QAudioInput record sounds failed - audio

For my purpose, I want to use Qt5.1 to record sounds in WAV format, 16000Hz, 16bit and 1 channel, but the sounds are all 32bit by default. So I must find a class that can set "Bit Size" and the class is QAudioFormat for there's a function setBitSize() in the class. So I can no longer use QAudioRecorder class for it can not take QAudioFormat as parameter but QAudioInput do. And I use QAudioInput to record sounds with the code below:
int main()
QFile output;
QAudioFormat settings;
QAudioInput *audio=new QAudioInput(settings);
delete audio;
return 0;
Well, after the program ran, the record.wav was still empty. I have successfully recorded the sounds using QAudioRecorder, and the only different is the QAudioRecorder class has setAudioInput() function (ie. "audio->setAudioInput("alsa:default");). So I think maybe it's the point of the problem, but QAudioInput has no function like this. That's my problem, maybe you can give my some advice and Thanks a lot:-)

I'm glad to have found someone with the same issue as mine. I've been trying to record from a microphone with QAudioRecorder but with a different sample size for a few days already. Thanks to your example I've succeeded by getting rid of QAudioRecorder. So it's my turn to help you.
I think while the program is in the sleep function it's not recording anymore. You need to use the concept of signal and slots provided by Qt to to record while the timer is running.
#include "AudioInput.h"
void AudioInput::setup(){
QAudioFormat settings;
audio=new QAudioInput(settings);
QTimer::singleShot(3000, this, SLOT(terminateRecording()));
void AudioInput::terminateRecording(){
delete audio;
I put your code in one class called AudioInput and the only difference is that I replaced sleep(3000) by QTimer::singleShot(3000, this, SLOT(terminateRecording()));. Contrary to sleep this function won't freeze the program during 3s but will just send a signal to terminateRecording() at the end of the time.
Here is the rest of the code:
int main(int argc, char** argv){
QCoreApplication app(argc,argv);
AudioInput t;
return 0;
and the header:
class AudioInput : public QObject{
public Q_SLOTS:
void terminateRecording();
void setup();
QAudioInput *audio;
QFile output;

so basically the problem you seem to have is that the backend does not support the settings that you try to push into the QAudioInput. Luckily Qt has a way of getting the nearest usable format and here's hot to set it:
void AudioInput::setup(){
QAudioFormat settings;
QAudioDeviceInfo info(QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultOutputDevice());
if (!info.isFormatSupported(settings)) {
settings = info.nearestFormat(settings); // This is the magic line
qDebug() << "Raw audio format not supported by backend. Trying the nearest format.";
audio=new QAudioInput(settings);
QTimer::singleShot(3000, this, SLOT(terminateRecording()));


Multithreaded logger crashes after a while and I cannot find how to solve the problem

I am working on a multithreaded cross platform logging tool which purposes logging to the console and/or a file. However the problem I have right now is only related to the console logging.
Problem breakdown
The way the logger works is by adding a string to a Queue of strings. In the "LogToConsole" thread there is a wait method that waits until there is a string added to the queue. When that happens it should get notified and print, then pop and unlock.
Used variables
class Logger
friend void LogToConsole(Logger* logger);
std::atomic_flag _ThreadIsRunning { ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT };
std::thread _LogThread;
std::queue<std::string> _LogBuffer;
std::map<std::thread::id, std::string> _ThreadName;
std::mutex _LogMutex;
std::mutex _AppendLock;
std::condition_variable _LogLock;
The place I add data to the buffer
template<LogSeverity severity>
void Logger::Log(std::stringstream& message)
std::stringstream log;
log << _ThreadName[std::this_thread::get_id()] << ":\t";
log << message.str();
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> logAppendLock(_AppendLock);
template<LogSeverity severity>
void Logger::Log(std::string message)
std::stringstream log;
log << message.c_str();
The thread that runs in a separate loop (notice however that this method is not part of the logger class):
void LogToConsole(Logger* logger)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(logger->_LogMutex);
std::printf("%s", logger->_LogBuffer.back().c_str());
} while (logger->_ThreadIsRunning.test_and_set() || !logger->_LogBuffer.empty());
Place of thread creation
Logger::Logger() : _LogThread(), _LogBuffer(), _ThreadName(), _LogMutex()
_LogThread = std::thread(LogToConsole, this);
Test casing
std::shared_ptr<Logger> engineLogger = std::make_shared<Logger>();
std::shared_ptr<Logger> coreLogger = std::make_shared<Logger>();
The code seems to be working threadsafe, no dataraces etc. but it crashes after a 5-10~ seconds. I have searched if there are people that are having a similar problem, this does not seem to be the case.
I am however not very experienced with concurrent programming, thus do not now how to handle these kind of problems very easily.
Hope someone can solve the problem or give me some advice to prevent the problem.
In while (logger->_ThreadIsRunning.test_and_set() || !logger->_LogBuffer.empty()); you access logger without a mutex, so that is a data race. Also _LogBuffer.push(log.str()); is accessed with only _AppendLock locked and logger->_LogBuffer.pop() is accessed with only _LogMutex locked, so that is another data race.
Data races are UB and a possible reason for the crash.

