Testing Statistical Methods - node.js

I write a lot of statistical methods for application.
The problem is I don't know how to test it appropriately.
For example, in unit-test I check whether the sum of all probabilities of distribution converges to 1, however is never 1.
For example, the sum of all probabilities might be 0.9999999 or even 1.0000000005, the actually value if strongly depends on how many different outcomes the distribution have.
maybe I can test like so
value should be less that 1.1
value should be more that 0.9
but I am not sure that this test is consistent, maybe there is a distribution that due to numeric calculation will output 1.1
How to test it appropriately.

There is a related discussion here that you might find interesting.
The short version is that you want to break up your statistical methods into pieces that can be tested deterministically.
Where that's not the case, you probably want to use some epsilon value to compare your expected and actual outputs. You could also run several iterations of the test and perform a simpler statistical test (a t-test perhaps?) to see if the distribution looks like what you think it should be.


ANOVA test on time series data

In below post of Analytics Vidya, ANOVA test has been performed on COVID data, to check whether the difference in posotive cases of denser region is statistically significant.
I believe ANOVA test can’t be performed on this COVID time series data, atleast not in way as it has been done in this post.
Sample data has been consider randomly from different groups(denser1, denser2…denser4). The data is time series so it is more likely that number of positive cases in random sample of groups will be from different point of time.
There might be the case denser1 has random data from early covid time and another region has random data from another point of time. If this is the case, then F-Statistics will high certainly.
Can anyone explain if you have other opinions?
ANOVA should not be applied to time-series data, as the independence assumption is violated. The issue with independence is that days tend to correlate very highly. For example, if you know that today you have 1400 positive cases, you would expect tomorrow to have a similar number of positive cases, regardless of any underlying trends.
It sounds like you're trying to determine causality of different treatments (ie mask mandates or other restrictions etc) and their effects on positive cases. The best way to infer causality is usually to perform A-B testing, but obviously in this case it would not be reasonable to give different populations different treatments. One method that is good for going back and retro-actively inferring causality is called "synthetic control".
Above is linked a basic paper on the methodology. The hard part of this analysis will be in constructing synthetic counterfactuals or "controls" to test your actual population against.
If this is not what you're looking for, please reply with a clarifying question, but I think this should be an appropriate method that is well-suited to studying time-series data.

Hypothesis search tree

I have a object with many fields. Each field has different range of values. I want to use hypothesis to generate different instances of this object.
Is there a limit to the number of combination of field values Hypothesis can handle? Or what does the search tree hypothesis creates look like? I don't need all the combinations but I want to make sure that I get a fair number of combinations where I test many different values for each field. I want to make sure Hypothesis is not doing a DFS until it hits the max number of examples to generate
TLDR: don't worry, this is a common use-case and even a naive strategy works very well.
The actual search process used by Hypothesis is complicated (as in, "lead author's PhD topic"), but it's definitely not a depth-first search! Briefly, it's a uniform distribution layered on a psudeo-random number generator, with a coverage-guided fuzzer biasing that towards less-explored code paths, with strategy-specific heuristics on top of that.
In general, I trust this process to pick good examples far more than I trust my own judgement, or that of anyone without years of experience in QA or testing research!

Test multiple algorithms in one experiment

Is there any way to test multiple algorithms rather than doing it once for each and every algorithm; then checking the result? There are a lot of times where I don’t really know which one to use, so I would like to test multiple and get the result (error rate) fairly quick in Azure Machine Learning Studio.
You could connect the scores of multiple algorithms with an 'Evaluate Model' button to evaluate algorithms against each other.
Hope this helps.
The module you are looking for, is the one called “Cross-Validate Model”. It basically splits whatever comes in from the input-port (dataset) into 10 pieces, then reserves the last piece as the “answer”; and trains the nine other subset models and returns a set of accuracy statistics measured towards the last subset. What you would look at is the column called “Mean absolute error” which is the average error for the trained models. You can connect whatever algorithm you want to one of the ports, and subsequently you will receive the result for that algorithm in particular after you “right-click” the port which gives the score.
After that you can assess which algorithm did the best. And as a pro-tip; you could use the Filter-based-feature selection to actually see which column had a significant impact on the result.
You can check section 6.2.4 of hands-on-lab at GitHub https://github.com/Azure-Readiness/hol-azure-machine-learning/blob/master/006-lab-model-evaluation.md which focuses on the evaluation of multiple algorithms etc.

