Fixing dashboards on Team Foundation SharePoint portal - sharepoint

The project Dashboards will not display on my SharePoint Team Project portal, as below:
However, project data should be available. Excel Reports do work, and I can browse the cube through SSMS. I checked the warehouse web service, and it also reports everything is fine and ready:
Project Work Items, Recent Builds, and Recent Checkins web parts are all also working fine. Any thoughts on the final piece I'm missing to get dashboards to show up?
Edit: More confusing behavior; When I click Edit Page, the dashboard web parts do show up. Each pops up the confirmation asking if I want to load external queries, but after I click yes for each, it loads up fine and shows the data.
Another Edit: It appears the web parts are starting Minimized. I can click the context menu and select Restore, and then the content will show, as pictured below. However, I still have the questions why are the starting minimized and what is with the inaccurate error message in red?


Acumatica Report Not Showing in Acumatica

I recently just got into Acumatica Report Designer. I have followed a quick tutorial I had found at, but when I put my report into my Local instance of Acumatica I can not see it. I can directly put the screen id in the URL, but if I search it nothing pops up. I changed all the access rights to granted for the report itself. I have all admin rights on my local instance. What am I missing?
Make sure that you are adding a Workspace and category for anything with Modern UI
Note the top report will show up on Inventory Workspace under the Physical Inventory Category
The bottom 4 reports are loaded on the server but not mapped to the ui so can be accessed in code via an action etc. but are not on the ui. And would be under hidden for security purposes
Site Map Screen
Security View under hidden Workspace
Can you post a picture of your sitemap? My guess is that your URL is incorrect.

SSRS DataSource Windows Authentication fails

I have a project which uses SharePoint lists as data sources to create the reports. I'm using Visual Studio 2013 for this.
I have this real annoying issue at this moment, ie. when I want to edit a dataset I created a while ago and I press 'Query Designer...' in the dataset properties to see all fields from my list I get an error which says that I am unauthorized.
My DataSource is configured to link to the SharePoint Site Url with Windows Credentials. I have also tried this out for multiple datasets on multiple reports but the error is everywhere.
Because of this I'm also not able to run my reports. They just say "An error occurred during local report processing.".
I have been working on this project since March and this is the first time this has occurred so I have no idea what might have gone wrong nor how to solve it.
Does anyone know what might cause this error and how to solve it please?
If you have any questions or remarks about my question/problem, please, don't hesitate to leave a comment.
Kind regards
I have just tried deploying a report that I finished last week and for the first time I got a prompt that asked for my credentials. I haven't even put my credentials anywhere in the project for past authorisation so I have no idea why the project would suddenly need it now...
I have just tried changing the DataSource credentials to my own login for the SharePoint Site. If I run the report I get the same error as before but when I go to Query Designer for one of the datasets I get following error:
I just restored a back-up I made a couple of weeks ago. I can now run my reports but I still get the Unauthorized error when I try to open a dataset's query designer and the prompt for my credentials when I try to deploy a report.
So, the solution has been found!
Apparently something has gone wrong with my PC and I had to reconfigure my user accounts.
To do this go to Control Panel -> User Accounts
Then click on 'Manage User Accounts'. Go to the 'Advanced' tab and click on 'Manage Passwords'
Next, go to 'Windows Credentials' and change the credentials for your site or recreate them.

How can I display a Power View report without a frame in Sharepoint?

