Can I define Express routes in a child process? - node.js

So I run a bunch of a little chatbots written in node, nothing too exciting. However, I recently decided to give them their own little web page to display information in a graphical manner. To do this, I figured I'd just run express.
However, I'm running my bots with a wrapper file that starts each chatbot as a child process. Which makes using express a little tricky. Currently I'm starting the express server in the wrapper.js file like so:
var express = require("express");
var web = express();
And then in the child processes, I'm doing this:
var express = require("express");
var web = express();
web.get("/urlforbot",function (req,res) {
However, when I navigate to :3001/urlforbot, I get Cannot GET /urlforbot.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong and how to fix this?
Edit: This is my complete wrapper file:
Edit 2: This is what I'm doing now. I'm hosting each bot on it's own port, and storing that information in the configs. This is the code I'm using, and it appears to be working:
web.get("/"+cfg.route, function (req,res) { // forward the data

Since your bots run as separate processes (any particular reason?), you have to treat each one as having to implement their own HTTP server with Express:
var express = require("express");
var web = express();
web.get("/urlforbot",function (req,res) {
Each bot process needs to listen on a unique port number, it can't be shared.
Next, you need to map requests coming in on port 3001 in the 'master' process to the correct child process' Express server.
node-http-proxy has a useful option called a ProxyTable with which to create such a mapping, but it requires the master process to know what the endpoint (/urlforbot in your terms) for each bot is. It also requires that the master knows on which port the bots are listening.
EDIT: alternatively, you can use child_process.fork to fork a new process for each of your bots, and communicate between them and the master process (port numbers and such, or even all the data required to generate the /urlforbot pages) using the comm channel that Node provides, but that still sounds like an overly complex setup.
Wouldn't it be possible to create a Bot class instead? You'd instantiate the class for each bot you want to run, and that instance loads its specific configuration and adds its routes to the Express server. All from the same process.


NodeJS Express - Two NodeJS instances on same port (vhost)

I'm trying to run 2 instances of NodeJS on the same port and server from diffrent server.js files (diffrent dir, config etc). My server provider gave me an information that vhost is running for a diffrent domain, and there is the question. How to handle it in NodeJS Express app ? I've tried to use vhost from like that :
const app = express();
const vhost = require('vhost');
app.use(vhost('', app));
// Start up the Node server
app.listen(4100, () => {
console.log(`Node server listening on 4100`);
And for second application like that:
const app = express();
const vhost = require('vhost');
app.use(vhost('', app));
// Start up the Node server
app.listen(4100, () => {
console.log(`Node server listening on 4100`);
But when I'm trying to run second instance I'm getting EADDRINUSE ::: 4100, so vhost doesn't work here.
Do you know how to fix it ?
You can only have one process listen to one port, not just in Node.js, but generally (with exceptions that don't apply here).
You can achieve what you need to one of two ways:
Combine the node apps
You could make the apps into one application, listen once and then forward requests for each host to separate bits of code - if you wanted to achieve code separation still, the separate bits of code could be NPM modules that are actually written and maintained in isolation.
Use webserver to proxy the requests
You could run the 2 node processes on some free port, say 5000 and 5001, and use a webserver to forward requests to it automatically based on host. I'd recommend Nginx for this, as its proxying capabilities are both relatively easy to set up, and powerful. It's also fairly good at not using too many system resources. Apache and others can also be used for this, but my personal preference would be Nginx.
My recommendation would be that you install a webserver and forward requests on the exposed port to the separately running node processes. I'd actually recommend that you run node behind a proxy as default for a project, and only expose it directly in excpetional circumstances. You get a lot of configuration options, security, and scalability benefits if your app already involves a well hardened server setup.

How to separate express server code from Express business logic code?

All the Node.js tutorials that I have followed have put everything in one file. It includes importing of libraries, routing, database connecting and starting of the server, by say, express.js:
var app = require('express');
app.get('/somePath', blah blah);
Now, I have 4 node servers behind an Nginx load balancer. It then becomes very difficult to have the source code updated on all the four servers.
Is there a way to keep the source code out of the server creation code in such a way that I can deploy the source code on the servers as one package? The server creation code should not know anything about routing or database connections. It should only be listening to changes in a folder and the moment a new module meta file appears, it starts hosting that web application.
Much like how we deploy a Java code packaged as war by Maven and deployed to the webapp of Tomcat, because Tomcat instantiation is not part of the source code. In node.js it seems server is also part of the source code.
For now, the packaging is not my concern. My concern is how to separate the logic and how do I point all my servers to one source code base?
Node.js or JavaScript for that matter doesn't have a concept like WAR. But what it does have is something similar. To achieve something WAR like, you would essentially bundle the code into one source file using something like webpack. However, this will probably not work with Node.js modules like http (Express uses `http since it likely calls or relies on native V8/C++ functions/libraries.
You could also use Docker and think of the Docker containers as WARs.
Here is what I figured out as a work around:
Keep the servers under a folder say, "server_clusters" and put different node servers there, namely: node1.js, node2.js, node3.js, node4.js, etc (I know, in the real world, the clusters would be different VMs or CPUs altogether but for now, I simply want to separate server creation logic from source code). These files would have this code snippet:
var constants = require('./prop');
var appBasePath = constants.APP_BASE_DIR;
var appFilePath = appBasePath + "/main";
var app = require(appFilePath);
//each server would have just different port number while everything else would remain constant
app.listen(8080, function (req, res) {
console.log("server started up");
Create a properties file that would have the path to the source code and export the object. That simple. This is what is used on line#1 in the above code
Create the source directory project wherever you want on the machine and just update its home directory in the constant file above. The source code directory can export one landing file that will provide the express app to the servers to start:
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
module.exports = app;
With this, there are multiple servers that are pointing to the same source code.
Hope this helps to those who are facing the same problem.
Other approaches are welcome.

