I am running ServiceStack 3.97 and just added the RequestLogger plugin - amazing that it is built-in, just what I needed. The worrisome thing I noticed once I tried it is that it says all the previous GET requests have "is running = true".
For example, I issued a few requests in a browser tab (pressing F5 a few times, and closed tab) and can see them show up here /api/requestlogs. In the items column, the elapsed time keeps ticking each time I refresh and is running is always true.
This is very scary as it appears to be saying that the requests remain open. If so, it could be related to an unknown error I get over time whereby SS is unable to return an Open connection.
Here is a sample of the items field:
_request Duration Stopwatch
is Running true
elapsed PT8M31.5460178S
elapsed Milliseconds 511546
elapsed Ticks 1395611107
Any suggestions or ideas as to why this is happening and/or how to dig deeper? What would keep GETs open?
The RequestLogger takes a 'snapshot' which includes a dump of the Request.Items dictionary (which contains a Stopwatch) into a rolling log of DTO's, but this doesn't keep the request 'open' as you might think, so there's no need for concern.
I need some help, please.
I'm trying to disable the timeout alert in an instruction and pass a timeout parameter, however it's not working:
Driver.FindElementById("ctl01_lnkCharacter", 5000, False).Click
I've already tried the way below too, the same situation happens
Driver.FindElementById("ctl01_lnkCharacter", timeout:=5000, raise:=False).Click
The timeout parameters (5000) and raise for not to alert in case of timeout (False) are ignored. It uses the default timeout parameter, or if it has passed the parameter explicitly before, this value is assumed.
I tested passing the different parameter above to test:
Driver.Timeouts.PageLoad = 1500
Driver.FindElementById("ctl01_lnkCharacter", 5000, False).Click
In this case, the timeout is considered to be 1500 and not 5000 (I did this just to test) and the "False" is ignored, if it reaches the timeout there is an error alert.
In the instruction below it works perfectly:
Driver.Get url, 2000, False
It respects the timeout (2000) and if it is reached there is no error alert.
The problem is only in the .click statement
When I use .FindElementById(...).click What is passed in the parameters as timeout and raise are ignored.
.FindElementById("ctl01_lnkCharacter", TIMEOUT, RAISE).click
I thought I'd try to use a variable, maybe it could works, for example
var = Driver.FindElementById("ctl01_lnkCharacter", 5000, False)
But I couldn't do that, the variable is not accepted, does anyone have any idea of a solution for this case?
I Forgot to say, the problem is not the timeout, i can pass the timeout before, explicitly.
The problem is the raise, I need to disable the error alert in case of timeout. Is there any other way to disable the error alert in case of timeout (without using On Error Resume Next, I can't use this )
Sorry, I forgot to say too. The button is clicked correctly, the page opens correctly, but sometimes some images are loaded and I don't need to wait for the loading time and it takes a long time and this time varies a lot, while these images are loading it hits the timeout and generates the error.
That's why I need to disable the timeout error alert (raise parameter False).
In my onDisbale() method in my Main class I have a loop which creates and starts new BukkitRunnables.
I'm getting a error in console: org.bukkit.plugin.IllegalPluginAccessException: Plugin attempted to register task while disabled I need to somehow wait in my onDisable() method until all the BukkitRunnables I create in the loop are finished. How to do that?
My code looks like this:
public void onDisable() {
for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
new PlayerDataSaverRunnable().runTaskAsynchronously(this);
The onDisable method is the very last thing that gets called before your plugin is disabled and the server shuts down. So, as the error message says, you unfortunately can't schedule any new tasks in the onDisable function.
You mentioned in a comment that you were trying to write to a file in the plugins folder, and under normal circumstances you'd want to do that asynchronously. But, because onDisable only ever gets called when the server is shut down (or when the entire server is reloaded with /reload), it's perfectly fine to run code here that blocks the main thread and could potentially take a few seconds to run — in the case of a shutdown, by the time this method gets called, all the players will have already been kicked off the server, and so there's no "lag" to complain about. If your plugin is super advanced and has to save a bunch of stuff, I don't think any server owners would complain even if it took 10 or so seconds to disable.
Of course, you would have to be saving something crazy for it to take a whole 10 seconds to save. More than likely, most files will save in just a few milliseconds.
