Zend Translate Poedit and the Translation Context - translate

is there a way to use the "context" or "msgctxt" in Zend_Translate when I call the method $translator->translate('My String') ?
I need to classify the item to be translated to a specific context for instance:
Customer Administration
Shopping Cart
Order Administration
I need to use the contexts to solve ambiguities between the translation items.
At the moment I am using the PoEdit software and Zend_Translate to translate my project.

I was searching this too, and it would seem that Zend_Translate does not support translation context.
You could try to extend the main Zend_Translate class and implement the translation context as some kind of prefix that is automatically used together with the sentence or terms to be translated, for example:
$translate->translate($context, $sentence);
would be internally managed as
$translate->translate($context, array($singular, $plural, $num));
would be
parent::translate(array("$context|$singular", "$context|$plural", $num));
but this would require to have the string with the prefixed $context in your translation sources.


Class Diagram for Course Registration

I am making a class diagram for Class/Course Registration where students have to first register their course then select their class schedules (timetable)
I am unsure if I can have CourseRegistration and ClassRegistration table like that. The reason why I made it like that is, a student can register for a course but doesnt register to a class directly. so they can wait few days and then only register. So I have to make sure the course registration is saved in the database.
Thank you for all the help
PS: pls don't mind my attributes, they're just a draft.
Your business logic for the registration process (register both for a course and a corresponding class) is too complicated. Normally, one would only register for a class, which would then imply taking the corresponding course.
Also, what does "ClassSchedule" stand for? Is an instance of a "ClassSchedule" a class meeting?
Since your model is supposed to define a design (of database tables and of, e.g., Java classes), each entity class should have an ID attribute defined, which is expressed in UML with the keyword "id" in curly braces appended to the attribute declaration. Having "ID" in the attribute names is not a formal declaration. Also, an ID attribute seems to be missing for ClassSchedule.
Yes, that's fine this way. You could alternatively use the association class notation like this:
Some side notes:
labeling associations is not that helpful except you are on a business level analysis. Rather use role names on either end where appropriate.
Edit I somehow overlooked that you're designing tables. So my previous comment
remove all the id attributes. Each object will have its unique id assigned by the runtime system. Use such an id only if it's of public meaning (e.g. a passport id or a student's registration number). And then use that specific name (e.g. passportId) rather than a <class>id.
goes just for basic class design. If you already have a (derived) table design you can just go with those ids.

Translator vs Cell Decorator in hybris, which one is preferred in what situation

I know how to write and use Cell Decorator and Translators during impex imports
in hybris, However, I am not sure when the one is preferred over the other?
For example, I have used Cell Decorator to change the value of an attribute slightly like if a customer is from US I will append an '_US' at the end of customer number while inserting in the DB.
Similarly, I have used Translator when I need to find a status of a product Available/Out of stock based on product ID.
However, I am not 100% positive is this the only differentiation.
Any explanation with example will be appreciated.
What is a translator?
(from SAP documatentation):
A translator class is a converter between ImpEx-related CSV files and values of attributes of Hybris Commerce items
The translator is a "converter" it is used when you need to modify your data into some other kind of data.
What is a decorator?
(From Wikipedia)
The decorator pattern is a design pattern that allows behavior to be added to an individual object, dynamically, without affecting the behavior of other objects from the same class
What should be used in hybris
For Impex most of the time you want to use a translator because you want to use simple syntax in the Impex file and convert( ie. translate/modify) it to the target format using code.
When you need to add functionality to an existing feature use a decorator. It can be used in Impex too if you want to add data.
For example you can read the Wikipedia article for decorator, in hybris you can look at ChineseLogisticCellDecorator. For translators, you have the list in hybris documentation (mentioned above)

provide Custom Entities to Google NLP engine

I want the Google NLP engine to be able to recognize custom entities.
I have a company called Hint and I want it to tag it as an organization.
'I like hint'
'I like Hint'
does not tag Hint as a organization. It tags Hint as "Other" entity type.
Is there some key word to provide to Google NLP so I can talk to it. For example can I pre process my text such as
We don't currently have a mechanism for adding custom entities.
I'd be interested to learn more about what you'd like to do. How many entities would you like to put in? What kinds of information would you like to include? Are you thinking of a list of entity names and types?

Extending Orchard Search and Indexing

We need to provide search options for users to find content based on specific field values.
We're developing a Training Course module for a client but the standard search looks for the text in any indexed field. We want to allow users to find courses based on searches against specific fields (i.e. Course Type, Location, Price, Date).
We've extended the search to check against specific fields but can't work out how to get the URL parameters passed by the Search form as a GET.
Where does Orchard put URL parameters?
Also, are we missing something, is there a way that Orchard already supports this that we haven't realized?
I would suggest you to copy part of the Search module, more specifically the Controller and the View and then modify it to suit your specific needs. I see you are actually modifying the original module, but this might be a problem on the long term, for instance if we start updating the module you might either lose you changes or have to reapply them to the code base. In the end you will target a MySiteName.Search module. And you can also add custom routes, custom settings.
On a side note the Search API is really powerful and you can even use it to do faceted search, or search on inherited taxonomy terms, tags, full text, ranges, ... Having your own controller code will let you use all of these features easily.

Regarding MOSS or WSS 3.0, What parts of the API might have been implemented better?

Such as:
Sealed Methods you might have liked to extend
Exceptions thrown are more vague than is helpful
Elimination of Connected Content which was a major feature in MCMS 2002
HTML is stripped from fields when stored and returned. No easy option to work around this problem
Creating an SPWeb takes an eternity.
Nonexistant migration path from MCMC 2002
I wish that the Sharepoint object model was purely managed code. Although having .NET wrappers is convenient, having to worry about disposing the many objects that implement IDisposable is a pain. It's so easy to run into memory issues when dispose does not get called in a WSS app. And I thought the reason for moving to .NET was to free developers from having to deal with memory management...
How about refactoring Properties that result in additional database calls to methods instead, for example the Items property on SPList.
Any of the SPList API could use a complete rewrite. Trying to deal with libraries with nested folders is a complete nightmare with the list being completely flattened with no obvious hierarchical structure.
Another wonderful addition would be adding interfaces to SPWeb, SPList and other Sharepoint classes to aid testing.
Has anyone seen this method:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sharepoint.spsecurity.runwithelevatedprivileges.aspx This method shows the unbelievable nonsense that Sharepoint exposes to developers.
My personal favourite is the SPField.GetFieldValue Method. I have no idea why they designed it the way they did, but to me it does hardly make sense. To get a object out of a ListItem you have to do somethine like:
SPField field = ((SPList)list).Fields.GetField("FieldName");
object fieldValue = field.GetFieldValue(((SPListItem)item)[field.Title].ToString());
Getting an object out of a ListItem is IMO a basic operation, so this should not be that complicated.
Inconsistencies when passing field names to methods or arrays. For example:
SPFieldCollection.ContainsField(): Internal name or display name
SPFieldCollection.GetField(): Internal name or display name
SPFieldCollection.GetFieldByInternalName(): Internal name
SPFieldCollection.Item: Display name
SPListItem.Item: Internal name or display name
SPListItem.GetFormattedValue(): Internal name or display name
SPViewFieldCollection.Exists: Internal name
To put the icing on the cake, there is usually no documentation about whether a method takes internal and/or display name.
