Inserting Google Analytics Content Experiments using the Node.JS Client Library - node.js

I'm trying to configure a content experiment using the Node.js Client Library, and have not been able to work out the syntax. Where do I put the body (an Experiment resource) as described here?
This code, for listing existing experiments, works as expected:
var listExperiments = function(){
.discover('analytics', 'v3')
.execute(function(err, client) {
var request = client{
accountId : accountId,
webPropertyId : webPropertyId,
profileId : profileId
if (err){
} else {
However, when I try to insert a new experiment thusly, I receive a "Field resource is required" error.
var body = {
"name": "myExperimentName",
"status": "READY_TO_RUN",
"variations": [
{ "name": "text1", "url":"", "status":"ACTIVE" },
{ "name": "text2", "url":"", "status":"ACTIVE" }
var insertExperiment = function(){
.discover('analytics', 'v3')
.execute(function(err, client) {
var request = client{
accountId : accountId,
webPropertyId : webPropertyId,
profileId : profileId,
resource : body
if (err){
} else {
I've tried a few configurations. Management API writes are in limited beta, but I have beta access, so that's not the problem. I've tried inserting the new experiment information directly into the insert() object, calling the experiment info object "body : body " instead of "resource : body", JSON.stringifying the body, and a few other configurations. No luck.
Any help would be great!
I'm aware of this answer, but it uses the Javascript Client Library and makes RESTful requests, whereas I'd like to use the Node Library.
EDIT: Thanks to Burcu Dogan at Google. Here's the correct syntax:{
accountId : accountId,
webPropertyId : webPropertyId,
profileId : profileId
}, body)


What is the correct JSON format for googles classroom.create?

Im trying to create a classroom using googles classroom API. Whenever run the classroom.create function I always receive the same error message. I'm using the JSON format from their docs but I just can't get it to work. I think I must be missing something.
This is the function:
async function listCourses(auth) {
const classroom = google.classroom({ version: 'v1', auth });
//Read data from JSON
let data = fs.readFileSync("class.json");
let course = JSON.parse(data);
//Try and create course
try {
const res = await;
catch (error) {
//List all current courses{
pageSize: 10,
}, (err, res) => {
if (err) return console.error('The API returned an error: ' + err);
const courses =;
if (courses && courses.length) {
courses.forEach((course) => {
console.log(`${} (${})`);
} else {
console.log('No courses found.');
This is the JSON:
"id": "157942918368",
"name": "English - 9Y",
"section": "Period 2",
"ownerId": "me",
"courseState": "ACTIVE"
This is the error message:
code: 400,
errors: [
message: `Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "name": Cannot bind query parameter. Field 'name' could not be found in request message.\n` +
`Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "ownerId": Cannot bind query parameter. Field 'ownerId' could not be found in request message.\n` +
`Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "courseState": Cannot bind query parameter. Field 'courseState' could not be found in request message.\n` +
`Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "id": Cannot bind query parameter. Field 'id' could not be found in request message.\n` +
`Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "section": Cannot bind query parameter. Field 'section' could not be found in request message.`,
reason: 'invalid'
I believe your goal as follows.
You want to create new course using googleapis for Node.js.
Modification points:
At googleapis for Node.js, please put the request body to resource and/or requestBody.
I think that the reason of your error message is due to this.
When "id": "157942918368", is used, an error of Request contains an invalid argument. occurs.
When "courseState": "ACTIVE" is used, an error of "#CourseStateDenied This user cannot create or transition courses into the requested state." occurs.
"PROVISIONED" can be used in this case.
When above points are reflected to your script, it becomes as follows.
Modified script:
const res = await;
const res = await{ requestBody: course });
const res = await{ resource: course });
And also, please modify your request body as follows.
"id": "157942918368",
"name": "English - 9Y",
"section": "Period 2",
"ownerId": "me",
"courseState": "ACTIVE"
"name": "English - 9Y",
"section": "Period 2",
"ownerId": "me",
In this modification, it supposes that your const classroom = google.classroom({ version: 'v1', auth }); can be used for using the method of courses.create in Classroom API.
Method: courses.create
googleapis for Node.js

braintree + NodeJS gives an "authentication Error "

