Pipelined design issues with Verilog - verilog

I just started learning Verilog because I bought an FPGA. Since I don't have my FPGA yet, I started off with a somewhat big project, just to see where I get. I may have bitten off more than I can chew on this one, but I am trying to make a simple pipelined CORDIC module. The problem I am having in simulation here is that values will propagate from the testbench's input to uut, the unit under test, an instance of cordic rotator, those signals propagate to the first stage in the pipeline, xpipe[0], ypipe[0], zpipe[0], then to a cordic_stage instance, but the outputs of this cordic_stage instance do not seem to be changing any values in the xpipe[1], ypipe[1], or zpipe[1] registers, they remain at zzzz. Now I'm sure there's a million and one things wrong with my modules here, but I want to figure them out on my own. What I do want to know is why the values aren't making it out of the cordic_stage into the next element in the pipelines' arrays, and how I can fix it. Here is my code below:
module cordic_stage #(
parameter ANGLE_WIDTH = 16,
parameter VALUE_WIDTH = 8,
parameter STAGE_I = 0
input clk,
input [VALUE_WIDTH-1:0] xin,
input [VALUE_WIDTH-1:0] yin,
input [ANGLE_WIDTH-1:0] zin,
output reg [VALUE_WIDTH-1:0] xout,
output reg [VALUE_WIDTH-1:0] yout,
output reg [ANGLE_WIDTH-1:0] zout
parameter DELTA = 1 << (ANGLE_WIDTH - 2);
always #(posedge clk) begin
if (zin[ANGLE_WIDTH-1]) begin
xout <= xin + (yin >> STAGE_I); // These assignments to outputs are WORKING
yout <= yout - (xin >> STAGE_I);
zout <= zin + (DELTA >> STAGE_I);
end else begin
xout <= xin - (yin >> STAGE_I);
yout <= yout + (xin >> STAGE_I);
zout <= zin - (DELTA >> STAGE_I);
module cordic_rotator #(
parameter ANGLE_WIDTH = 16,
parameter VALUE_WIDTH = 8
input clk,
input [ANGLE_WIDTH-1:0] angle,
input [VALUE_WIDTH-1:0] xin,
input [VALUE_WIDTH-1:0] yin,
output [VALUE_WIDTH-1:0] xout,
output [VALUE_WIDTH-1:0] yout
reg [VALUE_WIDTH-1:0] xpipe [ANGLE_WIDTH:0]; // The second element in these pipelines arrays at index 1 never gets changed, so that it NOT WORKING
reg [VALUE_WIDTH-1:0] ypipe [ANGLE_WIDTH:0];
reg [ANGLE_WIDTH-2:0] zpipe [ANGLE_WIDTH:0];
always #(*) begin
xpipe[0] <= angle[ANGLE_WIDTH-1] ? -xin : xin; // These assignments to the first element in the pipeline are WORKING
ypipe[0] <= angle[ANGLE_WIDTH-1] ? -yin : yin;
zpipe[0] <= angle[ANGLE_WIDTH-2:0];
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < ANGLE_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin: stages
cordic_stage #(ANGLE_WIDTH-1, VALUE_WIDTH, i) stage(clk, xpipe[i], ypipe[i], zpipe[i], xpipe[i+1], ypipe[i+1], zpipe[i+1]); // Values are being passed from the first stage in the pipeline at index zero to the first cordic_stage module, so that is WORKING
module cordic_rotator_testbench;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg [3:0] angle;
reg [3:0] xin;
reg [3:0] yin;
// Outputs
wire [3:0] xout;
wire [3:0] yout;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
cordic_rotator #(4,4) uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
clk = 0;
angle = 0;
xin = 0;
yin = 0;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Add stimulus here
assign angle = 2; // These lines are also WORKING
assign xin = 8;
assign yin = 0;
always #5 clk = !clk;