Cannot generalize my Genetic Algorithm to new Data

I've written a GA to model a handful of stocks (4) over a period of time (5 years). It's impressive how quickly the GA can find an optimal solution to the training data, but I am also aware that this is mainly due to it's tendency to over-fit in the training phase.
However, I still thought I could take a few precautions and and get some kind of prediction on a set of unseen test stocks from the same period.
One precaution I took was:
When multiple stocks can be bought on the same day the GA only buys one from the list and it chooses this one randomly. I thought this randomness might help to avoid over-fitting?
Even if over-fitting is still occurring,shouldn't it be absent in the initial generations of the GA since it hasn't had a chance to over-fit yet?
As a note, I am aware of the no-free-lunch theorem which demonstrates ( I believe) that there is no perfect set of parameters which will produce an optimal output for two different datasets. If we take this further, does this no-free-lunch theorem also prohibit generalization?
The graph below illustrates this.
->The blue line is the GA output.
->The red line is the training data (slightly different because of the aforementioned randomness)
-> The yellow line is the stubborn test data which shows no generalization. In fact this is the most flattering graph I could produce..
The y-axis is profit, the x axis is the trading strategies sorted from worst to best ( left to right) according to there respective profits (on the y axis)
Some of the best advice I've received so far (thanks seaotternerd) is to focus on the earlier generations and increase the number of training examples. The graph below has 12 training stocks rather than just 4, and shows only the first 200 generations (instead of 1,000). Again, it's the most flattering chart I could produce, this time with medium selection pressure. It certainly looks a little bit better, but not fantastic either. The red line is the test data.
The problem with over-fitting is that, within a single data-set it's pretty challenging to tell over-fitting apart from actually getting better in the general case. In many ways, this is more of an art than a science, but here are some general guidelines:
A GA will learn to do exactly what you attach fitness to. If you tell it to get really good at predicting one series of stocks, it will do that. If you keep swapping in different stocks to predict, though, you might be more successful at getting it to generalize. There are a few ways to do this. The one that has had perhaps the most promising results for reducing over-fitting is imposing spatial structure on the population and evaluating on different test cases in different cells, as in the SCALP algorithm. You could also switch out the test cases on a time basis, but I've had more mixed results with that sort of an approach.
You are correct that over-fitting should be less of a problem early on. Generally, the longer you run a GA, the more over-fitting will be possible. Typically, people tend to assume that the general rules will be learned first, before the rote memorization of over-fitting takes place. However, I don't think I've actually ever seen this studied rigorously - I could imagine a scenario where over-fitting was so much easier than finding general rules that it happens first. I have no idea how common that is, though. Stopping early will also reduce the ability of the GA to find better general solutions.
Using a larger data-set (four stocks isn't that many) will make your GA less susceptible to over-fitting.
Randomness is an interesting idea. It will definitely hurt the GA's ability to find general rules, but it should also reduce over-fitting. Without knowing more about the specifics of your algorithm, it's hard to say which would win out.
That's a really interesting thought about the no free lunch theorem. I'm not 100% sure, but I think it does apply here to some extent - better fitting some data will make your results fit other data worse, by necessity. However, as wide as the range of possible stock behaviors is, it is much narrower than the range of all possible time series in general. This is why it is possible to have optimization algorithms at all - a given problem that we are working with tends produce data that cluster relatively closely together, relative to the entire space of possible data. So, within that set of inputs that we actually care about, it is possible to get better. There is generally an upper limit of some sort on how well you can do, and it is possible that you have hit that upper limit for your data-set. But generalization is possible to some extent, so I wouldn't give up just yet.
Bottom line: I think that varying the test cases shows the most promise (although I'm biased, because that's one of my primary areas of research), but it is also the most challenging solution, implementation-wise. So as a simpler fix you can try stopping evolution sooner or increasing your data-set.

Learning Optimal Parameters to Maximize a Reward

I have a set of examples, which are each annotated with feature data. The examples and features describe the settings of an experiment in an arbitrary domain (e.g. number-of-switches, number-of-days-performed, number-of-participants, etc.). Certain features are fixed (i.e. static), while others I can manually set (i.e. variable) in future experiments. Each example also has a "reward" feature, which is a continuous number bounded between 0 and 1, indicating the success of the experiment as determined by an expert.
Based on this example set, and given a set of static features for a future experiment, how would I determine the optimal value to use for a specific variable so as to maximise the reward?
Also, does this process have a formal name? I've done some research, and this sounds similar to regression analysis, but I'm still not sure if it's the same thing.
The process is called "design of experiments." There are various techniques that can be used depending on the number of parameters, and whether you are able to do computations between trials or if you have to pick all your treatments in advance.
full factorial - try each combination, the brute force method
fractional factorial - eliminate some of the combinations in a pattern and use regression to fill in the missing data
Plackett-Burman, response surface - more sophisticated methods, trading off statistical effort for experimental effort
...and many others. This is an active area of statistical research.
Once you've built a regression model from the data in your experiments, you can find an optimum by applying the usual numerical optimization techniques.
