Given a polygon in latitude and longitude and a set of points, determine which points lie inside - geometry

Given a set of latlon points that make up a polygon, and a set of latlon points, how can I determine which points lie inside. The polygon may be up to 100km across and the error could be a few hundred meters (i.e. points inside or outside can fail or be included incorrectly at the edges). The polygons and points won't be near the poles. Can I treat the latlon points as 2d, or do I need to convert them to a projection of some kind? Circles are easy but I wonder if the error will be too great for a 100km wide polygon?
I plan to do this in C++ but the language doesn't matter.

Here is the (javascript) code from Openlayers to do it
* Method: containsPoint
* Test if a point is inside a polygon. Points on a polygon edge are
* considered inside.
* Parameters:
* point - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>}
* Returns:
* {Boolean | Number} The point is inside the polygon. Returns 1 if the
* point is on an edge. Returns boolean otherwise.
containsPoint: function(point) {
var numRings = this.components.length;
var contained = false;
if(numRings > 0) {
// check exterior ring - 1 means on edge, boolean otherwise
contained = this.components[0].containsPoint(point);
if(contained !== 1) {
if(contained && numRings > 1) {
// check interior rings
var hole;
for(var i=1; i<numRings; ++i) {
hole = this.components[i].containsPoint(point);
if(hole) {
if(hole === 1) {
// on edge
contained = 1;
} else {
// in hole
contained = false;
return contained;
Complete file can be found at Openlayers at Github
To get the idea behind this.components have a look at Collection.js
In OpenLayers a polygon is a collection of linear rings. the containsPoint functon of this can be found at LinearRing.js

You can view actual demo here
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<title>How to Check If Point Exist in a Polygon - Google Maps API v3</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var map;
var boundaryPolygon;
function initialize() {
var mapProp = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(26.038586842564317, 75.06787185438634),
zoom: 6,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"), mapProp);
google.maps.Polygon.prototype.Contains = function (point) {
// ray casting alogrithm
var crossings = 0,
path = this.getPath();
// for each edge
for (var i = 0; i < path.getLength() ; i++) {
var a = path.getAt(i),
j = i + 1;
if (j >= path.getLength()) {
j = 0;
var b = path.getAt(j);
if (rayCrossesSegment(point, a, b)) {
// odd number of crossings?
return (crossings % 2 == 1);
function rayCrossesSegment(point, a, b) {
var px = point.lng(),
py =,
ax = a.lng(),
ay =,
bx = b.lng(),
by =;
if (ay > by) {
ax = b.lng();
ay =;
bx = a.lng();
by =;
if (py == ay || py == by) py += 0.00000001;
if ((py > by || py < ay) || (px > Math.max(ax, bx))) return false;
if (px < Math.min(ax, bx)) return true;
var red = (ax != bx) ? ((by - ay) / (bx - ax)) : Infinity;
var blue = (ax != px) ? ((py - ay) / (px - ax)) : Infinity;
return (blue >= red);
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function (event) {
if (boundaryPolygon != null && boundaryPolygon.Contains(event.latLng)) {
document.getElementById("spnMsg").innerText = "This location is " + event.latLng + " inside the polygon.";
} else {
document.getElementById("spnMsg").innerText = "This location is " + event.latLng + " outside the polygon.";
function drawPolygon() {
var boundary = '77.702866 28.987153, 77.699776 28.978594 ,77.735996 28.974164 ,77.719946 28.99346 ,77.713423 28.994361 ,77.711706 28.990382 ';
var boundarydata = new Array();
var latlongs = boundary.split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < latlongs.length; i++) {
latlong = latlongs[i].trim().split(" ");
boundarydata[i] = new google.maps.LatLng(latlong[1], latlong[0]);
boundaryPolygon = new google.maps.Polygon({
path: boundarydata,
strokeColor: "#0000FF",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: 'Red',
fillOpacity: 0.4
google.maps.event.addListener(boundaryPolygon, 'click', function (event) {
document.getElementById("spnMsg").innerText = '';
if (boundaryPolygon.Contains(event.latLng)) {
document.getElementById("spnMsg").innerText = "This location is " + event.latLng + " inside the polygon.";
} else {
document.getElementById("spnMsg").innerText = "This location is " + event.latLng + " outside the polygon.";
<body onload="initialize();drawPolygon();">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<h3>Check If Point Exist in a Polygon</h3>
<h3>click on the polygon and out side the polygon for testing</h3>
<span id="spnMsg" style="font-family: Arial; text-align: center; font-size: 14px; color: red;">this is message</span>
<br />
<br />
<div id="map-canvas" style="width: auto; height: 500px;">
you can view more demos may be use full to you here
you can download all the demo
by click on the file
"" given in the index


handling a view frustum when not facing the object

i have made a view frustum from scratch in javascript. i have been having trouble with objects that the camera is place within and also facing away from.
