Get a List from Office365 using REST API - sharepoint

I want to get a SP2013 list and I can't use CSOM. I've registered my app (a cmd test app, not a SP hosted one) on Sharepoint and have a clientId and clientSecret.
But when I submit the Authorize Url that I built:<myclientId>&
I get a http403 on fiddler.
when I request it from a browser I get redirected to:
which is my redirect_uri but with the error "invalid scope". I've tried to use the scope uri (instead of the alias) and got the same response.
Note that I'm also authenticaded when I make the request from the browser. Otherwise I get redirected to the login page.
How can I get an access token to make REST requests to Sharepoint?
Here is a longer description of what I'm trying to do:
I’ve got a sharepoint list at (the location is actually:
And I want to query it from an android app. So far I have and android app built using xamarin to create tasks.
I can’t use the client side object model. So the only option is using the Rest Api.
I have tried to create a simple .net cmd line app to query the rest api but I can’t find a way to authenticate. I think I need to use OAuth but even after getting the clientId and clientsecret I can’t manage to make requests. I can’t get an access token.
Most code samples that I found are for sharepoint applications to be deployed in the cloud and they seem to ignore the authentication bit (or just using default credentials).
I managed to authenticate and query the list using the CSOM in a .net cmd app. But I can’t find a way to do it using the rest api.
I know we can use the legacy web services (from SP2010) but that won’t work as a long term solution.
So the bottom line is querying a list in Office 365 from a console app using the REST api.


I'm getting a redirect_uri_mismatch when deploying my Node.js app to Heroku using Google OAuth2

I'm tasked with making a server using Node.js which will read emails from a Google account and parse the content from those emails into data we can store in a database. I'm using Google's googleapis package (v103.0.0) in NPM to authenticate/authorize with whichever account we'd like to use.
The issue comes when we try to switch accounts and have the user re-auth. During development on a local machine, the Auth process works as expected:
The client requests an Auth URL.
The server generates a new Auth URL and sends it back to the client.
The client redirects to that URL and the Google Consent Screen is shown.
The client is asked to choose between logged-in Google accounts.
The client authorizes the application and is redirected back to the server with a code.
The server uses the code to generate/save a token, which allows it to use the Gmail API.
However, after deploying to Heroku, the Google Consent Screen no longer allows the user to select an account. Instead, at step 3, it shows this message. In just about every other question related to this error, there's always additional information below the error code/message, but nothing's there for me. I made sure: (1) the domain I'm using in Heroku is verified on the Google Cloud Console, and (2) the redirect_uri within the Node.js application is passing the correct domain to the Auth URL, even while in production.
I can't provide the URL for privacy reasons, but let me know if there's any source code or Cloud Console info I should include.
It didn't take long after posting this question, but I realized I was using an incorrect OAuth 2.0 Client ID type. I was attempting to use "Desktop" when I should've been using "Web application" instead. Take a look at this image to see the difference.
When you select "Web application", you're given some new options: Authorized JavaScript origins, and Authorized redirect URIs. This is where you need to fill out the allowed URIs. Here's a sample of what that should look like.

Dont get any scopes when calling my Azure AD OAuth web api

I have a web api, using azure ad oauth authentication. I want my associates´ web sites to be able to use this api to display content on their public website. To clearify: No user should be needing consenting/grant anything and they are anonymous.
I have used this guide to set up my web api and this code ("Web Application to Web API"->WebApp-WebAPI-OAuth2-AppIdentity-DotNet-code) for my demo client.
The default scope/permission was assigned to client app in azure portal, like so
The actual problem I trying to solve is my different associates webpages should have different permissions. I was hoping to create different scopes and assign different associates client apps with different scopes and I could check if they for example has update_customer_x-scope.
All this "seems" to work ok. I get my authentication token and I am able to get content from the web api. BUT I dont get any scopes at all. Reading the first guide(web api) I see that you should be able to get the default scope by using the code:
if (ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("").Value == "user_impersonation")
{/*you have the default scope*/}
But I dont find anything here, and no scopes at all. Any clues?
This is the content of the JWT-token, as requested
The TodoListController.cs from WebApp-WebAPI-OAuth2-AppIdentity-DotNet just use the client credentials flow as astaykov commented for retrieving the access token without user interaction, at this time, if you decode your code via, you would not find the scp property.
For your requirement, you need to follow WebApp-WebAPI-OpenIDConnect-DotNet for calling a web API with the signed-in user's permissions.

