Disable NERDTree window when opening file in Vim - vim

Is there a way of disabling NERDTree when opening a file? When I open a file in mvim (using --remote-silent) and a NERDtree window is currently active, the file will open in that (narrow) window. How can I configure Vim to select another window if available and to open one if not?

There's no way to intercept the --remote-silent; you have to send explict commands to open the file with --remote-send instead. There, you can encode logic to deal with the NERDTree window, e.g. to move to the previous one if it is active:
$ gvim --remote-send "<C-\><C-n>:if &ft == 'nerdtree'|wincmd p|endif|edit filename<CR>"


How do I make vim open a browsed file location in the current window even if it's open elsewhere?

Suppose I browse to a directory in vim by typing :e some/dir/. Vim will take me to a list of directories and files.
If I now select some.file it will either
Open the file if it is not already open, or
Take me to the tab/window where the file is already open
How do I disable the 2nd option, so that vim will open the file in that window even if it is already open elsewhere? I can force this behaviour manually by typing :e some/dir/some.file but how do I make it happen when I select the file?
I am running vim 7.4

Vifm. Edit file in opened gvim

I use Gvim to write code. And use vifm to make file management ( copy, move files, extract tar's ). Sometimes, when navigating in vifm i need to open some file to edit him. Using :e it opened vim in same window. Is there any way to open file to edit in already opened gvim program?
You can use Vim's client-server feature to send the :edit to the existing GVIM instance. In the terminal Vim / vifm, execute:
:!gvim --remote path/to/file
See :help remote.txt for details. You can also open the file in a new tab page with --remote-tab etc.
Partial solution/workaround (I'm using a mac fwiw):
In vfimrc, define
" yank current file path into the clipboard
nnoremap Cf :!echo -n %c:p | pbcopy %i<cr>
To copy filename and dir into system clipboard
Then in vifm, cursor over file and type
:!gvim "
to paste clipboard,
and finish expression with...
and now that file should open in gvim. It worked for me

Disable or close NERDTree on opening "vim ."

I'm basically working in an environment where I sometimes use ctrlp and sometimes nerdtree. But when I start vim using vim . it always opens NERDTree. I've tried various .vimrc config commands:
let NERDTreeQuitOnOpen=1
let g:nerdtree_tabs_open_on_gui_startup=0
But they all don't work. Is there some whay I can disable the NERDTree directory listing when VIM opens? Note, I don't like just using the vim command by itself because I'm usually opening VIM when I'm in the application directory.
Netrw plugin opens when vim opens a directory. NerdTree takes over netrw and therefore opens when editing a directory.
vim . is equivalent to :e .
Just open vim without the . and you will be good

NERDTree opens by default if opening a directory

If I open a folder in vim like this:
$ mvim . # or vim .
NERDTree opens by default in full width:
How can I prevent this from happening and show default VIM welcome screen instead?
You are explicitly telling vim to start with a listing of the current directory, if you don't want that, just do $ vim.
Run vim to get the Welcome Screen.
If you open vim . you'll get a directory listing of the current working directory (Netrw or NERDTree Directory Listing).
NERDTree overrides the default file browser (netrw).
To disable directory listing by NERDTree at startup, add let g:NERDTreeHijackNetrw=0 to your ".vimrc".
This Option tells NERD tree whether to replace the netrw autocommands for exploring local directories.
Run vim --noplugin . and you see an empty buffer.

vim and NERD Tree extension - adding a file

When using the vim editor with the NERDTree plugin to navigate through the tree of your project, is there an easy way to create a new source code file under the currently highlighted directory?
Currently I go into my shell, add the file and then refresh the tree. There must be a better way.
Activate the NERDTree and navigate to the directory in which the new file should live. Then press m to bring up the NERDTree Filesystem Menu and choose a for "add child node". Then simply enter the file's (or directory's name) and you're done.
From vim you can run shell commands. So in this case I use:
:!touch somefile.txt
and then hit r to reload the nerdtree window.
The other thing to do is to just start the new file from within vim.
:e somefile.txt
One handy thing for this is that in my .vimrc I auto change the cwd to the directory my current file is in:
" Auto change the directory to the current file I'm working on
autocmd BufEnter * lcd %:p:h
This way if I'm editing a file and want another one in the same place the path is changed right there. Opening any file from NERDTree sets the directory to the one that file is in.
