AngularJS Mongoose error handling - node.js

I've build a simple application with AngularJS. Part of this application is calling REST services. For that, I'm using mongoose. Everything works great, but I'd like to better handle errors. A sample code could be :
DBCollection.find({}, function (err, tuples) {
if (err) {
DBService.query(function (res) {
$ = res;
The problem I'm faced with is as follow. Imagine I've got an error on the mongodb server side. I've got an error, so I log it in the console and then ? What happens on the angularjs/front-end side ? If I send the error as a http response, I suppose angular would interpreate it as the response of the query but with unexpected content and produce an exception ? how to deal with that ?

Angular is like Santa, it knows when responses are bad or good. There are 2 solutions, ones solutions is to create an error handler on each request. The other is to use $httpProvider.interceptors to globally handle errors before they become a problem on an individual request level.
Option 1
DBService.query(function (res) { = res;
console.log(errorResult); // <- take a peek in here, find something useful
Option 2
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(['$q',function($q) {
return {
'responseError': function(rejection) {
console.log(rejection); // <- take a peek in here, find something useful
return $q.reject(rejection);


io.connect() is not working and i can't figure what is the problem

[and this is the angular code ][1] this is my node js code
Please copy/paste your actual code. Screenshots are discouraged on SO.
Be sure to include ERROR HANDLING in all of your I/O operations. For example:
socket.on("connect_error", (err) => {
if (err.message === "invalid credentials") {
socket.auth.token = "efgh";
... or ...
webSocket.onerror = function(event) {
console.error("WebSocket error observed:", event);
Your next step is to get a viable error message.
Please review the library's documentation to determine the "best" way to catch and handle errors for your particular application.

Express Js not sending error object on res.json()

getUser: function(req, res){
Model.getUser({}, function(error, models){
let response = {
code: 'ERR0001',
msg: 'Facing issues while ....',
err: error
} else {
Above code is working fine for all positive scenarios. But for error scenario I am not getting complete error message instead it shows 'err: {}'.
I have already registered JSON parser with Express app object.
Response I am getting in POSTMAN console in case error is
code: 'ERR0001',
msg: 'Facing issues while ....',
err: {}
As per my requirement it should display something like:
code: 'ERR0001',
msg: 'Facing issues while ....',
err: 'ERROR: whatever exception occurred on database operation...'
Please help me to understand cause of this issue.
Express is stringifying your JSON response when you use res.json().
However, because the Error object doesn't get handled by JSON.stringify() as you would expect, you're not seeing the content of it; like the stack trace property for example.
For details on what's happening with JSON.stringify() and the Error object, check out this other stack overflow answer (I won't duplicate that here):
So, using a variation of that answer, I will do this when I want to send back a Javascript Error object to the client from Express:
function replaceErrors(key, value) {
if (value instanceof Error) {
var error = {};
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value).forEach(function (key) {
error[key] = value[key];
return error;
return value;
function getPureError(error) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(error, replaceErrors));
and then make a call to it in my response like this:
The call to getPureError() stringifys the Error object and gets all of the properties because of the call to replaceErrors(). It then parses it back to a pure object. That pure object plays nicely with Express when the .json() call is made so you get all of your properties that you were expecting. It is a bit wasteful but you get the result you're looking for.
This results in my seeing the full, Error object; stack trace and all.
When I first encountered this problem, I was doing this:
and I was getting back {} in my response on the server. It took me a bit of time to sort out what was happening there. I originally thought that I wasn't chaining that json() command incorrectly but I was. The actual problem was that the Error object doesn't behave like other objects with JSON.stringify() as described above.
I hope that helps you or at least someone else after all this time!