How can i safely pass access token generated from Google OAuth to a NodeJS REST API?

I am creating two application :
1. Chrome extension for gmail.
2. It's IOS version
Now, since both the applications have same behavior and uses same google apis extensively, i decided to create a single project in google cloud platform for both. Now, when creating credentials, what will be my application type? I see both 'IOS' and 'Chrome App' under application type. Should i generate two Client IDs for chrome app and ios app?
To use single Client ID, i also tried creating a Node REST API (created a new project and set application type to 'web application' in google cloud platform) that will be used by both of my application to make request to google apis? But the authorization process includes, setting a callback url to get the authorization code and later use this code to get the access token. I guess this is not feasible for a REST API. Where should i keep the authorization part? In the application itself and later send the access token to my rest api? Is it possible?
I am very much confused about how should i start. Please could anyone suggest a better way to do this?
I generated two client ids, one for ios and for the web. Isolating both applications is a good way to start. Both the apps generate their own token id, pass the id to Node Rest API and later the use that token to make a request to Google APIs.

Oauth2 for SharePoint 365 REST

I'm trying to connect to Sharepoint Online (Sharepoint 365?) content using OAuth2 and the REST API. I need to do this from Python as it is an addition to an existing application. I have already managed to connect the application to Google Drive using OAuth2 and REST, so I think I understand the fundamentals of using OAuth2.
I've tried a number of combinations of places to configure the client_id and client_secret and authenticate and receive access and refresh tokens.
So far I have been able to receive a refresh token and use it to obtain an access token; however, I'm unable to use the access token to access content on the Sharepoint 365 site.
For configuring the client_id and client_secret I associated my Sharepoint site with AAD using the Azure Management Portal. Then I added an application to the Sharepoint AD entry with the client_id and client_secret. In Sharepoint I used appregnew.aspx to register the client_id and verified the application appears in appprincipals.aspx.
I call the authentication service using:
and am able to authenticate, receive a code, call back to
.../ with the code and receive access and refresh tokens.
I serialized those tokens and from a separate process call
.../ with the refresh_token, client_id, client_secret, and grant_type=refresh_token and receive a new access token.
Finally I call in to Sharepoint service endpoint'
with the new access token and it fails telling me the resource Microsoft.Sharepoint is invalid (Invalid audience Uri 'Microsoft.SharePoint')
I've been spinning my wheels trying various permutations of where the client_id is configured and this is as far as I've gotten. Since all the documentation and examples seem to depend on using C# libraries such as TokenHelper I feel like I'm missing something key but simple and can't find the required information.
Has anyone connected to Sharepoint Online using Python, Ruby, Java, etc? If so:
Where should the client_id be configured?
What are the endpoints for obtaining the refresh and access tokens?
What is the appropriate audience uri or resource for which to request tokens?
Many thanks!
I've successfully connected to SharePoint Online using PHP. It looks to me like you're combining two different methods to do so.
Here is what I did:
Register my app in Azure AD on the Management Portal to get client_id, client_secret, redirectUri and the right permissions on Office 365 for sites.
Call the authorization endpoint at
Call the token service endpoint at
Call the SharePoint REST endpoint with the access token.
The resource should be simply the URL of your SharePoint site.
The appregnew.aspx and appprincipals.aspx pages are used for apps for SharePoint but it doesn't look like you're building one.
I think you are trying to do OAuth from Sharepoint Online without creating an Add-In inside Sharepoint. This was the exact problem I was facing. I know this is an old question but my answer might be helpful to someone else coming here.
It is possible to do OAuth from any web-app. Here are the step by step instructions in my blog -
High Level overview -
1) Get client id and secret by registering yourself here -
2) Get Access Token, Refresh Token by following steps here -
Im probably a bit late to the party, but to whoever stumbles into this one, you can have a look at how the SharePoint Oauth App Client lib does it.
You'll probably want to check the SPSite and SPAccessToken classes.
I know this is old by had to deal with similar problem and have 2.5 solutions.
This solution is specifically for the federated logins.
Simple hacky solutions works like a magic for files :)
On Windows 10 - the silliest solution:
First login to your sharepoint with Internet Exploer/Edge. Must be IE/Edge.
Then in Start-> Run dialog or any Windows Explorer address bar do this: \\<>#SSL\rest\of_the\path. Note #SSL after host name.
Make sure to replace all the forward slashes with backslashes.
This makes sure that your login credentials are captured by the system.
Then navigate to "This PC", menu "Computer->Map Network Drive" and paste either that same path from above or your normal URL https://<>/rest/of_the/path into Folder text field of Map Network Drive.
Now you have Sharepoint folder mapped as regular network drive X:\! Which allows you to treat is just as normal file system folder from any program or programming language.
This solution uses WebDav WebClient and by default you will hit a 50MB limit! Worry not follow these steps to release yourself from the shackles of the silly limit.
Simple Hacky.
Open your browsers and open the 'Developer Tools'.
Navigate to 'Network' tab of 'Developer Tools'
With Network tab open login to your sharepoint site.
Click on any of the requests and you shall see that every single Request Header has a Cookie with FedAuth=some_very_long_base64_encoded_xml_struct;rtFa=something_else_long.
Basically you need these two cookies FedAuth and rtFa.
Now with every GET POST (curl, wget etc) request to the Sharepoint just add a new header Cookie with the value FedAuth=<fedauth-cookie-value>;rtFa=<rtFa-cookie-value>.
Programmatic-hacky (example in python on windows), essentially #2 but cookie manipulation all done programmatically.
We shall steal the cookie directly from the kid... I mean from the Chrome browser.
Navigate to your Sharepoint With the chrome browser and perform all the necessary login actions.
Steal the cookie gist. Plagiarized from here.
Use the cookie gist.
REST of Sharepoint REST API wisdom here and ref here.
Finally open a beer enjoy your day.