an example of the problem is below
ive been stuck on this for months with little help, chatgpt recommended that i switch to a right handed corodinate system, so i did, but it didnt seem to fix the problem.
my proccess for putting pixels on the screen is described below
step 1 = cross product with camera matrix
step 2 = cross product with projection matrix
step 3 = divide co-ordinates by their own w co-ord (normalize w to 1)
step 3.5 = im currently skipping culling. culling would go here, but since my object is made of multiple vertices i cant cull a vertex just because its offscreen as it forms part of a whole object, and that would deform the rest of the object
step 4 = cross product with projection to screen matrix
below shows how the co-ordinates of 1 vertex changes with each step
co-ordinates of vertex before projection
good projection (tile is good)
step 1 = [5, 9, -4.799999999999979, 10]
step 2 = [-8.660254038143698, 15.588457268658656, 15.353535353535376, 4.799999999999979]
step 3 = [-1.8042195912799448, 3.2475952643039006, 3.198653198653217, 1]
step 4 = [-120.63293869199174, 637.1392896455851, 3.198653198653217, 1]
pixels = -120.63293869199174,637.1392896455851
bad projection from within the object (tile is deformed)
step 1 = [5, 9, 0.6000000000000014, 10]
step 2 = [-8.660254038143698, 15.588457268658656, 20.808080808080813, -0.6000000000000014]
step 3 = [14.433756730239462, -25.980762114431034, -34.68013468013461, 1]
step 4 = [2315.0635095359194, -3747.114317164655, -34.68013468013461, 1]
pixels = 2315.0635095359194,-3747.114317164655
bad projection from behind (tile appears on the ceiling, when A it should be on the floor and B it shouldn't be visible)
step 1 = [5, 9, 16.800000000000004, 10]
step 2 = [-8.660254038143698, 15.588457268658656, 37.17171717171718, -16.800000000000004]
step 3 = [0.5154913117942677, -0.9278843612296817, -2.2126022126022122, 1]
step 4 = [227.32369676914016, 10.817345815547753, -2.2126022126022122, 1]
pixels = 227.32369676914016, 10.817345815547753
does anyone know which step could be wrong or need changing in situation 2 and 3? and why?
below is a minimal (i know its 500 lines... but its about as minimal as i can get it) just open it in a browser and use wasd to control it.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script async src=""></script>
<div id="canvas div" style = "position: relative; left: 0px; float:left; top: 0px;" >
<h1> first person below </h1>
<canvas id="mi_canvas" width="300" height="300" style="border-style: solid;"></canvas> <br>
<h1> radar below </h1>
<canvas id="radar_canvas" width="300" height="300" style="border-style: solid;"></canvas>
<div id="big info div" style = "position: relative; left: 310px; float:left; float:top; top: 0px; width:400px;" >
<div id = "info_1111"> </div><br>
var floor_y_pos = 9
canvas = document.getElementById("mi_canvas");
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
radar = document.getElementById("radar_canvas");
radar_ctx = radar.getContext("2d");
render_distance = 1000;
fov = math.pi / 2
class Projection{
var NEAR = player.near_plane
var FAR = player.far_plane
var RIGHT = Math.tan(player.h_fov/2)
var LEFT = - RIGHT
var TOP = Math.tan(player.v_fov /2)
var m00 = 2*NEAR / (RIGHT - LEFT)
var m02 = (RIGHT + LEFT)/(RIGHT - LEFT)
var m11 = 2*NEAR / (TOP - BOTTOM)
var m12 = (TOP + BOTTOM) /(TOP - BOTTOM)
var m22 = (FAR * NEAR) / (FAR - NEAR)
var m23 = -2 * NEAR * FAR / (FAR-NEAR)
this.projection_matrix = [
var HW=player.H_WIDTH
var HH = player.H_HEIGHT
this.to_screen_matrix = [
function multiply(a, b) {
var aNumRows = a.length, aNumCols = a[0].length,
bNumRows = b.length, bNumCols = b[0].length,
m = new Array(aNumRows); // initialize array of rows
for (var r = 0; r < aNumRows; ++r) {
m[r] = new Array(bNumCols); // initialize the current row