How to handle known errors that have no reason to be thrown

I am very aware of the problems with using uncaughtException in my code. I am also aware that the domains module is being deprecated so I do not want to use that. My question is what to do when I encounter an error that should not happen. For instance, if using mongo db and mongoose the following code example is give:
var kitty = new Cat({ name: 'Zildjian' }); (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
Here there is, what I assume is an inexplicable error. It is caught, but only uses console.log to log the error. Clearly more would have to happen to inform the user there is a problem, but I am wondering what should happen to the rest of the application.
Should it shutdown? Should something else happen? I have a good number of cases where I can catch errors like this, but if they happen they represent some very weird situation where something like the database has failed, or something else from another library has failed for no explicable reason and
I suggest you to return a json to your app showing the results of operation. Example:
if(err) {
res.status(500).json({saved: false, errormsg: 'Cannot save to database'});
} else {
res.json({saved: true, errormsg: null});
Handle the response in your app and show to the user that some bad think happened.

Abstracting the superagent

Our application consists of nodejs, express, reactjs, and newforms.
To make rest calls we are using :
var RestClient = require('superagent-ls')
And we are making rest calls like:
cleanBirthDate(callback) {
var {birthDate} = this.cleanedData
var formattedDob = moment (birthDate).format('DDMMYYYY')
RestClient.get(Global.getBirthDateServiceUrl() + '/' + formattedDob)
.end((err, res) => {
if (err) {
callback (err)
else if (res.clientError) {
var message = errorsMappingSwitch(res.body.error)
callback(null, forms.ValidationError(message))
else {
We want to move the RestClient related code to our own file say RestCleint.js and then require it and use it across the application. By doing so we can apply some generalised code(like error handling, logging, redirect to specific error pages depending on the error code) in one place.
Appreciate any help in this direction.
I did the exact same thing you require (even with using superagent). I created modules with the API code in a /utils folder and required them where applicable. For even more abstraction we're using CoffeeScript to create classes that inherit from a BaseAPIObject and invoke using something like API.Posts.getAll().end() etc.
This article was very helpful in understanding how to write your own modules: Export This: Interface Design Patterns for Node.js Modules.
you can always require it like
export default function callApi(callback) {
//your rest code
// use the callback here in the callback of your call.
import {callApi} from './RestClient';
callApi((err, result) => {
if (err) console.log(err)

No error being thrown for undefined variable in node.js with express

I am running node.js with express. I wrote a node module with methods in it so when you go to
it will run the method.
The method follows the typical style of
exports.method_name(req, res, next);
my main app does something like this:
app.all("*", resSetup, controller, render);
and controller is the thing that will call the method based on the path.
it seems that if there is an undefined variable error in the method, express will just hang there and not throw any error. Nothing will appear in the console log either. I can put a console message right before and after where the error occurs and the before will appear in the log, and after will not.
I can wrap it in a try/catch and get this:
[ReferenceError: blabla is not defined]
but no line numbers or anything.
My guess is that express is somehow preventing the errors from coming up. When I put the error in the function called "controller" that is directly in the route, it shows that error correctly.
It might not matter too much, but here is the code I am working on:
Line 189 is where the method call happens.
Building on Ruairi's comment above, I had this same issue with when using 'q' ( and promises with express - node would hang and no error was generated.
By adding a catch to the end of the promise 'callback' chain I was able to see the error and print it to console etc.
The code ends up looking like:
export function index(req, res) {
//Create the 'promise'
var request = req.body;
var queryJobID = req.query.jobId;
console.log('queryJobID: ' + queryJobID);
var jobStatusPromsie = jobManager.job.getStatus(queryJobID);
function (result) {
var responseData = {};
console.log('Job Status Response received');
if (result != null) {
//Without the .catch below an error here will be 'silent'
console.log('jobStatus result: ' + util.inspect(result, false, null));
responseData['status'] = 'OK';
responseData['progress'] = result.progress;
} else {
console.log('jobStatus Error');
responseData['status'] = 'Error';
console.log('jobStatus Response data sent');
function (error) {
console.log('Error while getting job status:', error);
.catch(function(err) {
//handle errors
console.log('Promise error while getting job status:', err);
Express heavily relies on Nodes asynchronous nature. Seeing errors thrown like on line 30 would give me the creeps if I was maintaining this. Try refactoring your code to only use the next(err) pattern.
The reason that you app is hanging is that Express hasn't finished the HTTP response (eg: res.send()). This means you have broken plumbing where an Error has bubbled up the call stack but not redirected into the Express middleware pipeline. Try registering some error middleware to see if it gets called with your error.