How to embed multiple instances of node-red in node app

Node-red documentation here gives info on how to embed a single node-red app inside a nodejs app -
We wanted our site's users to have their own node-red's on different ports for some custom programming. Is it possible to embed multiple node-red apps in a nodejs applicaiton?
I tried repeating same steps for embedding by changing settings of each call with different port but only one time it is created. First time, a node-red instance is created based on settings. Next time we call, we get port in use. I assume this has something to do with node require doing caching and all... Any workaround for this issue?
If you're interested I created a fork of the node-red project allowing this feature.
this is how you would initiate it:
var http = require('http');
var express = require("express");
var RED = require("node-red")();
var RED2 = require("node-red")();
// Create an Express app
var app = express();
// Add a simple route for static content served from 'public'
// Create a server
var server = http.createServer(app);
// Create the settings object - see default settings.js file for other options
var settings = {
httpNodeRoot: "/api",
functionGlobalContext: { } // enables global context
// Initialise the runtime with a server and settings
console.log(RED2.settings === RED.settings, 888, RED2.settings.userSettings);
// Serve the editor UI from /red
// Serve the http nodes UI from /api
// Start the runtime
var app2 = express();
var server2 = http.createServer(app2);
var settings2 = {
httpNodeRoot: "/api",
functionGlobalContext: { }
console.log(RED2.settings === RED.settings);
also, works on the same port. but make sure to use different paths is so.
No, currently Node-RED has no multi-user capabilities and no way to instantiate multiple instances in one process.
You'll have to run separate instances of the application for each user. Have a look at something like FRED for an example of this. This runs individual instances and proxies them to make the integration look like it's all on the same port/domain

heroku: route subdirectory to a second node.js app?

I have a heroku node.js app running under the domain I want to proxy all urls beginning with to a second node.js process - but I want the process to be controlled within the same heroku app. Is this possible?
If not, is it possible to proxy a subdirectory to a second heroku app? I haven't been able to find much control over how to do routing outside of the web app's entry point. That is, I can easily control routing within node.js using Express for example, but that doesn't let me proxy to a different app.
My last resort is simply using a subdomain instead of a subdirectory, but I'd like to see if a subdirectory is possible first. Thanks!
Edit: I had to solve my problem using http-proxy. I have two express servers listening on different ports and then a third externally facing server that routes to either of the two depending on the url. Not ideal of course, but I couldn't get anything else to work. The wrap-app2 approach described below had some url issues that I couldn't figure out.
Just create a new express server and put a middleware in the main one to redirect to the secondary when comes a request to your desired path:
var app2 = express();
app2.use(function(req, res){
res.send('Hey, I\'m another express server');
app.use('/foo', app2);
I haven't tried it yet in Heroku, but it the same process and doesn't create any new TCP binding or process, so It will work. For reference, a modified plain express template.
And if you really want other express process handling the connection, you need to use cluster. Check the worker.send utility.
app.use('/foo', function(req,res){
//You can send req too if you want.
worker.send('foo', res);
This is possible. The most elegant way I could think is by using clustering. 1 Heroku Dyno contains four cores. Therefore, you can run four worker threads to a node process.
Here is an introduction to clustering.
What you're looking at is initializing two express apps (assuming you're using express) and serving those two in two worker threads.
if (cluster.isMaster) {
// let's make four child processes
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (i%2 == 0) {
} else {
} else {
// refer to NODE_ENV and see whether this should be your app1 or app2
// which should be started. This is passed from the fork() before.
} + Express: Different events/functions for different routes

Well ... I got my first express + socketio node App up and running.
Socketio is used on almost every single page in my app because all the "lists" showed on those pages should be updated with server-push when new entries are added.
So I got my main app.js File + a routes dir with all the route.js files in it.
Now I need different socketio events + functions for each route since different things happen on those pages.
Question now is how do I access my express server for initializing the socketio object?
// app.js
var server = app.listen(app.get('port'), function(){...});
var io = socketio.listen(server);
// code here
// the code from here on should be different for each route.js file
or in other words:
How can I exclude all my event and function definitions for into the corresponding route files so different events and functions are defined for each page?
The socket can of course always run on the same port (I hope that's no problem?!).
I hope that was understandable ... a bit difficult to explain.
best regards
depending on the route that the user is connecting from you can use namespaces in library to emit a message to a specific group of users.
Emit a message to all users that where connected from /news
io.of('/news').emit('update',{message:"a new article is available"});
as for client side a simple event listener will do it (assuming user is of /news namespace)
IMHO you do not need to different events, just use same events and handle them differently in each route.