for (var c = 0; c < bNumCols; ++c) {
m[r][c] = 0; // initialize the current cell
for (var i = 0; i < aNumCols; ++i) {
m[r][c] += a[r][i] * b[i][c];
return m;
function mi_position_matrix_multiplier(A, B)
var new_matrix = []
for (var new_num_ind = 0; new_num_ind < A.length; ++new_num_ind)
this_num = 0;
for (var a_ind = 0; a_ind < A.length; ++a_ind)
this_num += (A[a_ind] * B[a_ind][new_num_ind])
// console.log("just added this num to my new matrix = "+this_num.toString())
return new_matrix;
function pythagoras(thing1, thing2)
dist = (((thing1[0]-thing2[0])**2)+((thing1[1]-thing2[1])**2))**0.5
return dist
class vertex{
constructor(x, y,z , id){ = id
this.position = [x,y,z,1]
this.min_dist = 1.5 // minimum possible distance between player and object
var arrow_length = 0.0001;
var pointing_position = [player.position[0]+(player.forward[0]*arrow_length) , player.position[2]-(player.forward[2]*arrow_length)]
var dist1 = pythagoras([this.position[0],this.position[2]], pointing_position)
var dist2 = pythagoras([this.position[0],this.position[2]], [player.position[0],player.position[2]])
if (dist1 < dist2){
return true;}
else if (dist1 > dist2){
return false;}
else{console.log(" else ");}
var position = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(this.position , player.camera_matrix())
console.log(position+" = position , which is a cross product of this.position"+this.position+" & "+ player.camera_matrix()+ " = player.camera_matrix()")
update_matrix_info_debug("position", position)
position = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(position , projection.projection_matrix) // does this just convert the position to cameras reference frame.
console.log(position+" = position , which is a cross product of position"+position+" & "+ projection.projection_matrix+ " = projection.projection_matrix")
update_matrix_info_debug("position after being multiplied by proj matrix", position)
// if so then i image to screen matrix is insufficient
for (let i = 0; i < position.length; i++) {
position[i] = position[i]/position[3]
console.log(position+" = position after being normaslized")
for (let i = 0; i < position.length; i++) {
if (i != 9787781){
console.log(i+" =-= "+position[i])
if (this.is_this_object_behind_player()){for (let ii = 0; ii < position.length; ii++) {position[ii] = -999999999;} console.log("culling1")}
if (position[i] > 2){for (let ii = 0; ii < position.length; ii++) {position[ii] = -9999;} console.log("culling2")}
if (position[i] < -2){for (let ii = 0; ii < position.length; ii++) {position[ii] = -9999;} console.log("culling3")}
} // also all examples say set position = 0 if culling
console.log(position+" = position after being culled")
position = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(position , projection.to_screen_matrix)
console.log(position+" = position after being multiplied by "+projection.to_screen_matrix+ " = projection.to_screen_matrix")
update_matrix_info_debug("position after being multiplied by projection.to_screen_matrix", position)
var scale_multiplier = (render_distance / pythagoras([this.position[0],this.position[2]] , [player.position[0],player.position[2]]))*1.5
var arrow_size = 0.02 * scale_multiplier;
ctx.moveTo(position[0]-arrow_size ,position[1]+arrow_size);
ctx.lineTo(position[0]+arrow_size ,position[1]-arrow_size);
ctx.moveTo(position[0]+arrow_size ,position[1]+arrow_size);
ctx.lineTo(position[0]-arrow_size, position[1]-arrow_size);
return_screen_projection(dont_cull = false){
var position = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(this.position , player.camera_matrix())
position = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(position , projection.projection_matrix) // does this just convert the position to cameras reference frame.