WebApi secured by Azure Active Directory called from JavaScript

I have the following scenario:
1.- A web api project in Azure, that I want to secure using Azure AD (I don't mind Token, cookie, whatever, as far as it meets the entire scenario)
2.- An Azure web site in MVC, also secured by Azure AD. This website has to call the web api controller with SSO (I'm using same Azure AD in the entire scenario)
3.- Some JavaScript code running in a page in SharePoint Online, also calling the web api controller in any secure way (The Office 365 tenant is also using same Azure AD). If you don't know about SharePoint, let's say I have an SPA project where I can only use Javascript and html (no server side code).
Following some of the MS Azure AD samples and some blogs from Vittorio Bertocci I'm able to get the points 1 and 2 working fine, using OWIN and Oppen ID connect. However, seems impossible to achieve point 3. As I'm inside a page in SharePoint Online, I can only use javascript, and not any server side code. I'd like to get a valid token for the current user, that is already logged in SP, and remember that SP uses same Azure AD that web api site.
Can I call the Azure AD and get a valid token, just from client code?
I'm open to any possible solution. I can do whatever in the web api project. If you are thinking in a SharePoint app with an appPart, and the appPart calls the web api from server side code, I agree that will work, but it's an option that is not allowed at the moment :(
Many thanks.
I have similar needs. While waiting for a Microsoft sponsored solution we’re working on the following approach.
3) in Your solution (i.e. HTML page with JavaScript, hosted in SharePoint Online and running in Browser) will call Services in 1) (i.e. Web Api Service layer in Azure).
In Our case we only want to validate that the calls made from SharePoint Online (via users browser, i.e. JavaScript) originate from a correct Office 365 / SharePoint Online user in our tenant.
We are opting out of using the App Model as we only want some simple HTML / JavaScript pages in our Intranet and don’t want App Webs. The Web Api server side code is kind of our “Web Part” code behind.
Change to the solution after trying it out and having workable code:
The auth cookies are ReadOnly and cannot be used. Instead we have registered one metod in our service layer as App in SharePoint Online (via appregnew.aspx). That methods url (e.g. is registered as App start page in the app manifest and is deployed to a site Collection.
Now we can call our App via{GUID} i a jQuery ajax call and parse the result. AppRedirect sends the correct SPAuthToken which we use in our service endpoint (i.e. App start page) to call back to SharePoint and check context.Web.CurrentUser. User email is then stored in Table Storage with a generated Token which we send back to the caller (i.e. the jQuery ajax call to app redirect).
That token is then used in all other service layer calls in order to be sure of who is calling our service layer and in some cases perform authorization in our service layer.
Note, You can use the same approach in order to store Refresh and AccessToken in your client and provide that in all calls to your service from your client and use those tokens in order to do App Calls back to SharePoint. This enables HTML UI in SharePoint host webs and server code using user context in Azure service layer.
To follow up, ADAL.js has recently been released, and the ability to use CORS with O365 APIs was recently added, enabling a scenario for script clients to communicate with services protected by Azure AD, such as your Web API.