I'm trying to build a payment gateway library using braintree's NodeJS library, I'm making an ajax call from front end with the card data.
var card_data = {
type: "AmEx",
expire_month: "XX",
expire_year: "201X",
cvv2: "XXX",
name: "sandeep",
price : "200",
currency : "USD"
Ajax call,
method: "GET",
url: "http://localhost:3000/paymentPath_braintree",
data: card_data
}).fail(function(data, message){
var braintreePay = require('braintree');
app.get("/payment_braintree", function(request, response){
var data = request.query;
var gateway = braintreePay.connect({
environment: braintreePay.Environment.Sandbox,
merchantId: "MymerchentID",
publicKey: "MypublicKey",
privateKey: "MyprivateKey",
var saleRequest = {
amount: data.price,
creditCard: {
number: data.number,
cvv: data.cvv2,
expirationMonth: data.expire_month,
expirationYear: data.expire_year.slice(2),
options: {
submitForSettlement: true
};, function(error, result){
throw error;
} else {
I have cross checked everything, from keys and card data everything is in order but i am getting an error in callback after making; called Authentication Error . Which i tried to figure out for hours but could not get through.
error object is
authenticationError: Authentication Error
arguments: undefined
message: "Authentication Error"
name: "authenticationError"
stack: undefined
type: "authenticationError"
Where am i going wrong?
I have created an account sandbox.braintreegateway those key credentials are from the account that i have created, i din't create an app like how its done in paypal.
I am going through lack of understanding in Braintree integration.
Are their any proper documented resource.