for (let i = 0; i < position.length; i++) {
position[i] = position[i]/position[3]
position = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(position , projection.to_screen_matrix)
return [position[0],position[1]]
class player{
this.position =[0,0,0,1.0]
this.forward = [0,0,1,1]
this.up = [0,1,0,1]
this.right =[1,0,0,1]
this.h_fov = 3.1415926535/3
this.v_fov = this.h_fov * (canvas.height / canvas.width)
this.near_plane = 1
this.far_plane = 100
this.moving_speed = 0.2
this.rotation_speed = 0.1
this.H_WIDTH = canvas.width/2
this.H_HEIGHT = canvas.height/2
this.anglePitch = 0
this.angleYaw = 0
var rotate = multiply(rotate_x(this.anglePitch) , rotate_y(this.angleYaw))
this.forward = [0, 0, 1, 1]
this.up = [0, 1, 0, 1]
this.right = [1, 0, 0, 1]
this.forward = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(this.forward , rotate)
this.right = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(this.right , rotate)
this.up = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(this.up , rotate)
this.angleYaw += angle}
var x = this.position[0];
var y = this.position[1];
var z = this.position[2];
var w = this.position[3];
return [
[-x,-y,z, 1]
var rx = this.right[0]
var ry = this.right[1]
var rz = this.right[2]
var w = this.right[3]
var fx = this.forward[0]
var fy = this.forward[1]
var fz = this.forward[2]
var w = this.forward[3]
var ux = this.up[0]
var uy = this.up[1]
var uz = this.up[2]
var w = this.up[3]
return [
return multiply(this.translate_matrix(), this.rotate_matrix());
check_min_distance_isnt_overcome_by_this_move(dx, dy){
var can_move = true;
console.log(" zzzzzzzzzzzzz ")
for (let i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
var dist=Math.abs(pythagoras([objects[i].position[0], objects[i].position[2]] , [this.position[0], this.position[2]]))
var dist2=Math.abs(pythagoras([objects[i].position[0], objects[i].position[2]] , [this.position[0]+dx, this.position[2]+dy]))
console.log(dist +" ########################### " +dist2)
if ((dist2 < objects[i].min_dist)&(dist > dist2))
{can_move = false; console.log(objects[i].min_dist +" yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy")}
else{console.log(objects[i].min_dist+" can move this is bloody min dist xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "+dist2);}
return can_move;
var key_code = parseInt(event.keyCode)
if (key_code == 37 || key_code == 39 || key_code == 83 || key_code == 87 || key_code == 119|| key_code == 115)
var dx = Math.cos(this.angleYaw)*this.moving_speed
var dy = Math.sin(this.angleYaw)*this.moving_speed
console.log("that were moving = dx , dy = "+dx.toString()+" , "+dy.toString())
if ( key_code == 37 || key_code == 87 || key_code == 119) {
if (this.check_min_distance_isnt_overcome_by_this_move(dx, -dy)){
this.position[0] += -dy
this.position[2] += dx
if (key_code == 39 || key_code == 83 || key_code == 115) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.position.length; i++) {
if (this.check_min_distance_isnt_overcome_by_this_move(dx, dy)){
this.position[0] += dy
this.position[2] += -dx
else {
if ( key_code == 38 || key_code == 65 || key_code == 97) {
if (key_code == 40 || key_code == 68 || key_code == 100) {
function translate(pos){
return np.array([
function rotate_x(angle){
return [
function rotate_y(a){
return [
[math.cos(a),0, -math.sin(a),0],
[math.sin(a), 0 , math.cos(a),0],
function update_radar(){
var arrow_length = 4;
var object_size = 6.5;
var mid_screen = [radar.width/2,radar.height/2];
pointing_position = [mid_screen[0]+(player.forward[0]*arrow_length) , mid_screen[1]-(player.forward[2]*arrow_length)]
radar_ctx.moveTo(mid_screen[0], mid_screen[1]); // start of player pos on radar
radar_ctx.lineTo(pointing_position[0], pointing_position[1]);
radar_ctx.lineTo(pointing_position[0]-2, pointing_position[1]-2);
radar_ctx.lineTo(pointing_position[0]+2, pointing_position[1]+2);
radar_ctx.lineTo(pointing_position[0]-2, pointing_position[1]+2);
radar_ctx.moveTo(mid_screen[0], mid_screen[1]);
for (let i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
