Susy Next Alpha 4 cant hide grid "debug" - susy-compass

After updating to Rails4 / Susy Next Alpha 4 I always see the susy grid in development environment, although grid-background and similar are not activated / mentioned. Is there any setting I can deactivate "debug"?
Thank you in advance, ramsch

All you need to do is set $show-grids: hide; which you can also do by passing the hide keyword to set-grid or use-grid for the shorthand.
Just to note, the variable is changing in the next pre-release, but the shorthand will stay the same. That will land in the next week or so.


Top margin not working from design view in Android Studio [duplicate]

I am following this tutorial and am unable to make Box Three line up to the top of Box Two (which she shows how to do at around 1:45 in the video).
As you can see in the screenshot, I try setting the top margin to 0 but it has no effect on the layout. If I inspect the value again, I see that it has gone back to 16. I am really unsure what I am doing wrong here as I have been following the video quite closely. The tutorial is quite old from 2016 and I am using the newest version of android studio (bumblebee).
Screenshot of me setting the value to 0 but not having any effect on the display:
How can I make the margin 0??
This is a bug in the latest release: Setting marginTop doesn`t apply when using interface builder, only through XML code. That being said, the issue can be resolved, as you already figured out, by setting the value via 'Declared attributes' from the design view or by declaring the value in your code with
'android:layout_marginTop="0dp"' on your view.
In Box three set height as
then it will will start from top of box two top( both will be equal )

Broken design and and not clearly visible dash in EnhancedDateRangePicker Vaadin 14 component

There are two problems that I have using the EnhancedDateRangePicker in Vaadin 14(source:
The design is broken when I add the component somewhere in a layout but that happens only when I add a label. If I don't the design is as expected to be. Here is a screenshot to see what exactly happens -
The other problem is that the dash is not visible clearly in this color(light gray I think). Is there a way to change the color of the dash?
Could you please tell me is there any way to make the design as I mentioned in the above two points?
Thanks in advance :).
The problem is solved. It's not the problem with the component, it is actually the Theme which we are using in our projects and the component just overrides the theme styles and that brokes the component. When I put it in a blank page there is no problem. Thanks you all very much for the effort :).

How to change color of dot and progress on SeekBar?

My project's Min SDK is 21. My SeekBar currently looks like this.
However, I want to change the color of the dot and the amount of progress. I have tried adjusting every attribute that takes a Resource. Either nothing happens or the dot disappears completely. Other posts have recommended adjusting attributes like thumbTint that do not exist.
It is recommended to use Material Slider instead of Seekbar. They are actually the same in function and appearence.
Here is the documentation to Sliders
Also theming sliders is very easy

Avoid element to be dragged in Draggabily

I'm using Draggabilly and Packery to build a optimized draggable layout as shown in this Codepen:
I have some doubts about how to use Packery/Draggabily.
The first one is how to convert en element "no-draggable", i.e., avoid to be dragged. I've achieved this by no initializing its Draggabilly instance, but I would like also to not be sorted when dragging others elements.
In the other hand, I have not been able to set a fixed height on my Packery layout in order to limit how many elements fits in a column. My idea is that if you move an element to a column that has no free space, the most bottom element should be moved to the other column. I have not found any way to do this.
There is enabled and disable switch in Draggabilly instance that you create. So just disable it if you do not need it.
The second part has to be manually solved becuase the Packery and draggabily would try to adjust in the same layout giving you best possible fit. If you want to limit the height then you have to set and run the ShiftLayout() on pakery. Ideally I would leave it to packery to determine the best layout.

PaintCode 2 - Can't modify constraints?

I can't modify constraints using PaintCode 2.
After selecting group or a single shape I am clicking on constraints I want to change but nothing happens.
Anyone knows how to deal with it???
I believe you need to add a frame to the canvas for constraints to be available.
