Shell Script get CTRL+Z with Trap - linux

I am trying to get the SIGSTOP CTRL+Z signal in my script's trap.
When my script is executing, if I temporarily suspend from execution, send a SIGSTOP signalCTRL+Z, it needs to remove the files I create in it and to kill the execution.
I don't understand why the following script doesn't work. But, more important, what is the correct way to do it?
trap "rm -r $DIR; kill -SIGINT $$" SIGSTP
if [ -d $DIR ]
rm -r $DIR
mkdir $DIR
sleep 5
SIGSTOP cannot be trapped, however SIGTSTP can be trapped, and from what I understood after searching on the internet and the answer below it's the correct to trap when sending signal with CTRL+Z. However, when I press CTRL+Z while running the script it will get stuck, meaning that the script will be endlessly execute no matter what signals I send afterwards.

The problem here is you are trying to suspend a process that is already sleeping.
It is also good practice to use DIR=$(mktemp -d) in shell scripts to create temp directories.
CTRL-C is signal (2) / CTRL-Z (20):
catch_exits() {
printf "\n$(basename $0): exiting\n" 1>&2
rm -rf $DIR
exit 1
trap catch_exits 1 2 3 15 20
DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
read -p "not sleeping" test
if you send a function to the background (such as for a cursor spinner) - then you need to disable CTRL-Z while the long process is running with:
trap "" SIGTSTP

There are two signals you can't trap*, SIGKILL and SIGSTOP. Use another signal.
*: without modifying the kernel
IEEE standard:
Setting a trap for SIGKILL or SIGSTOP produces undefined results.


How to stop all background processes(running functions) by using Trap?

I have two long running functions which needs to be executed asynchronously. For simplicity, assume one function sends Mail to client every 10 seconds & other logs text file every two seconds.
I cannot use cron jobs to do this. Everything has to be in one script. Thus I have used infinite loops and sleep with & achieve asynchronous behavior.
Used to trap 'pkill -P $$' SIGINT SIGTERM to end all child processes(to end program) when user hits CTRL+Z (SIGINT) but this doesn't work. It again starts script execution even after pressing CTRL+Z.
How can I give user the ability to end program with keyboard clicks from same terminal?
Note: Those two functions are never ending until user manually stops the program.
echo "Press: CTRL+Z to Close program"
trap 'pkill -P $$' SIGINT SIGTERM
while :; do
echo "send Mail every 10 seconds"
sleep 10
while :; do
echo "log text file every 2 seconds"
sleep 2
first_fun &
second_fun &
Suggesting to use " to let the shell interpret $$. Like this:
trap "pkill -9 -P $$"
Also suggesting to kill all process running from current directory, because process ancestory is not always working (e.g using nohup command):
trap "pkill -9 -f $PWD"
Also suggesting to kill/stop a process with CTRL-C (the standard) and avoid CTRL-Z used for suspending processes.
When problem with your script was that the script exists after runs those two functions. So "$$" is no longer refers to the script. An easy fix is to put a wait at the end of the script. Also change to this might help
trap "pkill -P $$" INT TERM
But, what I would do is to kill those functions rather than killing the script:
echo "Press: CTRL+Z to Close program"
while :; do
echo "send Mail every 10 seconds"
sleep 10
while :; do
echo "log text file every 2 seconds"
sleep 2
# Do this once.
if [[ -z "$_INTERRUPTED" ]]; then
kill -KILL "$_PID1"
kill -KILL "$_PID2"
trap interrupt INT TERM EXIT
first_fun &
second_fun &

Signal handling in a shell script

Following is a shell script ( I have:
sleep 500 &
Aprogram arg1 arg2 # Aprogram is a program which runs for an hour.
echo "done"
I launched this in one terminal, and from another terminal I issued 'kill -INT 12345'. 12345 is the pid of
After a while I can see that both and Aprogram have been dead. However 'sleep 500 &' is still running.
Can anyone explain why is this behavior?
Also, when I issued SIGINT signal to the '' what exactly is happening? Why is 'Aprogram' getting killed and why not 'sleep' ? How is the signal INT getting transmitted to it's child processes?
You need to use trap to catch signals:
To just ignore SIGINT use:
trap '' 2
if you want to specify some special action for this you can make it that in line:
trap 'some commands here' 2
or better wrap it into a function
function do_for_sigint() {
trap 'do_for_sigint' 2
and if you wish to allow your script to finish all it's tasks first:
trap 'keep_running="no"' 2
while [ $keep_running=="yes" ]; do
# main body of your script here
You start sleep in the background. As such, it is not killed when you kill the script.
If you want to kill sleep too when the script is terminated, you'd need to trap it.
sleep 500 &
sid=($!) # Capture the PID of sleep
trap "kill ${sid[#]}" INT # Define handler for SIGINT
Aprogram arg1 arg2 & # Aprogram is a program which runs for an hour.
echo "done"
Now sending SIGINT to your script would cause sleep to terminate as well.
After a while I can see that both and Aprogram have been dead. However 'sleep 500 &' is still running.
As soon as Aprogram is finished prints "Done" and is also finised. sleep 500 gets process with PID 1 as a parent. That is it.
Can anyone explain why is this behavior?
SIGINT is not deliverd to Aprogram when gets it. Use strace to make sure that Aprogram does not receive a signal.
Also, when I issued SIGINT signal to the '' what exactly is happening?
I first thought that it is the situation like when a user presses Ctrl-C and read this But it is not exactly the same situation. In your case shell received SIGINT but the child process didn't. However, shell had at that moment a child process and it did not do anything and kept waiting for a child. This is strace output on my computer after sending SIGINT to a shell script waiting for a child process:
>strace -p 30484
Process 30484 attached - interrupt to quit
wait4(-1, 0x7fffc0cd9abc, 0, NULL) = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted)
--- SIGINT (Interrupt) # 0 (0) ---
rt_sigreturn(0x2) = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system call)
Why is 'Aprogram' getting killed and why not 'sleep' ? How is the signal INT getting transmitted to it's child processes?
As far as I can see with strace a child program like your Aprogram is not getting killed. It did not receive SIGINT and finished normally. As soon as it finished your shell script also finished.