var dx = (player.position[0]-objects[i].position[0])
var dz = player.position[2]+objects[i].position[2]
var x = (dx*2) + mid_screen[0]
var z = (dz*2) + mid_screen[1]
x = x +(object_size/2)
z = z +(object_size/2)
function update_matrix_info_debug(matrix_name, matrix){
if (matrix[0].length > 1)
for (let x = 1; x < matrix.length+1; x++) {
for (let y = 1; y < matrix.length+1; y++) {
// console.log(matrix_name.toString()+"_"+x.toString()+y.toString());
document.getElementById(matrix_name.toString()+"_"+x.toString()+y.toString()).innerHTML = matrix[x-1][y-1]
else {
for (let x = 1; x < matrix.length+1; x++) {document.getElementById(matrix_name.toString()+"_"+"1"+x.toString()).innerHTML = matrix[x-1]}
class box{
var low_y = 0.5
var high_y = low_y - size
this.position = [x+(size/2),0,z+(size/2)]
this.vertices = [new vertex(x,low_y,z,0),new vertex(x+size,low_y,z,1),new vertex(x,low_y,z+size,2),new vertex(x+size,low_y,z+size,3),
new vertex(x,high_y,z,4),new vertex(x+size,high_y,z,5),new vertex(x,high_y,z+size,6),new vertex(x+size,high_y,z+size,7)
this.faces=[ [0,1,3,2,0], [0,1,5,4,0] , [1,3,7,5,1] , [4,5,7,6,4] , [2,6,7,3,2] , [0,4,6,2,0]]
// this.faces=[ [0,4,6,2,0]]
for (let i = 0; i < this.vertices.length; i++) {
var each_point = []
for (let i = 0; i < this.vertices.length; i++) {
var skip_drawing = if_most_of_these_numbers_are_off_screen(each_point)
if (skip_drawing){console.log(" skipp drawing any faces init ");return;}
ctx.fillStyle = '#f00';
var moved_to_first_yet = false
for (let face = 0; face < this.faces.length; face++) {
for (let vertex = 0; vertex < this.faces[face].length; vertex++)
console.log(vertex+" vertex bef dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd")
var vertex2 = this.faces[face][vertex]
console.log(vertex2+" vertex aft ddddddddd ")
if (moved_to_first_yet == false)
moved_to_first_yet = true
ctx.moveTo( each_point[this.vertices[vertex2].id][0],each_point[this.vertices[vertex2].id][1]);
else{ctx.lineTo( each_point[this.vertices[vertex2].id][0],each_point[this.vertices[vertex2].id][1]);}
class two_d_surdace {
constructor(verex1,verex2,verex3,verex4 , colour){
this.vertices = [verex1,verex2,verex3,verex4]
this.colour = colour
var each_point = []
for (let i = 0; i < this.vertices.length; i++) {
ctx.fillStyle = this.colour;
var moved_to_first_yet = false
for (let vertex = 0; vertex < this.vertices.length; vertex++)
console.log(each_point[vertex][0]+" , "+each_point[vertex][1]+ " actual x y points on screen for this vertex of corner of floor ")
if (moved_to_first_yet == false)
moved_to_first_yet = true
ctx.moveTo( each_point[vertex][0],each_point[vertex][1]);
else{ctx.lineTo( each_point[vertex][0],each_point[vertex][1]);}
function if_off_screen(x, y)
if (x> canvas.width || x < 0){console.log(x +" x = off screen "); return true;}
if (y > canvas.height || y < 0){console.log(y +" y = off screen "); return true;}
console.log(x +" , "+y + " =x,y = not off screen ");
return false;
function if_most_of_these_numbers_are_off_screen(numbers){
var threshold = 1; //Math.floor(numbers.length*0.49)
var counter = 0
console.log(numbers + " xxxx numbers as they come in ")
for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { if (if_off_screen(numbers[i][0], numbers[i][1])){console.log(numbers[i]+" , "+numbers[i+1]+ " = numbers[i] are off screen"); counter +=1} else{console.log(numbers[i]+" , "+numbers[i+1]+ " = numbers[i] not off screen")} }
console.log("quuin quoirs of raptor");
if (counter >= threshold){console.log(threshold+" < " + counter);return true}
console.log(threshold+" > " + counter);
return false;
player = new player();
projection = new Projection()
objects = [] //
floor = new two_d_surdace(new vertex(50,floor_y_pos,50) , new vertex(-50,floor_y_pos,50) , new vertex(-50,floor_y_pos,-50) , new vertex(50,floor_y_pos,-50) , '#F90' )
$(document).on("keypress", function (event) {
radar_ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
for (let i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {

How to update the lines so that they do not break away from the rectangles after dragging?