Handling Intel Fortran Runtime Errors from Managed Code

I am tasked with porting a legacy software, to a Managed Language.
A few of the hard-coded calculation models are extremely time consuming to port, without gaining anything in terms of features or performance from a full port.
We decided to make a C++/CLI wrapper instead.
i.e. something like this:
#pragma comment(lib, "fortranlibrary.lib")
extern "C" {
void SUBROUTINENAME(int * param1, int * param2, float * param3, int * returnCode);
using namespace System;
namespace FortranlibraryWrapper {
public ref class FortranLib{
enum class ReturnCodes : int{
ok = 0,
//... and so on and so forth
ReturnCodes SubRoutineName(int param1, int param2, float param3);
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "FortranLib.h"
namespace FortranlibraryWrapper {
FortranLib::CalculationReturnCodes FortranLib::SubRoutineName(int param1, int param2, float param3)
int returnCode = -1;
SUBROUTINENAME( &param1, &param2, &param3, &returnCode);
return (ReturnCodes)returnCode;
We have in the actual code tried to bound params 1-3 to avoid issues, but apparently we are not good enough, as we recently we saw this type of error come up, in a new test case:
Intel(r) Visual Fortran run-time error
forrtl: severe (408): fort: (3): Subscript #1 of the array ....
This is due to some calculation in the fortran code, that determines an array index. but the calculated index is outside the bounds of the array.
The problem is that the error comes as an error dialogue, and does not raise an exception. We have already tried this:
int returnCode = -1;
SUBROUTINENAME( &param1, &param2, &param3, &returnCode);
throw gcnew System::Exception("fortran runtime error??");
return (ReturnCodes)returnCode;
and found that it does not catch anything..
The new application is intended as a server based service, so I need to somehow capture this error, and log it, and ideally continue the service, and discard the job that caused the failure.
Does anyone know how to accomplish that?
I would prefer not editing the fortran code, and recompiling it, as I am a novice with that language.

Signals in Linux

I am studying signals from oreilly book. I came across this.
#include <signal.h>
typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int);----> func ptr returns void. uses typedef
sighandler_t signal (int signo, sighandler_t handler);
Later on in code. He just uses
void sigint_handler (int signo)----> normal function returning void
can typedef be applied on functions
I want to know how it works
can typedef be applied on functions
I want to know how it works
As the example you have read - the syntax is rather obscure (after 25 years of C I still have to think about it), but it is quite straight forward. Passing and storing pointers to functions is greatly simplified if you use typedefs.
I suggest either take a detour and learn about pointers to functions and typedefs of them, or take it as read for now and return to pointers to function later, as you cannot be a C programmer and avoid them.
A signal is just like a interrupt, when it is generated by user level, a call is made to the kernel of the OS and it will action accordingly. To create a signal, here I just show you an example
void sig_handler1(int num)
printf("You are here becoz of signal:%d\n",num);
void sig_handler(int num)
printf("\nHi! You are here becz of signal:%d\n",num);
int main()
after running this code if you will press Ctrl+C then a message will show - "You are here becoz of signal:2" instead of quiting a process as we have changed a signal according to our action. As, Ctrl+C is a maskable signal.
To know more anbout signals and types of signals with examples please follow the link :

How to avoid "Video Source -> Capture source" selection in OpenCV 2.3.0 - Visual C++ 2008

