
Once you supply the user account and password in the Secure Store, you will need to get back to your Excel spreadsheet and change the authentication settings to match the one from the Secure Store, enter it on the Application ID.

Is there anyway to Extract the Particular User's Contacts Using the user's nsf file?

In Lotus Notes For Every User there is one nsf file will be created with the userid name as a file name. I want to Extract the Contact details using that nsf file Using Java Lotus Notes API.. (If my userid is user1 means the nsf file created in user1.nsf).. Is it possible to extract all the contacts of that user using the user's nsf file?
The tricky part here isn't reading the contact documents, it's finding the database itself. Depending on the installation, the contacts could be either on the server or local on their workstation.
If you're running from a server agent, you can only access the databases on the current server, or another server your credentials have access to. However, sometimes by default the user's contacts are put into a local database on their workstation and you can only reach them from code running in the user's context.
If that's the case, you have no choice but to find a way to run something on each user's workstation. You could
a) have the user replicate the names.nsf to the server, or
b) synchronize the contacts using the mail action.
For "a", you might send a special email with a LotusScript button in it to automate the replication. I've seen that method used in email migrations when using Quest software's migration tool, and it works well.
For "b", if you have a recent enough version of Notes you may follow these instructions to enabling the sychronize contacts task on the replicator. Ohterwise you'll need to instruct the users how to synchronize contacts using the actions menu. One the contacts are synchronized, a copy of the contact information will be contained in the user's mail file, which will be available on the mail server. You can then simply access the contacts view to read the documents.