Use the Mailchimp API

I'd like to use the Mailchimp Node.js API in my Parse Cloud Hosting app to subscribe a user to a mailing list. Parse doesn't support NPM but, given that the Mailchimp API has no dependencies, I thought I'd be able to copy the code into my project. However, the Mailchimp API uses the "https" module which Parse doesn't support.
Does anyone know of a way around this?
I've been unable to use the Mailchimp API directly but the REST API is pretty easy to use.
In main.js, create a Cloud Function. Enter your API key and update the REST URL to point at the correct Mailchimp data center (
var mailchimpApiKey = "<<REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_KEY>>";
Parse.Cloud.define("SubscribeUserToMailingList", function(request, response) {
if (!request.params ||
response.error("Must supply email address, firstname and lastname to Mailchimp signup");
var mailchimpData = {
apikey : mailchimpApiKey,
id : request.params.listid,
email : {
email :
merge_vars : request.params.mergevars
var url = "https://<<REPLACE_WITH_DATA_CENTRE>>";
method: 'POST',
url: url,
body: JSON.stringify(mailchimpData),
success: function(httpResponse) {
response.success("Successfully subscribed");
error: function(httpResponse) {
console.error('Request failed with response code ' + httpResponse.status);
response.error('Mailchimp subscribe failed with response code ' + httpResponse.status);
Then, in the code which calls this function... (replace your list ID)"SubscribeUserToMailingList", {
listid : "<<REPLACE_WITH_LIST_ID>>",
email : email,
mergevars : {
FNAME : firstName,
LNAME : lastName
console.log("Successfully subscribed");
// ...
console.log("Unable to subscribe");
// ...
Install mailchimp in your project
npm install mailchimp-api
From client controller call the server-controller with required data
Don't forget to add $http to the top of controller
method : 'POST',
url : '/mailchimp-users/subscribe',
data : {}}).
success(function(response) {
console.log("hai this is basic test" + response);
$scope.send = response.message;
}).error(function(response) {
$scope.error = response.message;
In server controller
Add this to the beginning of page
var MailchimpUser = mongoose.model('MailchimpUser'),
_ = require('lodash'),
mcapi = require('mailchimp-api');
var apiKey = '4bf6fb8820c333da4179216c3c2ef8fb-us10';
// Change this to your Key
var listID = 'ebbf193760';
var mc = new mcapi.Mailchimp(apiKey, {version: '2.0'});
Add this function
exports.subscribe = function(req, res) {
var entry = req.body.user;
var mcReq = {
apikey: '4bf6fb8820c333da4179216c3c2ef8fb-us10',
id: 'ebbf193760',
email: {email: entry + ''},
merge_vars: {
FNAME: 'subscriber-first-name',
LNAME: 'subscriber-last-name'
'double_optin': false,
'send_welcome': true
// submit subscription request to mail chimp
mc.lists.subscribe(mcReq, function(data) {
}, function(error) {
Add this route your route file
Here's how I got it to work using the MailChimp API v3.0, the method below supports adding/updating a subscriber, as well as adding/removing him to/from a Group!
You need to get an MD5 hash method to convert the user's email into a hash.
Here's the one I used:
Copy the code in the link, and paste it into a newly created file, name it "md5js.js" for example.
Update the code you copied to start with exports.MD5 = function (string) {
You can test the conversion you got from the copy/pasted module by comparing the result with this online tool:
var jsmd5 = require('cloud/md5js.js');
// here replace that with your own data center (by looking at your API key).
var datacenter = "us13";
var MAILCHIMP_URL = "https://<any_string>:<apikey>#" + datacenter + "";
Parse.Cloud.define("SubscribeUserToMailingList", function(request, response) {
if (!request.params ||
response.error("Must supply email address, firstname and lastname to Mailchimp signup");
var email =;
var firstName = request.params.firstname;
var lastName = request.params.lastname;
// this converts the email string into an MD5 hash.
// this is Required if you want to use a "PUT" which allows add/update of an entry, compared to the POST that allows only adding a new subscriber.
var emailHash = jsmd5.MD5(email);
var mailchimpData = {
'email_address': email,
'status': "subscribed",
'merge_fields': {
'FNAME': firstName,
'LNAME': lastName
'interests': {
"<groupID>": true // optional, if you want to add the user to a "Group".
var url = MAILCHIMP_URL + "lists/" + MAILCHIMP_LIST_NEWSLETTER_ID + "/members/" + emailHash;
// using a "PUT" allows you to add/update an entry.
method: 'PUT',
url: url,
body: JSON.stringify(mailchimpData),
success: function(httpResponse) {
response.success("Successfully subscribed");
error: function(httpResponse) {
console.error('Request failed with response code ' + httpResponse.status);
response.error('Mailchimp subscribe failed with response code ' + httpResponse.status);

Google Mapsengine responding insufficient permissions to service account

I am trying to create tables for a google map in the maps engine. I have added the service account to the access list in the mapsengine admin panel for the map and gave it "can edit" permissions. I also gave it edit permissions in the developer console for the project.
this is where I am sending off for the access token which is sending back a token:
var googleapis = require('googleapis');
function connect() {
var authClient = new googleapis.auth.JWT(
// User to impersonate (leave empty if no impersonation needed)
authClient.authorize(function(err, tokens) {
if (err) {
else {
}'mapsengine', 'v1').execute(function (err, client) {
if (err) {
console.log('Problem during the client discovery.', err);
client.mapsengine.tables.create(mapengine_table_body).withAuthClient(authClient).execute(function (err, response) {
if (err) {
} else {
This is where I am creating the table and sending it:
function createNewTable() {
mapengine_table_body = {
"projectId": projectID,
"name": "World Famous Mountains",
"description": "A partial list of famous mountains in the world.",
"draftAccessList": "Map Editors",
"tags": [
"high places"
"schema": {
"columns": [
"name": "geometry",
"type": "points"
"name": "mountain_name",
"type": "string"
"name": "height",
"type": "integer"
function start() {
'use strict';
var pck, program;
pck = require('../package.json');
program = require('commander');
.option('-r, --run', 'Run')
if ( {
The ProjectId I am getting from the url when viewing the project. I have looked through as much documentation as I can find, but I haven't been able to figure this one out. Thanks.
Without your error response I can't give you an exact answer, but here are a couple of pointers.
Check the contents of err in the execute block. The API will return something in err.errors that should explain what the problem is, if it's occurring on the API side.
It's not clear what the scope of the mapengine_table_body variable is, try logging it right in the connect() call right after calling createNewTable() to make sure you have the actual data.
The third argument in the googleapis.auth.JWT constructor (at least according to this) is not the key password, it's an alternative way to provide the actual key inline (as opposed to using the file location in argument #2).
Project IDs in Maps Engine may look like large numbers but treating them as large numbers in JavaScript will very likely result in rounding, meaning that you give the API a different number than is in your code. To prevent this, make sure your project ID is "quoted", so that its treated as a string.
Hopefully something here helps! If not, please share the output from suggestion #1.