I beg you to help me. I'm creating a small chart and it's not working make the connecting lines between the rectangles so that they stretch
after moving the rectangle-nodes. What we have:
3 rectangles created in OOR js svg;
created connecting lines with rectangles (in OOP js svg);
function for moving rectangle-nodes.
What is the problem. When dragging nodes, the lines break away from the rectangles.
An example of how a diagram works
I ask for help in creating a function for updating the line when dragging the nodes of the diagram.
I think that it needs to put the value of the points of contact, put the name of the update function
to the code of the drag/drop function
created the updateLines() function;
inserted conn1.x1 into it; conn.y1;conn1.x2;conn1.y2;
inserted into it var connect1 = new Lines();
varx3 = rec3.location.x+100; var y3 = rec3.location.y; /////
var connect2 = new Lines(rec1.location.x+100,rec1.location.y+80, rec3.location.x+100, rec3.location.y,stroke='green',id='l2');
I inserted the name of the function into the makeDraggable(evt) code;
.background {
fill: #eee;
.static {
cursor: not-allowed;
.draggable {
cursor: move;
<svg xmlns="" id="forDraw" viewBox="0 0 1330 420" onload="makeDraggable(evt)">
function makeDraggable(evt) {
var svg =;
svg.addEventListener('mousedown', startDrag);
svg.addEventListener('mousemove', drag);
svg.addEventListener('mouseup', endDrag);
function getMousePosition(evt) {
var CTM = svg.getScreenCTM();
return {
x: (evt.clientX - CTM.e) / CTM.a,
y: (evt.clientY - CTM.f) / CTM.d
var selectedElement, offset;
function startDrag(evt) {
if ('draggable')) {
selectedElement =;
offset = getMousePosition(evt);
offset.x -= parseFloat(selectedElement.getAttributeNS(null, "x"));
offset.y -= parseFloat(selectedElement.getAttributeNS(null, "y"));
function drag(evt) {
if (selectedElement) {
var coord = getMousePosition(evt);
selectedElement.setAttributeNS(null, "x", coord.x - offset.x);
selectedElement.setAttributeNS(null, "y", coord.y - offset.y);
function endDrag(evt) {
selectedElement = null;
var recWidth = '200';
var recHeight = '80';
function Rectangle(width,height, location={x: 400, y: 50},style='draggable', fill = 'red', stroke = 'green',id='ivan') {
this.width = recWidth;
this.height = recHeight;
this.location = location; = style;
this.fill = fill;
this.stroke = stroke; = id;
this.draw = function() {
forDraw.innerHTML += `<rect width="${this.width}" height="${this.height}" x="${this.location.x}" y="${this.location.y}"
class="${}" fill="${this.fill}" stroke="${this.stroke}" id="${}" />`;
Rectangle.prototype.draw = function() {
if (forDraw.getElementById( forDraw.getElementById(;
forDraw.innerHTML += `<rect width="${this.width}" height="${this.height}" x="${this.location.x}" y="${this.location.y}"
class="${}" fill="${this.fill}" stroke="${this.stroke}" id="${}" />`;
var rec1 = new Rectangle();
var rec2 = new Rectangle(150,90, {x: 300, y:300}, style='draggable','yellow', 'red','petro');
var rec3 = new Rectangle(150,90, {x: 550, y:300}, style='draggable','green', 'blue','dima');
function Lines(x1=rec1.location.x+100, y1=rec1.location.y+80, x2=rec2.location.x+100, y2=rec2.location.y, stroke='blue',id='l1') {
this.x1 = x1;
this.y1 = y1;
this.x2 = x2;
this.y2 = y2;
this.stroke = stroke; = id;
this.draw = function() {
forDraw.innerHTML += `<line x1="${this.x1}" y1="${this.y1}" x2="${this.x2}" y2="${this.y2}"
stroke="${this.stroke}" id="${}" />`;
var connect1 = new Lines();
var x3 = rec3.location.x+100;
var y3 = rec3.location.y;
var connect2 = new Lines(rec1.location.x+100,rec1.location.y+80, rec3.location.x+100, rec3.location.y,stroke='green',id='l2');