If you're really dead-set on disabling the plugin as fast as possible, you might consider having some async task that runs every 5 minutes or so and auto-saves the files. Then, in onDisable, you could only save files that changed since the auto-saver was last run. That's a good practice anyways, just incase the server crashes or the power goes out and the onDisable method doesn't get a chance to run. But, then again, I would still recommend that you save everything in the onDisable method (that's what I do for all of my plugins, as well), even if it will take a few seconds and block the main thread, just so you can be 100% sure that everything gets saved correctly.
I'm working on a project which uses nodejs and nighwatch for test automation. The problem here is that the tests are not reliable and give lots of false positives. I did everything to make them stable and still getting the errors. I went through some blogs like https://bocoup.com/blog/a-day-at-the-races and did some code refactoring. Did anyone have some suggestions to solve this issue. At this moment I have two options, either I rewrite the code in Java(removing nodejs and nightwatch from solution as I'm far more comfortable in Java then Javascript. Most of the time, struggle with the non blocking nature of Javascript) or taking snapshots/reviewing app logs/run one test at a time.
Test environment :-
Server -Linux
Display - Framebuffer
Total VM's -9 with selenium nodes running the tests in parallel.
Browser - Chrome
Type of errors which I get is element not found. Most of the time the tests fail as soon the page is loaded. I have already set 80 seconds for timeout so time can't be issue. The tests are running in parallel but on separate VM's so I don't know whether it can be issue or not.
Edit 1: -
Was working on this to know the root cause. I did following things to eliminate random fails: -
a. Added --suiteRetries to retry the failed cases.
b. Went through the error screenshot and DOM source. Everything seems fine.
c. Replaced the browser.pause with explicit waits
Also while debugging I observed one problem, maybe that is the issue which is causing random failures. Here's the code snippet
for (var i = 0; i < apiResponse.data.length; i++) {
var name = apiResponse.data[i];
browser.useXpath().waitForElementVisible(pageObject.getDynamicElement("#topicTextLabel", name.trim()), 5000, false);
pageObject.getDynamicElement("#topicText", i + 1),
I added the xpath check to validate if i'm waiting enough for that text to appear. I observed that visible assertion is getting passed but in next assertion the #topicText is coming as previous value or null.This is an intermittent issue but on test server happens frequently.
There is no magic bullet to brittle UI end to end tests. In the ideal world there would be an option set avoid_random_failures=true that would quickly and easily solve the problem, but for now it's only a dream.
Simple rewriting all tests in Java will not solve the problem, but if you feel better in java, then I would definitely go in that direction.
As you already know from this article Avoiding random failures in Selenium UI tests there are 3 commonly used avoidance techniques for race conditions in UI tests:
using constant sleep
using WebDriver's "implicit wait" parameter
using explicit waits (WebDriverWait + ExpectedConditions + FluentWait)
These techniques are also briefly mentioned on WebDriver: Advanced Usage, you can also read about them here: Tips to Avoid Brittle UI Tests
Methods 1 and 2 are generally not recommended, they have drawbaks, they can work well on simple HTML pages, but they are not 100% realiable on AJAX pages, and they slow down the tests. The best one is #3 - explicit waits.
In order to use technique #3 (explicit waits) You need to familiarize yourself and be comfortable with the following WebDriver tools (I point to theirs java versions, but they have their counterparts in other languages):
WebDriverWait class
ExpectedConditions class
FluentWait - used very rarely, but very usefull in some difficult cases
ExpectedConditions has many predefinied wait states, the most used (in my experience) is ExpectedConditions#elementToBeClickable which waits until an element is visible and enabled such that you can click it.
How to use it - an example: say you open a page with a form which contains several fields to which you want to enter data. Usually it is enought to wait until the first field appears on the page and it will be editable (clickable):
By field1 = By.xpath("//div//input[.......]");
By field2 = By.id("some_id");
By field3 = By.name("some_name");
By buttonOk = By.xpath("//input[ text() = 'OK' ]");
WebDriwerWait wait = new WebDriverWait( driver, 60 ); // wait max 60 seconds
// wait max 60 seconds until element is visible and enabled such that you can click it
// if you can click it, that means it is editable
wait.until( ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable( field1 ) ).sendKeys("some data" );
driver.findElement( field2 ).sendKeys( "other data" );
driver.findElement( field3 ).sendKeys( "name" );
wait.until( ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable( buttonOK)).click();
The above code waits until field1 becomes editable after the page is loaded and rendered - but no longer, exactly as long as it is neccesarry. If the element will not be visible and editable after 60 seconds, then test will fail with TimeoutException.
