How to edit header.tpl in CMS Made Simple - cmsmadesimple

I am new in CMS Made Simple and I need to edit header.tpl file. I found the file location here tmp/templates/header.tpl but when I do any change in this file, it does not affect anything at frontend.
I need the help to edit header.tpl file.

To edit your website header: Login to admin area. Go to Layout -> Templates. Click the template in use (often the one ticked Default). Edit the template as required. Click Submit. You should never edit files in the tmp area.


Acumatica I cannot change aspx screen with ASPX Editor

I need to insert: OnDataBound="grid_RowDataBound" to a PXGrid.
My issue is, that I cannot make the insert with Acumatica ASPX Editor. As soon as I GENERATE CUSTOMIZATION SCRIPT, the code inserted disappears.
Now, if I edit that aspx screen with VS, I'm able to insert and save my change, but this change is not reflected in the Acumatica screen.
Do I have to compile the changes in VS?
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Some aspx page cannot be edited. I too got this same situation in moving tab item to other place in the grid. but it did not allow me to do. So I used java script code to move the tabs.
I dont know whether this works or not.
Try to edit the aspx page in the file editor by adding the page that you want to customize and publish it.
File Editor is the nothing but "file" which you can see left pane of the project Editor

Removing Text from SharePoint

Have some real trouble removing some text from the home page of my SharePoint site. I've been told it's a breadcrumb that needs removed and I've tried a few methods they haven't worked and I don't think it is a breadcrumb.
However whenever I open up page editor I can't seem to interact with it, needless to say this isn't my day job!
Text in question.
And this is what it looks like when I hit edit page.
You can override CSS file by adding .ms-core-pageTitle{Display:none !Important;}

How can I stop Generate Customization Script from deleting/ignoring my added ASPX code?

It seems that sometimes, not always, when I add code to an ASPX page via Customization Project -> Screens -> -> Actions -> Edit ASPX and click Generate Customization Scripts, it deletes what I added. What I'm adding doesn't contain any errors as I write it in VS and then copy and paste it into the editor. This sometimes work and sometimes does not. When it does not work, I cannot make changes no matter what I do.
Is there a way to prevent Generate Customization Scripts from deleting the code I add?
Is there a way to edit and see changes to ASPX files after publishing via Visual Studio instead of using the browser editor?
Are you testing your changes directly in the aspx page that you are customization to an existing screen?
I assume this is the case and I have found when I go and look at the generate script changes to the page it already includes my changes because I added them to the page and this process simply loads the same contents. Because its already there my guess is this is why the "changes" are ignored.
Here is what I do and maybe it will help you:
Save the standard aspx screen (before changes) somewhere to revert back later.
Make/test your changes to the aspx page
Save the modified aspx screen changes somewhere
Restore the original aspx screen (saved from step 1)
Go to your customization and paste in your changes to the screen > edit aspx
Click Generate Customization Script
Now your changes should be in place and saved.
This doesn't apply if you are writing your own aspx as this is included as a file in your customization project. This is in reference to modifying an existing aspx file from Acumatica or another customization.
The Generate Customization Scripts button does a very strict validation which will sometime remove valid markup. There isn't much you can do about this.
If you are modifying custom screens, you can modify the .aspx file directly from the {WebsitePath}\CstPublished and {WebsitePath}\Pages folders.
Modifications done to files in CstPublished will be reflected instantly after refreshing the web page.
Modifications done to files from the Pages folder will updated the customization project, as you should get a conflict pop-up in the Project Editor screen.
My preferred workflow is to modify CstPublished files, test in the screen and if it works, I copy paste my change to the Pages folder.

how to insert an image on the home page which can be edited later?

I am working with OpenCart
I want to add an image on the homepage which can be later edited.
So Could anyone give me some step by step guide to create such thing ?
You can use below solution for adding image -
Go to Extensions > Modules > HTML Content (If not installed then install it.Click Edit button at the right).
Enter Module Name (put any name to recognize it).
Click Code View button </> in Content area visual editor to switch editor to HTML mode.You can add images here.
Make Status as Enabled. Save it.
Now Go to System> Design > Layouts and edit Home layout and add above created module to it.

PhPBB3 editing footer

I have read a few guides and they say to edit overall_footer.tpl? Which I'm guessing is the same as overall_footer.html and when I edit that I don't see any changes on my webpage?
If you make any changes to the templates it might be necessary to empty out your cache and refresh things. What are you trying to change in your footer?