The question is almost asked in the title but some more detail:
I've created in a Power Pivot Gallery a connection to my Tabular model and a Power View report. The report looks great, I think Power Pivot/Power View is a pretty cool technology, etc. etc.
I look at videos like this and I see a gorgeous report without the ugly frame and I can't help but think... how basic is this? The best I can do so far is putting a link to the report in a web page Web Part and it looks hideous. I want this to be part of a dashboard, if possible, though a Power View report already kind of fulfills that function.
Not only that, but my google-fu is failing me. There's tutorials for putting up PerformancePoint stuff for a dashboard but I can't find a step by step for this.
I know Sharepoint questions are frowned upon it seems but that SO sub-domain seems dead. A link to a tutorial or a basic explanation should be more than enough.
Very good question! I'm also trying to do this and I can't find a good tutorial either, not sure if this will help but here's what I have so far:
Step 1
Site Settings > Manage Site Features
Enable BICenter Data Connections Feature
Enable PerformancePoint Services
Step 2
Site Contents > add an app
Add DataConnections Library for PerformancePoint
Add PerformancePoint Content List
Step 3
Go into your instance of PerformancePoint Content List
Click PERFORMANCEPOINT in the ribbon
Click Dashboard Designer
Step 4
This is where the blind leads the blind, welcome to the bleeding edge!
So inside Dashboard Designer on the left panel (Workspace Browser), you should see the instances of DataConnections and PerformancePoint that you just created. Select the DataConnection. At the top you'll see Home/Edit/Create - click Create then Data Source (which might be the only choice currently enabled, it is for me).
Now you can choose to import data from SQL, Excel, a SP List, etc...I've tried several options but no matter what I do, I get this error message: "Cannot connect to PerformancePoint Services. Contact the administrator for details."
Hope this will at least point you in the right direction for now. If I can solve that error and continue on, I'll come back with more steps for you.

Given path's format not supported error when moving report from Report Builder to VS 2012 report project

I created some reports in Report Builder for SQL 2012, before I realized that managing multiple reports is substantially easier in VS 2012. I created a reporting project in VS2012 and added the existing reports by right-clicking on the Reports icon in the solution tree, selecting Add ==> Existing Item and then navigating to and selecting the reports. I also added or recreated the data sources and data sets as needed.
Most of my reports "migrated" with no problems, and I was able to deploy them to a new dashboard and get a more unified experience for the users. However, a couple of the reports give the following error when I try to preview them:
The given path's format is not supported
Some of these reports deploy successfully and run in the SharePoint site, others do not. But my ask at this point is, can someone give me any tips on where to look for the cause of these errors? The Error and Output windows in VS2012 don't give file, line, or column info, so I just have no idea where to look. I have searched for as many URL or path references as I can in the query results, action targets, etc., and removed them when I found them, but the problem persists. If someone has any thoughts, or can tell me some settings to turn on in VS that might give me more information, that would be appreciated.

Custom master page not refreshing upon deployment in Sharepoint 2010 Foundation

I use VS2010 on Server 2008 R2 with Sharepoint 2010 Foundation.
I have created a custom master page following instructions from here: (activating my custom page as feature), and was delighted with the results. But as soon as I changed the images and attempted to deploy them through VS2010, I noticed that my changes were not showing in the page (which was still showing the old images).
Useful observations:
It's a Sandboxed solution.
I checked that wsp is built with the new images, and so it was.
When I retract my solution, I also go to Master Page Gallery, and
delete my custom master page from there to make sure I start from
scratch. No difference.
My SP Designer does not give me an option to "revert to site
My "Look and Feel" section in central admin does not offer a
"reset to site definition" option.
Checking "CustomizedPageStatus" property of the SPFile for my master page shows that it's set to "none", and indeed, calling RevertContentStream throws an exception. This indicates it may not necessarily be the unghosting issue.
Does anybody know where my images get deployed to, and what the cause of this problem may be? The "Deployment Location" property does not lead to the correct location (in fact, I can't even see my Feature's folder). Could it be something to do with the way variables in the path - {SharePointRoot}\Template\Features{FeatureName}\StyleLibrary\Branding101\Images\ - are parsed?
I am new to Sharepoint, so all and any help would be much appreciated.
Since this is a Sandboxed solution, everything gets stored in the content database, accessible through SharePoint Designer 2010. In SP Designer, open the site you are working on, then look under "All Files" in Site Objects: that's where I found my masterpages, images, etc.
Deployment paths (displayed in module properties in VS2010) are just red herring, as no deployment to the file system itself takes place. Hope this helps somebody else!