You are driving a register xpipe, directly from an output wire of a module, I would have thought that would be a syntax error, as register types are only supposed to be driven in procedural blocks.
You might try changing the xyzpipe types from reg to wire, since wire types are what are supposed to be driven by module outputs.
Addendum by OP:
Code in cordic_rotator is changed for wire types, this fixes the problem.
wire [VALUE_WIDTH-1:0] xpipe [ANGLE_WIDTH:0];
wire [VALUE_WIDTH-1:0] ypipe [ANGLE_WIDTH:0];
wire [ANGLE_WIDTH-2:0] zpipe [ANGLE_WIDTH:0];
assign xpipe[0] = angle[ANGLE_WIDTH-1] ? -xin : xin;
assign ypipe[0] = angle[ANGLE_WIDTH-1] ? -yin : yin;
assign zpipe[0] = angle[ANGLE_WIDTH-2:0];


Systemverilog recursion update value for next stage

I am trying to create a recursive logic in Systemverilog but I seem to be missing the right logic to carry the output of one iteration to the next.
Here is an example of the problem:
parameter WIDTH=4;
module test_ckt #(parameter WIDTH = 4)(CK, K, Z);
input CK;
input [WIDTH-1:0] K;
output reg Z;
wire [WIDTH/2-1:0] tt;
wire [WIDTH-1:0] tempin;
assign tempin = K;
genvar i,j;
for (j=$clog2(WIDTH); j>0; j=j-1)
begin: outer
wire [(2**(j-1))-1:0] tt;
for (i=(2**j)-1; i>0; i=i-2)
glitchy_ckt #(.WIDTH(1)) gckt (tempin[i:i], tempin[(i-1):i-1], tt[((i+1)/2)-1]);
// How do I save the value for the next iteration?
wire [(2**(j-1))-1:0] tempin;
assign outer[j].tempin = outer[j].tt;
always #(posedge CK)
// How do I use the final output here?
Z <= tt[0];
module glitchy_ckt #(parameter WIDTH = 1)(A1, B1, Z1);
input [WIDTH-1:0] A1,B1;
output Z1;
assign Z1 = ~A1[0] ^ B1[0];
Expected topology:
S1 S2
K2---------|== |
<--gckt---> |XOR]
K1--<inv>--|== |
K0---------|== <-----gckt---->
Example input and expected outputs:
Expected output:
A - 1010
S1 0 0 <- j=2 and i=3,1.
S2 1 <- j=1 and i=1.
Actual output:
A - 1010
S1 0 0 <- j=2 and i=3,1.
S2 0 <- j=1 and i=1. Here, because tempin is not updated, inputs are same as (j=2 & i=1).
`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
`include "test_ckt.v"
module mytb;
reg CK;
reg [WIDTH-1:0] A;
wire Z;
test_ckt #(.WIDTH(WIDTH)) dut(.CK(CK), .K(A), .Z(Z));
always #200 CK = ~CK;
integer i;
initial begin
$display($time, "Starting simulation");
#0 CK = 0;
A = 4'b1010;
#500 $finish;
initial begin
//dump waveform
How do I make sure that tempin and tt get updated as I go from one stage to the next.
Your code does not have any recursion in it. You were trying to solve it using loops, but generate blocks are very limited constructs and, for example, you cannot access parameters defined in other generate iterations (but you can access variables or module instances).
So, the idea is to use a real recursive instantiation of the module. In the following implementation the module rec is the one which is instantiated recursively. It actually builds the hierarchy from your example (I hope correctly).
Since you tagged it as system verilog, I used the system verilog syntax.
module rec#(WIDTH=1) (input logic [WIDTH-1:0]source, output logic result);
if (WIDTH <= 2) begin
result = source; // << generating the result and exiting recursion.
else begin:blk
localparam REC_WDT = WIDTH / 2;
logic [REC_WDT-1:0] newSource;
always_comb // << calculation of your expression
for (int i = 0; i < REC_WDT; i++)
newSource[i] = source[i*2] ^ ~source[(i*2)+1];
rec #(REC_WDT) rec(newSource, result); // << recursive instantiation with WIDTH/2
end // else: !if(WIDTH <= 2)
initial $display("%m: W=%0d", WIDTH); // just my testing leftover
The module is instantiated first time from the test_ckt:
module test_ckt #(parameter WIDTH = 4)(input logic CK, input logic [WIDTH-1:0] K, output logic Z);
logic result;
rec#(WIDTH) rec(K, result); // instantiate first time )(top)
always_ff #(posedge CK)
Z <= result; // assign the results
endmodule // test_ckt
And your testbench, a bit changed:
module mytb;
reg CK;
reg [WIDTH-1:0] A;
wire Z;
test_ckt #(.WIDTH(WIDTH)) dut(.CK(CK), .K(A), .Z(Z));
always #200 CK = ~CK;
integer i;
initial begin
$display($time, "Starting simulation");
CK = 0;
A = 4'b1010;
A = 4'b1000;
#500 $finish;
initial begin
$monitor("Z=%b", Z);
endmodule // mytb
Use of $display/$monitor is more convenient than dumping traces for such small examples.
I did not do much testing of what I created, so there could be issues, but you can get basic ideas from it in any case. I assume it should work with any WIDTH which is power of 2.

