CRM 2011 Case Entity Event Handler not executing each time - dynamics-crm-2011

I have my javascript file case_Javascript.js and it have a function poupulate javascript.
I have call this function on OnLoad of case entity.
I have used an alert("script runing") in the start of the js file. Only first time the alert() is shown. And its not runing then. I have to reset iis and publish each time to run this and it wont run again. I am stuck. Any Solution to get around?

This could be the settings of your IE.
IE >Tools > Internet Options > General Tab > Browsing History Settings >
Check for newer version of stored pages > Option "Never" radio button is checked or not
Set this to "Automatically".


event listener when tab is changed

I need to store some data every time I move to some other tab in the same window or some other window using chrome storage API or even when a new tab is created. So, basically when my active tab is no longer active anymore.
So, for example, If I am on tab A and then I move to tab B(or create a new tab). When this switching happens from A to B, I need to save data from the website running in tab A. (I am getting the data from the site in tab A using content script.)
A more concrete example would be, suppose I am on YOutube site and I have a timeout timer running(using a content script). So when I move to some other site I want to stop the time get the current remaining time and save that. and if the other site is youtube too(in tab B) I would start the time from the previously saved value.
Is there any event listener for this? I looked at the documentation for chrome.tabs but could not figure it out.
I saw onActivated event listener but I am not sure if that would be useful.
Or is there some other way to achieve this?
Yes, according to the documentation onActivated:
Fires when the active tab in a window changes.
As an alternative, also can use content scripts that notify your extension when a page gain or loses focus with window.onfocus and window.onblur.
This way you'll be able to track the visibility of the tabs, though you should carefully select the required permission.

Close dialog and execute automation script on same button (IBM Maximo)

Is there any workaround to execute an automation script over dialog in Maximo and next close it with dialogok event using the same push button?
It's probably not the answer you want to hear, but as of Maximo (the latest version currently available), the only "workaround" would be a custom Java Bean class.
It's is possible to trigger two actions with one button. I've not tested it with automationscripts though....
For example use this in de button xml:
mxevent="dialogok" value="ROUTEWF"
You can add a sigoption with the same name as the action and make sure that you expand the 'Advanced Signature Options' section and set 'This is an action that must be invoked by user in the UI'.
You could create and object launch point automation script therefore when you click OK in the menu the object will be saved and the automation script triggered.
If you already know that some field is going to be update, you could do it with an attribute launch point for that object.

CodedUI Visual Studio: How to wait for browser load

I was wondering if anyone new how to make the Automation Script in CodedUI wait for the web page to load before continuing on with the script.
So I fill out a form and press the "Continue" button, then the script times out because it gives up waiting. I realise I could use Playback.wait but then I would have code this each time I click continue.... and I have hundreds of scripts! Something similar to Seleniums WaitforBrowserLoad but for CodedUI
C# CodedUI in VS 2012
Any help would be appreciated.
In my experience, Coded UI is excellent about waiting for page loads to be complete before continuing test execution. That said, you can force a wait for a specific control to exist with WaitForControlExist method. This method is a member of the base class of all UI controls, UITestControl.
You could also use:
Playback.PlaybackSettings.WaitForReadyLevel = WaitForReadyLevel.AllThreads;
Sounds like your issue could be fixed if you create a settings file and increase the timeout.
Directions Here: Specifying Test Settings in Visual Studio
You could also call the WaitForControlReady method on the browser window object.
_browserWindow.WaitForControlReady(60000); //Should wait for 1 min

How can I add a bit of custom functionality to every CRM 2011 grid ribbon?

I have a small bit of custom functionality which I need to run from each and every grid ribbon in CRM 2011. The functionality is in a JS web-resource and I can attach it to a button enable rule and it all works fine.
The issue is that I need this to run on every grid in CRM, but I'm struggling to find something in the ribbon which appears on every screen. I did try attaching it to one of the buttons in the Jewel menu, but this only fires if the user clicks on the "File" tab.
Any thoughts...?
The jewel menu button is a good idea.
Add an anonymous JavaScript function to the library you are adding to the jewel button.
This will run when the library is loaded, just after the page loads:
var whatever = 30; // maybe you do not need a parameter
(function (what) {
/* Do what you need to do */
If it’s on premise I‘d inject my script to the ribbon.js or global.js or some other js and ping from there.
Another option, less intrusive , is to use a resource that runs in each and every form i.e. myframewrok.js. This resource can check for the opener and inject the script to the opener dynamically.
A third options might be to ping a web service using a plug-in registered on execute or retrieve multiple messages which fire repeatedly for any grid in the system.
In the end we attached it to the "Advanced Find" button as this appeared on every ribbon that we needed the functionality on. The Jewel menu did not seem to work for us as it only fired when the user actually clicked the "File" button.

How To identify Object After Navigation in Coded UI

i m new to MS Coded UI Automating, my Question is.
When i launch my Browser (IE) and fill the detials and then click on submit button. it takes me to new page where i get an error called action cannot be perform on hidden objects
i am using MS 2012 Premium Verison
Limited information to go on, but have you checked out this the fallowing?
Coded UI error: The following element is not longer availabe
This might be the annoying side effect of Windows Update KB2870699, update 4 for VS2012 is supposed to fix this but an alternative work around is simply to uninstall this update.