UPDATE 2018:
This is now supported by SharePoint Online and the SPFx development model, and officially documented, for instance here
Consume enterprise APIs secured with Azure AD in SharePoint Framework
Being said that the work done meanwhile by Vittorio, Kirk, and their teams, but extending that also to Andrew that has delivered great samples, is awesome; that doesn't really fully reply the original question because one of the requirements is to don't run the component as Add-in Part.
If you try to use ADAL JS (which starts its own OAuth flow) hosting that directly in a SP page, that's not going to work, or anyway you can expect a weird behavior for the user (cause of client redirects happening on the browser).
The solution proposed by Peter Karpinski is interesting, and will work matching the requirements in the original question, but requires quite some complexity and additional management/resources.
This recent article provides an alternative solution similar to Peter's one, but requiring less 'extras' and somewhat simpler, also reusing user's SP identity.
Consuming Azure Hosted Web API from SharePoint Online using JavaScript and Office 365 identities
and doesn't either require the use of ADAL on the client side and the implementation of custom security provider / token issuer on the server side.
The identity (cookie) will be passed via properly handling CORS (documentation) on both sides.
However, as you can read in my comments to that blog, this won't work normally with IE due to its security zone implementation. You'll have to be sure you have control on IE security zones on the clients, or have an alternative solution specific for IE.
As of today AAD does not support the OAuth2 implicit flow (or OpenId Connect variants) hence you can't obtain a token from AAD using a user-agent (browser), regardless of whether you hit the wire handcrafting the protocol or using a library.
However keep an eye on future announcements, as this is an important scenario for us!
update we now support the implicit flow on our server, and we released a library for helping you consume the new feature:
Thank youi for r your patience!
The fact that you say you can use only HTML/JS let me guess you're having a SharePoint-hosted App.
Azure AD Authentication Library (ADAL) doesn't provide yet in this moment support for HTML5.
I've been looking since a while (almost one year) on how to implement something as you say; but I couldn't find any working solution, which doesn't make use also of some 'code-behind'.
I'd suggest you then to move to a Provider-hosted App, where you'll be able to have some C# code, and make use of ADAL to retrieve and reuse the OAuth token.
Also, I think is worth to look at this documentation page:
Choose patterns for developing and hosting your app for SharePoint
at section Match your hosting pattern with your development goals
thanks for your help.
Well, it's not a SP-Hosted App, but it's same scenario. It's just a SP page in SP Online, so I can only use JS code like in a SP-hosted app.
As I said in my question, I agree the Provider hosted app is likely the right (or at least, the unique) solution, but that means to build and app, deploy it, and add teh appPart manually to the page (is not easy to package in a WSP). So, this solution is quite hard, when you only want to make some AJAX calls and show some data.
However, after all that I've seen, I think we can't do anything else. I'm gonna wait some more days to see if someone know any weird workarround that could work, and if not, I'll mark your answer as valid.
Thanks again!