How to generate random patterns using LFSR and i am using different partial seed value

As I said, seedValue wire is holding a 10 bit partial seed which I want to assign to a register when the rst signal is 1 it enters the block and the last statement of this block assigns the seedValue wire to the register temp so that when the if condition if((temp!=10'b0000000000) || (temp!=10'bxxxxxxxxxx)) is executed it enters the block and then the seedValue is concatenated with 12'b000000000000 and then I get my 32-bit seed value through which I am expecting to have random patterns from the LFSR after that the register temp is assigned zero values so that the else block must execute from which I am expection to get random patterns, but the following code is not working. I am new to Verilog and FPGA world, somebody please help me. The following code is written in Verilog.
module TestPatternGenerator(input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire enable,
input wire sel, input wire[9:0] seedValue, output reg[127:0] valueO);
integer i;
reg [31:0] patternGenerate[0:3],tempOne;
reg [9:0] temp;
always #(posedge clk)begin
if((sel == 1)&&(enable==1))begin
valueO = 128'b0;
tempOne <= 32'b11111111111111111111111111111111;
temp <= seedValue;
else if((temp!=10'b0000000000) || (temp!=10'bxxxxxxxxxx))begin
tempOne <= {12'b000000000000,seedValue};
temp <= 10'b0000000000;
else begin
tempOne = {(tempOne[31] ^ tempOne[25] ^ tempOne[22] ^ tempOne[21] ^ tempOne[15] ^ tempOne[11] ^ tempOne[10] ^ tempOne[9] ^ tempOne[7] ^ tempOne[6] ^ tempOne[4] ^ tempOne[3] ^ tempOne[1] ^ tempOne[0]), tempOne[31:1]};
patternGenerate[i] = tempOne;
valueO = {patternGenerate[3],patternGenerate[2],patternGenerate[1],patternGenerate[0]};
code for testbench is given below
`timescale 10ns/1ns
module test_controller();
integer j;
reg [127:0] key_byte,valueI,oraI;
wire [127:0] state_byte;
wire [9:0] seedValue;
wire [47:0] result;
reg [7:0] iterate;
reg clk,rst,bistForDeternimistic,deterministicEnable,ecryptionEnable,enable,decryptionEnable,decryptionSecondEnable,bistMode,bistForEncryption,bistForDecryption,oraEnable;
wire [127:0] state_out_dec,state_out_enc,state_second_dec;
wire [31:0] state_out_ora;
reg [31:0] signatureToMatch;
wire load,ready;
TestPatternGenerator tpg (clk,rst,enable,bistMode,seedValue,state_byte);
always #3 clk = ~clk;
initial begin
bistMode <= 1;
key_byte <= 128'h5468617473206D79204B756E67204675;
bistForDecryption <= 0;
#5 rst<=0;
always#(negedge clk)begin : deterministic_block
disable deterministic_block;
if((bistMode==1) && (bistForDeternimistic==1))begin
$display("%h %d",state_byte,$time);
output i am getting only the first test pattern but it should generate 100 test patterns. So except the first test pattern, i am not getting the rest 99 patterns.
When I run your code, I don't see any patterns (the $display statements are not executed). This is because the enable signal is unknown when rst is 1.
If I delay the rst rising edge to occur after enable is set to 1, I see 100 patterns:
initial begin
bistMode <= 1;
key_byte <= 128'h5468617473206D79204B756E67204675;
bistForDecryption <= 0;
#5 rst<=0;
This is a partial output:
00000000000000000000000000000000 3
afffffff5fffffffbfffffff7fffffff 9
2affffff55ffffffabffffff57ffffff 15
72afffffe55fffffcabfffff957fffff 21
272affff4e55ffff9cabffff3957ffff 27
4272afff84e55fff09cabfff13957fff 33
You mention the seedValue signal in your question, but it is undriven (the value z). You declared the signal as a wire, and wires default to z when they are not assigned.
To drive it with a know value for the full duration of the simulation, you could use, for example:
wire [9:0] seedValue = 1;
If you want to drive it like your other inputs, you should declare is as a reg.