Usually it's only necessary to wait for the first field on the page, if it becomes active, then the others also will be.
I know that there are several questions related to implementation of waiting and timeouts in Watir, however I have not found an answer to my problem (which must be common). I use Watir-webdriver for testing of a page that due to AJAX implementation loads portion-by-portion for very long time (more than 5 min). I need to be able just to sample this page for a limited time (20-40 sec) and to be able to analyze the information that is loaded during this short time. However, as I know, there is no straightforward direct mechanism to tell Watir::Browser to stop. I can use the Timeout, but although my script gets the control after rescue, it is impossible to interrogate the browser and verify the information that it is able to received during the timeout window. All I can do at this point is to kill the process and restart the browser as discussed here: Make headless browser stop loading page and elsewhere.
The code below illustrates my situation. In this example I have a global timeout (30 sec) and a local timeout (15 sec) used for reading the page. It never gets to b.text call; the script just outputs the first exception after 15 sec and then it keeps waiting for the browser to be released and after the global timeout of 30 sec prints the second exception message.
Time out. Got into exception branch
Dropped to bottom rescue.
The end.
I also tried to send an 'escape' key to the browser, but any communication with it while it is in the goto method is impossible. Any tips and suggestions will be appreciated!
require 'watir-webdriver'
require 'timeout'
client = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Http::Default.new
client.timeout = 30 # Set the global timeout
b = Watir::Browser.new :chrome, :http_client => client
my_url = '...here is my address...'
Timeout::timeout(15) { b.goto my_url } # Access the page with local timeout
b.close # if all is unbelievably good and the page is loaded
rescue Exception => e
puts 'Time out. Got into exception branch'
if b.text.include? 'my_text' # NEVER GETS HERE
puts 'Yes, I see the text!'
puts 'I do not see the text.'
rescue Exception => e
puts 'Dropped to bottom rescue.'
puts 'The end.'
Watir relies on Selenium WebDriver to handle calls to the browser. At this time all browsers require that the document.readyState of the current frame return "complete" before returning control to your code.
A recent update to the webdriver specification appears to allow for the possibility of a browser driver implementing a page loading strategy that is not blocking, but it is not a requirement and is not supported at this time.
I've worked with the .Exist method quite a bit, but I recently moved to a new project (now using a WPF application) with QTP 11 (whereas previously I had QTP 10).
Now I'd like to check that a message does not exist by using object.Exist(2). Weirdly, I only get a result after ~23 seconds, instead of the 2 seconds I was expecting.
How does the timeout work? In previous projects, using object.Exist(2) would wait 2 seconds before determining that the object didn't exist. The QTP help file also says it should only wait for 2 seconds (the specified timeout parameter).
Now, it seems as though it's waiting for the Timeout Parameter (2 seconds) AND Object Synchronization Timeout (20 seconds).
Also, Smart Identification is disabled, so it shouldn't be waiting for that. Highlighting the object using the Object Repository instantly says the object doesn't exist.
Has the timeout behavior changed between QTP v10 and v11?
Why does it take so long to say an object doesn't exist?
The Exist method does not work for the last object only.
It works hierarchically - which means this method checks each parent object before checking the last one.
The timeout only works for the last object.
if you want to receive the answer immediately, I suggest you use the following code-
if WPFWindow("x").Exist(0) Then
if WPFWindow("x").WPFButton("y").Exist(0) Then
End if
End if
Make sure you don't have "Smart Identification" enabled for the test object in the Object Repository. That can get in the way.
The additional time that you're encountering is the default timeout setting, which is set to 20 seconds by default. Any Wait or Exist timers will stack on top of the default timeout.
It can be changed in the test settings:
Test Settings > Run > Object synchronization timeout - set in seconds
or in the vbscript:
Setting("DefaultTimeout") = 4000 'set in milliseconds
Using DefaultTimeout function at the beginning of the driver script would be sufficient .
Setting("DefaultTimeout") = 10000 'set in milliseconds
If any object exceeds the timeout limit of 10 seconds as mentioned above then the object will fail to get captured and Run Results will show a failure
I would recommend going by with just the default timeout. Using .Exist(x) will use the mentioned time for each child.