How to detect collision on certain sides of a rectangle in canvas using

I am learning multiplayer development and I was wondering how I would detect collision and not allow the player to move into the collision but allow them to move away from it. I currently have a collision detection setup that is server side when the player tries to move. Though this collision detection works perfectly when the players collide they can not move out of the collision and are stuck forever. Here is the code that i'm using server-side to detect when a player moves & or collides:
socket.on('moveEvent', function(data) {
var player = players[find(connections,]
var r1 = {
left: player.position.x,
top: player.position.y,
bottom: player.position.y + 100,
right: player.position.x + 100
var intersects = false;
for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
if (connections[i] != {
var currPlayer = players[i]
var r2 = {
left: currPlayer.position.x,
top: currPlayer.position.y,
bottom: currPlayer.position.y + 100,
right: currPlayer.position.x + 100
intersects = intersectRect(r1, r2)
if (data.direction == "x+" && intersects == false) {
player.position.x = player.position.x - speed
if (data.direction == "y+" && intersects == false) {
player.position.y = player.position.y - speed
if (data.direction == "x-" && intersects == false) {
player.position.x = player.position.x + speed
if (data.direction == "y-" && intersects == false) {
player.position.y = player.position.y + speed
function intersectRect(r1, r2) {
socket.emit('checkPlayers', {
p1: r1,
p2: r2
if (!(r2.left > r1.right || r2.right < r1.left || > r1.bottom || r2.bottom < {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Here is the setInterval code that gets the new coordinates and draws them to the screen. I currently have an emit event in the intersectRect function that emits the two players it is checking the collision of. The server then takes that emit and prints out the two players it sends. This is strictly for bug fixing:
setInterval(function() {
if (w == true) {
socket.emit('moveEvent', {
direction: "y+",
id: sesID
if (a == true) {
socket.emit('moveEvent', {
direction: "x+",
id: sesID
if (s == true) {
socket.emit('moveEvent', {
direction: "y-",
id: sesID
if (d == true) {
socket.emit('moveEvent', {
direction: "x-",
id: sesID
gamectx.canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
gamectx.canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
gamectx.clearRect(0, 0, game.width, game.height);
socket.emit('request', {
request: "players",
id: sesID
for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
gamectx.fillStyle = "#ff0000"
gamectx.fillRect(((game.width / 2) + (players[i].position.x - player.position.x)) - 50, ((game.height / 2) + (players[i].position.y - player.position.y)) - 50, 100, 100)
gamectx.fillStyle = "#0000ff"
gamectx.fillRect((window.innerWidth / 2) - 50, (window.innerHeight / 2) - 50, 100, 100);
gamectx.font = "48px sans-serif";
gamectx.strokeText("x: " + GameX + ", y: " + GameY, 10, 50);
var playersList = ""
for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
playersList += "x: " + players[i].position.x + ", y: " + players[i].position.y + ", "
gamectx.font = "30px sans-serif";
gamectx.strokeText(playersList, 10, 100);
console.log(p1, p2)
}, 30);
So I think I may need to detect collisions on every side and not allow the player to moved in that direction when they collide OR move the player away from the collision when it happens. Thanks for your help in advance. Got no answers so I reposted this hoping for some. Thanks!