always module in Verilog RTL file not working, but working once included in testbench

This might seem like a very naive question, but I have just started working with Verilog (I use Xilinx ISE, if that helps).
I am trying to implement a shift register that shifts input PI by the value specified in the shft port. When I include the shifting logic in the RTL file, the shifting does not work, but when I move the always block corresponding to shifting to the testbench, it works. Please help me with this!
module shift (PI, shft, clk, PO);
input [7:0] PI;
input clk;
input [7:0] shft;
output reg [13:0] PO;
reg [7:0] shft_reg;
always #(posedge clk) begin
if (shft_reg[0]||shft_reg[1]||shft_reg[2]||shft_reg[3]||shft_reg[4]||shft_reg[5]||shft_reg[6]||shft_reg[7]) begin
PO <= {PO, 0};
shft_reg <= shft_reg-1;
module shift (
input wire clk;
input wire load; // load shift register from input
input wire [7:0] PI;
input wire [7:0] shft; // this might need less bits
output wire [13:0] PO;
reg [7:0] shft_reg;
reg [13:0] value;
assign PO = value; // PO follows value
always #(posedge clk) begin
if (load) begin // initialize shift register and counter
shft_reg <= shft;
value <= {6'b0,PI};
else if (shft_reg) begin // if counter not reached end...
shft_reg <= shft_reg - 1; // decrement, and
value <= {value[13:1],1'b0}; // shift left value 1 bit
Recall that Verilog supports the >> and << operators. For non-constants many-bit operands, this may be a waste of multiplexers, though:
module shiftcomb (
input wire [7:0] PI; // this value is left shifted
input wire [2:0] shft; // 0 to 7 bits positions
output wire [14:0] PO; // and is outputted to PO
assign PO = PI<<shft; // this will generate 15 mutlplexers:
// each one with 8 inputs, 3 bit select,
// and 1 output.
Note that || is a logical or and idealy should be used with logical statments such as (shft_reg[0] == 1'b1 ) || ( shft_reg[1] == 1'b1).
Your if statment is really bitwise ORing all of the bits ie
shft_reg[0] | shft_reg[1] | shft_reg[2] | ...
You can use the OR Reduction operator :
Your supplied code had typo'd PI for PO.
always #(posedge clk) begin
if (|shft_reg) begin
PO <= {PI, 0}; //PI input
shft_reg <= shft_reg-1;

Verilog: Reading 1 bit input and Writing it to 288 bit reg

In verilog, I have a module name(input data,..., output...);
Data is only a single bit input and I need it to be displayed to reg [288:0] data_tmp; to compare the bits. How do I transfer data(input) to the reg?
I tried to handle it like an array in C using a for loop like so:
for(i=0; i<288; i=i+1) begin
But it doesn't appear to take any of the values from data or it is overwriting them.
Actual Code:
module inspector (
input rst_n, data, clk,
output total_cnt, skype_cnt, ftp_cnt, https_cnt, telnet_cnt, ssh_cnt, snmp_cnt, smtp_cnt,
nntp_cnt, telnet_session, skype_session, ssh_session
output [31:0] total_cnt;
output [7:0] skype_cnt;
output [7:0] ftp_cnt;
output [7:0] https_cnt;
output [7:0] telnet_cnt;
output [7:0] ssh_cnt;
output [7:0] snmp_cnt;
output [7:0] smtp_cnt;
output [7:0] nntp_cnt;
output [7:0] telnet_session;
output [7:0] skype_session;
output [7:0] ssh_session;
localparam INIT = 0;
localparam DATA = 1;
localparam PORT = 2;
localparam TOTAL = 3;
reg [287:0] data_tmp;
reg [3:0] Start_sequence = 32'hA5A5A5A5;
reg [1:0] state;
integer i;
always #(posedge clk)
if (rst_n) begin
total_cnt_tmp = 8'h00;
ssh_session_tmp = 8'h00;
end else begin
case (state)
INIT : begin
for(i=0; i<288; i=i+1) begin
if (data_tmp[31:0] == Start_sequence) begin
state <= DATA;
end else begin
state <= INIT;
The for-loop is replicating the data; ie if data is 1 you get 288 ones, if data is 0 you get 288 zeros. What you want what is a shifter. data_tmp shift the bits to the left or right depending on the order of the bit stream.
data_tmp<={data_tmp[286:0],data}; // shift and fill left
data_tmp<={data,data_tmp[287:1]}; // shift and fill right
Also, remember to assign flops with non-blocking (<=). Blocking (=) for assigning combinational logic.