I had a perfectly working OpenCV code (having the function cvCaptureFromCAM(0)). But when I modified it to run in a separate thread, I get this "Video Source" selection dialog box and it asks me to choose the Webcam. Even though I select a cam, it appears that the function cvCaptureFromCAM(0) returns null. I also tried by passing the values 0, -1,1, CV_CAP_ANYto this function. I have a doubt that this dialog box causes this issue. Is there any way to avoid this or does anyone have any other opinion?
I've followed the following posts when debugging:
cvCreateCameraCapture returns null
OpenCV cvCaptureFromCAM returns zero
Code structure
//header includes
CvCapture* capture =NULL;
IplImage* frame = NULL;
int main(int argc, char** argv){
DWORD qThreadID;
HANDLE ocvThread = CreateThread(0,0,startOCV, NULL,0, &qThreadID);
initGL(argc, argv);
return 0;
void initGL(int argc, char** argv){
//Initialize GLUT
//Create the window
//capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(0); //0 // CV_CAP_ANY
if ((capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(1)) == NULL){ // same as simply using assert(capture)
cerr << "!!! ERROR: vCaptureFromCAM No camera found\n";
return -1;
frame = cvQueryFrame(capture);
//other GL functions
Since this is a problem that only happens on Windows, an easy fix is to leave cvCaptureFromCAM(0) on the main() thread and then do the image processing stuff on a separate thread, as you intented originally.
Just declare CvCapture* capture = NULL; as a global variable so all your threads can access it.
Solved. I couldn't get rid of the above mentioned dialog box, but I avoided the error by simply duplicating the line capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(0);
capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(0);
capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(0);
It was just random. I suspect it had something to do with behavior of Thread. What's your idea?
Thanks all for contributing.

Looking for an optimum multithread message queue

I want to run several threads inside a process. I'm looking for the most efficient way of being able to pass messages between the threads.
Each thread would have a shared memory input message buffer. Other threads would write the appropriate buffer.
Messages would have priority. I want to manage this process myself.
Without getting into expensive locking or synchronizing, what's the best way to do this? Or is there already a well proven library available for this? (Delphi, C, or C# is fine).
This is hard to get right without repeating a lot of mistakes other people already made for you :)
Take a look at Intel Threading Building Blocks - the library has several well-designed queue templates (and other collections) that you can test and see which suits your purpose best.
If you are going to work with multiple threads, it is hard to avoid synchronisation. Fortunately it is not very hard.
For a single process, a Critical Section is frequently the best choice. It is fast and easy to use. For simplicity, I normally wrap it in a class to handle initialisation and cleanup.
#include <Windows.h>
class CTkCritSec
void Lock()
void Unlock()
You can make it even simpler using an "autolock" class you lock/unlock it.
class CTkAutoLock
CTkAutoLock(CTkCritSec &lock)
: m_lock(lock)
virtual ~CTkAutoLock()
CTkCritSec &m_lock;
Anywhere you want to lock something, instantiate an autolock. When the function finishes, it will unlock. Also, if there is an exception, it will automatically unlock (giving exception safety).
Now you can make a simple message queue out of an std priority queue
#include <queue>
#include <deque>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
struct CMsg
CMsg(const std::string &s, int n=1)
: sText(s), nPriority(n)
int nPriority;
std::string sText;
struct Compare : public std::binary_function<bool, const CMsg *, const CMsg *>
bool operator () (const CMsg *p0, const CMsg *p1)
return p0->nPriority < p1->nPriority;
class CMsgQueue :
private std::priority_queue<CMsg *, std::deque<CMsg *>, CMsg::Compare >
void Push(CMsg *pJob)
CTkAutoLock lk(m_critSec);
CMsg *Pop()
CTkAutoLock lk(m_critSec);
CMsg *pJob(NULL);
if (!Empty())
pJob = top();
return pJob;
bool Empty()
CTkAutoLock lk(m_critSec);
return empty();
CTkCritSec m_critSec;
The content of CMsg can be anything you like. Note that the CMsgQue inherits privately from std::priority_queue. That prevents raw access to the queue without going through our (synchronised) methods.
Assign a queue like this to each thread and you are on your way.
Disclaimer The code here was slapped together quickly to illustrate a point. It probably has errors and needs review and testing before being used in production.