fabricjs on retina: new object jumps to left top

I continue my work on collaborative sketch tool and trying to add retina devices support. Currently i have following behavior if user creating drawing on ipad air:
small movie
Here is my code:
this.getZoomLevel = function (height) {
if (height > 1024) {
return 1024 / height;
} else {
return height / 1024;
this.calculateCanvasSize = function(pHeight, pWidth) {
var result = {
height: 0,
width: 0
while (result.width < pWidth - 1 && result.height < pHeight - 1) {
result.height = result.height + 1;
result.width = result.height * 4 / 3;
return result;
this.initCanvas = function () {
try {
var parent = document.getElementsByClassName('komaso-canvas-container')[0];
var canvasSize = this.calculateCanvasSize(parent.clientHeight, parent.clientWidth);
var canvasHtml = "<div id='wrapper-" + this.Id + "' class='whiteboard-canvas-wrapper' data-ng-show='CurrentPage.Id==" + this.Id + "'><canvas width='" + canvasSize.width + "' height='" + canvasSize.height + "' id='whiteboard-" + this.Id + "' class='whiteboard'><p>Your brower does not support Canvas/p></canvas></div>";
this.Canvaso = document.getElementById(this.HtmlId);
if (!this.Canvaso) {
console.log('Error: Cannot find the imageView canvas element!');
if (!this.Canvaso.getContext) {
console.log('Error: no canvas.getContext!');
this.FabricCanvas = new fabric.Canvas(this.HtmlId, { selectionColor: 'transparent' });
fabric.Object.prototype.transparentCorners = false;
this.FabricCanvas.on('mouse:down', this.onMouseDown);
this.FabricCanvas.on('mouse:up', this.onMouseUp);
this.FabricCanvas.on('mouse:move', this.onMouseMove);
this.FabricCanvas.on('object:added', this.onObjectAdded);
this.FabricCanvas.on('text:editing:exited', self.onTextObjectEdited);
if (window.devicePixelRatio !== 1) {
var c = this.FabricCanvas.getElement();
var w = c.width, h = c.height;
c.setAttribute('width', w * window.devicePixelRatio);
c.setAttribute('height', h * window.devicePixelRatio);
c.getContext('2d').scale(window.devicePixelRatio, window.devicePixelRatio);
this.WhiteboardInitiated = true;
} catch (e) {
getZoomLevel returns value to pass into SetZoom method of fabric js canvas object. We decided to have all clients canvas aspects are 4:3 and default dimension is 1024*768. So based on this dimensions we calculation zoom factor.
calculateCanvasSize - returns width and height for canvas according to 4:3 rule.
If you have any idea about how to fix this wrong behavior then post your comment please. Thank you in advance!
I would suggest you yo update to a retina enabled version of fabricjs (grab 1.6.2).
If, for any reason you can't, i think the problem is here:
if (window.devicePixelRatio !== 1) {
var c = this.FabricCanvas.getElement();
c.getContext('2d').scale(window.devicePixelRatio, window.devicePixelRatio);
getContext return a new context. This is not the context where fabric is gonna render later. If you want to have retina enabled lowerCanvas you have to scale this.FabricCanvas.contextContainer that gets created and referenced on fabric.Canvas initialization.
I suggest you to switch to newer fabric anyway.

rotating text with fade-in

I currently have this code for displaying random customer testimonials.
I would like to replace the random function with a code that will display the quotes by their order and then repeat them.
<html style="direction:rtl;">
<DIV id=textrotator style="FONT: 16px arial ; text-align:right; WIDTH: 100%; COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)"></DIV>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0">
<script type = "text/javascript">
var hexinput = 255; // initial color value.
quotation = new Array()
quotation[0] = "text1"
quotation[1] = "text2"
quotation[2] = "text3"
function fadingtext()
if(hexinput >111)
hexinput -=11; // increase color value
document.getElementById("textrotator").style.color="rgb("+hexinput+","+hexinput+","+hexinput+")"; // Set color value.
setTimeout("fadingtext()",200); // 200ms per step
hexinput = 255; //reset hex value
function changetext()
var which = Math.round(Math.random()*(quotation.length - 1));
document.getElementById("textrotator").innerHTML = quotation[which];
window.onload = changetext();
You need to make your index global. Throw which outside of the function and then just increment it, make sure to wrap when you get to the end.
This is the replacement for the "changetext" function:
var which = 0;
function changetext()
which += 1;
if (which >= quotation.length)
which = 0;
document.getElementById("textrotator").innerHTML = quotation[which];