How to Kill Current Command When Bash Script is Killed

I current have a script that looks like this.
# code
mplayer "$vid"
# more code
The problem is that if this script is killed the mplayer process lives. I wondering how I could make it so that killing the script would kill mplayer as well.
I can't use exec because I need to run commands after mplayer.
exec mplayer "$vid"
The only possible solution I can think of is to spawn it in the background and wait until it finishes manually. That way I can get it's PID and kill it when the script gets killed, not exactly elegant. I was wondering what the "proper" or best way of doing this is.
I was able to test the prctl idea I posted about in a comment and it seems to work. You will need to compile this:
#include "sys/prctl.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "unistd.h"
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, atoi(argv[1]),0,0,0);
char * argv0 = strdup(argv[2]);
char * slashptr = strrchr(argv0, '/');
argv0 = slashptr + 1;
return execvp(argv0, &(argv[2]));
Let's say you have compiled the above to an executable named "prun" and it is in your path. Let's say your script is called "" and it is also in your path. Make a wrapper script that calls
prun 15 should get SIGTERM when the wrapper script is terminated for any reason, even SIGKILL.
Note: this is a linux only solution and the c source code presented is without detailed checking of arguments
Thanks to Mux for the lead. It appears that there is no way to do this in bash except for manually catching signals. Here is a final working (overly commented) version.
trap : SIGTERM SIGINT # Trap these two (killing) signals. These will cause wait
# to return a value greater than 128 immediately after received.
mplayer "$vid" & # Start in background (PID gets put in `$!`)
wait $pid # Wait for mplayer to finish.
[ $? -gt 128 ] && { kill $pid ; exit 128; } ; # If a signal was recieved
# kill mplayer and exit.
- traps:
(Updated) I think I understand what you are looking for now:
You can accomplish this by spawning a new terminal to run your script:
gnome-terminal -x /path_to_dir_of_your_script/your_script_name
(or use xterm -e or konsole -e instead of gnome-terminal -x, depending on what system you are on)
So now whenever your script ends / exits (I assume you have exit 0 or exit 1 in certain parts of the script), the newly spawned terminal will also exit since the script is finished - this will in turn also kill any applications spawned under that new terminal.
For example, I just tested the above command with this script:
gedit &
echo "$pid"
sleep 5
exit 0
As you can see, there are no explicit calls to kill the new gedit process, but the application (gedit) closes as soon as the script exits anyway.
(Previous answer: alternatively, if you were simply asking about how to kill a process) Here's a short example of how you can accomplish that with kill.
gedit &
echo "$pid"
sleep 5
kill -s SIGKILL $pid
Unless I misunderstood your question, you can get the PID of the spawned process right away instead of waiting until it finishes.
Well, you can simply kill the process group instead, this way the whole process tree will be killed, first find out the group id
ps x -o "%p %r %c" | grep <name>
And then use kill like so:
kill -TERM -<gid>
Note the dash before the process group id. Or a one-liner:
kill -TERM -$(pgrep <name>)
Perhaps use command substitution to run mplayer "$vid" in a subshell:
$(mplayer "$vid")
I tested it this way:
$vid = "..."
$(mplayer "$vid")
In a separate terminal:
% pkill
In the orginal terminal, mplayer stops, printing to stderr
MPlayer interrupted by signal 13 in module: av_sync