how to set headers using node-soap in node.js

I am trying to consume a wsdl service and found node-soap, but I cannot find how to set some headers.
Example :
header = {
"Username": "foo",
"Password" : "bar"
The reason I need this is because the wsdl I am trying to consume requires the username and password via the headers.
Thanks in advance
It may not be useful now however inorder to answering this question which is still open, here it goes.
You can make use of the method Client.addSoapHeader. As per the documentation
Client.addSoapHeader(soapHeader[, name, namespace, xmlns]) - add
soapHeader to soap:Header node
soapHeader Object({rootName: {name: "value"}}) or strict xml-string
Optional parameters when first arg is object :
name Unknown parameter (it could just a empty string)
namespace prefix of xml namespace
xmlns URI
So you need to create an object and pass that to this method like:
var soapHeader = {
"Username": "foo",
"Password" : "bar"
According with the documentation , for aggregate HTTP Headers, you can put headers, example code:
function (err, client) {
} else{
var soapHeaders = {
client.addHttpHeader('<nameH1>', 'valueH1');
client.addHttpHeader('<nameH2>', 'valueH2');
//then, continue calling the soap operation
Reading through the README for node-soap, if what you're trying to do is not WS-Security (I have no idea because I stay far away from SOAP), then you're going to have to file an issue with the author, because I see no way to set custom headers according to the documentation.
If it is WS-Security, then follow the instructions on this part of the README.
soap = require('soap')
parseString = require('xml2js').parseString
soap.createClient('', function(err, client) {
var soapHeader = {
'AuthenticationToken': process.argv[2],
'DeveloperToken': process.argv[3],
'CustomerId': process.argv[4],
'CustomerAccountId': process.argv[5]
client.SuggestKeywordsFromExistingKeywords({Keywords: ["Hello world"]}, function(err, result) {
This won't work. The reply is invalid login credentials. The same credentials work fine with SOAPUI. So, the format of sending the login credentials mentioned in the other answers must be wrong.
This worked for me. The create client method needs the wsdl_header to retrieve the wsdl definition. Once it is created, you need to set the basic auth security.
var url = 'your WSDL url';
var auth = "Basic " + new Buffer("username" + ":" + "password").toString("base64");
soap.createClient( url,{ wsdl_headers: {Authorization: auth} }).then(
client.setSecurity(new soap.BasicAuthSecurity('rflhconfort_ws', '6syqxje9'));
I had the same issue and i resolved it in the below is what worked for me
My wsdl with which i inserted data using SOAPUI Client(To see what are the fields required)
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:yourUrn">
Below is the method i called in node
function createSoapEntry(){
let url = "your wsdl url"
var credentials = {
userName: "username",
password: "password"
let args = {
soap.createClient(url, function (err, client){
client.SoapFunctionToCall(args, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error is ----->" + err)
} else {
console.log("Response is -----> " + res)