Shift Register Design using Structural Verilog outputs X

I am designing a shift register using hierarchical structural Verilog. I have designed a D flip flop and an 8 to 1 mux that uses 3 select inputs. I am trying to put them together to get the full shift register, but my output only gives "XXXX" regardless of the select inputs.
Flip Flop Code
module D_Flip_Flop(
input D,
input clk,
output Q, Q_bar
wire a,b,c,d;
8 to 1 Mux
module Mux8to1(
input [2:0]S,
input A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,
output Out
wire a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;
and(a, A,~S[2],~S[1],~S[0]);
and(b, B,~S[2],~S[1],S[0]);
and(c, C,~S[2],S[1],~S[0]);
and(d, D,~S[2],S[1],S[0]);
and(e, E,S[2],~S[1],~S[0]);
and(f, F,S[2],~S[1],S[0]);
and(g, G,S[2],S[1],~S[0]);
and(h, H,S[2],S[1],S[0]);
or(Out, a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h);
Hierarchical Combination of the Two
module shiftRegister_struct(
input clk,
input [2:0]S,
input [3:0]L,
output reg [3:0]V
wire a,b,c,d;
wire V_bar[3:0];
Mux8to1 stage3(S[2:0],V[3],V[0],V[2],1'b0,V[2],V[3],V[2],L[3],a);
Mux8to1 stage2(S[2:0],V[2],V[3],V[1],V[3],V[1],V[3],V[1],L[2],b);
Mux8to1 stage1(S[2:0],V[1],V[2],V[0],V[2],V[1],V[2],V[1],L[1],c);
Mux8to1 stage0(S[2:0],V[0],V[1],V[3],V[1],1'b0,V[1],1'b0,L[0],d);
D_Flip_Flop stage3b(a,clk,V[3],V_bar[3]);
D_Flip_Flop stage2b(b,clk,V[2],V_bar[2]);
D_Flip_Flop stage1b(c,clk,V[1],V_bar[1]);
D_Flip_Flop stage0b(d,clk,V[0],V_bar[0]);
end module
Any thoughts on what might be screwing up my output? The output is V[3:0].
I should also include my test bench code:
module Shift_Test_Bench;
// Inputs
reg [2:0] S;
reg [3:0] L;
reg clk;
integer i;
integer j;
// Outputs
wire [3:0] V;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
shiftRegister_struct uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
S = 7;
L = 3;
clk = 1;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Add stimulus here
for(i = 0; i < 16; i = i+1)
S = i;
for(j = 0; j < 2; j = j+1)
clk = !clk;
You have a wiring bug in your D_Flip_Flop module. When I simulated your testbench, I got compiler warnings:
Implicit wire 'f' does not have any driver, please make sure this is
Implicit wire 'e' does not have any driver, please make sure this is
Here are the lines:
Your missing a reset condition, either synchronous or asynchronous. Your flops have an unknown value and never reach known state because the data input is dependent on the flop output. By adding a reset to can put the flops into a known state independent of its outputs (V/V_bar).
In this case adding a synchronous is be easier. Simply add some 2-to-1 muxes and a new reset pin.
Mux2to1 syncrst3(a_d,a,1'b0,reset);
// ...
D_Flip_Flop stage3b(a_d,clk,V[3],V_bar[3]);
// ...