Bash not trapping interrupts during rsync/subshell exec statements

I have a bash script that contains a subshell and a trap for the EXIT pseudosignal, and it's not properly trapping interrupts during an rsync. Here's an example:
cleanup () {
echo "Cleaning up!"
#do stuff
trap - EXIT
trap '{
(cleanup;) | 2>&1 tee -a $logfile
#main script logic, including the following lines:
(exec sleep 10;);
(exec rsync --progress -av --delete $directory1 /var/tmp/$directory2;);
) | 2>&1 tee -a $logfile
trap - EXIT #just in case cleanup isn't called for some reason
The idea of the script is this: most of the important logic runs in a subshell which is piped through tee and to a logfile, so I don't have to tee every single line of the main logic to get it all logged. Whenever the subshell ends, or the script is stopped for any reason (the EXIT pseudosignal should capture all of these cases), the trap will intercept it and run the cleanup() function, and then remove the trap. The rsync and sleep commands (the sleep is just an example) are run through exec to prevent the creation of zombie processes if I kill the parent script while they're running, and each potentially-long-running command is wrapped in its own subshell so that when exec finishes, it won't terminate the whole script.
The problem:
If I interrupt the script (via kill or CTRL+C) during the exec/subshell wrapped sleep command, the trap works properly, and I see "Cleaning up!" echoed and logged. If I interrupt the script during the rsync command, I see rsync end, and write rsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at rsync.c(544) [sender=3.0.6] to the screen, and then the script just dies; no cleanup, no trapping. Why doesn't an interrupting/killing of rsync trigger the trap?
I've tried using the --no-detach switch with rsync, but it didn't change anything.
I have bash 4.1.2, rsync 3.0.6, centOS 6.2.
How about just having all the output from point X be redirected to tee without having to repeat it everywhere and mess with all the sub-shells and execs ... (hope I didn't miss something)
exec > >(exec tee -a $logfile) 2>&1
cleanup () {
echo "Cleaning up!"
#do stuff
trap - EXIT
trap cleanup EXIT
sleep 10
rsync --progress -av --delete $directory1 /var/tmp/$directory2
In addition to set -e, I think you want set -E:
If set, any trap on ERR is inherited by shell functions, command substitutions, and commands executed in a sub‐shell environment. The ERR trap is normally not inherited in such cases.
Alternatively, instead of wrapping your commands in subshells use curly braces which will still give you the ability to redirect command outputs but will execute them in the current shell.
The interupt will be properly caught if you add INT to the trap
trap '{
(cleanup;) | 2>&1 tee -a $logfile
Bash is trapping interrupts correctly. However, this does not anwer the question, why the script traps on exit if sleep is interupted, nor why it does not trigger on rsync, but makes the script work as it is supposed to. Hope this helps.
Your shell might be configured to exit on error:
bash # enter subshell
set -e
trap "echo woah" EXIT
sleep 4
If you interrupt sleep (^C) then the subshell will exit due to set -e and print woah in the process.
Also, slightly unrelated: your trap - EXIT is in a subshell (explicitly), so it won't have an effect after the cleanup function returns
It's pretty clear from experimentation that rsync behaves like other tools such as ping and do not inherit signals from the calling Bash parent.
So you have to get a little creative with this and do something like the following:
$ cat rsync.bash
set -m
rsync -avz LargeTestFile.500M &
echo FIN
Now when I run it:
$ ./rsync.bash
X11 forwarding request failed
building file list ... done
sent 509984 bytes received 42 bytes 92732.00 bytes/sec
total size is 524288000 speedup is 1027.96
And we can see the file did fully transfer:
$ ll -h | grep Large
-rw-------. 1 501 games 500M Jul 9 21:44 LargeTestFile.500M
How it works
The trick here is we're telling Bash via set -m to disable job controls on any background jobs within it. We're then backgrounding the rsync and then running a wait command which will wait on the last run command, rsync, until it's complete.
We then guard the entire script with the trap '' SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT.

Killing a terminal-attached process that doesn't respond to SIGINT, SIGQUIT

Sometimes both Ctr-C (SIGINT) and Ctrl-\ (SIGQUIT) are too weak. Is there a way to do an more aggressive kill (e.g. kill -9) on the currently-attached process using a quick keyboard shortcut?
If you are a zsh user, you can send SIGTERM with this in .zshrc
function terminate-current-job() { kill -s TERM %+ ; }
zle -N terminate-current-job terminate-current-job
bindkey "^T" terminate-current-job
That binds CTRLT to the previously defined widget/function.
If you are having problems with a specific command not responding to CTRL-C (because it ignores SIGINT, or because it asked the terminal driver to no longer recognise it as an interrupt character) , you can try wrapping it in rlwrap:
rlwrap -a -I <command>
rlwrap will catch the SIGINT sent by the terminal driver when you press CTRL-C and send a SIGTERM to <command> instead.
Of course, <command> may catch, or even ignore SIGTERM as well, but many commands that ignore SIGINT will respond to SIGTERM - while still being able to clean up before they terminate, in contrast to what happens when you use SIGKILL (kill -9)
Like proposed in the other answers, you can try to kill the process by catching some other signal. This can be also done with the linux bash built in trap command
that is used to execute a command when the shell receives any signal
To KILL your executable if SIGINT (CTRL-C) is captured, you need to start it like this:
yourexecutable & pid=$! ; trap 'echo KILL ; kill -9 $pid' INT ; echo WAIT $pid ; wait $pid ; echo DONE
Note that the echos are just for debugging purposes, they can simply be removed if you don't need them.
